Fidélicia Tearmoon
14 |
Female |
Lilim@Izurich Description: Mèlisande's half-sister on their maternal side of the family. Like Mèlisande, Fidél was born from Jezebel's womb, but unlike her, she was sired by a different father, specifically by the Matriarch's second husband.
In an almost intentional twist of fate, Fidélicia was designated to be a walking contrast to her older half-sister. To start: she inherited her father's looks more than Jezebel's, she was born perfectly fine with no complications, and most frustratingly of all, she's a completely average person as far as her kin goes. Her magical talents are... decent, she has no learning difficulties, yet has no particular talents in any specific school either. While she's a good mage for Arrowfell's standards, that much is to be expected from an individual of a race who practically breathe magic.
All of these combined dooms her to live under Mèlisande's shadow, and yet... she's fine with it. Yes, she's not as unique, or talented, or beautiful as her sister, but thanks to all of that, no one placed any expectations on her. Like an heir ranked fifth in the line of succession, she's essentially free to live however she wants to. After all, for each boon Mèlly possesses, another weight is added onto her shoulders, and Fidél knows their mother enough to realize being her 'favorite daughter' is actually more of a curse than a blessing.
As things stand, Fidélicia is content to be a simple covenmate, a happy-go-lucky Lilim who helps around the Glade here and there with whatever assorted tasks her people need. Her great-aunt - Suzanna - often asks her to forage for various ingredients, and she's also good friends with Nitta Kochimei, a catgirl courier working for the duke of that walled city to the South.
Assorted Powers (Spells, Seed, Skills, Artifacts, etc.): ❖ Aeromancy: Fidél is quite skilled at utilizing spells associated with the wind element; from flying, directing air currents, summoning a miniature tornado, etc. It's quite a handy and utilitarian element if she can say so herself.
❖ Foraging: Honed by experience of gathering ingredients for Suzanna, the young Lilim can be relied on to locate, identify, and collect various herbs, mushrooms, and other materials.
❖ Robust Health: For some reason, Fidél rarely falls ill and even if she does, she'll recover quicker than most others with little to no assistance from medicine or healing magic. Maybe the myth about idiots being immune to the cold has some merit after all...