i dont have pics of hekmatyar in kimono...
Saarebas said
Oh I almost forgot BK you got me hooked on a new anima thanks
YamiCuoreLaroux said
I have to head to class. I'll be back in an hour and a half.
Vindle said
The pic isn't showing, then again my computer doesn't seem to like this site. I'll check when I go on my IPad, or if the image appears and my computer has given in. Is it someone getting hit by a stop sign? :p
Vindle said
Haha, thanks, Sarai. I've been meaning to put more there but i haven't found anything... worthy. XDI see it now, BK201. That's a good Shouko gif. If I find one with her poking Yuuji's eyes then it's signature worthy lol