Player Info
Character Name: Jaiden Hopkins
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Player Appearance:
Jaiden is a short Caucasian man. He stands roughly around 5’4” and 110 lbs, and is often embarrassed by his height. He has a rectangular body frame with bulky shoulders. His general physique is fair, not containing notable fat or muscle. The stature and frame does make it easier to get lost in a crowd, especially when feeling uncomfortable from others.
Jaiden’s complexion is between an ashy olive & rosy tone. His face maintains a tired youthful appearance. His eyes are a bright topaz blue with long eyelashes. Under his left eye there is a large scar from a knife cut. His nose is small and narrow. He has orange hair, that while straightened down to his shoulders always has a stray curl here or there no matter how much he treats it. Just below his eye scar, and on his right hip he has tattoos of red eyes & pale fingers peering out of a black void.
Jaiden often wears his favorite long sleeved purple sweater, and either jeans or pajamas depending whether he’s outside or at home. He’s rarely allowed outside the house without being reminded to carry a concealed firearm holster on his waist. Which increases his anxiety the longer he’s outside.
Jaiden’s complexion is between an ashy olive & rosy tone. His face maintains a tired youthful appearance. His eyes are a bright topaz blue with long eyelashes. Under his left eye there is a large scar from a knife cut. His nose is small and narrow. He has orange hair, that while straightened down to his shoulders always has a stray curl here or there no matter how much he treats it. Just below his eye scar, and on his right hip he has tattoos of red eyes & pale fingers peering out of a black void.
Jaiden often wears his favorite long sleeved purple sweater, and either jeans or pajamas depending whether he’s outside or at home. He’s rarely allowed outside the house without being reminded to carry a concealed firearm holster on his waist. Which increases his anxiety the longer he’s outside.
Jaiden is a a cheerful and curious creator. He enjoys diving into the underlying mechanisms of various subjects, though mechanical devices & software especially. Deep dive documentaries on random subject matter are an enjoyable pastime to study new things A recent interest is that of roleplays and so called ‘esoteric’ history, such as supposed alien technology. His curiosity tends to bleed into a spontaneity of whether he can achieve a certain function by messing with stuff. The consequences or the actual necessity of these projects isn’t often thought of, and has lead to dozens of weird programs & modified devices. One of the latest is an audio interface that requires a point & click game to played to change the volume.
There is sense of thrill found in ‘hunts’. Typically searches for either unique solutions, interesting information, or at times even finding traces of persons from ‘bounty hunting’. It’s a matter of challenging himself, an impractical game of sorts that can become enthralling. He tends to refuse to take a break, or stop until he’s made some form of progress or difference. The behavior can be detrimental to his health, or at least his sleep at times.
Despite his otherwise positive personality in person, he has a set distrust of others. He keeps most persons at an arms-length and outright refuses to provide personal information of any sort. He’ll rarely bring up his own troubles, or true feelings to others either unless harshly pride out of him. He doesn’t consider it paranoia, but he refuses to even use his real name in any public setting. If asked for a name, he tends to default to “Guy”.
There is sense of thrill found in ‘hunts’. Typically searches for either unique solutions, interesting information, or at times even finding traces of persons from ‘bounty hunting’. It’s a matter of challenging himself, an impractical game of sorts that can become enthralling. He tends to refuse to take a break, or stop until he’s made some form of progress or difference. The behavior can be detrimental to his health, or at least his sleep at times.
Despite his otherwise positive personality in person, he has a set distrust of others. He keeps most persons at an arms-length and outright refuses to provide personal information of any sort. He’ll rarely bring up his own troubles, or true feelings to others either unless harshly pride out of him. He doesn’t consider it paranoia, but he refuses to even use his real name in any public setting. If asked for a name, he tends to default to “Guy”.
Jaiden grew up in a small trailer with his retired military dad. It was a quiet life, though the two would spend time as a handy man for electronics & a little assistant. They weren’t particularly poor, just never saw the need for lavish housing. The small electronic business was supposed to support Jaiden’s future college fund. Albeit, he would choose not to attend in person. His favorite memories from his younger years was messing with various RC toys by scripting basic routines. He’d take this scripting skill to some old online games as well such as multi-boxing on the classic mmo ‘Forever-Venture’.
He continued to develop his tech skills, specifically computer scripting and hacking. In his teen years he would take ‘bounty contracts’ as a white hat hacker, unknowingly putting him on a government watch list. He found a bit of satisfaction of hunting down or finding ‘clues’ on certain bounties and getting paid a good chunk of money in the process. Most of which was reinvested in either drone equipment, or gaming. He did, unfortunately get caught on one of his prior ventures and not only doxed but attacked in his home. He had to get an implant in his left eye to maintain vision in it and it hasn’t been quite the same since.
They had to move out of state using Jaiden’s college fund. He still wanted to pursue a degree, though couldn’t afford the standard in person-experience. Instead, leveraging some of his bounty jobs, he secured government grants to take online courses for a Computer Science degree & other certifications. In exchange he was essentially tracked into working for state cybersecurity. Things, were never quite the same. His dad became a paranoid gun nut that Jaiden keeps calm, & Jaiden himself felt uncomfortable leaving their home. He’s trying to reach out and return to old hobbies of online gaming and even experiment with them through roleplay to further distance himself from his identity. He’s picked up and is rather new to T.O.E., but has dived in leveling craftsmanship within it with little ventures, until now. Especially as quality crafting components require dungeon delving.
He continued to develop his tech skills, specifically computer scripting and hacking. In his teen years he would take ‘bounty contracts’ as a white hat hacker, unknowingly putting him on a government watch list. He found a bit of satisfaction of hunting down or finding ‘clues’ on certain bounties and getting paid a good chunk of money in the process. Most of which was reinvested in either drone equipment, or gaming. He did, unfortunately get caught on one of his prior ventures and not only doxed but attacked in his home. He had to get an implant in his left eye to maintain vision in it and it hasn’t been quite the same since.
They had to move out of state using Jaiden’s college fund. He still wanted to pursue a degree, though couldn’t afford the standard in person-experience. Instead, leveraging some of his bounty jobs, he secured government grants to take online courses for a Computer Science degree & other certifications. In exchange he was essentially tracked into working for state cybersecurity. Things, were never quite the same. His dad became a paranoid gun nut that Jaiden keeps calm, & Jaiden himself felt uncomfortable leaving their home. He’s trying to reach out and return to old hobbies of online gaming and even experiment with them through roleplay to further distance himself from his identity. He’s picked up and is rather new to T.O.E., but has dived in leveling craftsmanship within it with little ventures, until now. Especially as quality crafting components require dungeon delving.

Avatar Info
TOE Name: Goibniu_the_Waylander
Race: Centaur (Sphynx)
Class: Artificer
Role: DPS & Crowd Control
Race: Centaur (Sphynx)
Class: Artificer
Role: DPS & Crowd Control
Primary Hand Slot (Weapon): Terezol A muzzle loading flintlock pocket pistol with two barrels.
| Offhand Slot (Casting Focus): Sparkful DialAn ancient bronze dial that was once part of some greater powering mechanism. When wound and spun it emits a small static spark from assumed mystical means. It can be used as an arcane focus by artificers, wizards, & warlocks with eldritch patrons. |
Body: Leather Apron of SmithingA standard leather apron used by craftsman surrounded by forges and fire.
Accessory: Brass Cog Broach
Avatar Appearance:
Goibniu is technically a ‘centaur’, with a purchased skin to make the lower half of the body to be a lion’s. There was a concept of modding in a set of wings onto the model as well, however this was decided against to avoid being blocked from open servers or striked for T.O.S. violations. Goibniu has a large frame of musculature buried under a fat looking heft. Resembling a “Strongman” physique who’s well fed.
Goibniu’s upper human half is of a dark brown complexion. His lower lion half is covered in a sandy yellow fur pelt. He has a diamond like birthmark on the back of his left shoulder. While his chest has a wide set of knife scars across it. He has black hair pulled back into thick wick locks the length of rests just below the back of his neck. He is often wearing a smith apron of some sort or another in terms of clothing.
Goibniu’s upper human half is of a dark brown complexion. His lower lion half is covered in a sandy yellow fur pelt. He has a diamond like birthmark on the back of his left shoulder. While his chest has a wide set of knife scars across it. He has black hair pulled back into thick wick locks the length of rests just below the back of his neck. He is often wearing a smith apron of some sort or another in terms of clothing.
Avatar Personality:
Goibniu is supposed to be a roleplay account with a separate persona. Jaiden, is new to roleplay and struggles maintaining the persona at times.
Goibniu takes great pride in his craftmanship and pursues it over all else. He’ll gladly accept crafting projects for pennies, or small items in comparison to the value of the project itself: especially if materials for it were provided. He loves and seeks the practice and develop his skill. He pursues nearly all avenues to improve his knowledge even at direct risk to his own wellbeing. Which can mean inspecting traps too closely, looking at advanced dungeons, or kiting golem like enemies to get & ‘understanding’ of how they function.
He supposedly is supposed to have an apprehensive and gruff personality, using persons to his own ends. Even having a dark and vengeful spirit against those who have sleighted him or his colleagues especially. Jaiden, often fails or struggles at these aspects.
Goibniu takes great pride in his craftmanship and pursues it over all else. He’ll gladly accept crafting projects for pennies, or small items in comparison to the value of the project itself: especially if materials for it were provided. He loves and seeks the practice and develop his skill. He pursues nearly all avenues to improve his knowledge even at direct risk to his own wellbeing. Which can mean inspecting traps too closely, looking at advanced dungeons, or kiting golem like enemies to get & ‘understanding’ of how they function.
He supposedly is supposed to have an apprehensive and gruff personality, using persons to his own ends. Even having a dark and vengeful spirit against those who have sleighted him or his colleagues especially. Jaiden, often fails or struggles at these aspects.
Avatar Background:
Originally born as a blessed child named Mwayi from a small village in Scuonia, he trained in smithing. Tales of wondrous machines & golems from the ancient peoples of Scuonia & Ocren had inspired him. Time, had faded these legends but the tales had large contraptions that could read the skies, and golems with intelligence could rival that of any man. These legends were passed through word of mouth and ancient totems that no longer functioned for their original purpose. The deep scars in Jafrauca’s tapestry of shredded culture & history had lost much into mystery. Documents, Ideas, kingdoms, and even whole peoples were simplified into the colony of “Scuonia” or more often than not actively eradicated. This had gone over the course of centuries, but “Scunoia” had became a labor colony with a bloody history under the fluctuating rule of either Shebar or Jafrauca. Nations warred over the colony until its recent and hard-fought independence into a republic.
The world changed ever more and with rumors of Jafrauca’s advancing machinery, there were underlying anxieties. Scuonia was afraid of being subjugated again. The republic of Scunoia, hardly wished to take matters lying down and reached throughout the land for craftsman, warriors, and scholars. Mwayi’s village had sponsored the journey to Ministry of Sciences with the sale of their strongest cattle. He would take an apprenticeship under scholar Goibniu of the Measure. The Ancient Goibniu was a mathematician, though he owed much of his knowledge archaeological explorations in his youth. Mwayi, would develop a skill for a field of engineering called tinkering, thanks to Goibniu’s tutelage. In rather esoteric portions of the tutelage, Mwayi even began a spark to become an artificer instead of a simple craftsman.
Unfortunately, the Ancient Goibniu, did not get to die of old age. The scholar was assassinated by an elf named “Roam”. The Ministry’s great libraries were raided, and what wasn’t stolen, was torched. The nations of Shebar & Jafrauca are the prime suspects of involvement. Mwayi took up the name of his mentor vowing to reclaim their research, and expand the Ministry’s knowledge along the way. Sailing through Roclen to reach Shebar.
The world changed ever more and with rumors of Jafrauca’s advancing machinery, there were underlying anxieties. Scuonia was afraid of being subjugated again. The republic of Scunoia, hardly wished to take matters lying down and reached throughout the land for craftsman, warriors, and scholars. Mwayi’s village had sponsored the journey to Ministry of Sciences with the sale of their strongest cattle. He would take an apprenticeship under scholar Goibniu of the Measure. The Ancient Goibniu was a mathematician, though he owed much of his knowledge archaeological explorations in his youth. Mwayi, would develop a skill for a field of engineering called tinkering, thanks to Goibniu’s tutelage. In rather esoteric portions of the tutelage, Mwayi even began a spark to become an artificer instead of a simple craftsman.
Unfortunately, the Ancient Goibniu, did not get to die of old age. The scholar was assassinated by an elf named “Roam”. The Ministry’s great libraries were raided, and what wasn’t stolen, was torched. The nations of Shebar & Jafrauca are the prime suspects of involvement. Mwayi took up the name of his mentor vowing to reclaim their research, and expand the Ministry’s knowledge along the way. Sailing through Roclen to reach Shebar.
Magical Abilities:
“Artificers abilities come from an understanding principle of the natural philosophies and breaching the underlying mechanics to function to the point of becoming magic! Applying arcane summoned machinery or tools to their ends.”
Stunning Shock: Creates a short-ranged beam of built-up static to attack a target. This beam inflicts low damage and has a low chance to paralyze a target.“Rub your hands together, and hope you don’t jolt yourself.” |
Summon/Dispel Automaton: Summons or dispels one’s own medium size “pet” automaton. The creature can follow basic commands, attack, and perform different actions depending on acquired perks gained through special equipment or investing skill points. “An entity made by esoteric studies of magic & sciences, only few who can create or call such from beyond the veil.”
Automaton Appearance:
The automaton creature vaguely resembles a humanoid made out of brass from the waist up. Its general frame appears similar to a slim vase, with a tapered neck, and a half sphere at the top for the ‘head’. At the base of the conjured creature is a large cog that spins clockwise. This ‘cog’ base seems to apply a levitation force against the ground through unknown means. The lower half of its ‘torso’ resembles a massive compressed steel spring. It has two thin arms that resemble solid levers with prong like claws on their ends.
On the automaton’s abdomen is a massive ‘slot’, that seems to be missing some form of gear. On either pec of its chest are two concave spherical slots as well. The head of creature has ‘eyes’ formed from horizontal shaped slits. On either said of the head or small protrusions vaguely resembling the ends of a horn.
On the automaton’s abdomen is a massive ‘slot’, that seems to be missing some form of gear. On either pec of its chest are two concave spherical slots as well. The head of creature has ‘eyes’ formed from horizontal shaped slits. On either said of the head or small protrusions vaguely resembling the ends of a horn.
Craft Skills:
Bronze Metallurgy 3- Removes ‘failure’ chance when working with copper-based alloys, including brass & bronze. Decreases the number of metal needed when creating copper-based items by 3/4ths.“Springs, wheels, and more. Let the trumpets play!” | Steel Metallurgy 2- Removes ‘failure’ chance when working with iron-based alloys, including steel & ferrous metals. Decreases the number of metal needed when creating iron based items by 2/4ths.“A defining point of advancement, whether it be to defend yourself, or deal some damage.” | Field Repair- Allows the use of smithing out in the open rather than at a forge. Whether this be repairing durability, crafting, or scrapping materials. The time of smithing is faster than using standard ‘magic’ repair hammers, that only restore durability.“Looks like there’s a chip in your armor there, let me just patch it up-…and done!” |
Scrap Saver: Deconstructed devices & metal objects drop additional scrap metals and components that can be used for tinkering.“One man’s trash, is another man’s spring for a lovely wall clock!” | Gear Head: Allows the use of tinkering with devices directly in the field modify their traits instead of simply activating or deactivating the device. Normally a tinkering crafting station would be needed. =. This consumes scraps and other components.“This trap is great, but… what if I made if I moved that cog over here-?” | Ballistic Craftsman 2: Grants a moderate chance of adding an additional perk when crafting or modifying a firearm.“The barrel could use some work, but with some love it’ll be blasting through walls.” |
- Has been in multiple groups for 'bounty' work. Some of which, were in-field bounty hunters that bought or trade information on wanted persons. Bounties also frequently referred to tasks of testing security systems, or taking down dangerous networks.
- Used to frequently 'Multi-box- on Forever-Venture (An old and classic MMO). Playing a handful of characters at once, and having interacted with multiple guilds accordingly in the past.
- Lurks on a roleplay forum for their chatroom and the fun vibes and took a lot of advice for coming up with Goibniu.