Grydon Frygar AKA George Foster

Grydon wasn't gonna waste the opportunity Mir'aziel had created and quickly rolled away from Uion after the Blue Ranger hit him in the chest. "Thanks!" He yelled to her as he got back up. He didn't feel like taking another boosted hit from the officer but it wasn't like he had any ranged attacks so he had to take the risk, besides it was part of his job.

Before Grydon could charge back in though an Imperial Soldier was knocked into Uion making him wonder which Ranger did that and why he hadn't thought of it. Before he could figure it out though Ven jumped back into the fray despite being possibly in worse shape than he was. "Everyone, if we focus on him, we can win this!"

Not wanting the teamleader to be the only one putting himself in danger Grydon didn't think twice and rushed Uion again, holding his axe in front of his chest to hopefully act as an shield somewhat.

@Cyrania@Theyra@Hammy Chi @Olive Fontaine