As she was greeted by Laura, Nia found herself surprised by the reaction of the Regalia, as her eyebrow rose up in shock, as a wordless ‘Wait, is this real?’ crossed her mind. She found her attention fixated on the blonde, as she appraised her. A global superstar acting like a starstruck fan around an obscure relative nobody, it was… surreal. Did Nia have an influence outside of her own circles? Or was this an act, all part of Gaia’s charm, a crafted interaction to create an intimate connection between the pair of them? She quieted her thoughts, suspicions, and settled with a sense of acceptance, ‘Okay, this happened.’ she thought to herself. She smiled pleasantly and bowed her head in appreciation, “Thank you for your kind words.” Her purple gaze lingered as their eyes met for a long moment.
Nia smiled as Cécile had arrived and joined them She reached out to take his hand and squeezed it, as she welcomed him. Her gaze lifted as they met with Bastions, and gave him a sly wink as she noticed his protective attention over her cousin. As he spoke, she nodded toward him as she looked to the sky when prompted, “It is rare for those on the path to be so displeased.” She couldn’t help but feel the urge to place a soothing hand on his arm, a protective gesture, when he appeared frightened. The idea of her once cute little cousin being a Regalia was a hard concept to grasp, and she needed to be mindful of her actions and not to overstep.
Akamu appeared to quickly take charge of the situation, and a smile rose to her lips, impressed. If her calmness was a good trait, then his natural leadership in a crisis was certainly an excellent one. His words and actions were more than for a photo opportunity, and she found herself wondering if she had ever misjudged the man. She nodded as she went to follow his instruction. Her original goal here was simple: to gather information. This situation was best left to the Regalia, who were better equipped to protecting the civilians.
Pandemonium soon broke out. There was a chorus of shouting as people appeared to flee the harbour in haste. Laura was quick to notice the disruption, as she expressed her concern about something happening down by the docks. The throng of people began to move hurriedly away from the location, whilst others gathered around various regalia for protection.
Gleaming, dark carapaces scurried up from the ocean onto the harbour. These creatures that seemed to resemble monstrous larva swarmed, and they forced themselves into nearby buildings, and stalls, seemingly in the search for food. The people fleeing them were the most tempting targets, as they attacked, their claws and pinchers ravaged and tore into their flesh. Gunfire erupted as the security personnel adopted a defensive formation. Their enchanted weaponry cracked loudly as their shots tore through the creatures’ carapaces, leaving behind a minor roadblock as new monsters crawled over the fallen to take their place in the advancing tide. These creatures were numerous, they were legion.
Nia stayed close to Laura as the latter began to transition. Her curiosity got the better of her, as she watched the transformation of the Regalia first hand, and witnessed her grow larger and bloom majestically as she took on the divine form of Gàileadh. Soon, they were enclosed within that protective barrier with the surrounding families; the air filled with the scent of pine cones. Nia smiled warmly to the others under the Regalia’s protection, as she seated herself down on the ground, and gestured the others to do the same, comforting them within this little walled garden amidst the terror outside that waited outside.
Nia’s gaze lowered as her irises were filled with witch-light, as she surveyed the battlefield. Multiple Regalia were taking action now, some transitioning into Dominant forms such as fearsome armoured warriors, whilst others acted to save people from the oncoming tide of monstrous locusts. She gently used her influence as a mist began to descend along the harbour, the wisps being scattered subtly so to go unnoticed as an insignificant change in the weather. She was not certainly interested in the limelight, but she couldn’t simply allow innocents to perish due to her inaction. Breathing slowly, she quieted her mind. The mist began to concentrate around the outskirts of the swarm, where the stragglers attempted to avoid the Regalia’s wrath.
A family, slow to escape, saw the mist as an opportunity, a chance to hide, but it was too late; one of the creatures followed them into the dense thick fog. As the children screamed, the mother clutched her son, the father pulled on the daughter’s arm, as they broke through to the other side. The mist obscured their view as the father tripped over an unseen object, as the daughter cried out, “No, Daddy, get up!” as she tugged fruitlessly at his hand. “Jessica, run, you have to run!” The monstrous larva’s piercing screech sounded right behind them in the mist, which threatened to break through at any moment. Suddenly, a loud crack echoed, and the creature let out a yelp like a kicked dog. There was a deep rumbling growl followed by a furious crunching noise as pink droplets sprayed out of the mist like rain, which covered the family. When the mist subsided, nothing remained of the creature but the splatters where the creature had imploded.
Nia dabbed her nose with her sleeve, as she noticed a slight bleed. She hoped she didn’t need to be in this protective shell for too long, as the battle continued to rage outside.
Nia smiled as Cécile had arrived and joined them She reached out to take his hand and squeezed it, as she welcomed him. Her gaze lifted as they met with Bastions, and gave him a sly wink as she noticed his protective attention over her cousin. As he spoke, she nodded toward him as she looked to the sky when prompted, “It is rare for those on the path to be so displeased.” She couldn’t help but feel the urge to place a soothing hand on his arm, a protective gesture, when he appeared frightened. The idea of her once cute little cousin being a Regalia was a hard concept to grasp, and she needed to be mindful of her actions and not to overstep.
Akamu appeared to quickly take charge of the situation, and a smile rose to her lips, impressed. If her calmness was a good trait, then his natural leadership in a crisis was certainly an excellent one. His words and actions were more than for a photo opportunity, and she found herself wondering if she had ever misjudged the man. She nodded as she went to follow his instruction. Her original goal here was simple: to gather information. This situation was best left to the Regalia, who were better equipped to protecting the civilians.
Pandemonium soon broke out. There was a chorus of shouting as people appeared to flee the harbour in haste. Laura was quick to notice the disruption, as she expressed her concern about something happening down by the docks. The throng of people began to move hurriedly away from the location, whilst others gathered around various regalia for protection.
Gleaming, dark carapaces scurried up from the ocean onto the harbour. These creatures that seemed to resemble monstrous larva swarmed, and they forced themselves into nearby buildings, and stalls, seemingly in the search for food. The people fleeing them were the most tempting targets, as they attacked, their claws and pinchers ravaged and tore into their flesh. Gunfire erupted as the security personnel adopted a defensive formation. Their enchanted weaponry cracked loudly as their shots tore through the creatures’ carapaces, leaving behind a minor roadblock as new monsters crawled over the fallen to take their place in the advancing tide. These creatures were numerous, they were legion.
Nia stayed close to Laura as the latter began to transition. Her curiosity got the better of her, as she watched the transformation of the Regalia first hand, and witnessed her grow larger and bloom majestically as she took on the divine form of Gàileadh. Soon, they were enclosed within that protective barrier with the surrounding families; the air filled with the scent of pine cones. Nia smiled warmly to the others under the Regalia’s protection, as she seated herself down on the ground, and gestured the others to do the same, comforting them within this little walled garden amidst the terror outside that waited outside.
Nia’s gaze lowered as her irises were filled with witch-light, as she surveyed the battlefield. Multiple Regalia were taking action now, some transitioning into Dominant forms such as fearsome armoured warriors, whilst others acted to save people from the oncoming tide of monstrous locusts. She gently used her influence as a mist began to descend along the harbour, the wisps being scattered subtly so to go unnoticed as an insignificant change in the weather. She was not certainly interested in the limelight, but she couldn’t simply allow innocents to perish due to her inaction. Breathing slowly, she quieted her mind. The mist began to concentrate around the outskirts of the swarm, where the stragglers attempted to avoid the Regalia’s wrath.
A family, slow to escape, saw the mist as an opportunity, a chance to hide, but it was too late; one of the creatures followed them into the dense thick fog. As the children screamed, the mother clutched her son, the father pulled on the daughter’s arm, as they broke through to the other side. The mist obscured their view as the father tripped over an unseen object, as the daughter cried out, “No, Daddy, get up!” as she tugged fruitlessly at his hand. “Jessica, run, you have to run!” The monstrous larva’s piercing screech sounded right behind them in the mist, which threatened to break through at any moment. Suddenly, a loud crack echoed, and the creature let out a yelp like a kicked dog. There was a deep rumbling growl followed by a furious crunching noise as pink droplets sprayed out of the mist like rain, which covered the family. When the mist subsided, nothing remained of the creature but the splatters where the creature had imploded.
Nia dabbed her nose with her sleeve, as she noticed a slight bleed. She hoped she didn’t need to be in this protective shell for too long, as the battle continued to rage outside.