Signore, Aubri Silverblade
Age 20 |
Race Human | |
Gender Male |
Height (in feet) 5'9 |
Weight (in pounds) 170lb Goal: Discover the fate of the missing ship
Golden Gale, lost with all hands near Odonfield. His ambassadorship from Pater Silverblade requires he render his findings back to the Republic when he discovers the fate of the ship- and also, if the reign of the Queen is truly coming to an end. The Republic has no desire to be dragged down by a bad investment in the wealth and security of Arrowfell if the nobility will tear the land apart in their power games. Simultaneously, an old acquaintance of Aubri's, Brother Auron the Wrathful, was assigned to the
Golden Gale and it's a personal goal of Aubri's to find what happened to his childhood friend.
History: Aubri Silverblade was born third son to Pater Silverblade and Mater Ivory Silverblade. As the spare of the spare for this up-and-coming family of the Republic's Assembly of Notables, Aubri was given a broad education to maintain an ability to step into either of his brothers' shoes should they meet a poor fate too soon. Thankfully, both Orace and Felipe live healthy and hale to this day, hobnobbing with the Assembly and continuing the long, slow assent of the Silverblades up the middle ranks of its membership.
Aubri, alas, has become a lesser pawn in Pater Silverblade's machinations at family greatness. Too much of an unknown to secure a good marriage match at the galas of the Republic, too hotheaded to become a true duelist and rise through public adoration, and not of a sufficiently pedigreed bloodline to enlist as a Brother at the great Lighthouse, Aubri's greatest thrill in life were his nightly spars with his childhood friend Auron of the Brothers. The two began as friends in the academe in their youth, then transitioned to friendly sword rivals, until their diverging family paths forced them onto different tracks in life.
Seed: The Republic has no Seeds to speak of at this time.
Magic: Unnecessary parlor tricks. No thank you.
Skills: Common Swordsmanship, Panache, Sailing, Riding, and a keen eye for what is out of place.
Faction: Aubri holds no faction within the kingdom, but the protection of a Brother's blade in a storm on the sea is legendary. Sailors in every port will share a word, an ear, and a hand in the hopes that if they should ever need the protection of a Brother at sea, it will be there for them.
City: The Most Serene Republic is some 70 squares to the west of Arrowfell. Aubri hails from a middling family within the Assembly, but his father, Pater Silverblade, has grand ambitions of raising the next generation of Silverblades to greater status within the Palazzo's halls.
Assets: Aubri personally comes armed with only a substantial Letter of Credit, backed by the full faith of the Most Serene Republic. This Letter is to be used in the fulfillment of his mission of discovering the fate of the
Golden Gale. If push came to shove, it would be an arduous but not impossible task to put it to use hiring a few companies of Sellswords at which point its limit of borrowing would be hit.