Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

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Alright, Lilith is approved.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I need some advice or ideas for a sixth class, So far I have Home Room(Study Class), Science, Zoology, & History. I need one more class that would make sense for them to learn about these worlds including their own. I'm not going to include classes that would involve math or languages.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Foster
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With emphasis on martial-arts and marksmanship?

Also: Swimming.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I feel like anything that is sports related will be considered a club, so swimming would be considered a club. I guess I could go with some form of combat training as a class for them to learn to fight and to learn to control their powers in other worlds, and advanced training for their home world. Perhaps even training to work with teams, cause I am thinking of adding a team system into the world, but unsure as of yet.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Foster
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Well, medical, cooking, and combat would all vaguely fit under physical education.

Plus obstacle-courses/puzzles. And of course, teamwork makes the dream work.

So advanced stuff would be like brute-force escape-rooms.

Also, Didani is claiming the bed all to herself.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Well I want a name that would represent all of those, but instead of just calling it Physical Education, how about Survival Training?

Yea, that isn't going to happen. Nella may sometimes be a quiet person around others, but she isn't a pushover.

If you haven't noticed it yet, but each arcana I put together is going by a form of "theme" so Scarlet Dorms Arcana represents Strength and Power, Violet Dorms Arcana represents Magic or Sorcery, while Noir Dorms Arcana represent Beginning and End, or Life and Death. At least that's how I see those Arcana's.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Foster
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Khathi noticed and helpfully pointed this out to Momo so she can assume they have a lot more in common than a love for botany, percussion instruments, and SMGs.

Lilith also noticed but hasn't connected the dots yet.

And Didani has already fucked around and will find out soon enough.

Meanwhile Xuno is dense as a brick.

Survival-training or just "Training" would work.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gotcha, though I didn't really think that far ahead for my characters, so Momo is definitely going to be confused on the botany part.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Oh also, think of their home world Similar to the anime show RWBY, except they don't have the Grim in this world, but they do have a lot of different types of creatures, that they will eventually discover, and they don't use Dust to for elements, instead its more free range magic.

Though they aren't called Huntresses I am trying to figure out what the students would be called within this world, but I don't just want to call them Huntresses, cause then I feel like I'm going more towards a RWBY Alternate world, which isn't what I want, but it is sort of inspired by RWBY.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Foster
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Yeah, I'm starting to think Didani's pike and rocket-launcher should be a combination item, simply so she can have it be a compact backpack-item instead of a comically large pointy stick.

Making Khathi's SMGs throwable tomohawks would be... interesting, they'll probably need to be tethered or something if that's the case. Plus her SMGs are huge while her throwing axes were supposed to be tiny. I could probably split the difference and have the guns be Soumi-sized and use full-sized hand-axes.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Up to you, just be sure to edit your characters and add it into their profile. Unless you're unable to edit them, then let me know and I'll add in to their character Info that they transform.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Foster
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IC post up, highlighting the shortcomings of Didani's advanced training/education having apparently excluded teamwork from their curriculum.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Question, would you rather roleplay each day, or would you rather do some time skips to pass days by to get the story going? By time skip, I mean we speed things along by explaining what they do each day that doesn't have anything important going on, and if we want to have some interactions we can write what we do then.

I don't mind either way, just wanted your opinion on it.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Foster
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Timeskips would be alright, with provisions of OOCly working out if anything important may have happened during the skip afterwards, and maybe a side-quest RP if we really want to go into detail about it later-on.

So basically the Sear's Tower approach to writing through the path of least resistance.

Like if you don't want to get too in-depth ICly about general zoology, science, math, and history that had already been covered extensively OOCly; we can canvas over it. As roleplays tend to have higher footnote-to-post ratios than a Tolkien book, a deleted scene is far less detrimental to storytelling.

That said, if you want to roleplay a scene, is that not reason enough to roleplay it?
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

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Well, its mostly to prevent someone from becoming stagnant or gain writers block from not being able to think of something to put, and it will give them time to think of things for future posts. Considering a week is 10 days instead of 7, it will probably get a bit hard to come up with things to discuss not only for classes, but for day to day things. I'd would only do the time skip if I start feeling like things are slowing down and its harder to come up with something to put in for progression.

It wouldn't happen often, but I have come to some points in a roleplay, where I'd ask whoever I'm roleplaying with if they'd like to do a time skip to get to the next part of the story. Mostly if I don't know what to put to help progress.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Foster
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A case in point was how I glossed-over what sort of food everyone took at the cafeteria. Since students tend to migrate towards the most calories per dollar spent, minus food allergies; if it was a meal-plan, whatever the cafeteria felt like serving. If a character took some exotic food choices to personalize their meal then that may be noteworthy.

A softer skip was to fast-forwards through a bunch of dialogue to bring Lilith up to speed with how Khathi has been treating Momo and Didani being Didani. Plus Khathi asking Lilith what her and Mimi have been up to, and of course the housing they have and the additions they've made. So Didani will know Mimi has an onsen large enough for almost-everyone if they plan to pay them a visit, and Khathi added tiny little steps for Momo even though the gesture wasn't necessary.

So here would probably be where Didani or Nella points out the elephant in the room at how alike the room-mates are; that Momo and Khat should probably start a band.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

My next post we'll be heading to the next class, I'll let you decide which of your characters meets up with who, and any creatures they come into contact with that I've revealed to them, I'll let you decide how the battle plays out, weather the creature is easy to kill or if you think they may need assistance then they run from the creature until they come across someone to help them.

You'll see what I mean in my next post, I'm almost done with it.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Foster
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Ah, we're approaching the "Oh good, now we can all die together" stage.

And Didani gonna be out there with only half her arsenal. Which, to be quite fair, if she had her full arsenal, and used her abilities, would've been a tad overpowered when she could flash-fry half the forest.
-The initial concept for Didani as-mentioned earlier, was a perpetually angry wyvern-kitten with wrist-mounted shotgun-gauntlets. But that kinda didn't feel original enough. Still would've been fun, and that entire character is gonna be living rent-free in my head as a funny background event for quite awhile in case there's going to be a need for a team-JNPR.

But yeah, flying critter vs flamethrower would've been an too easy for her, so she's stuck fending off a bug with a stick unless it goes far enough away for her to slap it with a rocket. Khathi can probably score plenty of hits, but actually doing damage is another matter unless she poisons or ensnares them (so she'll probably win, but it'll be a tough one). Lilith will probably win at stealth since she can deaden how much noise she makes, increase her hearing, can climb trees, and has more eyes than the rest of the team combined; although Momo is probably using many of the same abilities.

Xuno would be looking for Hasuno, obviously. And figures the river is a safe place to look. She'll also be traveling the most cautiously since she doesn't have any advantage to stealth, on the other hand her shotgun and mace would likely put a stop to most monsters.

Gotta find Yang... Gotta find Yang... Gotta find Yang...

If you wish, you can suggest they run into someone who isn't their room-mate, based on this. Like Didani running into Momo or Xuno getting paired with Nella.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

It's up to you who your characters run into. I left it so that Momo and Mimi don't pair up, but also left it so that Either Nella or Hasuno could meet up with either of the two. So it'll be up to you on who is closest to who starting out to form the first duo squads.

Also for the creatures, once I've figured things out, they will most likely control 1-2 types of elements, just have to figure out what elements they control. So these creatures aren't normal and some are pretty intelligent. So when doing combat, do take that into consideration. However, for now any creatures that currently don't have a typing you're welcome to consider them "Normal" until I've added an Element Type to them, and some of them aren't pushovers.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Update: Animal Creatures Types have been added to the Species list, so be aware of their types for combat.

Also I've updated my post to include the types for the creatures that they discovered, for when the voice/words appeared in their minds.
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