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Hidden 5 days ago Post by gobboguy
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gobboguy [Number #1 Salesman], SPAMTON G. SPAMTON!!!

Member Seen 25 min ago

Another useless day at work. He had more important stuff to do, sure, but he just couldn't help himself from looking at all these anomalies. Gary had grown to love the supernatural, whether it be Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, or plain yetis, he loved them all. He was a cryptologist, and even cracked the Zodiac killer's, but that wasn't enough for him. He joined the FBI; but it still didn't make him feel whole. But, as years passed, he had caught word of a secret government organization, the spc? After hearing about what they do, (and finally spelling it as "scp") He joined as soon as he could. He was ecstatic, but suddenly, he had heard from the main desk that he was gonna be moved to the middle of nowhere. This was heartbreaking for him, as he had to cut ties with his wife and kids. If he could turn back time to be a cyphertologist, he would. But, here he is, studying weird creatures in the middle of nowhere, a cold place. As he was taking notes on a fascinating creature, his name was called. "Gary Hartwell Smith, please report to your living quarters," the lady from the intercom said. over and Over and OVER again. He walked past, but he saw some new faces around here. was about time, as this vacation was going to be the first time he's seen their kids since they were 6 and 3. oh, a woe-some 29 years wasted. But this was it. the last time he was gonna be yelled at for the next 3 months. As he entered the office, he... saw party tape? and goodbye gifts? he was gonna leave for three months, not quit!
"What's all this about?"
"We're just wishing you a happy 3 months!"
He enjoyed the gesture, and played along with it.
After the party was over, that night, as Gary was packing, something blocked his door. he couldn't tell what, but he was trapped. Locked in. He banged on the door, but nothing happened. He called for help. Nothing happened. Gary tried calling the emergency hotline, but it was out of service. He wanted to break through the wall, but this was a high security building, not his kids cardboard castles...
...His kids.
He laid on the floor, and cried himself to sleep.
all he could do was pray.
Hidden 5 days ago 5 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

| Mason pulls up to the base and gets out of his car and walks towards the entrance and is greeted by the security guards and he goes to the barracks and he unpacks and puts a picture of his sister on the table next to the bed and hears a scream and tilts his head and walks towards the sound with his gun drawn looking around cautiously and he sees a black scp run through the hall and he goes up to the hall where it ran and there’s nothing there and he sees a dead body clawed up and mauled like a wolf and he aims his gun around the corner and gets tackled by something to the left of him and pistol whips it and he starts running away and he goes in a room and he barricades the door and enters another hallway and hears a growl and hides behind a wall and it seems like some of the scps have gotten out of they’re cells but not all of them and he radios the director and asks the director • Sir permission to kill scps who got out• and the director says • permission granted• and he walks towards the hallway where he heard the growl and grabs a M4 from a dead guard and mows the scp down and it doesn’t die and I read the sigh to the right of me and it says - caution this scp has a unique weakness Fire. bullets will not do damage.Caution- and he says • that’s just great• and he runs into a door and opens it and closes it and quickly grabs a bottle of alcohol and a napkin and a lighter and he opens the door and sets the bottle on fire and he smirks and throws it at the thing| to be continued.|
Hidden 5 days ago 5 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

|the scp is on fire and it lunges at him and it try’s to kill him but he blocks almost all of its attacks Except the last one it tackles him into a wall while on fire and it’s holding him on the wall and he try’s to pry free of its grasp but is unable to and his uniform is now on fire also and he sees a emergency axe on the wall and busts the glass with his elbow and grabs the axe and chops the things right hand off but it grows back in seconds and he says “that’s just amazing”and he is still on fire and realizes it but he’s going to take a guess and say the uniforms fire proof because if it wasn’t that would make 0 sense and he moves the ace so it could also catch on fire and he delivers 5 blows with the axe and is attacked by 2 more scps and just chops the head off the small scp because he has common sense and kills the one that he was fighting before and the big scp tackles him to the wall again and I bit a part of his neck off and the scp grasps it’s neck and falls to the ground and mason spits out its neck and grabs a fire extinguisher and sprays himself also he doesn’t have a helmet and after that the alarm which was blaring before stops signaling the scps that got out were captured or killed and he goes back to his barracks and takes a long shower|
Hidden 1 day ago Post by gobboguy
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gobboguy [Number #1 Salesman], SPAMTON G. SPAMTON!!!

Member Seen 25 min ago

Suddenly, he wakes up. in his bed. his alarm is ringing. His door isn't blocked. His alarm says it's... yesterday?
his keen eye sensed something was off.
something anomalous.
Suddenly, he started packing.
If this was yesterday, then he should test somethings. He snuck past the guards, as he knew their schedules. like yesterday.
But that could be a coincidence, right? He was smart, and had a keen eye, so of course he would realize the guards' locations after 29 years, in fact it doesn't need a cryptologist to figure that out.
As he got in his car, he immediately started driving. he drove, and he drove. All the way until the clock. struck. midnight.
he woke up the next, or in this case last morning, and he immediately knew what was about to happen.
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Sanity43217
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A rubbery thud sounded around the containment chamber of SCP-8127, as they threw a small rubber bouncy ball at the wall. The small red rubber projectile bounced off the concrete wall and back into Taphios’s hand.
He bounced the ball again. And again. And again…

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