Hidden 5 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Female ghost
Name: [TBD]
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Tally Dor
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Tally Dor My open eyes see everything.

Member Seen 26 days ago

Name: Michael Swink

Age: 35

gender: Male

Phobia: Needles, blood, sound of someone vomiting

skills: amateur mechanic, observant, Problem solver, Inspiring talker

Equipment: Black polo short sleeve shirt with company name/logo on it. Black cargo pants. Car keys and wallet in bottom left pocket. half full package of kleenexs in top left pocket. Bottom right pocket A Iphone 12 at 88%. Top right pocket is an assortment of small allen wrenches, and thin wrenchs of varying sizes. As well as Milwaukee folding utility blade for opening boxes.

Personality: Suffers from RBF but is overall a positive individual. Can be quick to annoy but tries to bite his tongue when possible. Prefers to listen and follow then lead and take charge, but will assume the leadership rule if it is defaulted to him. Prefers to delegate.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Adams Miller
Age 68
Veteran/ shop owner
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