Hidden 4 days ago Post by illirica
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago


I'm new here on the site, but I've been doing forum-based roleplays for a long time. I love writing with other creative people - especially because while I really enjoy character building and plot development, I tend to struggle with worldbuilding - so it's really awesome when other people let me come play in their sandboxes.

I'm currently also an active member of a couple other RP forums, and while I really love all my friends there, a lot of them are moving on to new parts of their lives and having less time for writing. I'm happy for them, but also looking for another bonus forum where I can do some more writing in addition, because I really can be a bit feral.

I like fantasy, sci-fi, supernatural, superheroes, and pretty much anything that's not real-world. I prefer more free-form RP as opposed to dice-based gaming. I've done play-by-post DND before and it's fine but not really my vibe. I'm generally pretty amenable to joining things, though, so if you're looking for someone to join a thing and hit me up, I can promise I'll at least take a look.

I'll probably join in on the discord as well, but I look forward to getting to know people and getting involved!
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Hey there, welcome to RPG! The majority of RPs on the site are freeform so no worries there. If you're looking to join a group RP, just mind the "apply" or "jump in" tags. Otherwise the one on one section is probably the most active.

Enjoy your stay!
Hidden 2 days ago Post by illirica
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Thank you! It seems like it's all pretty straightforward.

One question I do have - is there a BBCode list somewhere that would let me know what codes are enabled on this site and what syntaxes work here? There's a lot of variation from site to site, and it's nice to be able to check a list and see what's going to work rather than just freehanding it and wondering if it's broken because that's not how code works here or it's broken because I forgot to close a tag somewhere.
Hidden 2 days ago 2 days ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

One question I do have - is there a BBCode list somewhere that would let me know what codes are enabled on this site and what syntaxes work here? There's a lot of variation from site to site, and it's nice to be able to check a list and see what's going to work rather than just freehanding it and wondering if it's broken because that's not how code works here or it's broken because I forgot to close a tag somewhere.

Yes there is! If you are in a thread or PM and scroll all the way down down, there should be a "Formatting Cheatsheet" you can open with the toggle button next to it. It has almost everything accepted on this forum. Some things that I think aren't mentioned on it are using [youtube][/youtube] to embed videos... and some of the things mentioned in Roach's bb guides. Oh, and I think the "code" I just used (for showing bbcode) probably isn't on the cheatsheet either.
Hidden 1 day ago Post by illirica
Avatar of illirica


Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Oh, perfect, thank you so much.
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