Hidden 5 days ago 5 days ago Post by Shu
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The Dalelands, a bountiful realm of rolling fields and lush forests, the soil rich and the weather fair with the welcoming kiss of the sea to the east - it is as if all the good gods smile upon this land. Many, many folk call this ample region their home, the Dalelands hosting numerous city-states and lordships that despite their differences cooperate and stand together in times of plenty and crisis alike. This bond among the Dalesfolk as well as their close friendships with the elves of Cormanthor and the benevolent Harpers serve the Dales well and protect them in the face of danger - and there is much danger to be seen that threatens the Dales.

The Zhentarim are a constant threat, coveting the abundant lands and rich trade routes of the Dales. And when not the Zhentarim it is the drow - the swarthy elves of the Underdark, beings that fill the nightmares of children. And when not the drow it is the beasts of the Thunder Peaks and other dangerous places that blot the otherwise wondrous Dalelands. The Dalesfolk are always wary of outsiders for they have suffered their share of hardships over the centuries.

In recent years none in the Dalelands have suffered like the people of Scardale - a small, rugged region that lies against the Sea of Fallen Stars near the border with Sembia. In the last generation Scardale has endured war, occupation by cruel invading forces, political dispute, and most recently a terrible plague that lead to thousands upon thousands of deaths. In the wake of the plagues’ end chaos ensued, criminals and other armed bands preyed upon Scarsdale’s weakened capital - the city watch began to desert and order crumbled as the capital was ravaged from within. The city leaders fled the destruction and established their new capital in the nearby trading settlement of Chandlerscross as Scardale Town burned against the eastern horizon.

The folk of Scardale are at an impasse. While some say that Scardale Town is lost and should be cast to the wind others insist that the capital must be reclaimed. Since the city was abandoned criminal syndicates, mad cultists, and other vile organizations have taken up residence within. The danger of leaving Scardale Town to those of ill intent is too great they say. Governor Khelvos Dermmen stands conflicted, not willing to begin a bloody campaign against Scardale Town but also aware of the threat of letting the city fester in corruption and evil. Day after day he sits in his keep, wringing his hands and praying to Torm for answers but receives none as the provisional council bickers endlessly.

One ambitious man, Berald Hastlon, seeks to break this deadlock and see Scardale Town reclaimed from its’ current state. However, unable to rely on the limited resources and manpower at Chandlerscross, Berald has put out a call for strong and resolute souls - promising great boons to those who would answer his summons. Would-be heroes and mercenaries quickly flocked to Chandlerscross from the nearby regions and were guided to Berald’s estate where the nobleman prepares to address them…


NIGHTAL 1, 1372 DR

So, let us see what this Lord Hastlon has to offer.

“I hope this Lord Hastlon does not keep us all waiting much longer, it has been a long trip up here and I would like a stiff drink and a warm bed after the journey I have had.”

Iliskra’s eyes darted around, the half-elf’s gaze settling on the man that had just uttered the bumbling complaint. A heavily armored brute of a human with a broadsword hefted over his shoulder, on his head sat a helmet ornamented with spiraling horns and from his back hung a blood-red cape which was frayed at the bottom. Iliskra felt a smirk tugging at the right corner of her mouth. She could not see his face but by his way of speaking alone Iliskra had a feeling the lampoonish oaf breathed through parted lips more often than not.

“Cease your complaining.” Said another voice, higher pitched and silky. Iliskra’s eyes swiveled towards the owner - another human, a golden-haired woman in a suit of scalemail with a kite shield perched upon her left arm emblazoned with the symbol of Helm. “I imagine Lord Hastlon is a busy man and he will be with us as soon possible.” she stated.

“One would think he would handle his regular affairs so he might address his new army of fools posthaste.” came a third voice which prompted a couple of stray laughs.

From her place in the shadow of a nearby corner Iliskra turned her head to give the host of folk she stood with another looking over. Including herself there seemed to be just over twenty people gathered in the very lavish foyer of Lord Hastlon’s mansion - all newly arrived and answering his call for capable swordarms for some expedition of sorts. There were some among them that made her smile in amusement such as the helmeted clod that did not know how to even grip a sword, or the wide-eyed young man in the brown jerkin armed with a hunting bow and a dagger that shined like new. And then there were those that Iliskra could immediately tell were not to be lightly trifled with, such as the listless bearded man in robes that Iliskra immediately marked as a wizard, or the grizzled dwarf that stood at the back of the crowd - two ruddy, wicked hand axes hanging from his waist. Most of those gathered were humans, the dwarf graced by the presence of another of his kind and Iliskra had also spotted a pair of halflings standing together at the front of the assemblage. From what she could see she was the only elf-blood in the room - which was hardly a first time happening. Several of the fellow arrivals were sipping away at silvery goblets of wine, served to those who so wished when everyone was allowed inside the mansion. Iliskra had declined, choosing carefulness over expensive wine freely given out. Iliskra doubted there was any malicious intent and Lord Hastlon had simply wished to butter up his guests before presenting himself. Still, it was always better to be safe than sorry. And if Iliskra wanted fine wine she could just steal some later.

Iliskra glanced out of a nearby window. The sun was setting and snow was falling, delicate white flakes blanketing the outside of the mansion and the whole of the town of Chandlerscross. Midwinter was just weeks away and the Dales were already enveloped in snow and ice as this was looking to be a bitter winter season. Thought not inclined to complain Iliskra hoped that their host did make his entrance very soon, for if she were to stay at an inn tonight she would rather not try to find one after dark while trudging through shin deep snow.
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Herald


Member Seen 30 min ago

Leon drifted through the crowd of mercenaries, a half-full silver wine cup in his hand that always seemed to dodge any attempt to refill it and an easy smile on his face that hid as much as the bronze mask at his hip did at times. His blue eyes scanned the faces and helmets all around him with interest. Lord Hastlon had gathered quite the menagerie of 'ne'er do wells' into his not so humble home tonight for his grand call for action. And grant it would be, for the Maskarrans to send one of their own to this particular masquerade.

If only they weren't all so dreadfully boring, Leon thought to himself, even as he feigned an interest in the immaculately maintained armor of a human male that clearly thought themselves some dragon slaying knight out to find their princess. The man put on a brave face, recounting the story of their last adventure into some dreadful sewer and fighting off a wererat infestation. Leon kept an easy half-smile on his own face, nodding through the story, but also seeing the slight wince of pain in the other man's eyes. You fought near the back of the group... and someone died. No, the pain is too recent. They were bitten. And so you freaked out and spent your life's savings on armor that will be stripped from your body ten minutes into Scardale...

"It is good to hear that I will be in the company of such heroes," Leon said, "hopefully your companions meet with similar success. Pardon me."

And so he continued the dance, flitting from one group to the next, always looking for the true players of this game. The ones with skill, intelligence, money, and/or strength to draw his attention. There were a few faces in the crowd that he took note of, but none that seemed to trigger what he was looking for. That special blending of shadows, that whisper heard only in the darkest of alleyways, the touch of his god upon his shoulder. He learned names, let others brag of their talents, and even made a few simple offerings of his own services in exchange for appropriate payments. He had received two offers of employment so far, but had turned both offers down sensing that their idea of loyalty didn't quite match up with his own.

His patience was already beginning to wear thin after two different passes through the 'adventurers'. If necessary, he would carry out his temple's mission himself, but there was a nagging feeling in the back of his neck that he was missing something... someone. Muttering a prayer to Mask under his breath as he swung through the next group of fools, several people seemed to move in just the perfect way so that he caught sight of a lone figure that he had somehow been missing on his previous trips. An elven woman, possibly a half-elf since her skin was a little lighter than the wood elves he had seen in these parts, graced with curves that drew attention away from the telltale musculature of someone who performed acrobatics as part of their daily routine. She held the ethereal beauty most elves could lay claim to, but even Leon's brief look was able to see the intelligence that hid in those eyes. The shadows seemed to welcome her, and one of the first tenets of Mask's faithful came to his mind.

Mask sees everything that happens in the dark. Trust the darkness, for those in the light are easy prey.

The crowd moved again and he lost sight of her, but he would remember her face. Even as Lord Hastlon began to call for attention, he couldn't help but throw subtle glances around, wondering if she was still lurking in the crowd somewhere.
Hidden 3 days ago 3 days ago Post by Shu
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Oi’, is that Lord Hastlon?” asked one man.

“No, you bucket, that’s the steward or… whatever e’ is.” snapped another.

Standing now at the diverging platform of the upward staircase at the back of the foyer was a rotund man of modest height with a short-cut white beard and poorly combed thinning hair to match. His cream-colored jerkin laced tight enough to present his girth in full and the golden breeches and sequined shoes he wore making him look quite dandyish. He was the one who had first allowed the armed arrivals into the mansion just short of an hour ago after everyone had been standing out in the cold for who knows how long. As all eyes rested on him the man raised his arms up halfway, palms facing downward. “Good evening,” the man began, his voice smooth and tone practiced, “I know you are all eager to see Lord Hastlon, to hear of this grand foray of his and the rewards to be had.”

Scattered grumbles flitted about the room.

“I apologize for my lord, he had a sudden affair that needed to be tended. He shall be down straight away. Your patience has been greatly appreciated as his lordship knows that this has been a long journey for some of you, particularly in this treacherous winter. I hope you all have enjoyed the wine, a well-aged Arabellan Dry!”

Damn, Iliskra thought slightly woefully, I do adore Arabellan Dry…

“Lord Hastlon has plenty more hospitality to offer, rest assured -…”

“That will do Virjas.”

The portly man’s voice stopped, his head turning to his right toward the top of the stairs - everyone else in the room following in suit. There stood without a doubt the man that had to be Lord Berald Hastlon, patron of the Hastlon noble house and one of the nine councilmen of the Scardale’s provisional government - known to many as the “government in exile”. Iliskra knew somewhat about the councilman and frankly his appearance fit quite well with the scattered murmurings and passing conversations she had picked up on him since coming to Scardale. He was tall and sturdily built, his wide shoulders and chest noticeable even in the heavy green dress coat and light brown vest he wore. His face was expressionless, cold one might even say. His sharp, thick brows, half-lidded eyes, and strong jaw gave him the look of an uncaring type. His neatly trimmed mustache and goatee painting a sort of refinement about him. He descended down the stairs, brisk but not in a show of hurriedness. Everyone had gone quiet, even the more mouthy of the mercenaries present.

The steward Virjas dipped his head humbly and stepped back as the nobleman took the center piece of the stairs. His narrowed eyes passed over the mottled collection of warriors, mages, rogues, and other sorts - his face betraying neither dissatisfaction or impressment. He simply took a moment to observe those that had answered his call for able venturers. The sun was nearly set and the small amount of light that bled through the purple stained class behind Lord Hastlon washed over him. This and the great chandelier that hung just overhead gave him an even more regal appearance.

“I see my call did not go ignored.” Hastlon stated the obvious with a wry half-smile, clasping his hands behind his back. “I am of course Lord Berald Hastlon, and I am the reason you are all here. Rather, I have a reason to have all of you here before me.”

Lord Hastlon let the sharp end of his opening remark hang over the crowd before continuing, “My reason for having you all here is because… there is a matter of grand import to me. Me and the folk of this dale.”

Another pause, and then he continued, “I have need of… worthy and capable sorts for an expedition, if you will. Perhaps it is better to call it a ‘plot’, but that is an ugly word, isn’t it?”

A stray chuckle from somewhere in the foyer.

“My interests lay in Scardale Town. Which some of you most likely know, if you pay any mind to affairs of the dale these days.”

Stray grumbles around the room, several people, including Iliskra, knew that Lord Hastlon and others on the council had been chomping at the bit ever since the fall of the dale’s capital - Scardale Town. Iliskra remembered two years ago when word spread of the plague that had stricken the coastal city and killed half of the people there. Not long after that chaos broke out, criminals and other armed sorts took to the streets and the government was driven into exile as it were - albeit an exile just up the river, here in Chandlerscross. Some were content with abandoning the city and leaving it to destroy itself in its’ current state of endless gang war and whatever else was going on within the wretched confines of the place. Others, such as Lord Hastlon, had been trying to stir the good people of the dale to retake their capital. Currently things stood at a standstill with the weak excuse of a governor unable to commit to a final stance on Scardale Town. Iliskra suddenly felt butterflies in her stomach and her heart quicken, Hastlon’s next words making her tense up greatly.

“I will spare you all the pomp and grandeur. I am sending this little… ‘effort’ east, into Scardale Town. That is of course, those of you who think yourself capable and willing of such a dangerous undertaking. Dangerous but very profitable, I assure you.”

Hastlon paused again, his eyes taking in every reaction he saw.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Herald


Member Seen 30 min ago

Leon began to quietly move through the crowd, feeling the pull of Mask as Lord Hastlon began his speech. To those nearby he was simply another face in the crowd, perhaps a guest suddenly feeling a need for the bathroom or moving for a better vantage point, but it was the whispers he left in his wake that began to separate the wheat from the chaff. It was a simple skill, looking like you were speaking to someone else deeper in the crowd while allowing your words to overheard by those around you.

“My reason for having you all here is because… there is a matter of grand import to me. Me and the folk of this dale.”

"More like important to his pockets. He'll always be the man in charge, collecting his dues from those who break their backs doing the work," he said, leaving the poisonous words in his wake as he passed by some of the more shifty looking individuals.

“I have need of… worthy and capable sorts for an expedition, if you will. Perhaps it is better to call it a ‘plot’, but that is an ugly word, isn’t it?”

"Ugly, but accurate. What goodly god or man would approve of this shadowplay?," he muttered as he passed by the human who's shoulder bore the symbol of helm.

“My interests lay in Scardale Town. Which some of you most likely know, if you pay any mind to affairs of the dale these days.”

"The old capital? He must be mad, the shaking plague is still ravaging the city!," another whisper left drifting into the ears of the man he had spoken to earlier. The rumbles of whispers were already gathering in his wake, and like a conductor he slowly let them build, overlapping stories and voices until they built into a symphony of stressed whispers that plucked at the minds of the weak. It wouldn't do much, but for those on the edge of the fence, it would give a good shove over the edge. Already he could hear the boot heels of at least two people beginning to head for the doors. Good riddance.

“I will spare you all the pomp and grandeur. I am sending this little… ‘effort’ east, into Scardale Town. That is of course, those of you who think yourself capable and willing of such a dangerous undertaking. Dangerous but very profitable, I assure you.”

Leon turned back to face Lord Hastlon, though his own face was lost in the crowd. He took this opportunity to do his own scan of the crowd, watching their face and body language as individuals began to clump into groups. The small smiles on some of their faces spoke of the great greed that motivated them, others displayed wider grins showing their teeth and outwardly displaying their taste for violence. Very few actually seemed excited for the prospect of helping their beleaguered town, and Leon would be lying to himself if he couldn't help but share a similar sentimentality. It was a remnant of his old life before the temple. Of a man who existed only as a mask now.

His eyes settled once more on a face in the shadows. The elven-blooded woman he had spotted earlier was curiously standing alone, no companions or bodyguards nearby from what he could tell. Following his earlier instinct he made his way back towards her, stepping out of the crowd and then turning back to face Lord Hastlon as though he were the primary focus of his attention.

"Do you believe him?," he asked, "Scardale is a mess right now both in terms of man and monsters."

He pulled a single gold coin from his pouch, the simplest sleight of hand making it appear between his fingers and roll over the back of his knuckles like a common street magician. "Coin for your thoughts? You look like the only other person here with a far bit of sense."
Hidden 2 days ago 2 days ago Post by Shu
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“You should not speak into an empty corner, people might think you are mad.”

The lithe form of the woman suddenly faded inwards as if she were stepping back into a dark shadow before disappearing right before Leon completely. The man would feel a slight sting as the right side of his neck was suddenly flicked by the unmistakable shape of a finger.

“Nor should you speak to a stranger in the shadows so carelessly, it is not a safe thing where I am from, human.”

The woman stood now behind Leon, completely disinterested in him for the most part - her eyes lain on Lord Hastlon as he spoke further, “Over the past several weeks I have dispatched agents to Scardale Town. They have… sent word on the goings on in the fallen city. The good people of the dale have no idea the danger and evils that fester within. Thieves and street gangs are the least of concerns now. I have since approached the governor and members of the council with this information and still they remain noncommittal.” Hastlon’s upper lipped and inner brow crinkled into a sneer. “I can no longer sit idle while gods-know-what stirs within our capital. And there are many others that feel the same.”

“And so you seek to hire adventurers and mercenaries to destroy the growing threat you speak of in Scardale Town.” the Helmite woman pointedly stated, many heads in the room turning to her and then back up to Lord Hastlon expectantly.

“Yes.” Hastlon replied flatly. “I wish it were something I was not compelled to do. I do loathe going beyond the governor and my fellows. But I cannot waste time appealing over and over while we sit vulnerable. I am a man of action.” A pause. “I do not expect all of you to reclaim the city entirely on your own. You will, should you all accept to be part of this, have my support and the support of my agents in this difficult endeavor. Not to mention there are many in the city itself who wish to see it free of the chaos that has gripped it so. And you have my word that you will all be greatly rewarded for your efforts and successes.”

“What are these ‘dangers’ and ‘evils’ of which you speak?” came a voice from the crowd followed by grumbles of added interest.

“I will leave the deeper details to my agents whom you will all meet when you arrive on the outskirts of the city,” Hastlon said carefully, “but I will tell you that there is a particular criminal organization that have quite ambitiously begun taking over the entire city in the past two months. And then there is also report of a new cult and wizard activity.”

More grumbles of uncertainty followed by a third person turning on their heels and marching toward the far door. Lord Hastlon stiffened visibly, eyes darting about the room, obviously looking for anyone else who may turn to leave. But no one did which made the noble relax after a moment.

He is keeping something from us all, Iliskra thought, I just wonder the gravity and implications of whatever it is.
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Herald


Member Seen 30 min ago

“You should not speak into an empty corner, people might think you are mad. Nor should you speak to a stranger in the shadows so carelessly, it is not a safe thing where I am from, human.”

"Funny, where I come from, shadows are the only things you can talk to that would tell you the truth," Leon muttered just loud enough for her to hear, his hand having flow to his mask the moment she disappeared. For a long moment he was tempted to call upon Mask's favor, but there was little need and such things would simply draw undue attention.

"It has been a long time since I played Tag, Does this mean I'm 'it'?," he cast a look over his shoulder at her, his voice empty of fear and a wolfish grin on his face. Regardless of how she seemed to be ignoring him now, he tucked away the interaction into the corner of his mind and simply contented himself with listening to Lord Hastlon finish his speech.

Maskarran contacts within the city had reported much of the same as what Hastlon spoke of. Power abhors a void, and so what had once been a town split by hundreds of smaller gangs, cults, and individuals was now becoming more consolidated. Some did so in the natural way, outwitting, outfighting, and outstealing their competitors until the remnants had only two choices, death or submission. Others were new faces in the city, but had arrived with their own backers and powers beyond what any person should be capable of wielding.

Loosing a volley of arrows into the dark, just to see which ones stick, Leon thought, not a bad plan, but there are better ways of investigating a city. Why send so many of us? And from the way he stiffens up when someone leaves, he doesn't think he can afford to lose many of us either.

Whereas before, he used his talents for speechcraft to weaken the resolve of those around him, now when he spoke it was with the voice of a professional. Someone who could connect the dots for those less intelligent in the crowd and still sound natural along the way.

"So... you get the glory of returning the city under the banner of the government," Leon called out, "and we get a fair price for having returned it to you. Hells below, how much does a city go for these days?"

He could almost hear the clink of gold coins radiating from the minds of those who were motivated by such things. No matter how you cut it, that was retirement in Waterdeep levels of cash flow.

"Or perhaps you might be willing to negotiate a place in your cabinet when the time comes? After all, with the effort we might be expending, it would be a shame if we weren't there to ensure it did not fall once more into the dark afterwards." An appeal to those of higher moral standing, and a test to see how much power Lord Halston was willing to offer those without morality. He would be a fool to deny it out of hand, after all, no one in this room knew who was going to live long enough to see Scardale returned. The fewer words he used though, the more he meant to keep his little arrows from ever becoming associated with him. Which meant they were all screwed when the job was done.

Show me, Lord Halston. How good is your mask?, Leon thought to himself.
Hidden 18 hrs ago 18 hrs ago Post by Shu
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lord Hastlon’s hands came unbound from behind his back, his arms dropping at his sides. A glower creeped to the edges of his face though it did not overcome him, the nobleman remaining calm and prim at the direct and barbing question aimed at him. “If you wish for me to proclaim a set amount of gold that you will be given for assisting in the efforts of reclaiming Scardale Town then I am afraid I cannot do that.” Hastlon’s tone was flowing but tense. “I would not wish to pay a modest amount and then you all go above and beyond in your expected service. Of course I am hardly going to promise you bags of finely cut diamonds and rubies and your efforts be unworthy.” Hastlon ended with a smirk.

The nobleman was this time expecting perhaps two or three more of the arrivals to turn and leave, but none did - a welcome little surprise. Perhaps they for the most part appreciated the forwardness? Regardless, Hastlon immediately followed up this statement with another honeyed assurance. “I give you my promise that you will be paid handsomely in coin, and perhaps there are other rewards to be had if things go even better than I am so greatly hoping. In fact, an up front payment awaits you all just outside of Scardale Town.”

“What?” blurted out a warrior up front followed by several murmurs of both disbelief and curiosity.

“Indeed,” Lord Hastlon smiled, clasping his arms behind him again, “I sent a large shipment of supplies out yesterday to a small encampment that my agents have set outside of Scardale Town, which you will all use as a base camp for our efforts in the city. Among those supplies was a large shipment of gold - up front payment for those willing to hire on.”

“How much?” the heavily armored brute from earlier barked out.

Lord Hastlon smiled, “One thousand gold per hireling.”

Not at all bad. Iliskra thought to herself with an arched brow.

A clamor began to spread among the near twenty in the foyer to which Lord Hastlon sharply raised both hands up in a “halt” motion. “No more questions this eve. My steward, Virjas, will see you to the guest quarters for the night. As we speak proper meals are under preparation for you all and will be brought to your rooms. The added hospitality aforementioned by Virjas.” Lord Hastlon smiled crookedly. “Come morning you will assemble here again and have a proper sending off and then you will be guided to my agents’ encampment. From there they will direct you in the days and weeks to come. You will receive your tasks, expectations, and regular compensations from them.”

Lord Hastlon paused one last time, eyes passing over the crowd of hirelings. None turned to leave once again, all would remain it seemed. Most now had looks of contentment or at least calm reservation on their faces which suited Hastlon just fine.

“Follow Virjas then. Enjoy your meals and sleep well this night, for tomorrow you are in for a long, cold day. And… just know that the grounds are watched closely and my estate heavily guarded - by men and magic alike. Any thieves present will do well to remember this.” Lord Hastlon turned on his heels and with that dismissed himself, clomping back up the carpeted stairs as the heavyset steward scuttled down into the foyer and with a clap of his hands and a single waving indicated for everyone to follow him.
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