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Hidden 6 days ago 6 days ago Post by Herald


Member Seen 31 min ago

“This ain't over, Val. Mark me.”

Val chuckled as he watched the bear retreat, his own hand sliding away from his pistol. For a moment he had actually been worried that Vin had gotten the drop on him, his body tense with the instinct to spring in any direction to throw off the aim. At such close range though, and against a rifle like Vin's, he wasn't sure his body armor would have been enough to save his life though. "Next time, Vinny. Next time," he muttered.

“Hey, guys? We're gonna get caught in a sandstorm if we don't do something.”

"Yeah, you're right about that...," he said, though he was staring directly at the massive Wild that had caused such a ruckus. Feed me, it had said right into his brain. And since the creature's jaws weren't currently separating Val into three neatly portioned chunks, he guessed that it must have meant something else by the comment. "Do yourselves a favor and take sixty seconds to take anything nice from the dead guys. Food, water, breathers, bullets, hell if they left behind a rifle or three that'd be great. Just keep it to what you can carry fast. About a three minute run to the east of here, a bit deeper into the city is a hidey hole I've used from time to time. Marked with a big gray bird symbol on the west facing wall. Deep enough inside the building is a cosy little shelter that will shield us from the storm, even has some kind of old garage opening on the bottom level for the big guy here if he's a friend of yours..."

"Which I am dearly hoping, since I don't think we're getting very far if he's still hungry," Val's hand strayed close to his AR pistol, his most valuable possession.

“We're in your debt…”

"Lady, I appreciate the sentiment, but there ain't no debt here. Just some mutual survivors looking to live another day. Not that I'm gonna stop you if you really want to pay me back somehow some way," he flashed her a friendly grin, but left the statement at that, his eyes back on the big Wild.

"Maybe we all just get to some cover for now, yeah? I'm not fond of talking with lungs full of Dust. Bad way to die," he admitted.

"What do you think, big guy? You gonna let us go, come along, or am I about to be an awfully handsome red smear across one of these buildings?," he called out, not even certain the creature could understand him.

If he didn't find himself in yet another fight for his life against a Wild that could pretty much drop a building on him, Val would faithfully lead the group towards a point of safety from the storm. A former office building of some kind, with the bird marking on the side and enough walls between them and the outside that the storm would have an extremely difficult time making it's way into the interior where a space had been cleared out that could hold two dozen people if needed, with room for a fire pit in the middle and tents to the sides against the walls.
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Hidden 13 hrs ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


A watched as Vin’s jeep sped away, the roar of the engine fading into the distance. Relief washed over her, but it was fleeting. She glanced up at the darkening skies, her heart sinking. The wind was picking up, whipping the remaining dust into a frenzy. The tell-tale signs of an approaching sandstorm were unmistakable, and dread settled in her stomach.

VV’s voice cut through the chaos, her alarm clear. “Hey, guys? We’re gonna get caught in a sandstorm if we don’t do something.” A’s mind raced, searching for a solution. The urgency in VV’s voice mirrored her own rising panic. They needed to act fast, or the storm would swallow them.

“...About a three-minute run to the east of here, a bit deeper into the city is a hidey hole I’ve used from time to time. Marked with a big gray bird symbol on the west-facing wall. Deep enough inside the building is a cozy little shelter that will shield us from the storm, even has some kind of old garage opening on the bottom level for the big guy here if he’s a friend of yours…”

A nodded in agreement to that idea, feeling a sense of urgency. She quickly scanned the battlefield, grabbing a few useful items from the fallen: a couple of water bottles and some extra ammunition. The wind was growing stronger, and the dust was beginning to whip around them with increasing ferocity.

“Let’s move,” she urged once she was finished, her voice barely audible over the howling wind.

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