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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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| Tarnished Reflection |

"Everyone has a side they don’t show."

| Created by an Adept who possessed black and gold Lux |

| Summoning Mirror |

| Unknown |

| Albrecht Moor: A powerful user of gold and black Lux, who created the mirror just before severing from his ancestors. |

| No |
There once was an Adept named Albrecht Moor, who channeled all of his Lux into a mirror to create an artifact that reflected his own ambitions. He underwent a severance for reasons unknown, and used the newly created artifact in place of his Lux to unlock more power than he could ever use before.

The Sable Mirror manifests an apparition based on the magical abilities of whoever it reflects, exaggerating the details of their paranormal nature to create something wholly unique. This apparition can use its new power freely, and must be sealed before it can be bent to one’s will. A musically inclined red Adept with an affinity for ice will result in an apparition that can create blizzards by singing a song. An Agent who hunts apparitions results in an apex predator that absorbs the power of whatever it kills.
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Hidden 26 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| The Containment Tempest |

"No one escapes the storm."

| The Eustis Veil was created by a powerful Orange-Lux Adept known as Eustis Avitus, who harnessed the essence of an Apparition to fuel this extraordinary artifact. Avitus sought to create a formidable barrier that could neutralize the threat of teleportation magic, keeping enemies within a specific perimeter. By weaving the Apparition’s energy into the storm, Eustis bound the spirit’s power into the heart of a never-ending storm. The process was intricate and dangerous, as controlling the volatile essence of the Apparition risked turning the storm into an uncontrollable force. Yet Eustis succeeded, creating a supernatural storm unlike any other. |

| Teleportation-Disruption Artifact |

| Currently in the possession of Blake Schmidt, who uses the Veil to protect the Elite’s headquarters, Elysium Island. |

| Eustis Avitus (creator), various warlords, and now Blake Schmidt of the Elite. |

| No. |
The Eustis Veil takes the form of a massive stone adorned with glowing orange runes. When activated, the Veil summons a supernatural storm that forms a gigantic dome around the stone, encompassing a wide radius similar in appearance to a forcefield. This storm disrupts teleportation magic, preventing anyone from entering or leaving the dome through such means. Inside the dome itself, teleportation is uninhibited.

The storm itself is violent and chaotic, with swirling black clouds, roaring winds, and jagged lightning that gives it the appearance of a living entity. The Apparition bound within the Veil warps time and space within the storm, making any attempt to pierce the dome with magic impossible. The storm’s perimeter is impenetrable by teleportation, ensuring no one escapes its grasp, and it blocks outside interference.

While the storm rages fiercely along its borders, the area inside the dome near the stone is unnervingly calm - a safe zone where individuals are shielded from the storm's physical fury and can even teleport within. However, even within this tranquil space, the influence of the Apparition lingers. Those who remain in this inner zone for too long begin to experience unsettling whispers, disorienting hallucinations, and a gradual descent into madness. The longer one stays within the dome, the stronger the Apparition’s influence becomes, slowly eroding their sanity.

Entering the storm through mundane, physical methods is no simple task either. The winds are fierce, capable of knocking down anyone who attempts, while the lightning strikes unpredictably. However, there are rumored methods to slip past the storm's edge. Some say the storm has brief moments of calm, where the part of the wind dissipates for a few minutes, allowing a group to slip through. Others believe that using enchanted items or artifacts, especially those designed for stealth or storm navigation, can protect a person from the storm’s wrath. Specific narrow pathways, hidden to the untrained eye, might lead into the heart of the storm, but these routes are dangerous and often change as the storm evolves.

While immensely powerful, the Eustis Veil’s stationary nature is its only limitation. The storm cannot be moved once summoned, dissipating only after a set time or being disabled. A
Hidden 26 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| The Echoing Sentinel |

"Where silence is golden, the Eye reveals all."

| | The Eye of Vigilus was crafted by Nefertari Ankhara, a powerful Egyptian Adept renowned for her mastery of sound and perception. Inspired by the need to protect sacred sites from intruders, she infused the artifact with her essence. The All-Verse's collective belief in vigilance and awareness made the Eye of Vigilus exponentally more powerful. |

| Surveillance/Detection Artifact. |

| Inside the mansion of Elysium Island, used to help guard the island from intruders. |

| Ankhara (the creator), Blake Schmidt, and various guardians of sacred sites throughout history who aimed to protect their territories. |

| No. |
The Eye of Ankhara is a massive crystal orb embedded in a metallic base, with the size and weight of a small car. Once activated, the Eye generates a network of soundwaves that ripple outward for a radius of up to a mile, detecting disruptions within its range. Those who move too quickly or create excessive noise have their auras instantly illuminated, along with a loud sound projecting into the user's vicinity, revealing their presence through walls and other objects. It is sensitive to Abstractions; any attempt to utilize magic within its vicinity instantly exposes the user and their actions.

To activate the Eye, the user must perform a brief ritual involving an ancient Egyptian chant and place their hand upon the orb. This action awakens the artifact’s consciousness, allowing it to extend its soundwave network and begin monitoring its surroundings.

The Eye can concentrate its detection abilities on a specific area, enhancing its sensitivity within that zone. However, this comes at the cost of reducing detection capabilities in all other regions. The Eye possesses a unique extrasensory ability to gauge the intent of those within its range, preventing false alarms by discerning between hostile and benign actions. Additionally, the artifact can sense emotional states through sound waves, illuminating individuals who exhibit heightened emotions such as fear, anger, or excitement. This ability adds a layer of psychological insight to its surveillance..............................................................................
Hidden 26 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| Guardian of the Forgotten |

"The Dog shows no mercy."

| The Starving Dog was created by a reclusive artisan known for their mastery of animating inanimate objects. Infused with powerful protective magic and a deep connection to loyalty and guardianship, the statue was designed to protect its master's domain. |

| Guardian Artifact |

| Currently resides on Elysium Island, where it guards the underground artifact vault from intruders. |

| Blake Schmidt. |

| No. |
The Starving Dog is a massive statue, intricately carved to resemble a fierce canine with organic eyes that seem to follow anyone who enters its territory. While dormant, it remains perfectly still on its pedestal, appearing as a lifeless decoration. However, it will spring to life when certain conditions are met: if a person approaches too closely, senses aggressive intent, or detects an intrusion into its designated area.

Once activated, the Starving Dog becomes a relentless hunter. It is solid, fast, and durable, capable of withstanding significant damage. Its most remarkable feature is its regeneration; it can instantly heal from any injury, making it a formidable adversary. The Dog is fiercely loyal to its "master" or their immediate family, attacking anyone else who dares to enter its home.

The Starving Dog can be activated and deactivated by its master at will, allowing it to control when the guardian is on patrol. If someone attempts to teleport it from its dimension, the Dog will "slipstream" back into its designated territory, reappearing in a flash as if it had never left. Its hunting tactics are strategic and aggressive, using its speed to outmaneuver intruders while relying on brute strength to overpower them..............................................................................
Hidden 23 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| The Executioner |

"Dollhouse execution!"

| The Mauler was created by a masterful Adept named Mercy Graves, who combined ancient blacksmithing techniques with forbidden magic. It was designed to be the ultimate executioner’s tool, cutting through anything and bringing a slow, painful death to all who opposed its wielder. |

| Magical Chainsaw/Execution Tool. |

| Typically kept in the Dollhouse stronghold, the Funhouse, but sometimes brought to the other outposts if needed. |

| Mercy Graves was the original owner, but a masked vigilante used it for a stint. Afterward, it ended up for sale and then was in the hands of the Dollhouse organization after they purchased it. |

| No. |
The Mauler is a terrifying artifact designed to cleave through flesh, bone, and any material that dares to stand in its path. This magical chainsaw never dulls, and its enchanted blades whirl with otherworldly energy, making cutting even the most challenging targets a simple, effortless task. Unlike ordinary chainsaws, The Mauler never jams or stalls - devours all obstacles with an almost vicious hunger.

This brutal weapon is also equipped with a disturbing ability: it doesn’t just cut the body; it leaves a permanent mark on the soul of its victims. Though it lacks a specific Abstraction, those killed by The Mauler experience a lingering agony even after death—rumors say the blade can sever the connection between body and soul in such a way that the victim’s spirit remains tied to their corpse, unable to pass on.

The Mauler is not a subtle weapon. Upon activation, it releases a deafening roar that fills the air with a sound akin to distorted, tortured screams. The weapon's noise and violent nature make it unsuited for stealth but ideal for brutal, overwhelming force. Thus, the Dollhouse organization merely uses it as an execution tool.
Hidden 23 days ago Post by AtomicEmperor
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| The Last Murakin Oath |

"Of the Ten, it's said the Toad clings tightest to life."

| It's said by some that Ten Paths Kai forged each of the Beast Arms within their respective spheres of Uesekai, where each Beast gave a piece of themselves to form the Pacts of Kin. Others say that Kai's hand never touched them, and that each branch of the Kin Clan were directly bestowed the ceremonial armaments upon reception of their Pact. The only fact anyone can agree on is that it's been so long that nobody remembers the truth, so the speculation forever continues. |

| Legendary Beast Arm |

| Recently transfered to the Nomad Guild HQ after its establishment. |

| Being one of the ten Beast Arms of Uesekai, it is believed that this blade was first utilized by Tennogama, Emperor Toad and Great Beast of the Gama Pact. Due to the nature of it's usage, however, only a handful of Murakin Clansmen have ever wielded it for longer than necessary to defend their Hidden Village. Kenshiro Murakin, the last of his line, earns the distinction of wielding this Beast Arm longer than any other Kin Pactkeeper. |

| No, but it's close. |
The Emperor's Tanto is one of the Ten Beast Arms of the realm of the Golden Beasts: Uesekai. Thousands of years ago, a being of great power came to Uesekai, and claimed to be a God of another world. Through trickery, deciet and combat, each of the Ten Kingdoms of Uesekai were brought to heel, and each of their great leaders were in turn taken under pact, with the one called Kai sealing each of their souls within powerful armaments that would bridge the gap between Uesekai and The Shimmer.

In the heart of Gama, in the Crown Temple of the Heavenly Toad Emperor, the body of Tennogama is interred and prayed over day after day by the Heavenly Priesthood. It is their energy which allows Tennogama's soul to remain linked to the Shimmer, with his blade acting as the physical medium from which he conducts himself. This, along with the others like it, Sage Kai distributed among the Kin clan - they who would later spread themselves among the Palette Clans as an evenly distributed shade of the Painter. To the Purple and Gold, Mura-Kin, The Emperor's Tanto was given as the power of the toad and their kind over the celestial forces.

The blade itself, while sheathed in the hands of a human, is nothing more than a personal defense weapon of the most personal order. Six inches in length, its blade is suited only for being kept tight to one's belt, or to slit themselves open in honorable suicide. When channeled with Purple Lux, however, the blade and hilt expand to the size of an intimidating Ōdachi; thus allowing the blade to expel that energy in razor sharp waves of gravity.
A Pacted individual, such as a member of the Murakin Clan, may additionally channel their Gold Lux into the blade in order to tap into the raw energy of Tennogama himself. This allows the individual to take on a toad-like form, increasing their individual strength, endurance and capability to channel Purple Lux.
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Hidden 23 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| The Path to Mastery |

"Knowledge is the true weapon; to wield it is to conquer all."

| The Wisdom Scroll was created by the collective belief and reverence for Hatanaka Takashi, whose legendary skill in battle, compassion, honor, and weaponry mastery created this artifact. It is said that the Scroll was imbued with his spirit, granting it the power to teach those who prove themselves worthy. |

| Ghost Note: Honestly I don't know what to call this |

| Hidden deep within the Hatanaka, guarded by powerful enchants and locks that can only be unlocked by a Hatanaka Heir. |

| The Hatanaka Family have exclusively owned the Wisdom Scroll. |

| No. |
The Wisdom Scroll is an ancient parchment that emits an ethereal light when unfurled, casting a soft glow that illuminates the immediate area. This enchanting scroll is a knowledge repository on swordsmanship and mastery of bladed weapons.

The user must undertake a grueling trial set in a spiritual plane to access the invaluable knowledge within. This trial is not merely a test of strength; it demands that the challenger confront the spirit of Hatanaka Takashi in a one-on-one duel. The spirit embodies all the skills and insights of its former wielder, making this encounter a physical and mental challenge. To succeed, the user must demonstrate superior combat prowess and a profound understanding of the principles of swordplay, including timing, precision, and adaptability.

Defeating Takashi’s spirit unlocks the scroll’s teachings, granting the victor incredible skill with all forms of blades - This mastery transforms the user into a formidable swordsman. As they integrate the wisdom gained from the scroll, they achieve a level of proficiency that elevates them above mere warriors, becoming true masters of the blade.
Hidden 21 days ago 16 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| The Light Smasher |

"True power is forged in the shadows of jealousy."

| Enmity was spawned from the collective Enmity and jealousy of Adepts who sought power they could not attain. It is said that during a time of great turmoil in a world known as Glint, the frustrations and resentments of many manifested into this dark artifact, imbued with the very emotions that birthed it. |

| Magical Hammer |

| The last known location of Enmity is within The Pit, where it is wielded by a warlord named Bando Stone. |

| While the hammer has not been wielded by many, it is rumored to have been briefly held by a disgraced Adept named Kyoshiro, who sought to use its power to exact revenge on those who wronged him. However, the hammer's immense dark influence ultimately consumed him, leading to his downfall. The current owner is Bando Stone, who uses its dark power to dominate the landscape's inhabitants. |

| No. |
Nicknamed the "Adept Crusher."

Enmity is a colossal weapon capable of delivering devastating blows that can shatter bone and spirit. Its sheer size and heft make it not just a weapon but a symbol of brute force. One of the most fearsome abilities of Enmity is its capacity to counter Adept magic. When the hammer strikes an Adept, their spells misfire or dissipate entirely for a brief duration. This disruption is not merely incidental; it is a forceful energy that disrupts the flow of Lux within the vicinity, creating an aura that renders Lux unstable.

Furthermore, Enmity can create shockwaves upon impact with the ground. When it strikes, the ground trembles and a powerful wave of energy radiates outward, knocking back anyone caught in its path and disrupting their concentration. The hammer is nearly indestructible, forged from the essence of the dark emotions that birthed it. Many have tried to break or destroy Enmity, but none have succeeded, as it absorbs any attempts to shatter it, growing in power with each failed effort.

Adepts cannot so much as touch Enmity without facing dire consequences, as the hammer generates an overwhelming force that repels them upon contact. Any attempt to grasp or contact the hammer results in a violent energy backlash. Moreover, any magical spells cast against Enmity itself are wholly negated, unable to affect the hammer in any way. This protective aura ensures that no Adept can manipulate, damage, or control Enmity through magic.
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Hidden 21 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| A Faded Echo of Power |

"The struggle of those who dare challenge the shadows."

| The Apparition Replica emerged from the desperate hands of a group of aspiring Artificers inspired by the tales of the legendary Apparition Killer. Lacking the skills and materials to forge a true artifact, they crafted this blade using ordinary steel and rudimentary enchantments. While their hearts were in the right place, the Replica lacked its progenitor's grand legacy and potent magic. |

| Apparition Bane Sword. |

| It's on Elysium Island in the Elite's artifact vault. |

| Kayla: A young Adept who attempted to defend her home from minor Apparition threats, only to find the Replica insufficient.

Rowan: An Adept who saw the Replica as a stepping stone to greatness but quickly abandoned it after realizing its limitations.

Blake Schmidt: Who got suckered into thinking it to be the actual Apparition Killer by Emily G. Reed. He keeps it in his vault, thinking it's his ultimate weapon. |

| No. |
The Apparition Replica, while inspired by the original, is a far cry from the true power of the Apparition Killer. The blade itself is crafted from ordinary metal, adorned with simple engravings that evoke the ancient runes of its legendary predecessor but lack any actual power. Instead of manifesting as a versatile weapon, the Replica remains a basic sword with minor enchantments.

Upon striking an Apparition, the Apparition Replica emits a faint, flickering light and soft wail that momentarily stuns the Apparition. This effect does not inflict any real damage; instead, it stuns the Apparition, causing its form to flicker as if struggling to maintain its cohesion.

The stunning effect is brief, typically lasting only a few seconds, but compelling enough to daze the Apparition long enough to take further action against it. During this time, the spirit becomes disoriented, unable to manifest its abilities or focus on its intended actions entirely. Weaker Apparitions may be trapped in a state of confusion for longer, while stronger Apparitions will quickly regain their composure and recover from the stun effect. Despite this, the brief window of vulnerability created by the Replica can be a strategic advantage in combat, allowing the wielder to press the attack or reposition themselves before the Apparition regains its full capabilities.

Interestingly, unlike its original counterpart, the Apparition Replica can physically strike humans and Aberrations, delivering tangible blows. However, the effects of its enchantments - specifically the stunning ability - do not apply to them, making the Replica a more versatile weapon in its wielder's hands, albeit inferior when confronting true spirits.
Hidden 21 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| The Chain of the Silver Dawn |

"Strike fear in the cursed."

| The Vampire Hunter was created during great unrest in Eastern Europe when vampire lore and the fear of the undead plagued villages. It was forged by a mysterious order of hunters known as the Brotherhood, who sought to protect humanity from the rising threat of vampires and similar dark beings. Legends say that the blade was crafted using a fragment of the Aberration Killer, infused with sacred silver and blessed under a rising sun, making it particularly potent against the undead. |

| Chainwhip Bane Weapon. |

| On Elysium Island, it is stored in the artifact vault after Emily G. Reed sold it to Blake Schmidt. |

| The most notable owner was Elena Dragoș, a legendary vampire hunter who used the Vampire Hunter to vanquish vampires in the Carpathian Mountains. Her fearless exploits inspired a generation of hunters and solidified the weapon’s reputation. Another significant wielder was Marcus Black, a mercenary who wielded the chain-whip against vampires in New York. Another user, Imani Robinson, a witch from rural Louisiana, utilized the weapon to eliminate the vampire that plagued her town. However, she went to St. Portwell, where the 8th St. Coven mobbed her for the Vampire Hunter, and then they sold it to Blake Schmidt. |

| No. |
The Vampire Hunter is a magical bladed chain-whip imbued with the essence of sunlight, making it especially lethal to vampires. Upon contact, the blade burns the flesh of its blood-sucking targets, inflicting burning wounds that cause immense pain and hinder their regenerative abilities.

In addition to its lethal capabilities, the Vampire Hunter has a unique ability to sense the presence of vampires nearby. The weapon resonates with the essence of Vampires, allowing the wielder to detect even the faintest traces of vampiric energy within a certain radius.

While its primary focus is on vampires, the weapon also affects other paranormal beings. When striking Apparitions, the sunlight in the blade disrupts their essence, causing them to flicker and waver. This disruption temporarily weakens their presence, making it more challenging to utilize their abilities effectively. Other creatures sensitive to light, such as certain Aberrations or Darkness-based Paranormals, may feel a searing heat upon contact.

The weapon can magically extend and retract at the wielder’s command, allowing for ranged attacks and swift close-quarters combat. This flexibility enables the user to deliver powerful strikes from a distance, all while inflicting devastating burns on any vampire it touches..............................................................................
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| The Multiversal Key |

"The gateway to infinite realities, crafted from the echoes of lost worlds."

| P190 is a revolutionary artifact designed to open portals to alternate dimensions and realities. It was developed from the remnants of an important final battle, where powerful magical energies converged. This convergence attracted a group of rogue Adepts and scientists seeking to explore the All-Verse. They aimed to create a device that could manipulate the fabric of reality itself. The artifact emerged from their experiments, inadvertently creating the prototype, P180. However, the uncontrolled energies unleashed during the testing of P180 led to its destruction, paving the way for the more stable P190. |

| Portal-Generating Artifact |

| P190 is in the possession of Blake Schmidt, where it is being stored on Elysium Island. |

| Dr. Rhea Calloway: The chief scientist behind the project, she was the first to successfully wield P190, opening gateways to alternate dimensions before disappearing during an experiment.

Viktor Kane: A mercenary who discovered P190, he attempted to use it for his gain, resulting in his tragic fate as he became trapped in a pocket dimension.

Sarah Black: An Adept who utilized P190 to traverse realities, she exploited its powers until she was lost to the All-Verse, never to return. |

| No. |
P190 is a complex device resembling a high-tech gauntlet with intricate patterns of light flowing across its surface. When activated, it generates a swirling vortex of colors, signifying the opening of a portal to another world. The device has multiple settings, allowing the wielder to select specific dimensions based on their desires or needs.

Its primary function is to create stable portals, enabling travel between realities. Each time a portal is opened, P190 automatically saves the destination coordinates, effectively mapping the user's routes. This "navigation log" allows the wielder to revisit previously traveled locations.

The artifact’s mapping ability also extends to recording significant features of each dimension, such as the nature of its inhabitants, environmental conditions, and potential threats. Users can access this information through a holographic interface, making P190 not just a key for travel but also a vital tool for exploration and survival.

P190 is equipped with built-in safety measures. It can create temporary shields around the user as they travel, protecting them from potential dangers on the other side of the portal. Additionally, the gauntlet can initiate an emergency recall, pulling the user back to their last safe location if the new dimension becomes hostile or unstable....................................................................................
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| Beacon of the Void. |

"In the depths of despair, I will guide you home.

| Lucia was created to explore the uncharted and desolate realms of the Void. Its first wielder, Lucia, was an intrepid explorer who was the first to venture into this cold abyss. Though the Void was filled with eldritch abominations, Lucia wielded her sword with an unyielding spirit, driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to uncover hidden secrets.

As she traversed the dark expanses, facing the horrors, Lucia became the embodiment of hope for the lost souls trapped within this realm of despair. Her unwavering courage and fierce determination to protect those trapped in the Void allowed her to connect with the essence of her sword. In the face of unimaginable terror, her belief in a just cause and her fierce desire to bring light to the darkness transformed the sword into a sentient artifact. Upon her disappearance in the Void, the sword absorbed her spirit, becoming Lucia, a guardian of lost souls, eternally bound to the cold emptiness of the Void. |

| Sentient Sword. |

| Lucia resides within the Void and cannot be taken out. It travels from place to place. |

| Lucia has been used rarely as it primarily guides those trapped in the Void out. |

| No. |
Lucia is a blade with unique sentience. It can communicate with those around it and offer guidance and support through the treacherous realms it inhabits. Lucia's playful yet wise personality often provides insight, encouragement, or light-hearted banter to ease the tension during dangerous encounters. Its playful nature helps lift the spirits of those who wield it.

Lucia spends its time tracking down individuals trapped in the Void. Once located, the sword opens a portal to reality, allowing these souls to escape the Void and return to reality. With each soul rescued, Lucia grows stronger, becoming far more powerful and capable of slaying even stronger Eldritch Horrors.

However, Lucia can only be wielded in combat by those who champion a just cause. When a noble purpose drives the wielder, Lucia channels its true power, enhancing their Abstractions in the battle against the eldritch horrors that roam the Void. In combat, the sword emits a radiant shield that wards off these abominations, creating a light barrier. Additionally, this shield protects the wielder’s mind from the maddening influence of the abominations and keeps them sane.

Despite its formidable powers, Lucia cannot be removed from the Void; it serves solely as a guardian within its boundaries.
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| The Soul of Lux |

"More than a weapon, believe in the power it reveals."

| Kaleidoscope was born from the deep belief in the boundless potential of Lux, created when an Adept merged pure Lux with an ancient crystal blade. This fusion was driven by the conviction that magic is limitless in its purest form. The sword's transformative nature reflects this belief, allowing it to shift with the wielder's will and ability |

| Lux-Infused Sword. |

| Darius Blackwood last wielded Kaleidoscope during his ill-fated attempt to conquer his city, Ravenscroft, Massachusetts. After killing him in the ensuing conflict, the sword was taken from him and hidden away to prevent its power from being misused. Its exact location remains a mystery. |

| Sir Cedric the Just: The first user of Kaleidoscope, Sir Cedric, a noble knight of the realm, wielded Kaleidoscope infused with the power of Red-Lux to bring peace to a war-torn kingdom. His unwavering sense of duty and strength in battle made him a symbol of hope for the oppressed.

Lady Isolde: A healer and protector, Lady Isolde utilized Kaleidoscope imbued with Yellow-Green Lux to amplify her healing abilities during a great war. She created barriers that shielded her allies while mending their wounds with pure Lux energy.

Queen Amunet: As a powerful Adept, Queen Amunet wielded Kaleidoscope to protect her kingdom, drawing upon White-Lux to see into the future and guide her people through turbulent times.

Khalid: A legendary warrior from Nubia connected to the spirits of the desert, Khalid wielded Kaleidoscope to harness Purple Lux to its fullest extent to defend his homeland from invaders.

Darius Black: A Black Lux Adept, Darius Blackwood attempted to use Kaleidoscope to seize control of Ravenscroft. His ambitions were thwarted, and he was ultimately killed in the confrontation. The sword was taken from him and hidden away to prevent its power from falling into the wrong hands again, where it remains lost. |

| Kaleidoscope does not grant Abstractions but manipulates pure Lux in ways only Adepts can comprehend. |
Kaleidoscope is a sword unlike any other, crafted from an impossibly pure crystal that constantly shifts in form, color, and texture based on the magic of its wielder. When in the hands of an Adept, the blade becomes a mirror to their spell repertoire, adapting and transforming to amplify their magic. Floramancers wield a blade of twisting roots and blooming flowers, while pyromancers swing a sword of molten fire. However, the true power of Kaleidoscope lies dormant, waiting for the Adept to unlock its full potential through the trials hidden within the Radiant Path.

Kaleidoscope is not just a vessel for magic; its physical form possesses remarkable capabilities that set it apart from ordinary weapons. Crafted from an impossibly pure crystal, the blade is virtually indestructible, able to withstand even the most potent attacks without chipping or breaking. Its supernatural sharpness allows it to slice through almost any material effortlessly. However, it remains a finely crafted sword for those lacking Adept status, simply exceptionally sharp and resilient but devoid of the extraordinary powers of possessing Lux.

Kaleidoscope stands out as one of the most revered weapons in the All-Verse because of its ability to manipulate Lux in its purest form. Adepts wielding Kaleidoscope do not merely cast spells; they reshape the essence of Lux itself. The sword allows Adepts to cast spells freely within their Lux, even if the spell isn’t in their existing arsenal. With Kaleidoscope, an Adept can tap directly into Lux's raw, unrestrained power, bypassing the usual limitations of knowing or preparing specific spells.

The artifact enables Adepts to conjure spells from their imagination, turning any idea or concept into reality as long as it aligns with their Lux. This unrestricted creativity means that the possibilities for spellcasting are endless; an Adept-wielding Kaleidoscope could, for example, summon a firestorm that rains molten glass, manipulate time to slow or speed up events, or create an impenetrable fortress with nothing more than a thought. The sword becomes an extension of their will, channeling Lux’s full potential into forms and effects beyond conventional spellcasting. Kaleidoscope transforms even the most basic magical prowess into a limitless wellspring of creativity and devastation, restricted only by the Adept’s imagination.

Kaleidoscope doesn’t allow Adepts to craft spells from their imagination; it also acts as a powerful amplifier for their existing spells, pushing their capabilities to exponential levels. When an Adept wields Kaleidoscope, their established magical arsenal transforms profoundly. For instance, a simple fireball spell might explode into a raging inferno that engulfs an entire battlefield, or a minor healing spell could bloom into a wave of refreshing energy revitalizing a whole group of allies.

In its most advanced form, Kaleidoscope allows the Adept to unleash concentrated bursts of pure Lux energy, primal, unrefined magic that bypasses the need for specific spells. These bursts can form beams of destruction, manifest as sweeping waves, or merge into orbs of raw power. In these moments, the distinction between the Adept’s will and the sword’s power becomes blurred, as Kaleidoscope acts as both a conduit and a catalyst for the ultimate expression of Lux. This combination of limitless magical potential, reality-bending creativity, and raw destructive power makes Kaleidoscope one of the most sought-after artifacts in the All-Verse — its true power waiting to be unlocked within the Radiant Path.

Legends whisper of Kaleidoscope as the key to realms that lie just beyond the comprehension of ordinary minds. Many Adepts who have wielded the sword claim it is more than a mere weapon; they say it possesses the potential to unlock the deepest mysteries of the All-Verse. Some scholars believe that with Kaleidoscope, one can navigate the pathways that lead to the very essence that binds all sentient life.
Hidden 20 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| A Journey Through Emotions |

"To know the past is illuminating the path ahead."

| The Gem of Remembrance was created during a magical war known as the Shattered Epoch in Stars. An ancient order of Keepers believed the wars resulted from failing to learn from the emotional and spiritual consequences of wielding powerful magic like the Kaleidoscope sword. The Keepers crafted the Gem of Remembrance to prevent future generations from repeating these mistakes. This gem, made from ancient crystals, was infused with a connection to the Radiant Path, preserving the wisdom and experiences of past Kaleidoscope wielders. |

| Memory Artifact. |

| The Gem of is Remembrance on Elysium Island in Shimmer, held by the Elite. |

| The Gem of Remembrance have changed hands throughout history, beginning with the ancient Keepers who crafted them during the Shattered Epoch. As wars and power shifts occurred, the gem was passed to various factions and notable Adepts, each seeking to harness its wisdom and memories. Now, it falls in the hand of Blake Schmidt, who has been tricked into thinking he can access its power by Emily G. Reed. |

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The Gem of Remembrance is a radiant crystal gem glowing with an ethereal light that shifts in color based on the user’s emotional state. When worn around the neck, the gem resonates with the Adept's inner thoughts and feelings, creating a powerful connection to the Radiant Path.

Designed as a conduit for emotional introspection and growth, the gem serves a profound purpose: to guide Adepts on their journey of self-discovery and mastery of magic. It empowers them to confront their inner demons, unlock the hidden potential within themselves, and connect deeply with the collective experiences of those who wielded the Kaleidoscope sword before them. By navigating the trials of the Radiant Path, Adepts not only gain access to invaluable memories and spells from past users but also cultivate a profound understanding of the complexities of magic.

To fully harness the memories and spells of the past users of Kaleidoscope, Adepts must enter a unique mental plane, a surreal dimension shaped by their emotions and experiences. This mental realm, known as the Radiant Path, is a labyrinth tailored to challenge the Adept's inner self and grant access to the Legacy Echo, the memories and spells of those who wielded the Kaleidoscope before them.

Each trial serves as a key, unlocking new chambers within this surreal dimension where spectral copies of past Adepts reside. However, due to The Gem of Remembrance's weaker connection to the Radiant Path compared to Kaleidoscope, the Adept cannot quickly access the spells and knowledge of these former wielders. Instead, they must rely on the specters to grant them access.

These spectral forms are not mere echoes but mirror images of their original selves, infused with distinct personalities, experiences, and emotions. Upon completing a trial, a new space within the Radiant Path opens, revealing more of these spectral figures. Each spectral copy has its unique demeanor; some may be wise and nurturing, while others could be fierce, aloof, or hostile. The Adept can engage with these figures, attempting to draw upon their insights and lessons. However, the spectral copies have complete autonomy in sharing their spells and knowledge. They may offer all, some, or none of their abilities based on their personalities and how they perceive the Adept’s worthiness or intent.

As they embark on this transformative journey, the Adept must face ten trials, each intricately designed to resonate with their personal experiences and emotional landscape. The Red trial ignites a fiery rage, forcing the Adept to confront their anger in its rawest form. The Blue trial envelops them in profound sadness, challenging them to reconcile with loss and grief. The Yellow trial instills fear, presenting phantoms of their darkest anxieties. The Green trial bathes them in joyous memories, urging them to embrace positivity amidst their struggles.
As Adepts conquer each trial, they unlock new knowledge and spells from those who came before, enriching their magical abilities through engaging with these spectral figures. The Orange trial demands courage, compelling the Adept to stand firm against their fears. The White trial of nostalgia encourages reflection on their past. The Purple trial taps into anticipation, teaching the Adept to look forward with hope and resilience. The Black trial confronts the depths of apathy, challenging them to awaken their drive and purpose. Finally, the Gold trial of pride helps them embrace their strengths without succumbing to arrogance, while the Pink trial of love teaches them the significance of connection and empathy. Upon completing the trials using The Gem of Remembrance, Adept's progress seamlessly transfers to the Kaleidoscope. This unique connection ensures they do not need to undergo the trials again and unlocks the power of Kaleidoscope. Once a spell has been permanently added to their arsenal, it becomes an inherent part of the Adept's capabilities, independent of the Gem or Sword itself. This transformation empowers them to utilize the spell at will, even when separated from The Gem of Remembrance or Kaleidoscope.

Upon completing all ten trials within the Radiant Path, The Gem of Remembrance's true power awakens. Rather than directly revealing the location of the Kaleidoscope, the gem initiates a connection between the two. This bond manifests as fleeting Recollections, brief glimpses of the landscape surrounding the sword. Though initially unclear, these visions sharpen with focus, gradually forming a detailed mental image of where the Kaleidoscope is located. As the Adept becomes more attuned to the gem, these images evolve into a powerful instinct, pulling them toward the sword’s location. In moments of deep concentration, this guiding force becomes more robust, almost as if the Kaleidoscope calls out to be found. The closer the Adept gets, the more this pull becomes until the sword’s exact location is revealed.
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| The Apparition Exorcist |

"In darkness, even the dead fear their reflection."

| The Black Mirror Stone was forged from the collective fears and beliefs of those who have encountered Apparitions throughout history. Its creation is steeped in legend, believed to have been sculpted by an ancient Adept who sought to protect the living from the spirits. The intricate runes carved into its surface are said to represent the very essence of fear, manifesting a power that drives Apparitions away. |

| Exorcism Artifact. |

| The last known whereabouts of the Black Mirror Stone is in the ominous depths of the Pit. It is said that a cult, fearing the artifact's power would be used against them, deliberately cast the stone into this desolate wasteland. |

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The Black Mirror Stone manifests as a foreboding slab, resembling a tombstone, that ominously reflects the darkness surrounding it. Its surface is adorned with intricate runes that resemble gaping holes, creating a disquieting appearance. However, the most unsettling aspect of the Black Mirror Stone lies in its strange and haunting reflection.

Unlike ordinary mirrors, it reveals only Apparitions, and when these spectral entities dare to approach its surface, they are met with an unbearable pain specifically designed to torment their kind. Once caught in the stone’s reflection, an Apparition cannot escape; the intense agony serves to immobilize and sap away at their Abstraction.

The Black Mirror Stone is among the rarest of artifacts, its capabilities transcending the ordinary. It is one of the few relics capable of forcibly removing an Apparition from an Adjoined individual, which many Adepts dream of achieving but few can accomplish. Additionally, it can expel an Apparition from an Abscised body, severing the bond between the Apparition and its unwilling host.
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Lux Ampiflier |

"The balance of power lies in restraint."

| The Prism Rings were forged by an ancient cult of Adepts from the world of Stars who sought to harness the ambient Lux of the Allverse. Through a deep understanding of Lux and the interconnectedness of all things, they created these rings to act as conduits for Lux, allowing wearers to tap into the energy surrounding them. |

| Conduit Artifact |

| The twelve Prism Rings are scattered all over the All-Verse. Two of them are currently being held on Elysium Island by the Elite, while another is in the Pit, hidden somewhere on the body of the Deathpile. |

| None of note. |

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The Prism Rings consist of twelve rings, which can be worn individually or collectively. When worn by an Adept, these rings enable the user to draw Lux from their environment and other dimensions, boosting the potency of their spells. The rings amplify Adept's abilities and convert any other color of Lux they draw into their specific color, enhancing the overall effectiveness of their casting. For instance, a pyromancer could wear the red ring to absorb ambient red Lux from the surroundings, significantly increasing their fire spells' heat and destructive power.

A fireball could explode on impact, causing a more significant damage radius or igniting flammable objects. Similarly, a healer could use Lux from the environment to enhance their healing spells, allowing them to heal multiple allies simultaneously or significantly speed up the recovery of grievous injuries.

However, using the Prism Rings requires caution. The user can control the amount of Lux they channel, but the more they draw, the more volatile their casting becomes. Excessive Lux can lead to unpredictable results, increasing the likelihood of spells backfiring, misfiring, or spiraling out of control. For example, if a Red-Lux Adept tries to channel too much Lux while casting a fireball. In that case, the spell may become too powerful, leading to an uncontrollable explosion that injures enemies and puts allies at risk.

In the case of healing, drawing too much green Lux while attempting to heal a minor wound could result in over-healing, rapidly causing the recipient's body to regenerate to an unstable state, causing tumors and ugly scars. The risks associated with the Prism Rings make them a powerful tool and a double-edged sword.
Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by NoriWasHere
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The Mirror On .The Wall

| I can see all, but the question is can you get the answer |

"Mirror, mirror on the wall where might find power beyond most if not all?"

| The Mirror on the Wall is an ancient, powerful artifact that dates back to the annals of history. It is a widely known, if seldom used, artifact that can provide the location of anything, or anyone, at any given moment. It was created during the aftermath of a war long since forgotten, legends state that an all-powerful apparition was sealed within the confines of a mirror and forever trapped. At first, it raged against the walls of its enclosure. Able to project the worlds it once sought to conquer onto the mirror surface but was never able to travel or see them for itself. One might have expected this apparition to go mad and seek revenge. Time is a fickle thing. To a mortal the rest of existence living such a life would drive them mad. To an all seeing apparition, it found a strange joy in the ways it could torment mortal beings. |

| Sealed Apparition |

| Emperor |

| The Evil Stepmother, The Slightly Less Evil Stepfather, Elite |

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The Mirror is willing to pass along its knowledge of where this are to any who ask, and to do so it must be asked with the ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall,” words being spoken first. From here, the mirror will know the answer. To get the answer the mirror will ask you three riddles. If you fail any of the riddles the mirror will instead show you your deepest, darkest, fear. It has the ability to penetrate any emotional field, and if you ask the mirror your question it will know how to hurt you. Each riddle will be progressively harder than the last and usually the last riddle will be nearly impossible to answer. The difficulty will also rise and fall depending on the question. If you ask where a missing pet is, you may have three relatively easy questions. Ask the location of a powerful artifact, and be ready to be truly tested.

When a person looks into the mirror they will see the apparition sitting, or meandering about inside the mirror. They are a short, pudgy looking creature who have a thousand eyes.

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Hidden 17 days ago Post by NoriWasHere
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The Map of.the Drunken Sailor

| The map will always take you to whatever destination you wish but you need to all yourself if the risk it brings is worth it |

"I swear if I see another monster around the next corner I will be so mad."

| The Map of the Drunken sailor is a powerful tool created centuries ago by pirate adepts. It has the ability to
show those who command it any location they desire, and have the ability to lead you to whatever object or person you wish. The map itself will change the topography to match the location, and when you use it to track an object or a person it will give you a dotted line to follow with an X to mark the spot. |

| Artifact |

| Emperor |

| Jolly Rodgers, Edward Teach, The Commodore, The Elite|

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The map was originally created by an adept known only as Jolly Rodgers. He used the map to locate merchant ships, hidden treasure, and find powerful artifacts for both himself and his coven of the seas. The map was constantly fought over by other pirates who wished to use it for their own gain When he passed, the map disappeared from record for six hundred years until it came into a pirate known as Edward Teach’s possession. At first, he used it as a navigational aide but soon the allure of riches drove him to use it as Jolly Rodgers did. It was here that the curse of the map revealed itself. When it was created, a curse was placed that caused any who used it besides its creators to face a terrible challenge. Along its marked paths monsters were summoned and in order to progress along the path the wielder would have to defeat the monsters. This claimed the life of Edward and his crew, and it has claimed the life of many foolish souls in the centuries to come.

The monsters come in various shapes and sizes, but always seem to have an aquatic element to it. The closer you get the mark on the map the more monsters you’ll have to defeat to progress. Eventually on the final leg of the journey the holder of the map will face the final horde of monsters. This final test will present three monsters, the kraken, the siren, and the hydra.

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Hidden 16 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Last Symphony |

"The beginning is the end is the beginning."

| Penty Harmonium was born from the dying soul of The Maestro, a legendary Adept of Purple-Lux, whose obsession with controlling time led him to craft this ultimate artifact. As his body failed, his final act was to bind his soul to the harmonium, ensuring it would become a timeless instrument of unimaginable power. Fueled by the Maestro’s essence, the Penty Harmonium is his final masterpiece, unmatched in its ability to command time. |

| Organ-Clock artifact. |

| Its current location is unknown, though rumors persist that it resides deep within the Temporal Vaults, a place hidden between timelines and accessible only through precise manipulations of time magic (Purple Lux or otherwise). |

| Alden Drake, a time manipulator who once claimed the Penty Harmonium, played a devastating melody that erased an entire world from existence, leaving only fragments of memory in a few minds scattered across the All-Verse. |

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The Penty Harmonium is a grand and imposing relic, both a musical instrument and a clock that sits frozen in a state of perpetual potential. Playing the Penty Harmonium grants its wielder unprecedented control over time, but unlike other artifacts, it doesn’t offer an Abstraction or enhance a wielder's inherent magic. Instead, it provides direct, unfiltered access to the raw forces of time, allowing the player to manipulate the timeline in ways that Purple-Lux Adepts could only dream of. The harmonium can speed up or slow down time within specific areas, reverse the flow of events, or create temporal pockets where time ceases to exist. With the right melody, entire eras can be undone or replayed, the future reshaped with each note played.

A single note can rewind a moment of history, while a whole symphony can alter the fate of entire universes. The harmonium can collapse time into itself, blending past, present, and future into a singular moment of chaos or clarity, depending on the player's skill. The harmonium can open doorways to alternate timelines, trap enemies in infinite loops, or remove entire events from reality, leaving no trace of their existence.

However, this power comes at a terrible cost. Playing the harmonium draws deeply on the user’s life force. As the melodies grow more complex, so does the price. The soul of the Maestro, trapped within the harmonium, feeds on the user's essence, slowly draining them of their vitality. The more time is manipulated, the more the instrument hungrily devours its player, eventually claiming their soul entirely if pushed too far. Adepts who have sought to master the Penty Harmonium have either been lost to time’s forgotten corners or wholly consumed by the artifact itself.

The Penty Harmonium is also linked to the Ancient known as the Butterfly, the enigmatic being responsible for managing time across the All-Verse. It is said that those who wield the harmonium too recklessly will attract the Butterfly's attention. Should the Butterfly deem the user a threat to the integrity of time, it will take them to The Pasture, the Butterfly’s world, where they are trapped in an endless loop of their most significant failures, forced to relive them for eternity. No one has ever returned from The Pasture.

For this reason, many who stumble upon the Penty Harmonium leave it untouched, fearing the price of its power. Yet, for those willing to risk their soul or being, the harmonium offers the ultimate reward: mastery over time, free from the constraints of mortality, history, or fate.

Hidden 14 days ago 8 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Lux Void |

"I am the weapon of those who dwell in darkness."

| Monochrome is said to have been forged in the depths of the Void, created to counter the unchecked growth of Adepts and their power. This artifact embodies the fears of those who wield magic, serving as a reminder of the dark potential within the depths of the Lux. |

| Lux-Consuming Long-Axe. |

| Last seen cast into The Pit by Adam Blackmore, Monochrome was disposed of in his final act before retiring from the magical scene. |

| James Holloway: A once-celebrated Adept who took up Monochrome desperately attempting to protect his village from a sorcerer. He used the artifact to defeat the sorcerer, ultimately severing his Lux and freeing his community from tyranny. He cast Monochrome away after he was done using it.

Cassandra the Evil: A sorceress who became infamous for her use of Monochrome in dark rituals. Driven by ambition, she used the artifact to absorb the magic of others, sacrificing them to enhance her powers and create a reign of terror over those who opposed her. Eventually, she was killed by Nora Reyes, who took Monochrome from her.

Nora Reyes: Nora fell to the allure of Monochrome’s power during her quest for revenge against those who betrayed her. With Monochrome, she sought to dismantle the Accordance, but ultimately, she failed, and it fell into their hands.

David Clarke: Once a celebrated peacekeeper of the Accordance, David became obsessed with power after stealing Monochrome from their vaults. He drained Lux from foes and allies, leading to devastation and chaos as he sought to establish himself as an undisputed ruler through fear. He was eventually killed by Adam Blackmore, who took Monochrome from him.

Adam Blackmore: He briefly had Monochrome before he cast it into The Pit. |

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Counterpart to the legendary Kaleidoscope, Monochrome is a legendary artifact classified as one of the "ultimate artifacts" due to its immense power and terrifying abilities. Known primarily for its ability to vortex Lux from the environment or its opponents, it can absorb magic cast by any Adept, essentially negating their spellcasting entirely. The type or power of Lux does not limit this ability — all colors and spells are susceptible to Monochrome’s siphoning powers. Over time, this absorbed Lux accumulates within the wielder, enhancing their physical and magical capabilities to dangerous, near-godlike levels. Adepts cannot wield Monochrome, as doing so would weaken them physically and magically. The artifact's ability to siphon Lux drains their power and disrupts their connection to it, threatening to sever them entirely if they persist in using it.

In terms of its vortex ability, Monochrome does more than consume Lux. It stores it within the wielder, allowing them to enhance their physical form as long as they are connected to Monochrome. With enough absorbed Lux, a wielder could achieve feats of strength, speed, regeneration, and durability far beyond the normal limits of their body. Wielders who’ve mastered Monochrome have ascended to near-immortal states.

The axe is also famed for its destructive capabilities. Constructs created by Adepts (whether barriers, summoned creatures (Abominable), or even Orange Lux Artifacts) are susceptible to Monochrome’s disruptive force. Any magic tied to Lux that clashes with the axe is nullified or destroyed. Monochrome is known for its near invincibility to all forms of damage. The axe, forged in the Void, possesses supernatural sharpness that can slice through the most robust materials, rendering it a formidable weapon against any foe.

But its most feared ability, regarded with reverence and horror, is the "Lux Wound." Each strike from Monochrome inflicts physical damage and a debilitating wound on the Adept’s connection to their Lux. Repeated strikes weaken the victim’s spells, reducing their potency, and in time, if struck enough, the Adept can be severed entirely from their Lux — a fate worse than death for many. No Adept who has been severed from their Lux has ever regained it, and the psychological and emotional toll is devastating. Monochrome is a feared All-Verse weapon symbolizing ultimate power and finality.

No known counter to Monochrome’s Lux Wound exists. While some Adepts have attempted to use healing magic or spells to close the wounds left on their Lux, none have succeeded. The effect is permanent, scarring on the soul of the Adept that not even the most potent of Green or Orange Lux spells can remedy. This permanence makes the axe a terrifying prospect for Adepts and entire factions, as Monochrome can effectively dismantle their most influential members.

The mere appearance of Monochrome on a battlefield is enough to cause panic. Whole factions have surrendered upon the revelation that the axe was in play, not willing to risk the fate of losing their Adepts to its severing curse. Rumors suggest an unspoken rule among certain Paranormal groups: to fight Monochrome is to lose, so the only strategy is avoiding it at all costs.

Legends say that when a Kaleidoscope wielder and a Monochrome bearer exist concurrently in the All-Verse, they are fated to engage in a duel. Not of magic, but skill.
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