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Hidden 22 days ago Post by Jazz
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Damien follows bowing his head to the two before leaving with Dante, heading toward the salon.

"Oh? Maybe you can ask him while your at the ball tonight? It would be a better time than any. See how he feels. Solve the mystery that is this Acquaintance friend of yours. But don't solve him all at once. Solve him little by little." Qwen backs away with a wink. She then gets back to work, applying a rosey lipstick color to her lips. Once done she moves herself out of the way and let's Ana look in the mirror. "If you want anything to change let me know." She tells her with a smile.
Hidden 22 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana looked at herself and she was stunned. She wasn’t sure it was even her in the mirror. “Whoa…you did…I don’t even look like myself…” the doors opened and the boys walked in.

Dante whistled and said “my lady look at you”
Hidden 22 days ago Post by Jazz
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Qwen looks Ana curious till two men walked in the door. With what he said, she could tell they were Ana's escorts to the ball. She looks to them with a smile. "My my, I see who your escorts are now. Very handsome you both are."

Damien came into the Salon to see Ana and new look she had and was in awe. He smiles fondly. "You look beautiful, Lady Ana."
Hidden 21 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana blushed brightly at his words and smiled. “Thank you…you both look very handsome. I believe we are all ready for the ball”
Dante nodded and moved to Qwen and asked “how much for your work of art my lady? You did amazing work”
Hidden 21 days ago Post by Jazz
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"Thank you. It'll be 40. I'm so glad I got to work on such a lovely face." Qwen says as she walks up to Dante. Damien meanwhile looked away as he blushed. "Thank you." Deciding to wait near the door for when Ana and Dante were ready.

When Quen was paid, she waved to them when they took their leave. "Have fun at the ball!"
Hidden 21 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana left a book mark on the table as they three left and Dante said “now we are ready. Shall we get going?” Ana nodded and said “the palace is south from here…”
Hidden 20 days ago Post by Jazz
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Following Dante and Ana, watching their surroundings with hands in his pockets. He compared the two worlds while they walked. The differences and similarities. He found the steampunk world fascinating.
Hidden 20 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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They walked around the corner and saw the huge party already starting. The lights were lit down the Main Street as it all aimed at the huge palace at the center of the city. Dante said “seems we are right on time. Just be careful…we don’t know who is going to happy to see us or want us dead”

Ana nodded and said softly “we haven’t been sure if the Discord has followers of the courts or not…”
Hidden 20 days ago Post by Jazz
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To see the lights on Main Street lit and the huge palace ahead. This world made him cautious but curious. Now it was like stepping into the heart of a lair so to speak. So he stayed close to Dante and Ana walking behind them. It seemed only natural to do so.
Hidden 20 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante was trying to fix his tie and Ana said “do you think your brother will be here?” Dante nodded and said “most likely…I really hope we don’t run into him…I don’t want to get that kind of attention on you…” Ana looked at Damien and said “Dante is part of the royal blood lines of the court, but his the youngest. His older brother is Duke Vale. A higher ranking one. But they haven’t spoken since the war…it wasn’t a good parting…” Ana looked guilty but Dante said “don’t take blame at all my lady. I wanted to go with you. Brother should have kept his mouth shut…”
Hidden 20 days ago Post by Jazz
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Looking between the two as they talked about Dante's brother, Damien was was unsure if wanted to meet this Duke Vale or not. It was always better to see with his own eyes but this one sounded like a dick. "Sounds.....complicated...." unsure himself but what else could he say in this situation.
Hidden 20 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante nodded and said “I was young…well younger. I didn’t like being told what to do…I was a jerk to him. But he wasn’t polite either with what he called Ana…” Ana said softly “he was upset, it’s not his fault. He thought I had bewitched you…” they made it to the stairs and Ana took a deep breathing. “Everyone ready?”
Hidden 20 days ago Post by Jazz
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To say that Damien was confused was almost an understatement considering he looked as lost as a puppy. He didn't know if Dante's brother seemed like a drama laama or if he was missing something entirely. Either way he shook his head and left it at that when they got to the stairs. Damien nods though clearly nervous since he realized they were at the stair to the palace and not on Main Street anymore.

"As ready as I'll ever be."
Hidden 20 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante went up to the two guards at the door and said “presenting Lady Ana Shade and Dante Vale with their companion Damien…” he paused and looked back at Damien. “What is your last name again?”

Ana smiled and giggled a little.
Hidden 20 days ago Post by Jazz
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Damien too found it amusing that Dante didn't remember his last name but that was okay. "Malcolm of Clan Malcolm."
Hidden 20 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante nodded and the guard nodded and opened the doors. The other guard said “the intro has already started so you can go right on in. It’s an honor to see you Purple Witch” Ana smiled and bowed her head and they all headed inside. The room was huge and gorgeous. Copper and gold all around and huge ceilings. Art all over and Dante said “it’s been a while…”

He looked back and said “Damien, take Ana’s arm. You’re her escort. That will keep questions off of you”
Hidden 20 days ago Post by Jazz
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Damien could feel a knot in his stomach when they entered the huge room. This almost felt his senses were on overload. The music, the bright colors, new scents and sounds. He had to breathe for a moment to calm his senses and his wolf that bristled nervously. He was technically still learning to reign everything in.

Dante brought him back and grounded him with a task to fulfill. To escort, he could do. It would keep his focused and grounded. With a nod, Damien his arm up and hooked, ready for Ana to accept. "May I have the honor of being your escort this evening?" He asks her.
Hidden 20 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana smiled and took his arm, her eyes shifting to gold to check on his wolf side. She said softly “just focus on my scent if you get overwhelmed at all.” They walked down the stair case and the other guests looked up and saw them come in. Soft whispers started up and staring at the two fangs as they came down the case.

In the middle of the huge room, a taller red headed fang with one eye covered with a cloth looked up and saw them, his eyes glowing red. Dante swallowed and he muttered “Alexios…his eye never healed…”
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Jazz
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Damien nods to Ana, smiling at her offer and advise. The descent seemed to alright though noticing the whispers and stares. This. This he could ignore and while breathing helped since he could smell Ana next to him which brought a comfort considering she was someone he was familiar with.

He brought his attention to Dante. "You okay?" He asks him.
Hidden 19 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante said softly “I’m not sure…this might go badly for me…” they made it to the main floor and the crowd went back to the party but Alexios walked towards them. Ana stepped forward and bowed her head. “Duke Vale…it’s been a while” Alexios nodded and said “indeed Purple witch. Welcome home. Brother” Dante stepped up and bowed his head “hello brother…”

Alexios moved and rested a hand on Dante’s bowed head. “It’s good to see you little brother…I’m glad you’re safe” Dante looked up and blinked. Alexios looked at Damien and held out his hand. “Duke Alexios Vale. And who might you be?”
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