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T H E B U R E A U O F H Y P E R H U M A N E N F O R C E M E N T , L O G I S T I C S , & P R O T E C T I O N
T H E B U R E A U O F H Y P E R H U M A N E N F O R C E M E N T , L O G I S T I C S , & P R O T E C T I O N
A G E N T S O F H . E . L . P . ▅▅
▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ A G E N T S O F H . E . L . P . ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅


C O N C E P T:
C O N C E P T:
Agents of H.E.L.P. is a small, private, invite only RP using a laid-back, and lenient posting schedule to compensate for the different life paces of those involved.

Set during the interim years between the events of the Hyperion Campaign and the ongoings of Commencement, the events of Agents of H.E.L.P. follow the Bureau of Hyperhuman Enforcement, Logistics and Protection promoting a recruitment drive among young Hyperhumans, especially graduates of the Bureau affiliated institution, Pacific Royal Collegiate & University. As a recent graduate of P.R.C.U., you have been picked for the Bureau's probationary agent training program where you will spend the next few months of your life training, studying and becoming a full fledged Agent of H.E.L.P.The below series of links that lead off-site to a Google Word Doc. If viewing on mobile, it is suggested that you select the 'Print Layout' option for optimum viewing.
N A V I G A T I O N:
N A V I G A T I O N:
E S S E N T I A L R E A D I N G:

A D D I T I O N A L R E A D I N G:

P R E M I S E:
P R E M I S E:
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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R U L E S & G U I D L I N E S:
R U L E S & G U I D L I N E S:
A P P L I C A T I O N P R O C E S S:
A P P L I C A T I O N P R O C E S S:
C H A R A C T E R S H E E T S P E C I F I C A T I O N S:
Character sheets are to use the provided skeleton in the Character Tab. You are welcome to expand upon the base character skeleton, some additional add-ons have been suggested below the base skeleton. You may not remove any requested criteria from the base skeleton, nor may you, under any circumstance, omit requested information from your sheet. While some elements of your sheet could be expanded upon over the course of the 'In Character' portion of the game, you may not purposefully keep pertinent information from other players.

Information for the Character Sheets should be taken directly from the linked document above. Players may only create a Hyperhuman Character, any characters which are not Hyperhumans, including the supporting cast are not acceptable at the time of launch in this roleplay. Character sheets which blatantly have not read the provided information will not be taken into consideration for the game and thus denied. Additionally, it is requested that any submitted characters be created for this roleplay and not be 'tweaked' or repeated characters from other games. A lot of work has gone into creating this game, its setting and its lore. It would be considered disrespectful for a player to simply port a character from an existing or previous roleplay into this one. All characters should be a minimum age of twenty [20] and no older than twenty-seven [27].

In keeping with the themes and tone of the roleplay, it is asked that all players use photographic face claims for their characters. In the event, your Hyperhuman has a non-human outward appearance, some leniency can be applied to the rule, but it would still be preferable if you used a photo-realistic image if possible. Under no circumstance will the following images be accepted; anime, hand-drawn sketches, low-grade renders, manga, or any other comparable media. The intent of the Character Sheet is to imitate a file that the school would have, and thus any media which does not capture that vision is not acceptable.

C H A R A C T E R S P E R P L A Y E R:
This roleplay was envisioned as a character-driven collaboration between players. As such, each player will only be allotted a single, primary point-of-view character. This character may be rounded out by a supporting cast which can consist of friends, other students, family or even staff or other residents of the school grounds. In the event that an active primary character is killed during the roleplay, that player may either promote one of their supporting cast to their new primary or submit a new character for consideration. In either instance, the new primary character will be expected to go through the character submission process as outlined in the following rules.

C H A R A C T E R S U B M I S S I O N S:
All Character Sheets must be posted publically in the Out of Character thread for submission. Character sheets may be sent to the GM for coding help, but no review of the material will be performed privately. Any character sheets sent solely through a Private Message for submission will be ignored.

Please do not repost your character sheet in the OOC thread multiple times, especially in multiple states of completion. If you must post an incomplete character sheet to the thread, please link to the original post upon completion and tag the GM(s) upon doing so. Ideally, the only sheets posted to the thread will be completed and ready for review. Under no circumstance should a character be posted directly into the Character Tab with the exception of those belonging to the GM Team.

The idea behind this is to encourage players to sheets with complimentary attributes or abilities. A large emphasis in the lore is that Hyperhumans display more niché abilities than you see in other superhuman media. Additionally, having characters who are too similar increases the chances that only one of them would be accepted. Ideally, there will be a good mix of personalities and abilities amongst the cast.

At the time of launch, the roleplay will be accepting between seven [7] and eleven [11] players. If at a later date slots become available or additional are added, this will be communicated through an announcement in the OOC and/or through an Interest Check.

P O W E R S & L E V E L S:
Hyperhuman abilities or powers can manifest in all shapes and sizes. This is covered thoroughly in the linked document above. As such, any abilities which do not match what is laid out in the lore, cross between Primary or Secondary classifications or use multiple classifications will be rejected and have to be reworked. Additionally, players should keep their abilities on the lower end of the power spectrum. While the Power Scale and Threat Level will be assigned by the GM, players should still tailor their abilities to fit within the lower end of these spectrums. As new students to Pacific Royal Collegiate & Academy, abilities should have room to grow and develop. If a character is already fully proficient with their abilities, then they have no use for a role at the school.

R E V I E W C R I T E R I A & P R O C E S S:
Once a Character Sheet has been officially submitted to the OOC thread, the review process can begin. Initially, at the launch of the roleplay, the GM will give a date upon which they will conduct the first round of reviews. If you are joining the thread at a later date, please allow for a period of twenty-four hours after your sheet has been posted for the GM to review it. If the GM has not acknowledged your sheet after twenty-four hours, you may contact them directly to ensure it was not missed.

Character sheets will be reviewed in accordance with the rules laid out above. The sheet needs to use the correct skeleton, containing all the necessary criteria and in accordance with the information laid out in the linked document. If any information in the sheet directly contradicts or misinterprets the lore, it will need to be corrected. If all of the above is met, the character will then be evaluated against the rest of the pending or accepted cast. Each character will be evaluated for what they bring to the group and any completely redundant characters will be given a chance to change or update if there is an open character slot available.

As the GM, I reserve the right to deny, veto or otherwise reject any character application based on any number of factors that I find make the character unfit for this roleplay. This can include player history, perceived literacy, lack of understanding of the game's concept, unruly behaviour in the iCheck/OOC/Discord, towards the GM, and other players or simply a generally poor attitude. If all of the above are met, and the GM does not have any outstanding concerns, then the character and player will be accepted into the roleplay.

P O S T I N G C O N T E N T:
P O S T I N G C O N T E N T:
G E N E R A L P O S T I N G:
There will be absolutely no 'OOC' chatter in the In Character Thread. If you have a question or anything to explain there is an Out Of Character Thread and Discord both provided. You have no excuse to make an 'OOC' comment in the IC and if done it will be heavily frowned upon. Furthermore, remember that you are your character, so act like them. Create or portray their mannerisms, powers, and ideals to how they have been established in the game. Be the character, not just yourself with the character's powers. The notes section of your CS has been provided for such a reason, use it to help yourself remain consistent in character portrayals.

An example of the GM post format has been provided on the Zeroth post of the In Character Tab. This is not a mandatory format and is only a suggestion. Players may use the provided format or model their posts off of it. It is requested that all posts are easily identifiable as to which character is the primary point of view, especially in the event of a collaborative post. Furthermore, it's a good idea to indicate any interactions, or at the very least, if seeking a direct interaction to either talk to the other player(s) publically in the OOC or privately via PM.

Writing expectations for this roleplay are at least two [2] well-developed paragraphs as a minimum per post. Three [3] to five [5] paragraph posts however would be awesome so long as you're not simply chewing the scenery. Proper spelling and grammar are also expected but small mistakes here and there are understandable. Blatant offences will be called out.

You are required to post at least once within a period of fourteen days [14] after the GM plot post advances the RP and once every three weeks or twenty-one [21] days after your last post provided there has been no GM post in between. Extensions will only be given in extenuating circumstances. Please recognize your limitations before joining the RP, if you are unable to post once every fourteen days, then it's highly likely that you do not have enough time to keep up with the RP.

In the event that you do miss the deadline, your character will be listed as 'inactive'. After a further week of inactivity, your character will be expelled, and dealt with as necessary in the IC, whether killed or used as needed and then discarded. This whole process is simply easier if you just let the GM know if you're unable to keep up or simply have lost interest in the RP.

P O S T I N G O R D E R:
There will be no formal posting order for this roleplay. That said, players are asked to wait for others between posts. If there have been no new posts in seven [7] days, then by all means if you can post again then please do so. In the event of interacting with another player, please do not consecutively post back-to-back, if it's not going to be a collaborative post, then you are leaving the option for another player to get involved. Please respect that and allow for that option. If this is not the intention, then please use a collaborative post to keep the interaction concise.

Each new scene of the primary plot will begin with a GM post. If you posted last before the GM update, you are free to post immediately again if you so wish. Players are free to run their own character-driven scenes, and those involved will be responsible for driving these plots and determining posting order and frequency.

P U S H I N G T H E S C E N E:
Every post should push the scene that the character is involved in. If your post does not add anything to the scene and does not encourage interaction, or reaction, then you may want to rethink your post. Whether it adds to the GM plot, or a personal one, your posts should always add forward motion to keep the scene moving.

P U S H I N G T H E P L O T:
In the same vein as pushing the scene, there will be times when players are required to push the plot. Information specific to you and your character will be sent out via PM or Discord which you can then use to push the plot. This can also be done in collaboration with the GM, especially as your characters grow and develop more throughout the roleplay.

R E A C T I O N S:
Reactionary posts are the bread and butter of every roleplay. Be sure to consistently read all previous replies in order to accurately capture any details, especially those in GM posts and avoid the game of 'post telephone' where one player misinterprets a detail and this misinterpretation becomes persistent across the RP. Try to ensure that while a post may be simply reactionary to a previous one, that it's not entirely just a restating of facts from your character's perspective. As mentioned above, if the post doesn't push the scene, there's not a lot of value to it.

I N T E R A C T I O N S:
Don't be scared to interact with your castmates. Players want to be interacted with and even those who are playing loner characters aren't looking to just go off in the corner of the sandbox.

If you find yourself in a plot with another player and they disappear, do your best to move on without them and quickly finish the arc to the best of your ability, or ask for the help of a GM.

C O L L A B O R A T I V E P O S T S:
For situations where the focus is on interaction, a collaborative post is an ideal vessel to quickly and concisely complete the interaction without posting back and forth. Though as the RP is an exercise in collaborative writing, please do not become reliant upon only writing through collabs. Collaborative posts can slow down the RP, and often lead to stagnant periods of inactivity. If working on a collab, please keep the group updated, and if the collab has a natural breaking point, please post it in pieces to push the RP along. If you are only writing collaborative posts, you risk locking yourself and others out of opportunities for interaction. While collaborative posts are a great tool, they can just as quickly become a crutch. Please put as much effort into providing a solo post as you do collaborative ones.

S E X U A L C O N T E N T:
This is an RP involving young adults and I realize that relationships are a part of this. While I have no problem with this I do want it kept in a specific way to avoid breaking any rules, site or otherwise. As part of RPG's official rules, mature content is forbidden on the forums. You may, however, use the standard fade-to-black technique if you desire, but any content preceding or following should be kept to a PG-13/14A standard (May contain: violence, coarse language and/or sexually suggestive scenes.).

In the interest of protecting underage writers, players above the age of majority [18], shall not write romantic situations or relationships with other players below the age of majority, even if they are within the age of consent. Special consideration can be given to individuals who are both within the age of consent [17 or 18 respectively]. If you enter into writing this kind of content, then it is assumed that both parties are within the same age bracket, whether that is above or below the age of majority [ie, both parties are either above or below the age of 18]. If you are caught lying, you will be evicted from the roleplay and reported to site staff.

I implore you to keep within the age restrictions set up already by the administration. Please use common sense if you're going to seek a relationship within the RP. You have been warned of my expectations on this matter and should you fail to follow through you will be asked to leave the roleplay and reported for breaking site rules.

P L A Y E R B E H A V I O U R:
P L A Y E R B E H A V I O U R:
C O M M I T M E N T & C O N S I S T E N C Y:
If you join this RP, if you take the time to submit an application, I'm putting my faith in you that you'll be committed to it and that the character you play will be consistent with the one in the agreed-upon CS. Personally, I have a hard time with this sometimes and I understand that things just happen. That said I’m referring to suddenly giving a character new powers with no explanation or completely changing their backstory in order to add new skills. I’m okay with changes but I’d like a heads-up first so perhaps we can work a more natural way towards these things happening. In terms of commitment, dropping out of the RP randomly for whatever reason is a pain or a GM. Simply put, it wastes my time along with the other players.

If you do not think you can join and you're sure something will come up, do not join. Tendency to not care about an RP after a while? Don't join. Simple as that. I will work with you when it comes to bumps in the road. If you think you're going to be out for a couple of days, that's fine. I'll find a way to excuse you from the story or play your character. However, please let the group know as far in advance as possible. If you're going on a trip, tell me something. Do not leave me wondering where you are. Let me know so I can keep things going. I will work around you if you work with me when you can.

E T I Q U E T T E:
Hyperhumans have enough problems in their world, so let's not bring that here. The goal of any roleplay is first and foremost to have fun. If we don't get along, then that's not going to happen and respectfully, not everyone will get along. If I'm not a good GM for you, then I'd rather we part amicably early on than go on rubbing each other the wrong way. Let us be respectful of one another, their ideas and their posts. Give each other compliments and constructive feedback, let people know you're reading their posts and build each other up. We're all here to tell a story, so let's work together to get the most out of this roleplay.

F . A . Q .:
F . A . Q .:
I S T H I S A N O R I G I N A L U N I V E R S E?
This RP is based in what I like to call the 'Hyperverse'. It is a soft reboot and adaption of my previous original universes of Vigilance and the Mavericksverse. The biggest difference is the complete erasure of the heroes known as the Mavericks. This is due to the fact I only can claim the rights to one of the characters. In terms of differences from Vigilance, there have been several changes made to Hyperhumans, most notably the redefining of their abilities and limitations, an isolated power source, and a shared weakness. Any and all information relating to the 'Hyperverse' can be found in the linked Google Document.

D O R E A L W O R L D L O C A T I O N S E X I S T?
Simply yes, while Pacific Royal Collegiate & University itself is a fictitious institution, it is still set on the very real Dundas Island off the coast of British Columbia and the country known as Canada. Real-world cities such as New York, and San Francisco, all exist with no changes outside of the Hyperhuman population and minor technological advancements made in the lore.

I S T H I S A D I R E C T C O N T I N U A T I O N O F T H E P R E V I O U S P A C I F I C R O Y A L C O L L E G I A T E & U N I V E R S I T Y R P?
I envision this RP as more of a parallel universe. I'll be cherry picking events and plot points from that RP as I see fit and pending the submitted characters and their players' desires. However, I also want to move forward with a fresh slate and plot that are completely separate from the previous plot surrounding Hyperion but spring boarding on some of the aftermath from this RP's version of that plot's conclusion.

A R E N E W P L A Y E R S W E L C O M E O R I S T H I S O N L Y F O R R E T U R N I N G P L A Y E R S?
As mentioned above, I see this RP as a way to have a bit of a clean slate. Thus, my desire is to have a mix of both new and old players to give the RP some fresh twists. If the RP was only going to be returning players then I would simply do a continuation. That is not this RP's priority or main intention.

D O I H A V E T O R E - A P P L Y I F I ' M U S I N G M Y C H A R A C T E R F R O M T H E P R E V I O U S R P?
Simply yes. You may bring in your original character, however as 'Commencement' is not intended to be a direct sequel, nor directly connected to the 'Future Agents of H.I.T.', characters who appeared in the latter are subject to re-evaluation for this roleplay. This is to make Commencement welcoming to new and returning players so that everyone has an equal opportunity during the application process.

C A N I M A K E A N O R I G I N A L C H A R A C T E R?
Yes, in fact, that would be preferable to adapting a character originally conceived for another RP. However, there is no penalty for re-using a character and it won't slow or affect your acceptance. As stated above, I've put a lot of work into crafting this universe and would prefer concepts built specifically conceived for this roleplay.

H O W M A N Y P L A Y E R S W I L L T H E R E B E?
The aim is to gather between seven to eleven reliable players plus myself who will make up the returning students. If need be we can run the RP with as few as three. New players can be added down the road if our numbers dwindle and cause the RP to cease moving. If however, we keep a full roster or a consistent pace, there will be no need to recruit and no new acceptances will be made.

W I L L Y O U E X P A N D T H E R O S T E R W I T H O U T N O T I C E?
No. The RP will stay limited to the original number of players. Recruitment will only be made if there is an agreed upon need by both players and the GM and if the plot makes sense for new characters to appear.

C A N I H A V E M U L T I P L E C L A S S I F I C A T I O N S?
Hyperhumans are only ever one Primary Classification, with one Secondary Classification. This means any abilities that your character has must be justified under the single secondary classification. Characters may not have more than one Primary or Secondary Classification. This system was developed intentionally to move characters away from being a 'Superman' and more in line with Marvel's 'X-Men'.

C A N I U S E M A G I C?
Characters in this RP are required to be Hyperhumans only. That said, no you are not able to use magic or gain your abilities from any other source. This means you can not be a vampire, werewolf, alien or demi-god.

C A N I H A V E M O R E T H A N O N E C H A R A C T E R S?
You may only have one primary character in this RP, however, you are encouraged to develop a cast of secondary characters to interact with and challenge your character. It is more than welcome for each character to come from within different courses, programs and school teams. In the event that your character has died in the IC, you may create a replacement player provided you weren't removed from the RP for any of the reasons specified under the rules.

C A N M Y C H A R A C T E R B E B A D / E V I L?
Your character should struggle with morality, after all, suddenly being gifted with powers above those of mere mortals could lead to some overwhelming temptation whether to get revenge or use them for self-gain. But that said, your character should not spiral out of control, or at least the group should step in before then. The overall idea is that our characters do become forces for good in the end. Keeping in mind the setting and organizations involved, were your character considered to be a threat to society, they'd be arrested by H.E.L.P.

C A N M Y S E C O N D A R Y C H A R A C T E R S B E B A D / E V I L?
You are free to do as you wish with secondary characters. If you wish to mould them into an antagonist for the group you are encouraged to consult me and we can collaborate on how to make that happen. There will be opportunities for characters to shift alliances and become more antagonistic as the plot unfolds.

W H A T W I L L T H E P L O T B E L I K E?
The plot will follow a new group of students who have recently arrived at Pacific Royal Collegiate & University. The RP will follow the typical 'super school' formula, using a balance of slice-of-life, school and superpower tropes while also building to a larger overarching plot. In this plot, characters and players will have a chance to uncover secrets that could shake the institution to its core. There will be moments of surprise, and betrayal. Ultimately the group will be given the chance to take to the field and test their mettle.

C A N M Y C H A R A C T E R D I E?
Simply put yes. There will be moments in the RP where character death is entirely possible and I would like to treat these moments in as real of a manner as I can. Treat your character as vulnerable, and think through actions. If your character is vulnerable to gunfire and incites someone to open fire, they will be shot. Going into this RP you should know that in the event one of these situations arises, I will not ask if I can kill your character, I will simply do it. Abandoned characters will often be turned into cannon fodder.

I F M Y C H A R A C T E R D I E S, A M I O U T O F T H E R P?
Absolutely not unless you had abandoned your character. An abandoned character means you've likely dropped the RP, or missed your posting deadline thus meaning you're out. If your character died by circumstance you are free to either make a new character or promote a member of your secondary cast to a primary role and continue as part of the RP. I also understand bowing out after the death of your character though.

I S A W A D R A F T I N Y O U R P U B L I C W O R K S H O P, C A N I W O R K O N A R E S P O N S E T O I T?
Unless posted in the IC proper, any and all posts viewed publically on the forum should be treated as tentative and subject to change. I used my workshop for all many of ideas and drafts, and while I can't stop you from looking there to see what I'm creating next, I would just ask that you don't pull the trigger on any responses until the completed post has been put in the IC thread.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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To Do:

-Update Rules and Guideline to make applicable to this RP
-Zeroth Post
-Necessary Graphics for Alpa Base Map
-Character Sheet format, (revisit fault for previous ideas)
-Opening IC post
-Confirm invitees and characters

Collaborative Posts:
Forum post-by-post roleplaying is already a collaborative activity. A collaborative post should only be used in an instance where it would be beneficial, provided it does not lock players out of participating, bottleneck or unnecessarily throttle the roleplay. As this is a team unit-based roleplay, much of it will be collaborative with open floor discussions for the whole team to participate in. In the event you and another player are separated from the rest of the team, this is an opportunity for a collaborative post. However, when the team is together, if you post would be too short without a reply, I encourage you just to get the line or two of dialogue required from that player and continue to push the scene instead. Think critically about when to use a collab post and don't rely on it as a crutch to continue writing.

Posting Order:
Generally speaking, there is no posting order provided you're not posting at a rate which locks out other players from participating.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Online

List of Invitees:

PM for consideration if interested. Must have prior RPing experience with myself or any listed above.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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You have my erection.

I mean attention.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

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D R . S O L O M O N ' S A L L Y ' W I N T E R S
D R . S O L O M O N ' S A L L Y ' W I N T E R S
"This is the shape and the point of the tooth: nothing has ever lived that will not die."
NAME: | Dr. Solomon Isaac Winters
STATUS: | Active
DATE OF BIRTH: | 1973/10/11
ALIAS(ES): | The Occultist
RESIDENCE: | Damascus, Virginia
CITIZENSHIP: | American, Canadian
CLEARANCE LEVEL: | Special Agent

Solomon was born an only child to his mother and father after several years of misfortune in their attempts; he was a pale and sickly child, but well-loved, his parents each grateful for his presence. Raised in a mining and logging town deep within the Appalachians, he was no stranger to spooky stories told around bonfires nestled in the trees, quickly familiar with folktales and rumours and the myriad monsters that supposedly made their homes among the mountains. Alongside local myths, however, were far more mundane fears; the industry of the town came with its due share of injury and accident, sometimes monthly, weekly, or even daily incidents. Solomon's father, a lumberjack himself, was witness to much, and was careful to instil Solomon with caution, not willing to risk his only son against the same tragedies that befell many of his neighbours. All in all, Solomon grew up a pallid, morbid, but ultimately happy child.

It was only when Solomon started speaking truth to long-circulating town rumours, divulging secrets none had told him, and reciting final words he had no explainable reason to know, that his parents - and the town residents at large - became concerned with his behaviour, and eventually his psychology.

The town doctor was ill-prepared to handle a case like Solomon's. While well-equipped to handle the physical trauma and respiratory issues that plagued the town's logging and mining workers, there was little literature, training, or even precedent available to manage the mental difficulties that visited upon the young Winters child. Solomon withdrew socially, shunned by his peers for his odd behaviour and his conversations with invisible partners, and talked about in hushed whispers by the adults of the town. The medication prescribed by the doctor floundering for a treatment plan only served to flatten his emotions and numb his perception of, and participation in, the world around him, only pushing himself further beyond the social fringes. When Solomon was discovered one winter break in the woods, kneeling in the snow with his hands on burst-open carcasses and bringing unnatural, sluggish movements back to dead animals, he was condemned utterly.

Solomon's battered adolescent body lay in the snow on the brink of death from combined injury and hypothermia beyond the passing of midnight before he was finally found and returned home to his parents. The day after, an emissary darkened their doorstep to instruct that Solomon was no longer welcome in the town. It had been decided that at best he was odd and unsettling, and a potential danger to others; at worst, he was actively dabbling in dark and heretical things beyond human understanding, and would deliberately bring monstrous consequences upon them.

Solomon was taken away a week later by H.E.L.P. after a desperate letter of appeal from his parents to their headquarters in Canada, seeking somewhere Solomon could not only be safe, but also understood. He spent the rest of his adolescence in the organization's care, effectively a foster child, and came to learn that he was no dark wizard, nor possessed by the devil; he was a Hyperhuman - a distinctly unique Hyperhuman - and H.E.L.P. were keen to assist him in understanding his own nature, so that they could understand it better in turn.
Between his natural interests in the morbid and the occult from his early years, and his growing understanding of his own abilities in his adolescence, Solomon spent much of his time in H.E.L.P.'s care researching magic and the supernatural, poring over old tomes and studies of the paranormal. By the time he reached eighteen, he was already considered something of a specialist by the organisation's officials, and following a university course graduating with a Bachelor's in Mythology & Occult Sciences, and then a Master's degree, and then completing a Doctorate, the freshly-honoured Doctor Solomon Winters was by default the foremost expert on magic, the occult, and all things paranormal within H.E.L.P. - and most of the country, if not the continent - and his own personal research into the supernatural that his academic studies didn't cover wasn't about to slow down.

When Solomon started seeking out actual real-life encounters with those things that exist outside the veil of humans and Hypes, he was alternately warned off, or laughed out, considered broadly as an intelligent but off-putting man, who wasted his talents on fanciful stories meant to frighten children. When Solomon actually did come face-to-face with a beast from beyond the pale - and managed to have the good sense to record his encounter for concrete, empirical evidence - he was suddenly the only man worth talking to about the supernatural, and was quickly inducted officially into H.E.L.P. to share his knowledge within the organisation - and allow them to supress it as necessary.
Solomon has worked with H.E.L.P. and H.I.T. for over thirty years, and for such a long career, his rank within the organization - Special Agent - doesn't reflect the sheer breadth of his experience and service. What it does represent is the reaction his superiors and comrades-in-arms invariably have to his aloof, vaguely-absent, off-putting personality and behaviour, as well as the unsettling nature of his abilities, and his obsessive study and research into aspects of un-reality that the organization doesn't necessarily consider worth the time-and-resource-investment that Solomon continues to put into, and demand for, his inquisitions.

As a result, while Solomon is a well-respected agent among most within H.E.L.P., and a well-recognized name to most who work for the organization, he's also an incredibly 'internally-mobile' one; he's been shipped around and transferred between many units, offices, and task-forces across both H.E.L.P. and H.I.T., more than nearly any other individual within the operation, and is passed over for promotions and more senior positions. He struggles to make friends, and is absolutely incapable of playing the political network game to his advantage; it is only the sheer tenure of his service, the breadth of niches filled by his occult expertise, and the unique utility of his particular abilities, that cause him to only be shuffled, rather than disciplined, demoted, or fired entirely.
RACE: | Caucasian
SEX: | Male
HEIGHT: | 6'3"
WEIGHT: | 161lbs
HAIR COLOUR: | Brunette (going grey)
HAIR LENGTH: | Short-cut
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T S, & W E A K N E S S E S
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T S, & W E A K N E S S E S

Solomon's hyperhuman Einseele, or 'OneSoul', has a unique resonance (even among fellow Hypes) with HZE ions, granting him a peculiar dominion over the lingering Überseeles ('Oversouls') and Unterseeles ('Undersouls') of the deceased, and even partial communication with those of the still-living. This dominion allows Solomon to interact with the dead (and sometimes the living) in a handful of ways:

• Through focus, Solomon can conjure up the Überseele of the dead and communicate with the lingering consciousness contained within, able to ask questions, share memories, and with the more recently-deceased, engage in full two-sided conversation;
• By making physical contact with deceased bodies, Solomon can funnel his dominion into simple commands to the Unterseele of a being, animating the dead flesh into carrying out his command;
• Through a combination of resonance with the Über- and Unterseele in tandem, Solomon can dip into a being's memories and emotions, feeling them for himself. Using the same method, he can also experience the final living moments of a recently-expired corpse.

L I M I T A T I O N S & W E A K N E S S E S

• While Solomon can connect with the Überseele of a living being to experience their memories and thoughts, he cannot influence them, nor can he command the Überseele.
• Solomon's Unterseele commands require a corpse, and physical contact with said corpse; he cannot animate dead-flesh from distance.
• Commanded dead-flesh is still subject to real-world physics, and isn't imparted with any additional durability or strength, so can be fended off accordingly by those capable.
• The Überseeles of the more recently-deceased, or those of individuals who were particularly strong-willed in life, can manifest to Solomon independently of his summons, which can distract, frighten, or overwhelm him with voices and thoughts he didn't willingly conjure.
• Due to the Einseele inherent to Hyperhumans that unifies and balances the Über- and Unterseele, Solomon's abilities do not work whatsoever on other Hypes.
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