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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

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Sonic's happy look then changed into a shocked look. "What? How did he know who I was? Am I famous here?" He thought to himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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Anime_Freak said
Armin looked at Kurama. "No one knows where the titans came from, but they seem to be made of the same things as humans. Hanji did some tests on some titans she and her team captured and it seems that they are very lightweight but burning to the touch. They do not have hearts or digestive organs but they get their energy from what seems to be the sun. Their blood is the blood of those they have so called 'eaten' by absorption in their internal holdings. The titans, surprisingly from their vast numbers, cannot reproduce, and they are all what seems to be male, with the exception of Annie when she forms into her own titan form, just as Eren here does." he explained.Eren nodded. "Yeah, but I can only form due to self-injury."Levi looked at Kurama as well. "Titan skin can only be cut by the blades of our 3 Dimensional Maneuver Gear, which can only be used by soldiers trained with the weapon and gear like us." He grabbed Eren's shoulders and spun him around, brushing Eren's brown hair away from his neck. He drew a horizontal line across the back of Eren's neck. "We have to cut here, slicing out a chunk of the flesh, to kill them."Eren looked over his shoulder. "It's kind of hard to do, but when you train hard enough, you get the hang of it."

"Interesting creature you're describing back there, reminds me of the will-o-wisps we have at home- No Heart?!" Card blinked in surprised, halting to a stop. "H-How can something, full of life even, go on without a heart?!" He was truly shocked by this. His whole life he was taught that the heart was where life began, a belief in medical procedures. Crossing his tiny arms he looks up at Eren with a childlike glare. "If you ARE on of these things, then how do walk now?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 9 days ago

Eren looked down at Card. "My case is different. I was born human. Completely human. My father, before he left injected me with some strange chemical. I didn't discover that I had the ability until I was swallowed by a Titan. He had chomped off my arm, and tat counted somehow as self-injury. My titan form, well, formed, and due to the strange regenerative processes in my body, I grew my arm back." he said, holding up his right arm.

Levi nodded. "It is quite strange to say the least.

Armin agreed silently.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Yes, very strange it is..." Dlanor said in a remark to what it is said about these "titans" they were talking about.

Tris took it as Dlanor decided to not give Tris much mind, like Dlanor wavers in interest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Kurama had gone silent for just a second debating on showing them his main weapon but he finally decides on it. "Now could you say the same for people from another time or other dimensions that their attacks wouldn't cut through a titan's skin? Take my whip for example." Kurama says even though he didn't have a visible whip anywhere. Then for some strange reason he holds the rose sideways and slowly begins to turn it. As he does this the petals come off of the rose one by one till it begins to form into a whip like weapon similar to the stem of a rose only larger and longer. "This whip can cut through most metals like butter would it be effective against a titan?" Kurama asks before hearing Reimu screaming. "You know screaming isn't going help us all get home in fact it may draw unwanted attention" Kurama looking over his shoulder than back at his rose whip which he was coiling at the time. It would become obvious that Kurama wasn't a normal human which was true.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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"See. I've told ya! Screaming just draws attention, idiot.", Marisa said. Reimu mumbled about how unnecessary that remprimand was for her. Marisa appreoached the group. "Y'know, don't mind her. She's just a lazybones that doesn't like to do things.", Marisa said. Seeing how big the group was, Reimu saw that this was bigger than just some act of spiriting away. She appreached the group. "I'm Reimu and this here is Marisa.", she let out of her troublesome self and introduced. "Yo, I've heard somethings about what you guys were talking. So you don't mind if I'm curious about those 'titans' too, ze~!", she said, smiling.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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BluetheElf said
Sonic's happy look then changed into a shocked look. "What? How did he know who I was? Am I famous here?" He thought to himself.

Price turned to Sonic. "I have telepathy." He said.

Arin looked at Sonic as well. "I also have that." He said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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Spartan2961 said
Kurama had gone silent for just a second debating on showing them his main weapon but he finally decides on it. "Now could you say the same for people from another time or other dimensions that their attacks wouldn't cut through a titan's skin? Take my whip for example." Kurama says even though he didn't have a visible whip anywhere. Then for some strange reason he holds the rose sideways and slowly begins to turn it. As he does this the petals come off of the rose one by one till it begins to form into a whip like weapon similar to the stem of a rose only larger and longer. "This whip can cut through most metals like butter would it be effective against a titan?" Kurama asks before hearing Reimu screaming. "You know screaming isn't going help us all get home in fact it may draw unwanted attention" Kurama looking over his shoulder than back at his rose whip which he was coiling at the time. It would become obvious that Kurama wasn't a normal human which was true.

Levi shook his head. "No, it would not." He said, looking at the whip.

Eren tensed. "Corporal, how would you know that it won't?"

Levi smirked. "Unless you want to be a test titan, i suggest you keep your pretty little mouth shut..." he chuckled.

Armin stood in between his corporal and his friend. "Corporal, he didn't mean to talk back. Please, don't hurt him!"

Levi smirked once more. "Do I have to punish you as well? If i recall correctly, it was you who I broke the collarbone of..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Anime_Freak said
Levi shook his head. "No, it would not." He said, looking at the whip.

Eren tensed. "Corporal, how would you know that it won't?"

Levi smirked. "Unless you want to be a test titan, i suggest you keep your pretty little mouth shut..." he chuckled.

Armin stood in between his corporal and his friend. "Corporal, he didn't mean to talk back. Please, don't hurt him!"

Levi smirked once more. "Do I have to punish you as well? If i recall correctly, it was you who I broke the collarbone of..."

"If you attempt to hurt anyone let it be me since I brought it up though I will warn you I do not play nicely" Kurama says his expression back to that emotionless state. You could see it in his eyes he was already calculating what steps he would take block or reverse certain attacks should a fight break out. "You cannot punish them for thinking outside the box. How you can be sure that my whip would have no effect when it's never been used on one?" Kurama said challenging Levi on the matter since he took them seriously.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 9 days ago

Levi's face became expressionless as well. "Well, what you don't know, Kurama, is that I can punish them for talkig back to their corporal...." he said monotinously. He grabbed Armin by the hair, pulling him down and resting Armin's face against his chest. "But I guess since we're not at headquarters or anywhere near the trial-hall, I can cut them some slack."

Tears formed on the corners of Armins eyes as he squeezed them shut, afraid that his corporal would hit him. "Co....corporal...." he stuttered, burying his face into Levi's chest. "N...no... please don't hurt me!" he cried.

Eren didn't move, afraid that if he went to help his friend. "Corporal Rivaille?" he muttered, staring wide eyed at him.

Levi let Armin go, watching him expressionlesly as he crumpled to the ground.

Armin began to cry, covering his head with his arms as he curled up on the ground.

Eren crouched down, setting a hand on Armin's shoulder. "C..corporal, I think you've scared him a bit too much.." he said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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"OK, you guys stop fighting. There's no need to do this.", Marisa said. Reimu sighed and summoned her gohei. "Wah!! Reimu, don't tell me ya...", Marisa hesitated. "If they are going to fight, I'll stop them too.", Reimu replied. Marisa got shocked by her commentary. "Since when ya started to act so like a pacifist, eh?!", she said. Reimu looked at Marisa and returned to look at them. "I'm with the whip guy. After all, if you're going to say something about others, try to know more about them first.", she said, pointing her gohei to Levi.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Can we all just settle down...?" Tris sounded a bit frustrated by the chaotic turn of events.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Arin decided to speak up on this. "I agree with settling down. Arguing won't solve anything." He said, trying to be helpful.

Price was still awaiting a response from Sonic, but he was listening to the others in a way.

Juno was curled up under a tree in cat form, thinking he was still at his house. He awoke a few minutes later to find himself in a strange forest and gave a confused look. He the decided to get up and explore the place. I was sleeping, how did I end up here?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Anime_Freak said
Levi's face became expressionless as well. "Well, what you don't know, Kurama, is that I can punish them for talkig back to their corporal...." he said monotinously. He grabbed Armin by the hair, pulling him down and resting Armin's face against his chest. "But I guess since we're not at headquarters or anywhere near the trial-hall, I can cut them some slack."

Tears formed on the corners of Armins eyes as he squeezed them shut, afraid that his corporal would hit him. "Co....corporal...." he stuttered, burying his face into Levi's chest. "N...no... please don't hurt me!" he cried.

Eren didn't move, afraid that if he went to help his friend. "Corporal Rivaille?" he muttered, staring wide eyed at him.

Levi let Armin go, watching him expressionlesly as he crumpled to the ground.Armin began to cry, covering his head with his arms as he curled up on the ground.

Eren crouched down, setting a hand on Armin's shoulder. "C..corporal, I think you've scared him a bit too much.." he said.

Something about Armin beginning to cry due to Levi hit a nerve in Kurama as you could see his right hand ball up into a fist and this strange red aura surrounded him. Still he walks over to where Armin was and kneels down next to Eren. "Please try to calm down while I have a word with your buddy over there" Kurama said a smile on his face before it faded away when Kurama stood up to face Levi. "I'm warning you. You so much as make him cry again while i'm around and I will show you pain. The hue of your soul will cease to matter, because you will not be judged when you die, you will no longer to exist." he said before the red aura faded away and he returned to his emotionless expression.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 9 days ago

Armin looked up at Kurama, tears still falling from his eyes. He hugged Eren, still looking up at him. "Y...you don't have to do that for me....." he muttered.

Eren held his friend comfortingly, smoothing out Armin's blonde hair.

Levi shrugged and looked away from them all. Pathetic.. he thought to himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Er...I'm pretty sure that this isn't on the map at all..." Drew mumbles to himself as he takes a glance at his map of the Kalos region once again, with the fact that he was flying on the back of his Staraptor. He was just aiming to fly all the way to the Pokemon League to challenge the champion, Diantha, to another battle, but it seemed he went off course...WAY off course. "I'm not even sure if I could land from here...doesn't look that safe at all...but it's only one way to find out," he says, thinking it was wise to land and figure out where exactly this was supposed to be. Gliding down to the ground, Staraptor landed smoothly onto the ground, and Drew hopped off of the bird pokemon as he took a glance at his surroundings. Wait...there should be some people to help guide him back...right?
Tris didn't say anything after that, she saw no reason to. I'm not sure on anything at this point...I can't even remember anything else before coming to this place...only my name and that's it... she thought to herself, it felt a little awkward to see one of them in tears because of the earlier tension. Like a way to ease her thoughts, Tris took out from her pocket a butterfly hair pin, she couldn't remember why it was important or even with her, but it felt really special.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Still in cat form, Juno was walking around until he saw a group come into view. He stopped for a few minutes before catching sight of a familiar vampire. That's gotta be Price over there. He thought to himself before padding over to him. He shifted to human form. Who are those two he's with? He was looking straight at Kirby and Sonic when he said this in his mind.

Kirby looked back at the neko. "Kirby?"

Price looked over at his neko friend. "Hey, Juno." He said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Anime_Freak said
Armin looked up at Kurama, tears still falling from his eyes. He hugged Eren, still looking up at him. "Y...you don't have to do that for me....." he muttered.

Eren held his friend comfortingly, smoothing out Armin's blonde hair.

Levi shrugged and looked away from them all. he thought to himself.

Kurama took a deep breath having his rose whip revert back into a rose. He looked over at Armin his former smile returning. "Sorry it just bugs me when one does something like that to another" was all Kurama said on that matter. It was clear that he considered these two friends and Kurama was very protective of his friends. His expression had returned back to his normal emotionless expression. "I do appeciate you having my back" Kurama said looking at Reimu.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 9 days ago

Armin stood up with some help with Eren as he clung to his friend.

Eren held Armin carefully, not wanting to startle his fragile friend.

Levi huffed and began to walk after Card. "Let's go.... We don't have all day..." he growled.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Victor looked down at the emerald he had. It seemed a lot like the cosmic stones in his world. He wanted and would take it if needed. But this blue hedghog seemed naive. "Interesting. May I see it?" Doom said

Xanatos didnt trust Doom and watching him carefully. He looked at Sonic and Back at Doom. "Why do you want to see it?"
"To examine it that is all."

Azula smiled at Ruby. "No..Its not dust.....its firebending. its no magic either. Its hard to explain but I use my chi to control the fire." She said "The lightening is a trick I learned. My father can do it too and so can my silly uncle.."
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