@ERode I think we have room for 1 more, but double check with Fey. So far there are 4 named characters and 1 unnamed delinquent/jock
@Vertigo Also the whole 'good girl x bad guy' and 'opposites attract' thing sounds incredibly accurate for a delinquent boy and the embodiment of pure wholesome sweetness that is Mikako, just saying.
Suzuka tho... I couldn't stop squealing at all the little touches in her backstory. Her IDEAL TYPE?? GURL LEMME GIVE YOU THE WORLD. Eikichi will definitely still call her Suzu-chan (and probably push her into calling him Ei-kun, too, just like when they were little). I think it will be more of a slow burn realization on his side as he teases her and starts to realize how much she's changed (the classic "she's a girl now!" moment).
Ho hum, got room for more or are you full up at this point?
Hmm! Since Haru and Eikichi are both more social/popular, I think I'll be angling for the "delinquent with a bad rap/stay away from him" flavour of a jerk with a heart of gold, rather than the "player/popularity-has-gone-to-his-head-jock". Also, for some reason, I see cats liking him. He's doing his best to ignore them but well, cats do like those who leave them alone, so... there's tons of strays he's ended up feeding, because they just won't leave him alone, and what the hell else is he supposed to do now?? Oh shit did that one just have KITTENS? Is he a foster-father now, panic?!
If Ryuu and Suzuka start hanging out a lot, we might get a bit of jealousy too...
Also, I updated Eikichi's CS, it's probably finished for now. I'm excited for their long-awaited reunion!