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Hidden 26 days ago Post by Jazz
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Vincent paused as he saw the Duke's signs and listened. Giving a deep nod in thanks goes where he was told to go. Managing to open the door, he closes it with his body. Vincent sets Dante on the sofa.

The Werewolf held his ground, his head turned enough to look at her. "And what do you think will happen when you go after them? This is most likely a trap set for you. To go in blindly and lose before we could assist you." He reasoned. He did not budge, but his body showed his frustration in the decision to be made.
Hidden 26 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante was breathing weakly but tried to sit up with the little strength he had. He said weakly “brother…I can’t leave…him alone…again…” he gasped at his head and almost fell forward, sweat pouring down his face.

Ana was breathing hard but stopped and listened to him. Then she stepped back, shaking but closed her eyes. “You’re right…I’m sorry I lost my head for a moment…” she looked at them both and asked “are you both alright? We need to go help the others. I have to stop the song…” the song was now playing in the room and they could all hear it. Ana flinched, moving to hold her ears.
Hidden 25 days ago Post by Jazz
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Vincent kneeled before Dante as he grabbed Dante's shoulders to keep him upright. He then carefully maneuvered Dante carefully to lay on the sofa. "The Duke is alright. He wants you safe." Vincent explains. He takes his hankerchief from his pocket to wipe away the sweat.

Alexandria nods weakly, not sure how else to respond when she was in such shock from Panic Discord's sudden assault on her and Damien. It unnerved her.

Damien nods and he turns to look at both Alexandria and Ana. Hearing the music annoyed Damien's ears as they flattened against his head. He could see as Ana was holding her ears and as well as Alexandria. "We'll need to get this done fast." He lowers his form to being on all fours. "Hop on. If you give me directions back to the ballroom. We may find it there somewhere."
Hidden 25 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante panted but looked at Vincent, his eyes out of focus. “He…said that? I don’t think…I thought he was…” he flinched and held his head. “What’s…happening…in the ballroom…did Ana…get there yet…”

Ana nodded and moved to jump on, pulling Alex with her and said softly “it’s alright. I’ll explain later what’s happening” then they took off at a run, Ana holding onto his fur with one hand the other flipping thru the book. “I think there’s a spell in here for something like this…”
Hidden 25 days ago Post by Jazz
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"I'm sure she is getting there. Just try and take it easy. I will check in with Ana." Vincent assures him as he shifts to sit down. He then tries to reach out to Ana. 'Ana? Can you hear me?'
Hidden 25 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana heard him and thought yes I can. Is Dante safe? We are heading to the ballroom now

Just then they burst into the ballroom to the bloodied chaos. Ana jumped down as the guards were fighting to keep those cursed under control and Ana said “it think it’s time for the doctor to get to work” she clapped her hands and her books flashed purple and silver and the magic flashed over the room, stars and lights wrapping around the cursed one.

Ana looked at her book and said “I see…these poor souls are affected by the song for their blood weakness…poor dears…well let’s fix that!” She waved her hands and the magic flashed brighter.
Hidden 24 days ago Post by Jazz
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'He is. He was worried about you. Be careful when you enter the ball room. There were two individuals whos minds i could not hear. If they are still there at the bar, apprehend them.' Vincent tells her as then gives her an image he had seen at the bar then, last he looked after he reached his mind out.

Damien skid to a stop behind Ana when she got off. Alexandria stayed on Damien's back. "What can we do?" Alexandria asked om behalf of her and Damien.
Hidden 24 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ana said as she worked her spell “there are two who Vincent said aren’t like the others…find them fast. I don’t think they left…” she was working the spell now as one of the mind locked ones was hidden, aiming a gun at Ana.
Hidden 22 days ago Post by Jazz
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Alexandria nodded and shifts into a hawk to look for the ones they are looking for as she takes to the air. Damien stands with Ana to protect her from any who come near her.

Searching through the crowd with a birds eye view, noticing the glint of a gun. Seeing the line of sight the gun was aiming, Alexandria noticed that they were going to shoot Ana. Seeing Damien with Ana, she made a shrill chwrick to attract Damien's attention hoping he could understand her and her warning.

Damien heard the cry and looks to the warning he heard from the hawk Alexandria and looked around to find the glint of something shiny. It was then that he noticed it was a gun and got in the way facing the assailant when the shot rang out.
Hidden 22 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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The one fired and the shot hit Damien dead on. But then thorns shout out and vines wrapped around the shooter and the other who was about to attack Ana from the other side of the room. A older man stood at the doorway and had his hand up controlling the plants. Ana turned and said “Lord Grant…” then she saw Damien go down and called “Damien!” But she couldn’t move till the spell was finished.

Dante gasped as the spell stopped the pain and music playing. He groaned, sitting up and tried to get up but stumbled and landed on his knees, his vision spinning and his head killing him.
Hidden 22 days ago Post by Jazz
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Damien felt the wrenching pain bloom from his abdomen as it took him a moment to realize that he had indeed been shot. But glad to know that Ana was not interrupted and safe. Damien felt his strength leave him as he collapsed to the floor as he closed his eyes.

Hearing his name jolted his senses and wolf as his eyes shot open. Though his eyes were not focused and instinctual, slowly and shakily his body rose. From kneeling to standing, Damien felt the sense of danger still. His form moving to stay near Ana.

Vincent stood on guard to watching over the room. Hearing Dante stirr brought his attention to him as he noticed him trying to get up and stumble and fall to his knees. "Dante!" Rushing to his friend and kneels beside him to help back to sitting on the sofa. "Does this mean the music is over?" He asks.
Hidden 22 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Dante nodded weakly and said “yes but…I sense danger…Ana…the threat is still there…” he was fighting to stay awake, leaning on Vincent.

The spell finished and those affected fell out cold to the ground. Lord Grant looked around and said “Duke Vale? Seems I missed a lot when my carriage was attacked.”

Ana looked around, breathing hard as using all the magic she had was draining. She moved to check on Damien when a shot rang out and pain hit her back. She gasped, stumbling forward as white hot pain burst thru her. She fell to her knees as she heard voices around her crying her name but it sounded like her ears were full of cotton. The book fell from her hands next to her as she fell forward.
Hidden 21 days ago Post by Jazz
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Vincent nods though sits with Dante, letting him lean on him for support. "Then I shall check." Just as he opens his mind he flinches as he holds his head, the sudden cry and the more voices he could hear without warning, calling out for Ana before he suddenly felt rage. Pure, raw rage. Vincent's nose starting to bleed by the sudden assault on his mind.

Damien suddenly turned to the sound and it's direction. A Feral growl from his throat as looks at the assailant with the smell of gun powder. His prey in sight, a howl of the hunt sounded as well as the pain of his pack hurt and wounded. He moved like a wild animal to protect his pack from further harm. His prey would not escape despite his own wound.
Hidden 21 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Dante smelled the blood and he looked up, seeing the pain on his face. Then the pain hit Dante, and he went white. His worst nightmare.

Ana…she’s been hit…I can feel it…no…I have to help her…she needs me…

Dante tried to stand, his eyes dull as he said “Ana…I have to…she needs me…”

The Lord and Duke saw Ana fall and Grant yelled “Lady Ana!” Ana felt like she was falling but never landing. The pain was so intense. It had been a long time since she had felt pain like this.

The lone figure dropped the gun and tried to run but the book suddenly flashed and shadows shot out, grabbing him and slamming to the ground. Holding him here for the witch’s wolf to carry out revenge.
Hidden 21 days ago Post by Jazz
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Vincent felt the shift from his side to hear Dante. "No. Dante. You can't in your state. It seems the lycan will have his prey for what happened...he stands and tries sit Dante back down. "Give me a moment. I'll get us to the Ballroom. I need to recollect myself." Getting himself together be helps Dante as his crutch to get him to the ballroom.

The hawk screeched as she swooped down and shifted, her feet touched the floor with a soft tap and ran to Ana. "Miss Ana!" She turns to the guards. "We need a medic, now!" She orders, her mind switching back to the militant mindset.

The wolf launged himself at the lone figure on the ground. His instincts to tear the prey apart. So he went for their throat, to shake a tear till they were lifeless in his jaw.
Hidden 21 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Dante held him up but his eyes weren’t holding their normal light. “We have to…Ana…she’s not answering…she’s not not okay…” he walked them out the door and too the ball room.

Ana fell into female fangs arms, her back covered in blood and her eyes half open. She felt cold and weak. What was happening? She couldn’t move.

The guards nodded and ran to get up, the Duke Vale running over and knelt down. “Where was she hit? We have to stop that bleeding”

The fallen one yelled as the wolf attacked him, being the last sound he made before his neck being snapped. The last goon was still trapped in the vines of the Lord who stood above them on the door steps.
Hidden 21 days ago Post by Jazz
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Vincent walked down the hallway, following it to the ballroom as he had noticed that Dante didn't look himself. He wondered what was going on especially when he said that Ana wasn't answering.

Alex was applying pressure the best she could with Ana in her arms. She looked to Duke Vale. "She was shot in the back. I've applied some pressure but it's hard to at this angle." She informed him as she searched the front of Ana to see if the bullet went clean through or still within her body.

Damien felt the snap of fallen one's neck and let go of their neck like he was no longer interested as their head dropped with a thunk like splash of their blood on the floor. He sniffs the air before locking on to his next target who was trapped in vines. Stalking on all fours toward his next prey.
Hidden 21 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Vale ran over and helped hold Ana up and looked at the wound closely. “I don’t see an exit wound. We will need to get the round out. Lord Grant!” The Lord ran down and moved to them, seeing the damage. He waved his hand slowly as a thin vine came from the dukes breast pocket and started to go into the wound. As it did Ana gasped in pain and fought to move away from what was causing more pain.

Dante looked around weakly and saw Ana on the ground. “Ana…no…”

The other fang in the vines tried to pull free and yelled “keep that monster away from me! I serve the Panic Discord!”
Hidden 21 days ago Post by Jazz
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Hearing her cries of pain, the wolf turns his head in the direction of Ana and the trio trying to help her. He doesn't see it that way though. Growling at the trio, he stalks after them till he decides to charge at them.

Vincent saw the scene before them when they entered the ballroom. He noticed lycan who was going after the trio. " Mr. DAMIEN! NO!" Vincent shouts with a panicked voice!

Alex trying to hold Ana down as she hears Vincent and looks up and panics. "Damien!" But he wasn't listening.
Hidden 21 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Dante’s eyes cleared when he heard Ana then saw his own brother move in the way of Damien. “His still in his beast mind set! Get her out of harms way”

But suddenly Dante was gone. He appeared in front of Damien and caught him, his own strength hitting its limit. But he held the wolf back best he could.

“Damien snap out of it! Ana needs you right now! She needs medical attention! And you have to calm down so the lord can get the bullet out before it does more damage!”

Dante panted, his mind a foggy mess but he held onto Damien the best he could.

Grant was still working on Ana, slowly pulling the bullet free. “Don’t let her move for a moment…I almost have it out…” Ana sobbed a little, leaning on Alex. She said weakly “are…Damien…and Dante…alright?”
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