Okaaaay, I played a little softball. I think it would be better to give everyone at least a chance to explore before all hell breaks loose (again). So you're more than welcome to explore, just keeping in mind that the robots patrol every few minutes in their rounds. If you want a description of a room, tell me in advance here and I'll give it to you so you have more to write. :)
I think that's the mostly case for everyone... except perhaps Nick. And even then, I'm not entirely sure. xD
Great posts, you guys!
Though, I'm a bit worried about Axen just swooping down like that. A noise trail would have been safer, imho. But now the robot will know something is moving and will probably keep searching the floor.
But I mind the wait T_T I don't like not being able to write much or often. My shoulder does not want to do a whole lot after a whole workday, and sunday I decided to scrub the kitchen etc which just left it with no energy at all (and a lot of pain). But I got my MRI and am waiting for results and further steps! <3