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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Damien looked at the poster as he took it, curious. "Night of the Blood Moon?" He asks. "I'm guessing it's a gathering of sorts?"
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana nodded as they started walking “yes it’s the ball of the season. A huge party to celebrate the end of the war…it’s perfect. Just need to find the right attair for the event…”

Dante looked down and said “she’s right…formal attire is needed for this kind of thing…”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Damien nods in agreement. "Seems I'm going to need a crash course on Vampire etiquette while we're at it. When if it?" He asks while looking at the poster to find the date and time. Question was where could they find such attire and how much he was going to need to change to not embarrass Ana.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante said “this one is straight forward. Not too much different from the parties thrown in the human realm. Just remember to bow when introducing yourself to another vampire and don’t look into their eyes until they bow back.” Ana paused at a lonely looking clothing story and her eyes glowed a bit.

“I think I have found the place. Let’s go” she jumped up the steps and Dante looked around. “Ana this can’t be the best place? I mean, we should at least get to downtown” Ana shook her head and opened the door “no, I feel this is the place. Fate brought us here”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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"I see." He feels he should jot this down but figured to ingrained it into his brain to not forget. Upon stopping was when he halted and looked where Ana was looking to see a clothing store, though wondered what the fuss was about so looking to Dante, he shrugs as Ana go inside and soon he follows to inspect the place.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante groaned and followed saying “we have to get your image back my lady…that means building it up. We can’t just go anywhere” Ana was looking around and said “this the place to do that. This is where we will find our next fated path…hello? Is anyone here?”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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"Buongiorno miei cari! Welcome to the Garden." A sweet female voice came from another room in Italian. On the other side of the store come a woman who looks to be in her thirties but obviously older for a vampire. She is wearing a Scarlet puff sleeved shirt with with a black corset and black slacks that hugs her form to show off her physique with red knee-high boots to match. A pin cushion attached to her wrist. Her red wine long hair in a half bun while the rest is to her shoulder.

The woman bows to them as men would, an arm over the stomach as she bows her head. "Let me introduce myself, my name is Cristina Rosalona da Firenze. Please call me Cristina."

Damien bows his head, matching Cristina in formality. "Damien Malcolm of Clan Malcolm."

Translation: Italian
buongiorno miei cari: Good morning my dears
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante returned the bow and said “Dante Vale my lady. A pleasure” Ana did a different kind of bow, both hands clasped together as she bowed. “Ana Shade…greetings. Are you open right now? We are in need of outfits for the ball tonight…”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Cristina raised her head and smiles warmly toward the trio. "Oh you speak of the Night of the Blood Moon? Why of course Signora Shade is there a preferred color scheme you prefer? A design?" She asks them. Clasping her hands together infront of her with grace.

Damien was not sure himself. He hadn't had to dress for such events. But maybe if he seeing what the designer had, he could find something fitting. "May I see what you may have for suits? I have not been to an event such as this."

Cristina seemed to brighten at the question. "Why of course. I have some pre-made I can adjust to your physique no problem. Right over to the right mio caro" She then looks to the others as Damien goes to where she instructs.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante said “I’ll go look with ya, don’t have anything with us that will work for this” he walked over and said “super fancy event…I think it’s a mascaraed ball…” he started looking thru the suits.

Ana smiled and said “well anything purple and silver will work for me. I’m not picky”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Almost crossing her arms, bringing her a finger to her chin as she looked at Ana in thought. Running through what she had and the color scheme that Ana was requesting, something gave Cristina and idea while her face brightened up. "I think I have the perfect dress." She take Ana by the hands and guides her toward the dresses where she has quite the variety in colors.

Once they stop at the many of dresses, Cristina let's go of Ana's hands and pulls out a dress that is purple and silver. She holds it up for her to see. "How about this one Signora?" She asks her hoping this purple and silver gown was what she was looking for.

In the mean time Damien was looking at the suits with Dante. His eye catching the blue and black suits. "Super fancy huh?" He hums at the thought as he looks at a few. Feeling a little uncomfortable though trying to take all this in stride.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana gasped when her hand was taken and pulled her back. But she smiled and walked with her. She looked at the other dresses and then saw the one before her. She paused and then smiled softly. “It’s perfect…it reminds me of mine from so long ago…” she touched the fabric and asked “does it come with a mask?”

Dante found a blood red suit with gold details and said “ah here we go…hey what about this” he pulled out a suit dark blue with silver details and a moon sewn into the pockets.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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"Not right away. However have some that could match it. If you'd like I can help you try this on and then we can see what masks I have that would work with the dress." She then looks over at the men as they are looking through thr suits Cristina has. Damien seeing the suit he has in his hand and smiles. "It looks sharp. I think I'll try it on. How about you?" He asks Dante of the outfit he found for himself.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante held out a black and red suit and said “I think I found one that is perfect. Funny thing is I sense magic in the sewing…interesting”

Ana nodded and took the dress and went to change, a smile on her lips. After a few moments she came out in the gown and moved to show the shop keeper and said “well? How do I look?”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Hearing the red and black suit had magic in the sewing made Damien curious. "Oh? I didn't know that could be done."

While she had gone to change, Cristina grabbed some masks within the color scheme of her dress. When she came back, she gasped with glee to see how stunning the dress looked. "Molto bello! Now for the final touch. The mask." She sets a tray on the counter nearby for her to see. "While you check the masks, I will check the dress for any adjustments. Does it feel tight or too loose?" She asks.

Translation: Italian
Molto bello: Very Beautiful!
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante nodded and moved to Damien’s suit and said “so does this one. Very interesting. I’ll have to ask the shop keeper about it. Better try that on mate”

Ana looked down and said “no it feels just right. Is there a way I can hook my book holder onto it some how?” She looked at the masks. Then she picked up the silver and purple one (the first one) and said “this is perfect…”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Damien nods before going to try it on in one of the rooms to change.

Cristina smiles, happy to see Ana find the perfect dress and mask. She looks back to the two men before seeing Damien walk in the changing room. She looks back to the masks before putting them away. "It looks like they found a suit they might enjoy."
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Ana smiled as Dante went to change. When Dante came out he was fixing the collar and said “my lady you are an artist. How do you do it? And how do you add magic into the stitching?”
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Seeing the suit that Dante had chosen to try on, Cristina smiled with glee on the compliment and his deduction of the magic in the threads. "Good of you to notice. It serves two functions. One: it helps adjust to thr wearer. Though I still have to make sure the threads are holding and keep it to the size estimate of the wearer. Two, makes the clothing a little more durable and flexible. That way it'd more free to move in and should something happen like a small snag, it is not as easy to rip and tear. But bigger snags and cuts can still be done." Cristina says feeling rather proud of her discovery and work. "I am still testing the enchantments and of properties I can do but so far this is a good start to my expertise."

Damien comes out of the changing room, but without the tie being done. But formfitting and nicely snug. "That's is quite the feat! He says with a smile. "How is this? It looks good I think but need a second opinion." He asks before looking up to see Dante and Ana. The suit looks rather dashing on Dante. He almost felt a little under dressed but hoped he had the accessories adjusted right. But his eyes looked to Ana and was in awe of her dress. It fit her perfectly. He almost thought she was fae and not vampire.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Dante nodded to Damien and said “it looks perfect, my Lupin brother. You’ll be a hit at the ball” Ana walked over and moved to fix his tie up and said softly “you looking very handsome Damien…very dashing”

Ana stepped back and looked at the seamstress. “I think we are all set to go thanks to you. What do we owe for your pieces of art?”

Dante was looking at his face and muttered “we need a clean up too…Ana needs her hair done. Will have to figure that out on the way…”
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