When Ursa saw Ris releasing her magic energy, he stepped back from the battle. There was no need for him to fight anymore. While everyone else was watching the battle, he flew back to the castle and went to talk to the Celestial King, who was in the dining room chowing down on a feast.
"Sir, you are now back to Celestial King Status. We have defeated Shu." Ursa said, bowing his head. "Is there any command you wish to give us?"
"I am? Aw, and just when I could act like a normal spirit again. Okay, I'll give you a command. You be the Celestial King for a while. I'm going on vacation."
Ursa frowned.
"But sir..."
"Uh uh, no buts. Enjoy you're kingdom! Also... Do you perhaps no where I could find extra extra extra large shirts and pants in the human world? I want to go to the beach. I never saw one, you know."
"Um... no..." Ursa muttered, then walked slowly to the thrown room. There, he found Ciskel putting things in his pocket.