Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Damien watched as shadows moved around them even not he had shoes like his previous pair which he whistled impressively, even his clothes were spotless.

Ready to go, Damien goes to follow them when he spots Ana looking at him. "It is. My mother land is Scotland. It is said where the fae and wolves call home." He acknowledged.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana smiled and walked out with him and said “I come from Wales…nice to hear the words again…it’s been a long time” Dante was outside and a black car was waiting for them. The blonde from the night before was sitting on top of the car and waved to them.

“Hey kids…lady shade thanks for your help. I forgot to say last night you can call me Cora…”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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"Tá míle fáilte romhat." Damien says with a bow of his head. Having stopped at the car, he looked to the blonde Hound from last night now introduced as Cora. "It is nice to meet you Cora." He opens the back door for everyone before getting in himself.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana smiled and followed Dante into the car and Cora jumped down and got in to drive. She looked back and said “the Gate Keeper was found in his study unconscious. Nothing seems to wake him. Did anything happen with you guys?”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Damien shook his head. "No. I guess I had fallen asleep before it happened. I felt a tad tired but that's normal for me being in a new place." He told them. Not wanting to tell them about his restlessness.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante pointed to Ana and said “she was found this morning unconscious…but we could wake her” Ana was deep in thought then said “I wonder if I was protected…”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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"Indeed. I wondered what happened too. I could try to sniff about. Though I don't know if it's a someone or something." Damien theorizes. He wondered if they were nearby or far away.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Cora looked at Ana and asked “you feeling alright my lady?” She nodded and said “just tired…and stiff. But I can help the gatekeeper. I think I know what happened…I believe it was a surge in the blood wave link…we are both linked to it…I think we really upset Panic Discord…” Dante said “a random fit in the wave?” Ana nodded.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Damien tilted his head. He had heard little of the weave. This was not something he had heard much of. "If I may, I would like to understand this weave more. It is more to what the Elders seem to pay attention to or have more of an eye to detail." He requests.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana looked over and said “the blood wave link is the blood line that links all fangs. It’s why we can fight in unity and know when something is coming. It’s much like the pack senses but on a bigger scale, but not as sensitive as pack sense. Only certain level of fangs can feel the sense consistently, most it’s a subconscious feeling or state.”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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"I see. Quite the comparison. I understand now how fangs are so formidable." Damien complements. He was truly amazed on the boost that they were given. But wondered what the drawback was. Maybe it was better he didn't know.

"So if I understand it right, Panic Discord is part of the weave?" He asks.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana said “I’ve had many theories on what that being is…but I’m thinking they are part of the world of the night…either a fang, claw or caster…or something else. But I know they aren’t human and never have been…”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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"Hmmmm...." Damien sat back looking deep in thought. This seemed understandable considering that Panic Discord could affect what they could assume to be many. Last night was a wave that as far as they knew were affected the fangs only until one from another race comes forth, for now would be only him who was already asleep. So for now it was exactly as Ana said. Theories. "Maybe there is a way to anticipate it...."
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana nodded as they pulled up to the manor and Cora got out. “If you would follow me, we can see if we can help the gatekeeper…”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Damien followed them out of the car and held it ope for Ana and Dante till they were out and shut the door, following them inside. Occasionally sniffing different areas for anything that would seem off from they last visited yesterday.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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They walked into the office and saw the Gatekeeper laying on the couch by his desk. The maid was there tending to him and she looked Jo and said “oh thank goodness Purple Witch…” Ana looked down a moment and said “leave us for now…”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Watching when the staff leaves to look to the closed door, then to Ana and Dante. He looks around and observes how the duo operates.

Damien though had no idea what he could do to help. So to see what they do and how they go about it is enough to see what he could do to contribute.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana moved over to the Gatekeeper and checked him over. Dante stood behind the couch and said “is he in pain?” She nodded and said “yes…I’ll have to do something fast and flashy…” she pulled the grimoire free of its case on her hip and the book flashed purple and silver. She snapped her figures and suddenly her form was wrapped in purple flames. She appeared out of them wearing purple cloak and some kind of uniform under it, not normal military clothing. She opened the book and said “the curse on him is trying to take his name but his fighting it. So I must secure his name quickly”

She flipped the pages and there was a flash of light as the purple aura floated around the Gatekeeper. Ana smiled softly and said “what a fitting name…a name of such honor must be kept safe…” she snapped her fingers again and the purple aura became chains of light wrapping around the Gatekeepers core. A lot of power was put out doing this and Dante muttered “beautiful…”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Flashy huh? He wondered as he watched Ana at work. Leaning against the closest bookcase, Damien watched as flames consumed her to reveal the purple cloak and a uniform. He was in absolute awe of the change that she went through. To watch her work was an astonishing sight to see. Watching the aura around the gate keeper became chains to protect. Dante was right when he said Beautiful. The grace and power Ana was emitting was commanding and demanded respect. His wolf noticed this and sat within his mind as he waited for any order she would give.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Dante said softly to Damien “she’s locking his name into his core…keeping it so in future his name can’t be taken by force. She’s done that with the other two cursed ones…not sure if can do it to a lot of people without cause…”

Ana waved her hands again and the chains flashed and faded into wisps as she muttered “now he is safe…his true name secured and his free of this nasty curse…” the light faded as the man groaned and opened his eyes. “Lady…Shade…what’s…happening…” Ana smiled and her clothes faded back to her normal ones, seeming the change was a spell itself. “Everything is alright now sir…it’s safe…now…” she stumbled backwards, holding her head.
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