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Oh, this looks fun, I'd like to join! Is a visual reference a requirement or is a physical description okay? I prefer to use just a description given the issues with art appropriation and AI generation, as well as the fact that I can never really find something that feels exactly right and I certainly cannot draw.
The setting sounds really interesting. Is this going to be stats/dice based, or purely text?
Headquarters, Ghost Corporation
Ivy Tenebra

"Thank you, Mr. Solen." Ivy smoothed a restless eyebrow that had raised only a fraction, stilling her features back into careful neutrality. General Solen, she supposed, but the military titles had never seemed to stick - or, rather, she had never cared about them enough for them to stick. She was hardly a soldier, so she supposed it mattered very little - or perhaps it mattered quite a lot, but not to her.

Her smile was distant, faint, and cordial, reflecting her feelings entirely - or, rather, her lack of them. Ivy had worked for Umbra Corporation for five years, after all. She knew how necessary it was to be able to maintain self-control when working with the Abyssal. The things they did - the things she had done - they left an imprint. It wasn't just the test subjects that attracted the Wild, if they weren't careful. Everyone around them - doctors, scientists, engineers - were it not for the beacons provided by the test subjects, a number of their handlers would have ended up haunted as well. Umbra Corporation had realized that some time ago, and continuing education on dispassion became required training.

Wren beside her had been on of Umbra's for a time, though she had not known him then. Different pathways - she wondered what sorts of trainings he had undergone. He was quiet, which told her less than Ivy would have liked, but at least he would have some idea of what they might find in this research facility.

Ivy had felt the little thrill of excitement about the idea when General Solen had told them; that had been the reason for the minor quirk of the eyebrow, for only an instant. Places like this could be a trove of resources or information. Perhaps there would be something they could use inside.

If not, at the very least, they could ensure that it was destroyed to the point that Umbra could never return.

Abandoned Facility

The ride to the facility had been quiet, for the most part. Wren seemed disinclined to speech, and the three other soldiers had seemed more focused than anything else. Ivy hadn't prompted conversation, choosing again to make sure her equipment was in working order. Her pack held mostly tools, in case there was something worth repairing or something that could be pried loose and taken back for further study.

Eventually the vehicle came to a halt, and she let the soldiers out first to do their job. She stepped out a moment later, checking the ambient levels on her capacitors to make sure they weren't too high. She wanted to have some energy to work with, but overflow could be a problem if it occurred. Moreover, sudden jumps in the abyssal energy that the devices were absorbing could be indicative that something else nearby was leaking enough abyssal energy to change the absorption rates.

For now, it seemed clear. The door was closed, locked, and ass soon as they drew near, they picked up an outgoing signal that seemed to have been triggered by their arrival.

"I suppose we can expect company." Who or what ended up attracted by the beacon was uncertain, but no doubt if it was being sent out, someone would hear it and wonder what was happening. This wasn't Ivy's preferred outcome. She tamped down on a hint of displeasure before it could blossom. Neutrality was all the more important in the field.

She approached the panel, contemplating it for a moment. A voice whispered something about an access card - one of the soldiers? But the direction wasn't correct. Ivy half-turned, not trying to catch Wren's eye - he would likely be scanning the area, as she was. She set her hand down on the panel, triggering a small amount of energy release into it. Sometimes the abyssal could screw the electronics into doing what Ivy wanted them to - sometimes not. If it didn't work, she was of the opinion that they should blow it open and get on with it. If a signal was already going out, there was no longer any need to be quiet.
<Snipped quote by illirica>

Mimi would be noticable if you looked hard enough yeah, plus you'd hear them speaking if you were close enough!

Okay, great, thank you so much.
@SporkoBug Is Mimi noticeable? I don't want to pull an "Oh hi there" if you want to be sneaky for a bit, but I don't want to just ignore them if they're right there.
It looks wonderful! I'll be posting in as soon as I have a chance - probably tomorrow morning. Looking forward to RPing with everyone!
@Estylwen Awesome, thank you! She's copied over, and I'm looking forward to getting started!

Here's what I've come up with - please let me know if there's anything that I should adjust; I'm always happy to make edits.
@Red Wizard
Oh, I'm so sorry! My mistake, I will edit that right away.
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