??? | He/him | Leviathan Beast
Description: A terror in the watery depths.
Measured at a length of 5,000 meters, or 5 kilometers, Ingens is the largest leviathan recorded to call the waters of Arrowfell home. His skin and muscle is mainly transparent, allowing onlookers to see the spine, bone and organs that make up his body. His head is wreathed in a mane of tentacles, each about 300 meters long. Ingens has six yellow eyes, three on each side of his head, and a maw that sports teeth twice the height of a man. Bioluminescent spots trail the edges of his tentacles and body.
Though his eyes may not be able to pick out finer details, his sense of smell is exceptionally good, able to recognize scents and differentiate from a pool of scents with ease. This sense of smell is why the residents of Athius, save for one, have never been able to escape their home in one piece.
Due to his sheer immense size, typical damage is like a paper cut to him. It takes high-powered spells to even get his attention. He is resistant to physical attacks with his thick skin. However, he does have a slight weakness to electricity. Though it could never kill him, he can be stunned.
Ingens has intelligence similar to a human, however he is driven by stronger impulses and is ruled by cruelty. His one weakness is the leviathan-slaying sword, now rechristened Shadesbane.
Magic/Seed: N/A.