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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

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Rowan Kimb

Rowan waved a hand, reaching down and signing the contracts before handing the tablet over. "If you give your wire details to me assistant before we leave.. The amount should be there by tomorrow afternoon. If that's sufficient then I don't mind waiting. They're gifts after all." He offered a grin.

Killian crossed his legs again. "Midnight to 5am are off limits. I generally turn off my phone from business and wind down or sleep. If it's business related, I'll ignore it in that time frame." He sipped his drink again, humming. "I have Sundays off, though don't expect much. I tend to enjoy my time alone on my one day off."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

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Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

Aethel returns the grin. “Of course, that should be just fine. You’ll get a copy of the contracts in your inbox shortly with the next steps outlined. Should you or your assistant run into any issues, please let us know.” He pulls out his personal business card - the one he only gives to people he likes since it has his cellphone number. “I’ll make sure to contact you when we have our next auction, but feel free to constant me first if you have any questions come up.” He exchanges the card for the tablet before trotting off.

“I think that Kimb person just bought our contracts!” Lola practically squeals to Scarlett. Willow offers a small smile to them both - they’re both big sweethearts who deserve the sanctuary Rowan could provide. If only she could go with them.

Xavier barks in laughter, an unusual sound for the large wolf to make and it draws surprised looks from some of the people around their table. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He says with a big grin at Killian. He found himself quite enjoying the company.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

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Rowan Kimb

Rowan nodded to Aethel, taking the card and looking it over. Good. That was dealt with. He looked to the cage and gave the three a wink before he started back to his table, sliding the card into his jacket inner pocket. "Killian." He glanced between the two with a raised eyebrow before looking back to his assistant who gave him his attention.

"Aethel will be seeking you out before the night ends to give you wiring details for the bunnies. Make sure it goes smoothly." He patted the Omega's shoulder and glanced to Xavier. "If you don't mind.. I would appreciate if you kept Killian company a while longer while I visited the restroom." He then turned and started off to find the restroom, leaving Killian with Xavier.

Killian nodded at the information he gathered, and watched Rowan walk away to find the restroom. He sipped his drink more, already eyeing a man who had been looking in his direction nearly the entire night. Hopefully the man didn't approach.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

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Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

Willow peers out of the cage and keeps her eyes on Rowan, tracking his movement as she sits up nice and straight on a little puffy foot stool. Someone near the cage is trying to get her attention but she’s distracted.

“I don’t mind at all,” Xavier tells Rowan, his eyes on Killian. As Rowan leaves, a chair scrapes along the floor as Aethel pulls up a chair and sits between the eldest Beowulf and Kimb’s assistant. “Must you always be so obnoxious?” Xavier asks in a tired tone.

Aethel flashes a lazy grin. “Yes.”
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan moved out of sight to use the restroom. He hadn't been lying, so thankfully that was okay.

Killian Velvet

Killian looked over to see Aethel pull up a chair. He didn't get immediately into work mode. He would let Killian instigate it first. He kept himself settled in his seat, sipping the drink he had. It was surprisingly good. He'd had to figure out how to make it at home.

He gaze shifted to the Alpha who had been eyeing him. The man got up and moved over. It was a frequent buyer of the Beowulfs. He nodded a head towards the other Alphas. "Gentlemen. A lovely evening showcasing your prized gem. I'm definitely looking forward to the next one." The man's eyes landed on the Omega, him taking a step forward, hand moving to rest on the back of Killian's chair.

The Omega shifted, turning his legs in his seat so they didn't touch the Alpha as he held the drink carefully. Based on what they had talked about, Xavier might be the only one to notice the tension in Killian's jaw as he pointedly looked away from the crowding Alpha. "Is this one of your potentials? He sure is lovely to look at."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

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Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier rolls his eyes, choosing to otherwise ignore his brother’s eccentric behavior. Aethel, on the other hand, opens his mouth, about to speak when the third Alpha shows up to the table. Xavier’s hand tightens around his glass of scotch, not liking how the man approaches and the look in his eyes that are focused on Killian.

“Of course. We’ll make sure your invitation is sent as soon as we have the date picked.” Aethel replies easily, not looking bothered one bit by the new guy. His eyes follow the man lazily as he stands behind Rowan’s assistant. “No, no. This isn’t one of ours. He works for one of our other guests.”

The tension between Xavier and the Alpha behind Killian is palpable - anyone nearby can see the eldest Beowulf is stopping himself from an outburst. His jaw is clenched and tiny cracks are appearing on the glass he so tightly grasps. “What, are you going to steal him like you tried to do with Jewel, Mister Conan?” Xavier says through gritted teeth. They had no proof that the Conan clan was the one who kidnapped Jewel, but Xavier has yet to find anything that proves them innocent.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Killian Velvet

The older Alpha gives a soft laugh and a wave of his hand that's not on the chair at Xavier. "We didn't steal your gem, Junior." Ah, he was trying to be insulting. "But this one.." The man's eyes moved to Killian and the hand on the chair moves. It lifts a piece of the blond hair.

Before the older man could bring it to his nose, his hand was smacked by the Omega. He had turned his head enough to shoot him a glare, but he didn't do more than get the hair out of his hand. The older Alpha gave a soft rumble of a growl, hand going and snatching the wrist of the hand that smacked him. "You'll want to be careful, Omega. There are far more of us than you."

Killian's whole body stilled as his wrist was grabbed. With how closely Xavier was watching the Omega, it wouldn't be hard to pick up the quickened breath and the twitch in his hand around his glass like he was about to lift it and smash the Alpha with it.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier moves to stand up, but Aethel is quicker and grabs the Alpha’s wrist that holds Killian’s. “My, what bad manners you seem to have.” The second eldest croons in a mocking tone. “There’s far more of us than there is you.” His grip tightens.

“We tell you that this man belongs to a guest and you think it wise to push yourself onto him? How truly rotten your clan must be to try and pull this sort of stunt in our presence.” Xavier leans back in his seat and raises his hand to motion for a couple of their beefier clan men to kick the brute out. He’s only showing this level of calm as he knows Aethel can break the man’s wrist easily.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan is seen coming out of the restroom area, moving towards his table with a raised brow as he sees Killian crowded. "Something the matter?" He moves to stand in front of the table, eyeing the wrists and then Killian's demeanor.

Killian Velvet

The older Conan looks to Aethel grabbing his wrist, tightening his own on Killian's before seeing Rowan now there. His eyes narrow before he lets go and wrenched his hand out of Aethel's grip. "No. There isn't." With that he's escorted out.

Killian leans back after letting out a soft breath. He pulls his sleeves back, after undoing his cuff link. It's already started to bruise. He clicks his tongue against his teeth lightly and fixes his sleeve again. He clears his throat, picking up his empty glass. He didn't say anything to anyone, just leaves to go get another drink.

He hates how easily it is to identify that he's an Omega. This place even has scent patches! He leans against the bar for a moment with a heavier sigh and then looks to the bartender. He gives them his glass, asking for another one.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

While Xavier’s frown grows deeper as he watches Killian leave, Aethel makes a dramatic show of brushing himself off as if the Conan Alpha had sullied his clothes. “Just a brute. Xavier, I suggest we stop inviting the Conan clan to events, don’t you agree?” He glances to his brother, but the eldest son’s eyes are transfixed on the assistant while Killian orders another drink.

“Ahem,” Aethel clears his throat, shooting his brother a glare before looking back at Rowan. “We’re truly sorry this happened, let us make it up to you.” His eyes watch as Xavier finally stands and marches towards the bar.

The eldest Beowulf slips behind the bar and shoves some ice into a handkerchief he’s pulled out of his pocket. He ties it up and sets it gently by Killian, moving to stand at the bar with him but keeping his distance out of respect. “I’m sorry.” He says, his voice far more gentle than normal.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

The wolf watched Killian leave, and then watched Xavier stand before he looked back to Aethel and offered a chuckle. "No need. Killian is fully capable of defending himself. He likely would have caused a much bigger scene if the man hadn't let go. Thank you for looking after him." His gaze moved to the bar again, noting the interaction between the two.

He picked up the tablet and opened it, giving a hum. "Since Killian will likely be.. pre-occupied for a moment, I can handle the wire transfer."

Killian Velvet

Killian watches Xavier move behind the bar and then set a small makeshift ice pouch. He can't help the slight smile before he pulls off his suit jacket. He holds it out to Xavier, expectantly. When it's taken, he undoes his cuff link, pocketing it and rolling his sleeve. Yup, definitely bruising. He moves the ice pouch onto the back of his wrist as he left it rest on the bar.

He sips at his fresh drink, eyeing Xavier for a moment before shaking his head. "If your brother hadn't done anything.. I would have smashed my glass over his head." He looked away, twisting the drink. "So.. I should apologize. I almost caused a scene at your event." Perhaps he shouldn't accompany Rowan to them anymore, but honestly.. everyone had left him alone except for that one Alpha. He's seen more eyes on him, but none bothered to approach when the Beowulfs were there..
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

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Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Aethel tilts his head, raising an eyebrow for a moment as his eyes follow his brother before he looks at Rowan again. “You know what, let’s get you set up in one of our private rooms. I’ll even send Jewel your way to keep you company and Killian can join you when he’s ready, if he wants.” One look around the room will show anyone that the atmosphere has turned tense. Not good for business. What could be good, though, is spurring the clients’ interest in the rabbit by granting special permissions to only one guest.

“You have nothing to apologize for,” Xavier says in a huff as he folds Killian’s jacket over his arm. His grip on the counter had tightened when he saw how tightly the Conan brute must have been holding his wrist. “I was close to throwing my own glass at him.” Xavier looks sidelong, feeling some warmth on his cheeks. Is he embarrassed to show his emotions like this?

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

Willow stands slowly when Rhett approaches with the keys to the cage, having received them from Aethel throwing them his way. He looks angry as he beckons her to come out, closing the door behind her before gripping her upper arm tightly as he leads her through the back door and down a hallway. “You’re hurting me…” She protests softly as she attempts to pry his fingers into a looser grip.

She doesn’t know what’s going on, but Rhett doesn’t seem like he wants to talk. Keys in hand, he unlocks a seemingly random door before pushing her inside. His angry gaze locks onto her for a moment before he storms out, slamming the door behind him. Willow can hear the lock click and frowns as she looks around. The room is set up like a sitting room with plush armchairs and a soft loveseat. She flops onto the couch, laying on her back for now.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan pauses, then looks to Aethel. He noticed the wolf scan the room and does a quick scan himself. Ah. The scene with Killian cause a slightly stir. He close the tablet and put it under his arm as he nods. "Certainly. It'll let Killian some time to calm down. I appreciate it." He waits for either Aethel to show him the way or someone to collect him to show him the way.

Killian Velvet

The bear looks to Xavier. His cold and slightly wettened fingertips from his glass touch the little flush on the wolf's cheek. He gives a soft hum to himself before he removes his hand and turns towards the bar more. He pulls all his hair over his one shoulder, exposing his neck with the scent patch that's facing Xavier. He then picks up his glass and drinks from it. "I'm still going to apologize. It wasn't very professional and I caused a scene with one of your buyers." He looks at Xavier from the corner of his eyes and a small smile forms. "But I appreciate the gesture of you coming to defend me, even if you don't know me, Mister Beowulf."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Aethel nods and throws Rhett his keys, knowing his other brother would have heard the offer and known what to do. He looks to Rowan before gesturing for him to follow. The angry whispers from other guests fuels Aethel’s smirk, knowing he’s succeeded in driving interest in Jewel. “I can fetch your assistant after I show you the way.” He says nonchalantly as they go down a hallway and come to a stop by a door guarded by another Beowulf.

Xavier goes stock still as the Omega touches his flushed cheeks, having not expected to receive the gesture from Killian. Swallowing the hard lump that’s formed in his throat, he glances over when his peripheral catches movement, his eyes locking on the scent pouch for a moment before he turns his head to stare at the mirror behind the bartender. “Xavier’s just fine.” He tries to say with his usual gruffness, but instead it sounds more strained than anything.

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

Ears twitching, Willow sits up as she hears the door being unlocked and quickly tries to smooth down her hair and outfit before anyone can get mad at her. She’s thankful for the longer sleeves on the dress, knowing they’d hide any would-be bruising left by Rhett. When the door opens to reveal Rowan, she bites her bottom lips and digs her fingernails into her palms to keep from reacting at all or running into his arms.

“Rhett will be just outside the door should you need anything, Mister Kimb. I’ll go and check on your assistant.” Aethel doesn’t wait for a reply but he does shoot a look of warning to Rhett to school his angry expression.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan stands in the doorway, the door not able to close. He smiles to Aethel and offers a nod. "I appreciate it. Please also procure a proper ice pouch for Killian. I'd hate for your brother's handkerchief to be ruined by ice. Thank you." He waved, stepped out of the way and closing the door.

His shoulders seem to instantly relax and he turns his gaze to her. He smiles lightly and moves over. He takes her hand, kissing her knuckles, but also speaking low enough for just her to hear. "They could have cameras in here, so we still have to act." He stands and sits next to her. "Jewel. Lovely to see you so up close."

Killian Velvet

Killian looked to him and gave another laugh. He raised his free hand this time, covering his laugh with the back of his hand. He let it die gently before removing the ice and having the bartender dump it. He then took the handkerchief and pocketed it. He pulled his sleeve down, putting his cufflink back in and gently took his jacket, pulling it on properly before pulling his hair free to sit against his back and shoulders.

"Well, Xavier.. Thank you for an entertaining evening. I should get back to Mister Kimb and do my job." He reached out, hesitating for only a moment before letting his jaw clench and his hand dropping away. Too much, it seemed. He offered a small smile to him, finishing his drink and handing the glass over before turning to go find Rowan.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

If Rowan hadn’t mentioned cameras, Willow is sure she would have hugged him tightly as soon as he reached her. “R-right… of course.” She replies softly, but her big round eyes dance with relative excitement and happiness that it’s Rowan sitting next to her. Her nose wrinkles when he uses the Beowulf’s name for her, but she knows why he does. “I missed you.” As soft-spoken as she is, she’s sure no one’s going to expect to hear her either through the door or a camera recording.

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier has a bemused expression as he watches Killian laugh before stealing his handkerchief and taking his jacket back. “Of course…” He says slowly as he lifts his hand to take Killian’s before the Omega drops it. He uses the hand to rub the back of his neck instead, trying to play it off.

“I guess I’ll hope to catch you between 5AM and midnight sometime soon.” He turns to look at Killian but over his shoulder, he can see Aethel making his way towards the two of them. “Until then.” He offers a curt nod before sliding off his stool and heading in the opposite direction.

Aethel makes a face at his brother’s strange attitude before clearing his throat. “Ah, Killian, I took Mister Kimb to a private room if you’d like to join him.”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan chuckles and leans back, arm draping across the back of the couch as he unbuttons his jacket. He crosses his leg over the other and just sits there comfortably with her. "So, Jewel.. Tell me some of the things you enjoy to do. I have to do my best to get your interest if I'm to buy you." He gave a smirked grin.

Killian Velvet

The Omega looks over to him as he says he'll catch him on his off time, brows raising. "That's not the time.." It fades as he watches Xavier walk away, giving a small smile before his gaze turns to Aethel. His face falling to neutrality and a nod, buttoning his jacket. "Yes, thank you. He has the tablet so I will need it to conduct the wire transfer before the evening ends." He then turns fully, going to following Aethel.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

Despite the warning to keep up the act, Willow scoots closer to Rowan and sits back so it’s almost like Rowan has his arm around her instead of draped across the loveseat. She bites her cheeks to stop herself from giggling at his smirk, finding it difficult to keep up her end of the act. “Well, I like cooking and recently I found a love for baking.” Her eyes spark with small amusement as she peers up at him. “I’ve also decided that I like drawing.” Her eyes shift to look at the floor. “I think I’d like to become an animator… for those movies I liked…” This part she whispers, having only just admitted to herself that it might be a possibility when Rowan gets her out of here.

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Aethel leads Killian to the long hallway towards the room Jewel and Rowan will be in. “I have someone running to the infirmary to grab you a proper ice pack for your wrist. Again, I’m so sorry for the trouble that Conan brute caused you.” Ever the diplomat, Aethel shoots a toothy smile at the Omega. “I’d also like to apologize if my elder brother said anything untoward. I would give you an excuse, but he’s always grumpy.”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan hummed lightly at her, moving his arm on the back of the couch at the elbow and sett his fist lightly against his jaw. "Is that so? I'll have to see what you can do before I propose anything of the sort." His gaze moved to the door as he heard soft muffles, ear twitching towards it. "Tell me more about yourself. Likes, dislikes, anything you can think of."

Killian Velvet

"Please. The apology is mine. I caused a scene with one of your buyers." Killian shook his head lightly. He could also be professional. His gaze paused as he gave a slight smile at the mention of Xavier. "On the contrary, Xavier was a pleasant exception to the otherwise tense night." He paused outside the door when they got to it, looking to Aethel properly. "Thank you, Mister Beowulf. If you hadn't stopped him.. I would have broken one of your glasses and caused a bigger scene."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

Willow looks up, watching Rowan’s gaze and ear moving towards the door. She sits up straight again, her hands properly folded in her lap just in case someone in the clan enters. “Oh, hmm…” She says, kicking her feet a little as she thinks about her relatively short time with him. “I like plushies… and the color purple, like lavender! I… like being held while sleeping.” Her cheeks warm and she glances away jut in time for the door to open.

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Aethel snorts, having to place a hand over his mouth quickly. “I would’ve loved to see you do that.” He says with a grin. “But you’re welcome, cutie either way, cutie. It’s the least I could do.” He gaze moves past Killian to meet Rhett’s eyes. He’s even grumpier than Xavier is. “I’m going to go find your ice pack, but Rhett here will let you inside.” He gives a small wave before walking away.
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