Umbra:The Abyssal Connection

Umbra Corp, Secret Facility
@Qia, @Wayward
After a hearty meal provided to them in the armory room, the administrator directed the trio to the showers, separated for girls and boys, where they could rinse off the sweat, fear, and residual chills of the surgery room. New clothes were provided for each, a dark skin suit with insulation that cooled in hot heat, and warmed in cool weather. It also provided some protection against the dust storms in the world they were being sent to.
The administrator only smirked when VV highlighted the strange use of words. Instructing the group to grab the rest of their gear, the administrator and her guards brought VV, A and D to a closed door. A single swipe of an ID card, and the door opened to reveal a small emergency eject pod, equipped with a view that told a million stories.
VV stared at the curvature of the world sprawled out on a ball in front of them, before she side-eyed the administrator.
“Always figured we were underground…”
The administrator only smiled. “This is why we were less worried about your ‘dastardly escapades’. Only so far you can get when you're out in space.”
The administrator clapped her hands together once. “Alright. Everyone single-file into the escape pod, please. We will be sending you down there right away.”
Before she held up a finger, and nodded to the guards standing by her. They approached the trio, before restraining them temporarily. When they were done, a titanium-cased anklet was locked around one of each of their ankles, with no obvious way to take off, and far too tight to remove.
“A tracker, just in case you get any funny ideas about heading off-course. Our space station is equipped with abyssal energy cannons that can and will vaporize you if you stray too far from Ehlm’s spectral woods.
“We will be dropping you at the outskirts of the City of Ehlm. Don't mess this up~!” The administrator said as the door slid shut, and she began to walk away.
Soon enough, the small escape pod began a countdown sequence, and detached from the space station. Slowly, steadily, it began careening towards the planet…

The City of Ehlm, Bears Hideout
“I'm telling you, these streets are bone-dry. drier than the Ehlm riverbed.”
The boys sat around a fire in a half-collapsed building, sunlight streaming through parts of the room. They were nursing various flasks of Shiners, the alcohol one could make out of blue fruit found in the spectral woods.
All the men had grim looks on their faces. It'd been a week since anyone had wandered into their side of the city. Most of the locals knew enough by now that they were thieves at heart. Even the Wilds didn't dare to bother them solo.
It made making credits a sorrowful job. And they continued to eat from their coin purses, and the credits kept disappearing. They needed a break, and they needed it fast.
“Buck up, boys,” Vin said as he leaned against the nearby wall, armed folded across his chest. “Our luck will turn a corner. Benefactor-willin’.”
It was then one of the watchers standing by the cracked door gripped his gun tighter. “Boss? You're gonna wanna see this.”
Vin frowned, before moving closer to the door. The watcher pointed through the cracks towards the red sky, where a white streak broke up the red.
Indeed, there was a white streak that was incredibly noticeable. Whiteness of fuel, like a comet streaking down the sky, the head of it a small black speck.
Vin's jaw dropped. “Benefactor be! It's a supply drop! I haven't seen one of these for months!”
Vin spun towards the group, clapping his hands together. “Pack it up, men. We move in two minutes. That drop from the space station could be our ticket out of this drought.”
One of the boys raised a shaky hand. “Won't Umbra be pissed ‘bout that?”
“You let me worry about who'll be pissed, boy.” Vin growled, before turning back towards the door, staring at the comet with a hungry gaze.

Ghost Corp Head Quarters, Three Hours East of the City of Ehlm
@SporkoBug, @illirica
General Solen stood in the war room, hands leaning on the holo-table as he stared down at a 3D rendition of the City of Ehlm and its surrounding territories.
He pointed to a red dot on the map, south of the city by five hours of driving, or on horseback.
“This is where we've picked up the signal. Our scouts have marked the site as an abandoned Umbra Corp research facility.”
His hardened gaze lifted to the two Ghost Corp members present at his table, Ivy Tenebra and Wren. With a nod, he gestured towards Ivy.
“Miss Tenebra, I want you to scour the facility in search of the research within it. We have reason to belive they were working on next-generation technology that could elevate our own weaponry.”
Then General Solen's gaze shifted to Wren.
“Wren, I want you and a few of our men to accompany Miss Tenebra and ensure both of yours safety. Remember, acquiring anything that can help us is imperative to the mission.”
General Solen leaned back from the table, clasping his hands behind his back. “Good luck to you two.”

It was after many hours of driving in Ghost Corp's armored vehicle that Ivy, Wren, and three other soldiers made it to the abandoned Umbra Corp research facility.
The stone and cement building was ringed by sparse trees and dry grass. A staircase led to the main door, which was locked. There was a console on the left side for an access card.
Ivy, Wren and the men had the opportunity to hack into the console to gain access, or plant explosives and blow the door open. The choice was up to them.
Regardless, the moment they entered the vicinity of the research facility, the facility would begin to emit a unique, coded signal that could be picked up by most radars.

Outskirts of the City of Ehlm
@Qia, @Wayward
The reverse thrusters kicked in as the escape pod made its descent. VV, like the rest, had strapped herself in one of the wall seats, staring through the window at the dusty, desert-like expanse unfolding below them.
The escape pod roared in a final hurrah before the engines died down, and they careened into the dust strong enough to shut off the internal lights.
Emergency red lights flickered on as the escape pod's overhead hatch opened up. VV was immediately hit with the suffocating density of dust in the air, and pulled out her rebreather mask from her pack. She attached it to her face, the abyssal energy compartment lighting up.
“Everyone alright?” She asked, eyes glancing to D and A as she carefully unbuckled herself.
Standing upright in an overturned escape pod, VV pulled at the ledge below the escape hatch, and a small rung ladder extended itself. VV gave it a test step before before being the first out of the pod.
D and A would hear the shocked dismay in her voice as VV swore aloud.
A worn jeep rolled up to the escape pod, men in tattered clothes and sun-leathered skin hopped out, holding all manner of rifles and pistols.
A man with spiked dusty blond hair stepped out of the passenger side, holding a different type of rifle. A rifle with pulsing light coming off of it. The same light that powered VV's abyssal mask.
The man whistled, taking a step forward. “Well, well, what have we got here? They sent people, not supplies. Means you must be pretty special, huh? Why don't you tell your friends to hop out, real slow?”
The men had spread out, raising their guns and surrounding the escape pod on all sides.
VV raised her hands placatively, never taking her eyes off the man. She spoke out of the side of her mouth, down the hatch.
“Hey uh, guys? We have a problem…”