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Awesome, that's going to be my plan, then. I'll look forward to seeing the OOC when it goes up!
This looks really neat!

Is there any reason I couldn't be an ex-Umbra-employee Ghost resistance fighter, or does that work for a character idea? I'm kinda thinking "Starry eyed kid joins evil corporation for prominence, realizes it is bad actually, eventually gets out and joins the resistance to try to get others out as well" for a starting point, and build from there.
Liatra greeted the rising dawn with a skeptical stare, as if maybe if she stared hard enough, in just the right way, the sun would slip back below the horizon and the world would offer up another hour to sleep. The sun remained unblinking, and so with something that was halfway between a yawn and a sigh, Liatra gave in to the inevitable and finished taking the last steps above decks.

The captain was already awake, unsurprisingly, and Blackbeard had likely been up for hours. He got the pardon, for the night work, but Liatra thought the captain was a bit too chipper for the hour. No harm in it, though, she supposed.

The topic of the thing that claimed it was morning seemed to be the other ships in port, visible off the side of the ship.

"Do you suppose any of them are carrying tea?" There was usually tea in the ship's stores, even on the Miss Fortune, but the longer it had been since they'd acquired some, the weaker the drink was brewed. A good strong cup would go down well, she thought, wandering over to lean against the railing and glean what information she could from the ships and their flags, watching for the bustle of anyone else who might be sorry enough to be up at this hour.

"Could get a little rough if the rest of them nearby get involved. Might be better to see if one of them detaches and follow it out."
It's been longer than I thought since I checked back in, my bad on that one! Thanks for the tags and heads up, I'll be getting my intro up tomorrow if I don't get to it today. Weekends can be a little busy for me, so I don't want to promise today and not deliver.
I'd be interested too, I love a good RP where I have no idea what's going on and it's supposed to be that way!

Still working on it a little, please let me know if there's anything that needs to be adjusted. I haven't found an image reference I like yet; I'll continue to look for one.
In Testing 4 mos ago Forum: Test Forum
Name: Anya Zieskewicz

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Hetero/Demisexual

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 136lbs

Style: Military casual, usually combat fatigues and a dark tank top when she's not on duty, uniform if she is.

Color: Yellow

Ability/Control: Description
Lightning manipulation: The ability to direct and manipulate electrical energy.
Control: Very good, especially at fine applications
Lightning capacity: The ability to store electrical charge in her body and release it at will.
Control: Excellent so long as the charge is beneath her maximum stored energy; full discharge at going over this limit is instant and unable to be controlled
Lightning generation: The buildup of electrical energy within her body.
Control: None - it is slow, constant, and unconscious.

Personality: Driven, dedicated, and extremely focused.

Thoughts on this whole situation: Anya sees it as necessary that New Earth be explored and colonized. She's frustrated with the lack of support from the first wave of New Earth team members, as she feels that advanced age is not an excuse for not doing what she sees as their duty, and that in fact it would be better for them to take the risks on behalf of others. She is more than willing to step up, but is disappointed with the previous generation.

Gregor Zieskewicz, father - One of the original members of the New Earth team, it is from him that Anya inherited her ability. He was a biologist prior to his recent death.
Kaia Zieskewicz, mother - A retired professor of Ancient Cultures, she met Gregor after his return from new Earth.
Anya is their only child; after they determined that the New Earth abilities were capable of being passed on genetically, they chose not to expand their family any further.


Anya performed well academically as a child, not so much due to natural brilliance as due to determination and effort. Her father always stressed to her the importance of control in all things, as the ability she inherited from him could be extremely dangerous if not kept carefully under control.

Against her parents' desires, she enrolled at the University of Copenhagen on a United Reserve Officer Training Corps scholarship. When requests were being made to former members of the New Earth Expedition and being declined, Anya had a feeling about where the project was likely to turn next, and contacted the organization and the University to request a chance to complete one additional senior-level course as an independent study, allowing her to graduate a semester early from her program with a BS in Physics and a minor in Electrical Engineering, as well as the lieutenant's commission from her UROTC experience.

In return, she signed on with the project voluntarily, also against her parents' wishes. Her father died less than a week later, officially of a heart attack. Anya is aware that the heart attack was medically induced on request, due to faltering control of his abilities as he aged, making him more and more a danger to others around him.

The same may be in her future.
Nice! Is there a CS template you prefer people use, or just wing it and make sure the important bits are in there?

Edit: never mind, found it! I didn’t realize you guys had tabs, that’s neat.
Oh, I’m interested, this sounds really neat. Can I go yellow / lightning?
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