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Hidden 16 days ago 16 days ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Beryl Town
Interacting With: Ikkou @Yankee; Mags @Brose

Kazu was still reeling at the sight of her cousin - yes, her cousin, who was for some reason here instead of in Sinnoh - when he flashed her a very familiar look of panic. And just like that, instinct kicked in and Kazu was striding through the crowd towards Ikkou. Astra gave a confused chirp, not sure why they were suddenly deviating away from the sweet yummies she'd been promised.

Indigo eyes darted over the scene, taking in Ikkou's familiar - if slightly altered - shape. The little golden Pokemon chiming over his shoulder. The garishly loud woman all but looming over him as his shoulders tensed, his hands raised. A flash of something angry and protective sparked in Kazu. Her route never wavered as she marched towards them, bumping shoulders in the crowd, ignoring the startled voices as she passed.

The woman moved away from her cousin (lucky her) and in moments, Kazu had finally reached him. She stretched up a hand (and up, and up - when had he gotten so tall?) to grab his shoulder.

"Ikkou." His name was barely out of her mouth, her eyes finding his, when suddenly her arms were wrapped around his middle, hugging him tight. Kazu had never been much of a hugger - playful tousling of hair or an encouraging hit to the shoulder had always been more her speed. But for some reason, all she could do in this moment was hold her family close as something warm burned behind her eyes. She squeezed, like she could burrow into him. Then she pulled back suddenly, looking up at him. She blinked, trying to reconcile this young man, nearly a full head taller than her, with the little adolescent boy who’d tailed after her whenever she’d visited Hearthome, and exchanged postcards with her as she drifted from region to region with her tireless mother.

"You - what are you doing here?" Movement and color caught her attention from around Ikkou’s arm. The woman was coming back, purpose in her step. Kazu’s expression snapped to one of bored, detached judgement that she’d practically designed to piss off all the arrogant showboats she’d had to put up with over the years. "And who’s the mascot?" she asked loud enough to be heard.
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Hidden 14 days ago Post by GubGar
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GubGar Manager of the Jerk Store

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Vinny Verdana

Location: Beryl Town, Mid-Festival.
Interacting With:@Brose (as Noah Magnolia)

Vinny's lips twitch slightly as he notes the Professor seemed hesitant around his Trubbish, or at least hesitant to let his Pokemon near him. But he doesn't say anything about it just yet. As for Garamond, he seemed a bit disappointed that his potential playmate, Kit, had gotten taken away, but wasn't too broken up about it. Especially not after Vinny hands over some of the packaging his new Roto-Phone came in, which Garamond happily eats. As if he weren't already the sweetest thing (mileage may vary depending on personal taste), he doubled as a garbage disposal. Vinny shoots Garamond a grin, and then turns his attention back to his conversation partner.

"Not drop it, huh.. Okay, cool. So I should get a sturdy one! Thanks, Prof. That'll make things easier for me." That seemed like the wrong takeaway, but, hopefully the short time before hatching would prevent Vinny's general incompetence around people reliant on him from doing too much damage. Hopefully.

He was about to start schmoozing his way towards another interview, when an announcement blared throughout he festival. Traveling in groups, huh? It sure as Shiinotic sounded a lot safer than going it alone. Problem was, he was new in town! And also according to several blind dates that didn't go great, he naturally looked untrustworthy. Vinny chose to believe that second bit wasn't true, and they were just mad he asked them to take the check. Fortunately for him, though, the Professor spoke up and asked if Vinny wanted to pair up. And all he could say was..


Seriously! An interview with the CEO of Morpheus, and now this? He usually didn't have this much luck in a fiscal year! Cruising with a Pokemon Professor would iron out a ton of kinks in the journey! This would be a huge boon. And he didn't even have to beg or anything. "Ya'know what? That sounds like a good idea to me, pal. Not like I know anybody since I just flew in from Unova, so you're saving me the trouble of scouring for a traveling buddy!" He claps Noah on the shoulder in a friendly gesture, as if that would finalize the agreement.

"Just lemme grab myself a complimentary egg- a sturdy one -and I'll be ready to hit the road whenever you are, pal!" He says with a grin, already on the way to do just that. At this point the lines weren't as long since most people weren't stalling to grab the Pokemon egg last like Vinny had been, so it shouldn't take too much time. He was moving with the assumption that Noah was following behind, and figures if they were going to move as a group, he ought to clear something up. Looking over his shoulder but still in motion, Vinny speaks up.

"Oh uh, not to make a big deal, but if we're gonna be traveling together I gotta clear something up. When you picked your lil buddy up when they got close to Garamond, was that just 'cause he was a poison type? If so, we're kosher. No problems. I just wanna make sure.. Some people take issue with Trubbishes, and that's not gonna fly with me."

It was the most serious Vinny had seemed all night. Not intense, but firm. He had very few principles that involved self-respect, but you'd better respect his buddies. Noah seemed like he wouldn't be the type, being both a Pokemon Professor and seemingly a pretty easy going guy.. But it never hurt to be clear. "Not that you seem like you would be the kinda guy to do that, I just wanna put my cards on the table up front."
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Hidden 8 days ago 8 days ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Location: Beryl Town, Mid-Festival
Interactions: Kazu @c3p-0h, Mags @Brose

Aaaaah this is getting worse and worse! Ikkou didn't want to be branded a some kind of criminal after only a week in another region! Wait, he didn't want to be branded a criminal at all! He could only stand there helplessly as the girl demanded responsibility from him, though mercifully he was spared by the PA system. At least he thought he was, until she told him to stay put. Too polite for his own good, Ikkou complied. He stashed his black and white egg in his backpack and turned to find Kazu again, until for her to make her way to him first.

He was initially surprised by the hug, but after only a moment he returned it just as tightly until she pulled away. Having Kazu around already made him feel a lot better about everything - from the imminent region-spanning jaunt he was planning to take, to... the current run-in with the red headed girl, whom he now knew was called Magdalena. While the ghost-type enthusiast still had her back turned to them, Ikkou readily answered Kazu's first question.

"Kazu! I came to find you! You said you were heading to Starre after... you know. And I... I found a Pokémon partner. So I wanted to go on a real adventure." He slowly regained his composure as he spoke to her, showing his intent to see his journey through. Rinrin, the Chingling that was his partner, floated in a figure eight pattern around the two cousins while keeping an eye on Mags and her Pokémon. "Grandfather would hardly let me leave, unless it was to travel with someone. I sent you a card! Did you get it? I should have contacted you sooner, but I got here a little later than expected..."

He would have said more, but at that point Mags walked back up to them. Regarding Mags, it seemed like everything Ikkou said somehow complicated the situation further. Usually he was a more eloquent than this, but the excitement and stress of everything seemed to be getting to him. But with Kazu here, he felt a little more confident (though he did wince at Kazu's comment about her).

"This is... Ms. Mags. We just met, she- er, I- we bumped into each other and she..." Okay, so he was still floundering a bit. Once Mags told them the "good news" though, he looked at her owlishly.

Travel together with her? But he was planning to go with Kazu! Then again, if that was all Mags wanted and it avoided monetary reimbursement or unfortunate misunderstandings, it seemed like a fair deal. She couldn't really be angry with him if she was willing to travel together, right? And there was safety in numbers after all.

"Oh, um... that doesn't sound too bad? ...in place of fees? I suppose I can accept." he said, as if he had a choice in the matter. He blinked between the two women. "As long as you're alright with Kazu coming with us. And Kazu - would you be okay with Ms. Mags?"
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