Lucian gave a pathetic chuckle from the ground, leaving his arms and wings splayed out. They were talking about paying rent and keeping the apartment open for them. That was great and all but honestly, how were they going to get money? They couldn't stay in one place for too long. Hell, he was just having a conflict with trying to figure out how to keep the dogs so that Aneria could have her little pack around for longer than a small time. "We can't be paying these people. If we do get any cash, it'll have to go to food." He slowly sat up, his eyes lingering on the girl who flashed him a dazzling smile, which caused him to grimace slightly before he turned his eyes to the older gentleman. "Unless you're willing to give us this apartment for pennies on the dollar, we can't pay. Give us the day and probably night and we'll get out of your hair but we definitely can't do anything other than that." The gentleman stared down at Lucian, more out of thought before he grumbled and began to slowly pace in front of the door. It was obvious their situation troubled him quite a bit and he wanted to help in some way but couldn't just give them the apartment for free because of pack politics. Lucian looked over at Aneria from the corner of his eye, giving a light shrug before the man finally came to a stop and faced them. His eyes locked on Aneria and his frown deepened as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"We can't do anything for angel boy over here," he said, Lucian throwing his hands up in the air at the name calling but the man continued as if Lucian wasn't there at all,"but you are wolf and quite a capable one." The woman caught on what the gentleman was getting at and balked at the idea.

"You have got to be kidding me?! Her?"

"Hush," The man growled and she snapped her teeth closed with an audible clack before she growled, locking her eyes on Aneria and baring her teeth at her.

The man stepped forward, thumping on his chest loudly twice. "As alpha of this pack and controller of this territory, I formally invite you to join our pack. The pack lives free in this apartment complex and they can have any guests or roommates they want." He stuck the bottom of his palm into his mouth and dug his fangs into his palm, dragging them down and cutting along his palm and causing two deep gashes. He extended that now bloody palm out for her, his eyes flashing as he watched her, expecting her to do the same if she accepted his invite. The shewolf said nothing but just glared at Aneria from behind her alpha.

Lucian sat silent on the floor, unsure of what to say. It was up to Aneria on whether or not she accepted the offer or not. It woukd be incredibly helpful to have a wolf pack behind them but it could also put that pack in danger if the people who were ever after them came to get them. A frown was planted firmly on his face as he fixated on the bloody extended hand. Taking that hand meant a lot of things for them, good and bad. But ultimately, it was Aneria who was joining, not him. In the end, he could cut and run but she would be forever linked if she chose to take the deal.

So many things went through his mind as he sat there, waiting for her response.


"Please, please just let me go." An average looking man asked as he knelt on the cement, his eyes wide with panic and streaks of blood plastered along his cheeks. There were dark shadow tendrils that were coiled around his wrists and ankles, keeping him bound and held in place. A woman paced around him, a wispy black dress flowing around her like a brisk wind was blowing although the air was still. Her black hair ended in the same black tendrils that bound the man and it flowed much like her dress, smoking off and dissolving off into nothing. She circle around him and crouched in front of him, pitch black eyes peering into his steel grey ones.

"Why do you look so human?" She asked as she reached out to rest a hand gently on his cheek. "Gargoyles are supposed to be grisly creatures made of stone and yet you look human." A frown crossed her face before she whispered, "let's change that." Her fingers dug into his cheek, sinking into his skin as if it were quicksand. The man screamed put in agony as her hand dug deeper and deeper, her head tilting as if she were looking for something. Suddenly a grin crossed her face as she grabbed a hold of something under the skin. "There you are." She pulled and his gargoyle form was ripped to the surface. Within moments, a stone giant was kneeling before her, breathing heavy with large wings hanging limply behind him. She had a firm grip of his cheek and lip. She grinned wider and released him before giving him a firm pat on the cheek and standing up. She pulled a rag from her pocket and wiped her hand clean before she peered down at the large beast in front of her. "Just needed to make sure I had my mark. Now that I know I do, I can turn you in." She tapped the ground with her foot and the shadows under the gargoyle began to expand out from under him. He began to sink into the shadows, panic causing him to begin flailing as he sank.

"Oh no, no. We can have that." She grinned viciously as shadowly hands reached up and grasped a hold of the gargoyle and pulled him down faster. She walked up to the dark pit and watched him sink, smiling into his desperate gaze as he sank into the abyss. Once he vanished, she tool a moment to check her nails on the hand she had cleaned before she stepped into the shadows herself, disappearing into them herself.