"Oh hoh! You’re approaching me?"— Sink Queen ”No no, nothing like that." Sink Queen “reassured” Nyxia when she asked about fighting other Miseria. Moments afterwards, Earthshaker showed up to announce that they weren’t looking for more Miseria to fight, but that she would take more information about the giga miseria.
”I don’t think either of you gets it. I’m not really in the business of helping others. I told you about them for my own amusement, that’s all. But since you two are so polite, how’s this?" She pointed at the sky.
”Once the sun goes down? They get much stronger. So avoid doing that until you get stronger." Sink Queen continued to walk inland until she disappeared from sight.
”Let us go?” Morganite laughed.
”Wuda kicked ur butt if ya kept hurtin’ da hostages on yer ‘sacred ground’. Am just glad yer dun bein’ kinky.” Pearl had started utilizing her magic to mend the beach goers. She didn’t answer Earthshaker, but it was after she said she didn’t want to fight that she began working on the pedestrians. One by one, they were consumed in a blinding light, only to wake up and stumble to their feet.
”Let’s get the hostages out of here.”It didn’t take a lot of effort to guide everyone off of the beach. Many of them were delirious, but several of the beach goers had never fallen unconscious, and were happy to guide their friends and family off the beach as fast as possible, as it was no longer
safe.What had once been a fun event with hundreds of people was now an empty wasteland. The beach was naught but cratered sand, and the peer had been obliterated during the pirate miseria invasion. Broken timbers reached out of the ocean like souls drowning in the river Styx, and the dutchmen’s crash site had irreversibly damaged the beach.The bedrock had been cracked wide open and dumped much of the sand back into the ocean. The Hibusa girls had certainly left their mark here.
"Don’t worry guys, I remembered to switch it off the indomitable panda spirit this time.”— Suki Oyama It all worked out in the end, huh?
Of course Oros always wanted to come to the beach, but any time she tried to get the group to do something that she wanted to do it tended to blow up in her face, or get shot down instantly. Despite early difficulties, it all sort of worked out in the end. They had gotten stronger, and they even encountered Shatterscape! She wondered why she had been hanging around. Was she backup in case Acid Drop failed in her duties? That sounded more insane that what just happened, and Oros was having a hard enough time believing her eyes.
She stood upright and held Acid drop like an infant. Her arms extended under her armpits. Well, if Nyxia was going to keep having fun, Earthshaker was probably going to entertain her, and it seemed like Shatterscape was going to respect Earthshaker’s authority. That meant that Endless Ecstasy should be having fun too. And what was more Tsubomi-esque than a nap on a hot day?
She found a spot on the beach that hadn’t been cratered and rolled out two towels. She places Tsubomi on one and sat on the other, propping up her tendrils like a parasol. She spotted a clothes catalog in the sand and picked it up. Oros flipped through the pages in a blur, but immediately slowed down when she got to a page with a woman modeling in her underwear.
She drew her cellphone and powered it up to check the time, and was also greeted with Kate’s fake smile in a wedding dress. She sighed before her eyes drifted onto her slumbering partner. She quickly snapped a picture of Tsubomi and went to change her wallpaper. With a few quick swipes, it had been switched over. But Oros wasn’t quite done yet. She scrolled over to Kate’s photo and with two quick swipes, deleted the image off of her phone. A smile crossed her face as she put her phone away and returned to perusing undergarments.