Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Well, now we're playing Chase, but we're the hunted.", Necrox said. Lilly looked at herself and put her hand at her heart. "... You know, now that we have them at our boots, we need her. You have to accept that she is you at all costs.", he said. "But... what will happen?! If I become a Witch...", she said, but Necrox raised his hand, telling for her to stop. "Remember, both Beato and Lambda had admitted that your Witch form, LILLY-Beatrice, would eventually be a strong Witch. More than Bernkastel, indeed. If you could, maybe, what kind of miracle-", he spoke, but she interrupted. "................ I... I am LILLY-Beatrice, the Witch of 5 Colors!!", she spoke. Upon a light that could blind any eye, Lilly felt that she was changing. But instead of the primary image of the Witch she had in mind, it was different. The real image of herself as a Witch had ben unsealed. She saw the true LILLY-Beatrice. The light wore off and there she was. "So... this is me... as a Witch.", she spoke. "Welcome... Lady LILLY-Beatrice, Witch of 5 Colors.", Prae spoke and kneeled at LILLY.

So it seemed that those people were running off instead of having that tea party that had been offered?



Guess that meant they'd need other guests of honor. Maybe that Ruby girl, then? Yeah, the Ruby girl could be their guest of honor. If that was the case, Virgillia would need to hurry along. Well, Lady Mereana expected her to arrive soon enough at this rate. She was an excellent Witch, at least by the standard of non-Voyager Witches. Perhaps a bit soft, but only a bit, you know? It was sort of endearing, how Virgillia could be so nice to the humans sometimes.

A snap of Mereana's fingers later and Siestas would be sent out to gather a first wave of guests. In the meantime, she began nursing a cup of hot chocolate. And by hot chocolate, it's totally literal hot chocolate, like chocolate that was melted. No milk, milk was for the weaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak.

Regardless, this situation was amusing. Alright, sure, she'd play along.

"I'll allow it~ Yes, I, the Witch of Sweets, will allow it. As a Witch of the Senate-, no as Consul of the Senate, I recommend Lily for succession of a Witches title and form. I will sign for her, and become her guardian ahaha, lets see how this goes, then~? Don't be a totally boring piece that gets swept into a oblivion in an instant, okaaaaaaaaay?"

Best to leave the girl alone and see what she could do. It wasn't like she even had a foundation for her magic yet anyway. It was sort of a disappointment they ran off before tea could be served, but hey, that was their deal. It was an awfully big world, you know? Anything could happen to someone without the protection of this tea house. If someone wanted to be safe for awhile or be free of the worries of the planet around them, coming here was their best bet. Considering how apt people were to blowing up any form of settlement on this planet, it was probably a good idea for some people, at least those that needed rest and a meal.

And that would give whydunnits. It's just how Witches are. When it's alive, nurture it with love and care.

And when it's dead, eat its guts.
A Siesta sister appeared in the arena, a few feet away from the spectacle that was Yang, Blake, Mia, and Bob.

Were they interrupting something? Well, if that was the case then it was best to get this over with quickly.

"We're here to invite you to the grand opening of Chocolate Bunny Mort, Nyeh!" That was apparantly what the Witches were calling the teahouse from now on. The Siestas threw a letter and golden fragment at each person present. The letter detailed the rules of the teahouse and its purpose as a safe zone. The Fragment could be crushed only once for a one time transport to said teahouse. Both the letter and fragment were covered in a red thread.

But seriousily, they seemed like they were interrupting something. The more timid of the two let a salute fly and gave a muffled and shy apology for interrupting whatever they were doing.

The other one was busy messing with the various pieces of thread swirling around the two Siestas.
Another pair of Siesta sisters showed up out of no where in front of Naruto and Godou, handing off the same invitation and fragment, along with saying the same thing said to Yang, Blake, and Mia. Another pair of Siestas did the same to Kurama, Yukki, and Yuno. The conditions were exactly the same; it's only natural since the Siestas are an organized military force.

This was the first wave of invitations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

BGM: Nothing can be explained

"All this energies...man, this brings back memories..." Lerafa closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about the recent events.

Flashback to before Lerafa got transported to Crossover Creek

"Please, find Lyna...i just...can't feel her anymore, i'm counting on you.
Lerafa: Calm down man, currently we are investigating similar disapearences, we'll put her on the list.
"Thanks, that makes me more relieve, i know i can trust in you."
Lerafa: Well, we are friends right? Or rather, a family. Of course we'll help you.

End of Flashback

"Don't worry, i'll bring Lyna back, i know for sure she's here." Lerafa assured to his friend as he felt yet another familiar presence. "Well, might as well talk with her first." he said landing on the grond.

Suzaku in the boat

"Oh, i would like some mangoe...actually, i'll just drink my cold tea." said Suzaku pulling another Can of 'Georgia Cold Tea' from her pocket space. "Wait Suzaku, where are you going?" said Midori as she arrived with Signum. "Oh Midori, take care of things while i'm out, i'm doing some bodyguard duty." said Suzaku, Midori glared at Virgillia, then back to Suzaku. "Make sure to come back soon." said Midori, Suzaku waved good-bye. "Hey Sig, you're back." said Haken taking out his hat. "Yes, Vita is away with other people fighting Shadow Replicas, and i came here to warn you that they are around." said Signum. "For real? Then we shouldn't lose time, let's beat them before they attack more people." said Hibiki, Thomas nodded and ended his sparring with Levi the Slasher. "See Xiaomu? What did i tell you?" Reiji said. "You can count on me." said the Chinese Fox, Signum gave a explanation about the Shadow Primes, since Vita, Hibiki, Thomas and Aschen had told the group about the Shadow Replicas Before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"well at least were on the now but me fun's wearin off" Chu said sounding half sober. He used the word 'fun' rather than the word 'buzz' for no apparent reason.

Hiei merely watched the boat leave before debating on weather to go looking for Stein or to wait for them. He looked really bored but this way because he hasn't been in a good fight in a while.

"Oh well then there is still a chance he is here along with the other one' Kurama said looking sad for a split second. Though he turns it into a smile while turning to face Yukki. "Shall we get going then?" Kurama said seeming fine now. "Mind if I ask what this is about in further detail" Kurama asked the Siesta sisters that had appeared to the group he was in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru, Forest]

-" i don't trust this, seems too fishy..." Yukiteru said.

Yukiteru looked over at Kurama, and nodded.

[Uzumaki Naruto, Town]

-"Should we join the fight now Kusanagi?" Naruto asked.

The shadow clone returned with a lit of Intel. It was amazing, what had happened. Naruto saw as the siesta sister gave them the invitation.

-"Hell Yeah I'm going, if there will be Ramen! Mostly Ichiraku Ramen."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Ruby backed a bit away before she spoke to Virgillia. "Well...I do not have a title. I grew up and attend a Huntress school at Beacon Acadamy. My sister is Yang. I have not seen her so I worry. I like cookies and strawberries along with milk." She said. She would not however reveal all about her. She looked a bit worried about becoming a Witch .

Yang and Blake looked at the gold fragments and the paper. They were thinking if they should go or not.

Hiro looked at the invitation and was confused a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"I don't trust it either Yukki...." Yuno mumbled as they were given an invitation....
Alius only stayed behind as some offered to go and see at the inn for the "Shadow Replica source." by now, she waited for a moment for a new and perfect body to replicate for herself...
EMBR stuck alongside Rin as they got ready for the incoming people towards the inn.
Startled awake, Tris found herself in a dense forest. Strange, the last place she was at was the Rokkenjima Island, where she and her relatives were trying to solve the murders that happened in 1986, what happened to the Ushiromiya family. That was all she could remember... "Hello?....is there anyone here?" she called out with a scared voice. For now, she was just an innocent little girl....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Necrox and Lilly (Witch)

"You know... I said that Witches have their insane moment, but you overdid it...", Necrox said. Lilly obliterated the Shadow Replicas alone. "I'm sorry... wait, this is your fault to begin with!", she said. Necrox didn't questioned her, he just shoke his head. "... OK, I give up. I can't teach you anything, you aren't so much collaborating. Oh, how I wish that Virgilia or any other good Witch was here now. They would teach you how to act properly as a Witch...", he said, scratching his head. Out of every Witch in existence, you could say that Virgilia was the Witch that Lilly hated the less. Although, at any cost, Lilly didn't wanted to see her. She simply didn't wanted to. "Umm... can you stop talking so loud as you're doing? I don't want any Witch here now.", she said, more calm and gentle. Necrox sighed.

Mephilia Divinae

BGM: Smile-less soiree

After walking, passing by the trees, Mephilia did found him. The person seemed to be waiting her for a while. "... Sorry that I took my time, Lerafa Oliver. I suppose that I did not made you wait so much, did I?", she said, grinning at him. Soon, one of the Three Inquisitions appeared once again. "Hiiiii~, Master Lerry~!!", Sephiria said as she appeared, still wielding her scythe. "... Sephiria, I believe I've told you to not address Lerafa as Lerry.", Mephilia spoke, serious. Even if she knew that people called Lerafa as Lerry, she didn't approved that. A person such as him should be treated with dignity. "Uu~... yes, Lady Mephilia.", she said as she faded away. "Removing Sephiria of our conversation, what brings you here? I believe that this desolate Universe does not bring any danger to the rest, no?", she asked.

Magio, Cruxis, Flandre and Yuuka

"... Magio. If I may ask, may you send us back to the Illusion Palace? I miss my M-1.", Yuuka said. "And I miss playing with Koishi~!! Oh, and playing with that other guy too!!", Flandre said. Magio nodded and fingersnapped. Yuuka and Flandre disappeared.

"Alright, that makes for two of them back home... or at least, to our home.", he said. Cruxis stood in Magio's front. "Prince Magio, why do you aid every person that you meet? You should know that it's not everyone that'll be your friend!", he said. Magio walked a little and stopped. "... Just because the person won't be my friend, that doesn't mean I can't aid them when they need. I don't ask for friendship in return. That's not any collectionable item, you know.", he responded. "Anyway, I better be going. Stay on your toes, Cruxis.", Magio said, waving. Cruxis desperately tried to follow him, but Magio teleported as he tried. Cruxis slammed the ground with his fist.

BGM: Golden slaughter

"Everytime... whenever I try to protect him, there's always someone in the way...!! Damned Multiverse... DAMNED MULTIVERSE!!!", he howled. His crazy howl summoned many arquebus around him, and all of them shot. The trees got filled with holes, their leaves becaming dead. Cruxis dispersed some of the hatred he had of the Multiverse. "Why...?! Why?! There's no need for an entirety!! Just an Universe where I can make my mission happen is all that it needs!! There's... no... need... for more... Universes... TORMENTING MY LIFE!!!", Cruxis howled again, shooting more trees. "I'm doing this... I don't care... I'm going to kill everyone in this Universe... that way, there's less idiots standing in my way... hehehe... AHAHAHAHA!!", he laughed. Calling another arquebus, he ran. Dead leaves continued to fall... as Cruxis' pride took over anything else...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Creator
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True Creator

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Though Godou may be a pacifist...
It may really be better for him to join the fight now.

"Though I don't really like this kind of things... let's fight him."

The sword Ama no Murakumo, which usually resides in his right arm, suddenly appeared in his hands as it's master summoned it.
Even after having summoned his weapon, Godou didn't charged yet as he was waiting for the enemy to show a opening in it's defenses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Wolkenritter sans Signum, Lyna and Kaika?

BGM: Into the Arena

"Hello? Is there somebody home?" Lyna asked as she entered the inn.

Lerafa Oliver

"Nah, i just arrived here as well, ahem, i'm not exactly here because i want, my organization was investigating sudden disapearences in the Multiverse, and i think i just entered to the list, good thing the codec works here and i can contact the others." said Lerafa pointing to his ear. "And....all i can think is that this peculiar world is responsable for this mess, why i know? Because i'm feeling your masters and Lyna presences here too, and Lyna was reported missing a while ago." said Lerafa remembering once again the event when 'he' requested Lerafa to bring Lyna back.

In front of the Ruins, Close to the City.

"Well, guess it's time to split up again." said Haken. "Yes, we'll make three teams that will hunt down Shadow Replicas and their source." said Reiji.
Team 1: Haken Browning (With Black Phamtom), Aschen Brothel, Thomas Millard and Levi the Slasher.
Team 2: Reiji Arisu (With Alt Eisen Natch), Xiaomu, Axel Almer (With Eisnt Alfimi), Hibiki Tachibana and Masaki Andoh (In Cybuster)
Team 3: Sanger Zonvolt, Signum, Saya (With her Ouma Monsters), Kaguya Nanbu and Midori Seiryuu.

"All right, i'm on fire now" said Levi getting pumped. "I didn't want to, but for now, i must..." said Midori, if the Shadow Replica would go after people, it was her duty to protect them. "This is perfect, Team 1 will investigate the city again, Team 2 will explore the city outskirts, and Team 3 will investigate the forest." said Reiji, everyone gave a 'understood' nod and separated into teams once again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mephilia Divinae

"The way you say of them makes me wonder if you really are their friend...", she said, not liking the way that Lerafa mentioned the Triplets. "In any case, if you want any help, I am here. After all... my brother Cruxis and my sister Stella is here too. If I may remind, in the possibility that he finds Miss Lyna, she will have a quite of a problem, just like in the past.", Mephilia reminded him of a certain time.

One night, at the Illusion Castle, Cruxis started invading the rooms of everyone, in order to destroy them. Even "him", Lyna and Magio's girlfriend had a problem and couldn't escape his assault. The people who stopped him truly were Magio and "him". That enough led anyone to dislike and distrust the Divinae, even if Stella and Mephilia had to fight Cruxis. Their consensus was the following: "You guys might be the best False Shadow family ever, but in comparison to the Ametrine triplets, you three are monsters!". Mephilia took that in mind.

"I know that, even if we acted together twice in the past, your trust on me is quite the minimal. After all, it is not enough for me being an Inquisitor, I am the sister of someone you, the Toadstool Triplets, 'him' and everyone hates profoundly. Even so, I ask for forgiveness and if you want, I will assist you in your search.", she said. Mephilia had a debt with the certain "him", and she would pay it by saving Lyna.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

True Creator said
Though Godou may be a pacifist...It may really be better for him to join the fight now."Though I don't really like this kind of things... let's fight him."The sword Ama no Murakumo, which usually resides in his right arm, suddenly appeared in his hands as it's master summoned it.Even after having summoned his weapon, Godou didn't charged yet as he was waiting for the enemy to show a opening in it's defenses.

[Uzumaki Naruto, Town]

-"Alright then...Tajuu Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!"

Suddenly 2,000 Narutos appeared. Naruto waited for Kusanagi to give the signal to attack. The Shadow Clones began to form a Rasengan (Regular).

[Rin, Inn]

Rin felt as someone walked in. He gave EMBR a signal to get ready to attack. He walked out the door and walked towards the front door.

-"Who's there!"

Rin's Blue Flames were perched up high.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Creator
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True Creator

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"Go!" He signaled to Naruto, indicating for him to start the combat.

And he activated his Authority [Goat].

"O lightning! O lightning! I am the conqueror who vanquished a thousand with a hundred, vanquished ten thousand with a thousand, and vanquished tens of thousands with ten thousand. Now for the sake of I who stand on the side of justice, release bright and shining brilliance, and grant me divine power!"

Activating this Authority, give Godou absolute control over Lighting. A God power over lighting.
Using this power, he lift his hand over his head, summoning a 'ball of lighting(lighting ball)'(in the other hand he has that divine sword).
That Lighting ball, even though being small, had extreme energy into it.
Even if it was powerful, Godou Authority could easily create much larger amounts of lighting and control it .Really, it was a 'God Authority', something with which Campiones rivals Gods.

Before releasing that Lighting ball into the enemy, Godou awaited for Naruto to release his attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

As soon as the door opened, EMBR was shocked to see someone that he thought was also dead too. Kaika...what the hell is going on?...she's....she's supposed to be dead! EMBR thought as he froze in the shock of seeing her.

"There you are," Alius said as she saw Rin with his blue flames, the presence of a half-demon. Perfect, she could pin the blame of the Shadow Replicas on him, and with the Shadow Replicas that Yasu had summoned were right under Rin and EMBR, the people with Alius would also assume that Rin and EMBR are responsible as well. It was all perfect. With the replicated abilities of Kaika, Alius summoned an energy blade and sent it flying towards Rin.
"Anyone here?....I'm scared..." Tris called out for anyone in this forest, starting to become paranoid that she was abandoned here. No, her family wouldn't do that to her, they wouldn't! She'll find someone and she'll be saved from whatever threats were in this forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

BGM: Requiem

"Oh, i'm sorry, it's just, i got a lot on my mind...sorry..." said Lerafa, very sorry for the way he refered to his friends, in fact, Lerafa still had some traces of his old personality that seemed to coming back to him, not only Melissa, but his whole visit at the Illusion Castle made him a better person, and he was glad for that, having his parents killed and his house burned in front of him wasn't that good for Lerafa, and passing most of his chilhood in a military school, Lerafa's Old Personality didn't had much regards to peoples emotions, that's why he is so eager to change Midori as well, since she could the old him in her. But, how would he do it if he still couldn't get rid of his old personality? He decided to think about it later. "Don't worry, i'm not so dumb to the point of blaming you all for something that only one person did, i trust you Mephilia, and don't worry, Melissa, Fall and Fel understand as well, also, i have a debt to pay to you all as well." said Lerafa smiling.

BGM: Rebirth (edit)

"All right, let's find Lyna before Cruxis do, this is the priority for now." said Lerafa pinpointing her location.

Team 1

"Captian, Shadow Replicas up ahead!" said Aschen. "Okay! Are you ready everyone?" Haken Asked. "After the fiasco with Markruss, i'll make up by beating this guys." said Thomas emanating a blue aura. "I am Levi the Slasher, Prepare yourselfes Shadow Thinges!" said Levi as she lunged at the creatures.

Team 2

"Piece Through! Faster than anyone!" said Axel as he slashed a Replica in half, of course, since he was devoid of magic, he had to rely on Alfimi. "Quickest and Shortest! Direct and Straight!!" said Hibiki as she punched a Shadow Replica, the impact of the first was so strong that the shockwave affected the other Replicas nearby. "XIAOMU MAGIC!!!" said Xiaomu, pulling bombs out of nowhere and bombarding the Replicas, meanwhile Reiji just quietly sniped the Replicas with his Magnum Gold, that had Light magic in it, meanwhile, Masaki (on foot) was trying out his newfound powers by slashing the Replicas at blinding speeds. "Woo, i'm more stronger than i thought." he said continuing his hack n' slash.

Team 3

"Why am i even bothering with this again?" said Midori, they weren't even a challenge to her, even if her strenght was supressed (but that's not the case), meanwhile, Saya was leaving the dirty work to her minions, Kaguya and Sanger where smiting the evil of the Shadow Replicas with their Colossal Blades, and Signum was using her sword in whip form to defeat a great number of them at once.

Wolkenritter, Lyna and Kaika

"GOD HAND!" said Lyna as she conjured a enourmous hand, standed in front of Rin and blocked the energy spear. "If he's the source, then why do you feel more like an Shadow Replica than him? There a diferent types of Darkness you know." said Lyna glaring at Alius. "Now tell me, what the redi girls name, if you really are Kaika, then you should know her name." said Lyna pointing at Vita, not once during their meeting with Alius, Vita's name was never mentioned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Rin, Inn]

-"Dammit it's because of My father's evil energy...I am Rin Son of Satan...What is this I am feeling...Kuro check out the basement, I'll deal with her..."

Rin saw as Lyna blocked the energy spear.

-"What the hell..."


[Uzumaki Naruto, Town]

-"Everyone, Let's go! Rasengan!"

The 2k Narutos ran towards the enemy. They hit Yasu with a Regular Rasengan then backed up. He went into Sage Mode Transformation. He backed up towards Kusanagi.

-"How are we going to defeat him."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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As Shizuru walked towards the path she paused as she heard a voice belonging to a younger sounding person and headed towards the source but she was still cautious as this could be a trap...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"..." Alius was silent, it was all too close to the achieved victory, and now that wanted victory was gone. There was no other choice now... Sarcastically, she started to slowly clap, as if she were congratulating them on finding her ruse out. "At least you're much more aware than Kaika herself. Her own foolishness allowed me to perfectly replicate her body for my own. So yes, I am what you can call...the "mother" of the Shadow Replicas. Made from my essence alone. If I was found out...well, millions of years ago, and destroyed, then the Shadow Replicas would be gone. However, I've already passed down pieces of my essence to others, so they can continuously create Shadow Replicas even if I die," Alius says as the Shadow Replicas that were hiding began to rise out of the ground. As if to show that this body was a fake, Alius had parts of her arms break apart into shadows, letting out her shadowy tendrils from her "true" form. "That reminds me, you are out to kill my children? Well...I'm sure enough this will be entertaining for me and my Shadows," she says, summoning a large blade of darkness to her hand.

BGM - Invisible Depths

"Go off my Shadows, don't play with our food now," Alius says as she wanted to see how they would fare against her Shadow Replicas.
It was quite an uneventful walk, that was...until Yasu was struck by what seemed to be numerous clones with some sort of energy ball attack. This was for sure throw him off guard, sending the demonic presence crashing through several trees. Yet, he didn't show any pain, and knew that Sota would be forced back even more from the pain the human has to face. As if the attacks did nothing at all, Yasu slowly got up in the manner that a zombie would, brushing off the dust from his clothing. "This is quite unnecessary, if you really want to go into a one-sided fight, then so be it. I wouldn't mind, of course, I would always need more souls for the Realm of Shadows," Yasu said with a sigh of dismay, seeing that it was annoying to be attacked by these others. In comparison, they would never reach Yasu's level of power, not when the "portal" he had created was still pouring out Shadow Replicas from the sky and with the addition of the "deathly" essence of the Realm of Shadows. The emitting darkness from Yasu's body began to slowly heal the damage done by Naruto's attack, and some minutes later, it would be as good as new. As if to test these two to see if they were really worth the demonic presence's time, Yasu summoned two Shadow Primes, which were basically much stronger versions of Shadow Replicas. The Shadow Primes were quite big, at least as big as a two-story building, and only had one red glowing "eye." Both Shadow Primes gave out a loud bellow as they gained the sight of Naruto and Kusanagi.
Tris didn't know where to go, so she sat down next to a tree, hoping that she wouldn't be found by any "bad" people. It was scary being all by herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Uzumaki Naruto, Town]

-"Hmpf...You call that a beast..The Ten-Tails is stronger than that....Kusanagi, let's do this!" Naruto said.

Naruto did a hand seal. He began to morpg into the Nine-Tails Chakra mode. Since he is Minato's Son, The Fourth Hokage, he can run at Lightning speed. He backtracked and hid waiting for the right moment. Two hands came out of Naruto's Back. They began forming a sphere on his hand. His size gave him an advantage. He ran behind the First Shadow Prime (This was a Shadow Clone) and began to climb it. He got to the neck and got ready.

-"Fuuton: Rasen-Shuriken!"

Naruto shot the shuriken shaped sphere at the Shadow Prime's neck and quickly retreated as far away as he could thanks to his Father's speed.

[Rin, Inn]

-"Dammit! Again..Fine, have it your way..Kuro return!"

Rin began attacking the Shadow Replicas around him. He also shot Blue Flame Blasts. He sliced and diced the Shadow Replicas. He kept slashing as he backed away.

-'Come on a little bit more...'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Shizuru looked around. "Hello? Is anyone here? She called out wondering if that voice was real.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Please....I don't want to be alone..." Tris said as she heard someone. She didn't care if this person was bad or not, she just wanted to be with any sort of company at this point.
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