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Hidden 19 days ago Post by Jazz
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Damien wasn't sure how to respond as he noticed someone come toward them as they stopped. He too bowed his head with them though tried to watch the interactions. Seeing no threat made. He raised his head as he looked to a hand was extended to him and shook it firmly. "Damien Malcolm." Introducing himself.
Hidden 19 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Alexios’s eye raised and said “of the Malcom pack? Interesting…my lady you do like to pick up interning lost creatures don’t you”

Ana cleared her throat and said “his my escort. Bodyguard. Can’t be too careful these nights can we?”

Alexios nodded and moved to Dante. “Maybe we will talk later…see what your plans for the future are. Have fun” he walked away and Dante seemed to pale after he was gone.

Ana sighed and said “alright let’s get to work shall we? We need to see if” but she was cut off by the starting of music and people moving to start dancing. Dante said “well that helps with mingling…Damien? Don’t leave her alone. Every suitor is watching her right now”
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Jazz
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Damien kept his form and features neutral, should his expressions betray him. He was no lost creature. Glad that Ana corrected him.

He looked to the direction of the music playing before looking to Dante when he called his name. Suitors? Confused by what he was talking about. But if he was suppose to make sure they do nothing shady and unwarranted, he would see it through. He remembers how that went for him but the women trying to show they suitable mates by power and influence. It was a miserable affair. Especially when he was meant to display his power and worthiness. Never again.

"I will not leave her side." He tells him as his attention was on Ana. "What were you saying, my Lady?" He asks. More for appearances sake.
Hidden 18 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana moved closer and said “we need to find more of the higher court members and see what has been happening. I want to see if there are more cursed ones plain sight”

Dante nodded and said “I’ll go find the ones I know. Gather what I can”
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Jazz
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Damien nods to Dante looking to Ana. "So where are going in the meantime?" Damien asks her.
Hidden 18 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana nodded onto the floor and said “we mingle and see who comes up to us. Best way to not look like we are hunting”
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Jazz
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"Ah. Okay." Damien concedes to their plan. It was not long when a couple came up to them. A young woman with dark navy blue long hair, her dress a navy blue with silver embedded. With her is a brunette male a good half foot taller than her wearing a black and bronze suit. They both stop infront of Ana and Damien. "Welcome to the Blood Moon Ball. My name is Alexandria Dracul." She curtsied. "And I and Vincent Cole." He introduced with a bow.

Damien was surprised by them that he almost forgot to bow till now. "Damien Malcolm." Introducing himself.

Hidden 18 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana blinked at them, their scents hitting her nose and her memory triggering. She recognized them but couldn’t place it. She bowed as well and said “Lady Anastasia Shade. Thank you for greeting us. We seem to be getting the stares more then anything”

Dante was walking the room, chatting lightly but not picking up anything yet.
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Jazz
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The duo raised their head after Anastasia's introduction as they smiled at her. "It's not everyday that the Purple Witch mingles with the court. Especially with a member of the Malcolm Clan. If anything it's a sight to behold." She explains to them like she was happy to see her.

Damien internally sighed as he realized it seemed his family was well known here. Guessing by those who fought within the war but that was it. Seemed he would have to put up with attention for now.

"It is a complement from us to be sure. Others may no see it that way, however we admit it has been sometime since we last met, my Lady." Vincent explains further.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana looked at him and said “I thought you both seemed familiar. We met on the battle field yes? You were part of my partners team, Dante vale? You were part of the team that came to rescue him?”
Hidden 17 days ago Post by Jazz
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Alexandria's calm changed to that of joy and and excitement when hearing Dante's name, but it was Vincent who spoke up so that her composure could be fixed. "Indeed. It is good to see you again Lady Shade. I am sure you are fairing well since?"

Alexandria regains her composure as she flicks a fan open and brings it to her face to hide half her face while she closes her eyes. "I assume Dante has gone to mingle?" She asks before looking to Damien. "I thank you for being Lady Shade's escort Mr. Malcolm. Even I can feel the prying eyes of the suitors and other unsavory men that now seem hesitant on approaching." Opening her eyes and lowers her fan a little to show a smile. Damien can only seem to nod to Alexandria.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana nodded and said “he is here somewhere. As far from his brother as he can get. Damien has been a true hero for us these last few days…” she smiled at Damien then paused as her ears picked up Dante’s voice.

“You don’t say…they have been missing for three days? No word at all?” Ana turned and said “Damien, can you spot Dante? His using our signal. He must be touching his shadow so I can hear him”

Dante was across the room by the bar, talking with a young man.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by Jazz
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Vincent and Alexandria nodded in unison, understanding how complicated of a relationship the Vale brothers had as far as they were aware from the intelligence they had.

Damien seemed to have perked up and followed the sound of Dante's voice. Looking around he could then see Dante and nodded his head toward Dante. "There. At the bar. Talking with a young man."

Alexandria looked to where Damien nodded toward. "Is something the matter?" She asks Ana curiously.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana said “I’m not sure…I’ll be just a moment. You can follow if you wish” she walked over and appeared behind Dante. Dante turned and said “speak of the Impaler, my lady Shade. I think this young man has something for us”

Ana moved to see the young man, looking about thirteen. She smiled and said “why don’t you tell me of your lost loved one?” He nodded and said “I am Aaron Claud…my father is a lower Duke. But my fear is my brother. He is a right hand of one of the fangs. And he hasn’t been seen for days now. He left the house three days ago to handle a matter for the Thorn Fang and he has vanished. The Fang has been looking for him as well, his getting worried…I fear the worst…”

Dante looked back to see the others gathered and said softly “the Thorn Fang is one of those we know is working on the Cursed one problem…but his not here yet. Something is up”
Hidden 17 days ago Post by Jazz
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Alexandria looked to Vincent before looking back to Ana before following, curious as to what was going on. Damien followed close to Ana when she walked away almost a few steps behind her.

As things were explained and Dante adding more information, Damien's face neutral and calculating. "Three days pending circumstances is still enough time for scents to linger. Not as strong but strong enough still to track." He explains assuming they would find this boys brother.

Vincent and Alexandria listened to the boys story of events. She went over to the boy and smiles sadly, while having placed a hand on his shoulder. Sweet one, would there anything of his you are willing to part with momentarily so we may use it to find him?" She asks. "
Hidden 17 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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He looked up and nodded, going into his pocket and pulling out a pocket watch. “I hope metal is okay…” Ana took it to hand to Damien but stopped when the scent hit her nose. Then she turned and her eyes flashed gold.

Dante saw this and asked “Ana?” Ana looked around closely and said “I smell him here…and I smell a cursed one”
Hidden 17 days ago Post by Jazz
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Alexandria smiles as she sees such a precious trinket. Damien takes the pocket watch with care and sniffs the pocket watch to commit the scent to memory.

Alexandria held out her hand to Damien who seemed confused by the appendage but then handed the watch to her, his eyes too became gold. She also smelled the watch before handing the watch back to the boy with a sweet smile on her face. "We will bring him back to you, dear Aaron." She says before giving her attention to Dante. "I shall leave Vincent with you. I must see to something." Vincent bows to his Lady, knowing what she was up to.

Damien looks to Ana. "Shall we investigate?" He asks.
Hidden 16 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Ana was looking around closely and said “someone get high and someone find a wide edge…his here and he doesn’t smell right…”

Dante said “I’ll hit the upper level. If you hear anything off give a signal” he left as well and Ana looked at the two men. “We need to find him. I have a bad feeling”
Hidden 16 days ago Post by Jazz
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Vincent looked to Dante. "I'll go with you." He looked to Ana to bow to her before leaving after Dante had to follow after him.

Damien sniffed the air to look in the direction of the scent. "Considering we just got here, I do too."

Within the crowd a navy blue cat made her way through the crowd as she followed the scent the watch had and all the while watching out for anyone suspicious.
Hidden 16 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Dante nodded and the pair headed to the stairs and made it up higher to get a better look around. Dante paused to look and muttered “come on…show us before something and happens for once…”

Ana looked towards the back of the room and said “I have it towards the back…where the stage is…” she started her way there, her book glowing next to her dress.
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