thewizardguy said
I know I should be posting, but I just don't know how! I can't think of any logical counter to Gil's attack, and I don't want to resort to bullshit, but Stein without madness just..... it just doesn't work!
No no this can't be. Stein can't lose his madness yet.......Well this threw a wrench in my plans lol. I was preparing to drop in a character who could match Stein in cunning, and intellect. A character who could possibly 'out fox' Stein. Said character is also from the same universe as Hiei and Chu and knows both of them, Just some hints on my part cause I still plan to make a CS for him soon.
Also I have not forgotten about my other characters. Alexander has responded to Dragoon but that was lost in the sea of posts and to be quite frank I have no idea what happened to the city. Trey was originally going to help Alexander get Dragoon out of the sky but as I said I have no idea of the situation over there by the city so yeah :D.