Name: Katherine Laddermore
Nickname: Major Laddermore
Age: Late 20's
Gender: Female
Abilities: Immunity to Electricity
Species: Human
From: Warmachine
Other: Voltaic Accelerator and Voltaic Lance. Voltaic Accelerator is a pistol that shots a massive current of electricity and powers up other electrical attacks. Voltaic Lance is a Lance that upon contact with the enemy releases a lightning bolt that damages the current target before the lightning then hits another target.
Name: Allison Jakes
Nickname: Lieutenant Jakes
Age: Early 20's
Gender: Female
Abilities: Warcaster (see Major Haley)
-Energizer: Increase the speed of herself and warjacks under control up to 50%.
-Sidekick: Increase one of her warjack defence and her own if she is standing near the warjack.
Species: Human
From: Warmachine
Other: Hand Cannon, Mechanika Blade (Magical blade), Dueling Dagger (also magical)