Hidden 2 mos ago Post by aristocatgrrl
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


Her multi-colored hair swayed with the impending breeze as her mind drifted into thoughts of oblivion during an intensified conversation between her mentor and the rest of the pupils. It was the day of choosing, which one of them were to become chosen to enter the arena and compete for glory, for the ability to move past the Academy of Whispers and seal their fate. Though, fate would be sealed as it was seen fit in the many challenges and obstacles that loomed overhead for them to expect as it wouldn't be deemed simple. The High Council, being made of the most notorious of villains from each of the 4 squadrons, would be the judges of such events taking place. The Assassins had always proven victorious in the end, so Midnight was eager to be selected to hold onto that hope. There could only be one victor...little did she know what awaited.
Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by Red Hood
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Red Hood Scarlet Stranger

Member Seen 18 min ago


Villains sure like to dress up, don’t they?

I know I’m one to talk. A preacher with a black leather jacket is sure to get anyone’s attention. Moreso if he has a revolver and a stiletto tipped cross in either hand. But it’s all functional. The jacket has kevlar woven into it to slow down bullets. I look somewhat normal from behind, and all that black makes me hard to spot at night. But these guys? It feels like they have a new costume for every day of the week. I swear Black Jack adds more spikes to his outfit every day, and Siren is trying to see how much she can show off before someone dresses her properly. But today is a special day and everyone is trying to dress to the nines. Yet I just see ones and twos wherever I look.

The Sect Squad was having a meeting. All of Lord Darknesses disciples were gathered together in the shadow temple’s auditorium. It was formerly a giant cave, but you wouldn’t know that looking at it today. It had been transformed into something more resembling an underground church, if not a castle. Onyx stonework hid anything that resembled a cave, while tapestries and paintings of the squad’s most notable villains lined the main hall. The auditorium, where everyone was now, was at maximum capacity. Hundreds of villains surrounded Lord Darkness as he droned on about the importance of things to come. Everyone was aware of the upcoming test, and everyone wanted the honor of representing Sect Squad.

Except for Preacher.

He continued to write in his journal, even as his lord and teacher addressed everyone.

They say that assassins tend to do well at such events, but is that a surprise? An assassin is someone who can make the most out of having initiative. It’s all rather silly, isn’t it? I would think anyone could make use of such a powerful advantage, but I was wrong. Turns out, people with my level of skill in such matters are hard to come by. But that’s why I keep my head down. I never liked to stick out very much. If someone notices me before I notice them, well, I know what I would do in their position. Villains aren’t known for being honorable. Perhaps that’s why this all seems like a waste of time to me. I don’t care to flaunt my skills and threaten my competition. Let them think I’m meek.

Eyes were upon him. Preacher slammed his journal before shooting Black Jack a glare, only to realize he was looking at the man’s back. That really was too many spikes.
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