Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Petal Bakery - Denver, CO
Currently: Cleaning

Willow’s wiped down the counters and put away the trays already, her current task is getting the bowls onto the hooks. She stretches onto the balls of her feet and places one hand on the sink’s edge to reach, getting the first one hanging when Rowan joins her in the back again. “If you don’t let me repay your kindness in some way, I will…” She pauses in her task of hanging the next bowl as she tries to think of a way to ‘punish’ him.

“I’ll…” She furrows her brow in concentration. “I’ll hide all your measuring spoons.”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Petal Bakery, Denver CO


Rowan pauses, the vacuum turning off. He then started laughing, hand moving to his belly. It was a loud and boisterous laugh, definitely not one he did often. He settled after a moment and held up his hand. "Fine, fine.." He started the vacuum back up, chuckling lightly to himself as he finished the floor.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Petal Bakery - Denver, CO
Currently: Cleaning

Willow’s smile grows large as she watches Rowan laugh, finding that she absolutely adores it. When he finally concedes defeat, she beams brightly. “Good.” She says with a nod before turning back around to finish hanging the bowls. Once done with her tasks, she looks around to make sure everything is shining as clean as it can.

“I think that’s it?” She says, standing in the middle of the backroom as she waits to know if Rowan agrees.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Petal Bakery, Denver CO


Rowan hummed as he came back from putting up the vacuum. He looked around and then moved to the oven. He opened it and looked inside, probably seeing if he needed to clean it. "All good. I think I'll clean the oven the day before I leave." He looked to her and ruffled her hair gently, then moved to the back door, opening it and waving her out. He locked it once she was out and then started to the house. "I'll take a shower while you cook and then when you're done with yours, we can eat together."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Petal Bakery - Denver, CO

Willow smooths the top of her hair once again before heading out of the bakery first before waiting for Rowan. As they walk, the rabbit taps her chin in thought. “Do you know what ingredients you have?” She knows she’ll be able to check for herself soon, but it’d help narrow down what she could make that would work as a dinner for both of them. “And are you allergic to anything?”
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO


Rowan turned slightly and rose a brow. "Am I allergic to something...? You'd think I'd keep food in my house that I'm allergic to.. so I can what.. die from asphyxiation?" Both brows rose and he gave a chuckle. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door, opening it and then closing it once she was inside.

"You'll have to see for yourself. There isn't much, since I'm not here for long periods of time." He moved towards the bedrooms. "The room you're staying in has more clothes for you to change into when you take your shower. I'll see you in a bit."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow’s ears droop the tiniest bit as Rowan points out just how silly her question was. “R-right…” She mumbles, avoiding his eyes as she enters his house once again, but meeting it as he speaks again. “Okay, I’ll think of something.” She smiles nervously as he makes his way towards the bedrooms. “Um, thank you! And… Have a good shower!”

Waving awkwardly, she heads towards the kitchen and starts going through the cabinets and everything to see what he has on hand. Willow starts mumbling under her breath as she thinks of possible meals. He has plenty of veggies which would be good for her since less meat was better for her diet. Eventually she lands on making a stew with the ingredients he has.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO


Rowan comes back out about half an hour later. He toweling his hair still, sweats and a t-shirt pulled on. "Shower's open now. I have a hairdryer out here, so we'll dry your hair out here." He gave a smile and then reached into the cabinet in the hallway and grabbed the hairdryer.

He Plugged it in on an outlet by the couch and started dryer his longer hair, brush in his hair as he started drying his hair quickly.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO
Currently: Cooking

Willow’s gotten the soup to a nice simmer, all the ingredients mixing together nicely. She jumps a little when she hears Rowan’s voice but schools her expression. “Oh! Okay!” She says with a smile, eyeing the hairdryer with intrigue. She puts celery and carrots in a bowl near the pot.

“I’ll add the veggies when I’m done with my shower, that way they don’t get mushy.” She starts making her way to bathroom when she remembers what he said about clothes and heads into ‘her’ room first to grab something to change into. When she exits the bedroom, she gives Rowan a look and bows her head a little. ”Thank you.” she says again for the umpteenth time before running into the bathroom.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO


He waves the hand with the brush at her apology and continues drying his hair quickly. He turned it off once he was done and brushed his hair easily. He then parted his hair and put the two section in loose french braids, tying the ends off with his own hair. He stretched lightly and leaned back against the couch as he waited for her to come back so he can dry it for her.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow can’t contain her curiosity while showering, looking at everything in the bathroom with intrigue. She still wants to learn more about Rowan, but for now she feels safe and protected. She’s careful as she washes her hair and ears gently, wanting to make sure she gets any of the dirt and grime out first before she enjoys the warm water. She gives her feet some extra attention since she’d been barefoot all day before she’s satisfied with how clean she was.

After drying herself off, she pulls on the oversized hoodie she found. She had found some shorts that luckily accommodated her tail, but she thinks she might need to ask Rowan if she would be able to get some underwear and maybe a pair of shoes to last until he takes her to the sanctuary. When she finally emerges from the bathroom, she feels pleasantly clean in what felt like the first time. She has a towel draped over her shoulders to keep the clothes from getting too wet as she makes her way over to Rowan with a relaxed smile.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO


Rowan opened his eyes at the sound of Willow coming into the room. He offered a smile to her and sat up. He waved for her to sit in front of him, spreading his knees so it was easier. "Come sit, I'll dry your hair." He lifted the hair dryer with another smile.
"By the way, whatever you're making smells delicious. I can't wait to dig into it."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow pads over to Rowan and plops down in front of him. She wiggles a little as she gets comfortable but also to get out some of the nerves out of her system. At his compliment, she leans her head back to beam up at him, the tip of her ears reaching his torso. “Good! I hope you’ll like it.” She wiggles her nose before glancing down at the clothes she’s wearing.

“Where did you get all these clothes from?” She asks, shifting her gaze back up to Rowan as she twirls the strings of the hoodie between her fingers.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO


He turns on the hair dryer and starts brush dryer her hair. "My sibling sometimes stays in the house while I'm not here. Since she comes often enough, guess she just brought and left some clothes." He shrugged lightly, being gentle about drying her hair, with the heat and the brush. "Feel free to wear whatever. Not like I can't wash it before we leave."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow closes her eyes, still feeling pretty relaxed from the warm shower already and now relaxing even further as Rowan blow dries her hair. She’d only ever have cold water at Beowulf and a blow dryer was a luxury used only for days they updated their photos. She hums in soft delight at how gentle he’s being. “How old is your sister?”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO


"Uhhhh. She's five years younger than me." He offered a smile, switching the blow dryer off and brushing through her hair again. He picked up a different brush from the box on the couch, setting the hair dryer back in it and gently touched her ears, using a soft bristle brush to make sure there was no knots in the longer fur on her ears.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow leans her head back again when he switches the blow dryer off, her wide eyes opening to stare up at Rowan again. “And how old are you?” She asks, returning his smile with one of her own before sitting up again as he brushes her hair. There’s a pause and then the blow dryer turns on.

Willow shivers, a thrill going up her spine as Rowan gently touches and brushes her ears. The pleasant sensation causes a strange reaction from the rabbit girl as a weird low rumbling sound escapes her. It sounds similar to a car purring. She’s never heard herself make the noise before and immediately flushes, hoping the man behind her didn’t hear it.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO


"Mmm. Thirty-three. My birthday was a couple months ago." He finished brushing her ears and then held the brush out. "Here you go, for your tail." He then raised his hands, setting the now off blow dryer within her reach and covered his eyes for her to brush her tail. "Meaning my sister is 27. She'll be turning 28 near the end of the year."

He leaned back while he hid his eyes. "How about you?"
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow lets loose a sigh of relief; it doesn’t seem like Rowan heard the noise. Still a little flustered. She watches as he covers his eyes so she can dry her tail and her appreciation for this strange man soars. With a goofy smile, she lifts the back of the hoodie and twists in order to dry her tail and brush it.

“You’re so old!” She can’t help but tease before answering him. “Hmm… I think I’m almost twenty-four?” Willow frowns, turning off the hair dryer and setting it back down by Rowan and tugging the large hoodie back over her tail now that it was dry. “Uh, Beowulf… They don’t really acknowledge rabbit birthdays so I wouldn’t know for sure…” She plops back down on the floor but faces him this time.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
Avatar of Visyn

Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO


"Mmm." He kept his eyes covered, despite the hair dryer stopping. "Did your mother ever celebrate one specific day with you? Like in secret? Maybe give you something?" He smiled lightly. If so, that was her birthday. If he knew what it was, he'd be sure to visit her on that day if she went to the sanctuary.
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