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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Lakshmi stood up and hurried after Flint "I'm Lakshmi, or Lak for short." She made an effort to catch up with him, cigarette smoke made her feel safe. "Hey, have these" She took out a pack of cigarette from her bag, she took them for her dad when they left, but he died. "I'll say it's a present from my dad" She said as she handed it to it "Cigarette s-s-s-smoke always made me feel so safe" She remarked. " I've killed seven people, 3 were raiders attacking my house, 2 were from the people trying to kidnap me and the other 2 were just random attackers" She said, walking close to him, breathing in the cigarette smoke, letting it fill her lungs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gravislayer
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Gravislayer Bearded Vault boy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It all began with a bang~ and then came~~~ fire. At least that´s how it always starts in some badass movies and shitz, in reality... screams, confusion, hatred, tension, murder..all those nice hidden things society were hiding but the moment this fragile monument society crumbled...well all those nice little words turned reality, like an infection they spread all over and to each one. What a brave new world we stepped into.
For Mick it was always the same, never trust anybody and well he did good in not forgetting it even after the bombs fell.
"I think the main problem is that people are forgetting who they are, who they were" That was a thesis he was hearing over and over in his little head.
Sometimes he even spoke it out loud, arguing on the quiet and lonely road and in the ruins of recently or long left buildings. It was surprising on how little of humanity was left, streets once full of kids were now empty...dead...hollow, a twisted echo where one could still faintly hear the ghostly laughs of the children who once played there.
He was getting melancholic~ Maybe it was his irish blood? Even if it was known for drinking and yelling and brawling...the irish also ever had a melancholic vein, their songs always had a loss in it, a morale...a warning. And so while walking along the dusty roads of england all those songs came into Mick´s mind.
He shook his head trying to erase them as they suddenly made his childhood seem.... usefull, warm...worth while. Pah.

He came to an hold and looked down the hill he was standing on, his view directed onto a large crate near the skeletons of a former cities. The wind was bringing noise with him and so also the traces of lives inside this ruins and on the far horizion...a single truck making it´s way outside of the town.

"Well the black and tans are leaving already" Mick mumbled to himself as he slithered down the hill, into the crate city. His first stop? The Town hall! It´s the first place where people would gather and so, also hide their rations. Second would be the church and third the libary. Big, easy to defend places with a touch of it´s former glory...people always tended to stick to symbols of hope in the times of need...even if they are long dead~~~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Flint took the cigarettes and put them in his satchel. "Well im sure you had a reason to kill them" He said nodding softly as he noticed she lingered around the smoke "You could just smoke one, you don't need to be breathing in my second hand." Flint remarked as he went to give Lakshmi a cigarette "So words your old man now?" He asked
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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"Nnnnnno thanks" She stuttered, "I don't like smoking them, but I like the smell." She said. "My dad is either missing or dead, I haven't seen him in a few months, we were in a cabin and he told me to go as he was fending off raiders" She said calmly. Lakshmi then launched her arms around Flint, hugging him. "T-t-t-thank y-y-ou, you sssaved my llife" She stammered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

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Voltus stood on a ridge high above the two figures, watching them talk through the scope of his rifle, seeing the girl throw her arms around the man. The wind started to pick up and fluttered his black trenchcoat.
"Father must know about this" he mumbled to himself, getting off his kneeling position and on to his feet. He dusted off the desert sand from his black trousers and proceeded to walk. A slight limp was evident with every step of his left leg, the consequence of a hollow point to the knee he sustained battling his brother when he tried to over throw their father. Pushing these thoughts aside he continued to walk along the ridge until he came to a small cave entrance, he slipped himself through and followed the downward spiral of the metal staircase build in the interior of the cave to another small opening on the other side. He emerged at ground level and could hear distant speaking, so he crouched behind the foliage and saw the two figures he'd seen before walk down the road, he remained still and silent, waiting for them to pass. He suddenly froze, not out of fear of being caught by the two travelers but by what was behind him. Deep rumbling breaths emitted at his back accompanied by warm exhalations on his cheek. He turned around slowly to see the huge beast it's fiery eyes and long, sleek catlike body coated in gray fur. A beastial.
Before Voltus could react the giant feline pounced on him, sending them both flying through the bush he was squatting behind and onto the road infront of the two travellers. His hands were around it's neck forcing it's head and it's snarling jaws away from his terrified face, it's spittle launching itself from it's mouth onto his face and over his black hair. Voltus shoved his legs onto the beastial's torso and launched it over his head with all his force. It fell on to it's back with a massive thud, giving Voltus time to unsheathe his scimitar and slash it across it's neck. He stood over the dead beast panting, blood spraying from the slash across it's neck. He turned to the two travelers and said:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Flint was surprised by the sudden act of emotion that he fell. The two of them tumbling to the floor with Lak on top. Flint's face went a crimson red as he quickly shuffled from under her. He picked up his cigarette that had fallen "Errm...It...its no problem" He said slightly embarrassed as he sped up his walking so that she couldn't see his face. "We should really keep moving though". After walking for awhile Flint got to a fence which separated the two fields. He lifted his leg and hopped over then helped Lak get across. He threw his cigarette to the floor as he finished it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 2 days ago

(I hope you guys don't mind I've joined)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 11 days ago

(Look at OOC you need to make a character sheet and read all of that OOC to understand some stuff.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gravislayer
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Gravislayer Bearded Vault boy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mick was moving through the broken and shattered roads of the small town. It was more complicated to get to the town hall or the libary. It would include climbing or moving larger pieces of junk, maybe even breaking into some houses and then leaving them through a window on the other side but today Mick wasn't in the mood for that. If this city here was indeed filled with survivors, traps wouldn't be that uncommon, even in abadoned cities some traps would remain and sometimes even the remains of an unlucky scavenger.
Like proving his point Mick noticed a broken door, it got blewn from the inside and the burn marks were too even, too close to the door that it could have been anything else but a simple "wire attached to door attached to grenade" trap.
Mick shook his head, no it would take too long to make his way through here towards the town hall and too many open spaces for ambushes as well. So what should he do?
Mick recalled the outlay of the city when he stood on the hill north of the city, south to the direction where the truck headed and past some fields on the west layes the church. Mick calculated roughly, if he would head on the side road and then follow the road leading through the outskirt he would arrrive there shortly before dawn. Perfect! He even had time enough to scavege one or two shops. Mick shouldered his bagpack and started walking, heading to the fields and for the church...
(I have a nice little plot for the church if people are interested)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Totts said
"How many years of experience do you have with your bow? If you have more experience then me I'll gladly lend you my bow, it's a modern metal one, with sights, unlike your conventional bow." She said, walking upstairs, she was afraid of this man, but he was giving her safety, so who would she be to decline? She pushed several of the comfy chairs together and made a makeshift bed, she snuggled into it, but kept one eye open, 'this could all be a trap' she thought to herself, but going 3 days without sleep makes anyone tired, so she eventually drifted off.

"13 years, I have used a bow." Jack replied to the woman as she went upstairs offering her bow to him if he was better. "But you can keep yours, I have grown attached to this one." He added as he checked the cases arpund the bottom level before positioning himself on top of on with a clear view of almost all the building. He hears some chairs being moved upstairs, and after a while of waiting with nothing happening he jumped off his perch. He stopped by his small area by the main counter then headed upstairs to tell his guest that whoever she was running from didn't follow. "Hey I don't think-!" He cut short when he rounded a shelf to see her snoozing. "Oh." He stood a moment questioning weather there was a madman or if she just wanted a place to sleep. Either way if she wants to stay she'll have to earn her keep and help out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Lakshmi shuffled over the gate "I was thinking about heading north to Scotland, they didn't bomb the outer hebrides or Orkney or Shetland, I was thinking about getting a boat in working order and heading across to there, also if you don't mind me asking, where the h-h-h-hell are we? I was in north Wales when this all started, then those dudes kidnapped me and t-t-took my stuff." She said, keeping up with Flint "I'm surprised how many people let their true natures show now, that friendly shopclerk? That happy postman? Gone, now they're all ruthless, they let their colors run wild, they show their inner selves, they were kidnapping mixed race girls and black ones, calling them 'inferior' before taking their stuff, at least that's what I heard." She said, keeping close to Flint.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Somewhere near Manchester I'm not too sure." Flint replied listening to what Lak had to stay "People always where like that its just that the fear of breaking laws kept them in place. And the lack of luxuries can make anyone go mad" Flint trudged threw the dried mud. He could see the town up ahead. "Are you sure about your information? I thought most cities had been bombed" Flint remarked as he continued to walk along. Making sure she stayed close by and in his line of view, he tried to trust her but he couldn't be too careful. "How is your arm ?" He asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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"Absolutely sure. Think about it, they bombed populated areas, not many people live in the outer scottish Isles, it'd take maybe two months to reach there, but it'd be safe" she said. "And there's no cities there." She added. "My arm's still weak, but feeling b-b-b-b-better." She stuttered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 2 days ago

(new first post) Howard stood in the store by a road side gas station, looking through boarded up windows, he noticed nothing. He edged away from the wooden planks and stood at the centre of the small convenience store. He slipped the scimitar out of it's sheathe and stood completely still, coaxing images of his old life, twirling and dodging and stabbing at his opponents, the crowds roaring and gasping in appreciation and shock. He commenced to follow through with his mental images swooping in wide arcs and dodging the invisible thrusts of enemies, not letting his injured right knee slow him down. He started to move faster each blow and thrust increasing in magnitude and passion. Suddenly he stopped, panting, he heard them. Two people walking, a conversation between them. Howard sheathed his sword and peered through the window, nail rifle in hand. He was right, two people a man and a young lady were walking down the road, the lady visibly shaken, the man seeming indifferent. Howard turned around and started to tiptoe away from the window when he stepped on can causing a loud crunching sound.
"oh f***"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Flint and Lakshmi where over another fence as they exited the last field and to the road. Close by a petrol station Flint went to the pumps and tried to siphon some fuel. Failing he stood up sighing loudly before hearing a crunch from the store nearby. He swung around, grabbing his rifle in his hands and aiming towards the boarded up shop windows "I heard something" He whispered to Lak as he quickly grabbed her wrist and ran to a small nearby wall for cover. He looked back to the store and waited.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 2 days ago

Howard readied his rifle and started to load in the nails, he stepped outside slowly and called: "show yourselves!" he waited for a reply. None came. He lowered his rifle and called out again: "friendly here!".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by hivekiller
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hivekiller SCP

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Adan reached the old town hall within 15 minutes. Adan was camping inside a building, near the old town hall. It will only takes 5 minutes to go there from where he camped. The distance was not the problem, but the knives that he was carrying behind his back was creating loud noises. He had to walk very slowly to avoid any unnecessary attention. He ran while crouching, sliding down the building by using the side drain pipe. As he was about to reached the ground, he let go of the drain pipe and make a roll to the ground. He reached the old town hall, but it was too quiet. "Am I late?" Adan thought that maybe everyone took the resources and left the old town hall, so he went inside from the window. Unexpected, he saw a lot of people, frightened, trembled as like there was a monster that was going to eat them.
"Are you one of them?" A old lady asked Adan, with a trembling voice.
"Who?" Adan replied the old lady, not knowing the situation that was going on here.
The old lady told Adan that a guy came inside just now and ask everyone not to move.
"Where did he ran off?" Adan asked the old lady. The old lady raised her arms and pointed at her left side.
Adan raised his eyebrow as he saw the direction that the old lady was pointing.
"I guess I'm going to the library."
Adan used the same window to jump out from the old town hall, walked his way to the library. Adan missed the old day where everyone lived happily together, no killing and stealing from each other. But after a few months, the world turned upside down. Suddenly, he remembered that he killed someone before just to get his food. "Who cares now..." Adan mumbled to himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jack was down stairs again at his little setup by the counter keeping an eye and ear out for any noise or movement, he felt it was a lot like hunting back home but with an unpleasant twist. He checked his food and water to only be disappointed at how low they were. "Well I guess thats first on my list." He said to himself zipping his pack and continuing to twirl his knife around. He was gald that whoever this lady was talkong about didn't follow her here, but was also wanting he to stop by so he could get more supplies and junk. He began to look through a few books he had found might be useful and pulled out a book on the citys of the UK. Flipping through he found a map of town and began to look around where he was for restaurants or stores. "Hmmm."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Awen murrmered in her sleep, she woke up and sleepily headed down stairs, she was half asleep as she wrapped her arms around Jack. When she realised what she had done she quickly took her arms back and said "S-s-sorry for hugging you, I thought you were someone else... from a long time ago..." she backed away slowly "p-please don't hurt me, the last thing I remembered was being attacked by raiders, I think I stood awake for too long and started to get nonsensical." She said. She turned to leave and as she left she took one of his arrows, she tripped on a book and landed facing Jack , holding the arrow in one hand. She tried to say something, but she couldn't, she was petrified.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jack cast a glance up from his book to see the woman from earlier walking down the stairs. As he studied the map more he suddenly found her arms around him, it was not even a second before he was on his feet facing her with his knife pointed at her. "What are you doing!" He asked. She stammered to answer then after a momemt of high tension staring she went to leave, but slipped on a book and fell facing up at him with an arrow in her hands. Jack's eyes narrowed as he looked to his quiver then back to her. "What... did you... plan on doing..." he said as he walked over to stand over her knife still drawn. "With my arrow?" He crouched down grabbing the arrow. He was crouched down on he left side with his knife on her right collar bone.
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