Captain Davvie Jones

Race: Water Genasi
General Description: Davvie has water blue skin, dark blue eyes with heavy lashes. She has white, shoulder length hair that has the appearance of and behaves similarly to rolling sea foam.
Davvie wears a long, dark blue coat. She wears a cutlass in its scabbard on her left hip, a flintlock pistol on her right hip, and her prized, water damaged violin on her back. Captain Jones's violin is heavily decorated with golden in-lays depicting a school of fish on the front and a sprawling kraken on the back.
Davvie is bubbly, and easygoing the vast majority of the time. She loves her ship, music, and the sea. While she would never express disdain for treasure, Davvie is more enthralled by the adventure of acquiring treasure than amassing the gold itself.
Background: Davvie grew up, raised by her adoptive human mothers, in a coastal village called Coral Cove, a common pirate port that is protected by high coral walls which frequently sinks uncautious sailors. It is here that she fell in love with the mystical realm of pirating. It is also here that she fell in love with music, especially the sea shanties coming from pirate vessels, and found her treasured violin when it washed ashore. Davvie taught herself to play the violin with music sheets she was given, she found, or she stole. Now 40 years old, Davvie climbed aboard her first ship at 16 years, fueled by wanderlust, and became Captain Davvie Jones at 32 years old.
Special Abilities: Amphibious, shape water, create/destroy water
Personal Goal: Captain Davvie Jones's pet project is her search for the legendary Devil's Golden Fiddle, a golden fiddle once upon a time owned by a renowned teifling bard, long since disappeared. It's location and even whether it exists are unknown.
Location: Turtle Island is a small island and a distant speck on the horizon of its neighbors of the Golden Archipelago, named for their golden sands and the golden halos the islands appear to wear in the midday sun. Turtle Island is supposed to be inhabited only by birds and turtles, however, inhabitants of its nearest neighbor, Wallawah Island, claim to hear odd music coming from the uninhabited island most nights between 12 and 3 am. Once, it wasn't uncommon for the people of neighboring islands to go to Turtle Island to snare birds and the island's large turtles. Now, no one goes near it.