Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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When you think about it, Rowland is kind of the victim in all this. Nothing that's going on is his fault.

Like I just decided that the very feminine Violetá, very spoiled and loves clothes, would definitely be the girlfriend who drags her boyfriend shopping and makes him sit in the Husband Chair.

It's quite possible. It'd be nice to tie some members of the clans together in some way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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He really is poor guy. Like part of me really wonders if he will realize this is the reason Jaspin is going to be SUCH an ass to him.

Awe thats adorable haha. Him having to hold her bags and stuff as she tries on clothes.

Actually I just realized that it would just be her and Maxen. Exactly what I was thinking too, it would be super cool.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Oh, he'll know. He's not oblivious. And of course he's the one Elizabeth tells the most. He'll understand why Jaspin doesn't like him. But he can't care what Jaspin thinks.

Her and her brother are like clothing FIENDS. They're definitely the most stylish in the RP. There was a moment where her brother, Krisztian, threatened a vendor on this space station for selling fake leather as real and jacking up the prices so high.

I wonder what some of these people think of the vampires that turned them. The only one I know for sure met who turned them was Bela. And he killed that bitch.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Well, at least he'll know. That's right! He knows more about Jaspin than the others, doesn't he. That's okay Rowland, don't care, it will make it more interesting that way.

Haha! Oh god, that sounds funny!

Hmm, well you know how Jaspin feels. And Maxen killed his bitch of a creator too.

Simone's background is up. And I added some fact thingys also.

Edit: Also Maxen has a song now.
And it took forever, but I found who plays Jaspin. It's a different picture, but I like it better.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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Rowlan's like, he's not doing anything wrong, and he's got his clan to watch out for. He sees no reason to really care about Jaspin not liking the plan they've pieces together in order to survive.

At the same time, there was a scene with Violetá being told she couldn't buy a long skirt and her just being like 'I don't understand what being told 'no' means'.

Ooh. I guess I do.
These people take the robbing of their humanity so gosh darn seriously, jeez.

Sweet, looking over all the changes now.
Like the new picture. More serious, less model-y. He's slightly less perfectly pretty, to me, and I like that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Good for you Rowland. He's just being a petty ass about something he screwed up in the first place.
He'll get used to it I'm sure.

Haha so she is super spoiled.

You know though Maxen's creator deserved it a lot. He was a major jerk.

I think so, I had that issue with it before it broke but couldn't find a good one I wanted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Jaspin will have no choice. Of course, he could just leave, but that'd involve leaving Elizabeth's presence again.

She's very spoiled. Her parents gave her everything she ever wanted. She doesn't understand being told no. It took a while for her to acquiesce to the 'no long skirts' thing.

Oh, I'm completely joking, of course. No one could take it lightly. No one should.
(Except Nadya did. But she's an outlier and is not to be counted.)

Well, the old link failing is as good a reason as any to look for a new picture, right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Yeah, I don't think he would really want to do that. I mean it has been over three hundred years since he saw her.

Okay why is there not allowed to be long skirts?

Oh I know you were haha.
(And Violet, but she was in so much pain.)

Right! And a much better picture at that too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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I feel like no matter how much he thinks he hates her, I can't see him being in a hurry to leave.
Oh yeah, what exactly is he going to feel when he meets her for the first time?
I can imagine them meeting, not knowing for sure that it's the other, and the first time they step into a room and see each other.... oh boy.

Okay quick context.
Vi and her brother are running away from home and this woman, Elia, offers to escort them to a hotel. On the way, Elia encounters some thugs looking for her, and to make an escape, she drags the siblings onto her spaceship and off they go. The siblings have nowhere else to go, so Elia takes them in for the time being. And if they're going to live on her spaceship, they're eventually gonna have to learn how to do spaceship things. And long skirts are really impractical for spaceship things. So Elia nixes long skirts (to Violeta's dismay).

Oooooh yeah.
That was a really clever backstory.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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I see him feeling the want to be in a hurry at first, but not having it in him to leave. And if any of his family ask he'll blame it on something other than himself.

Oh man, he is going to be freaking annoyed that she is back! And happy to see her, and super annoyed about it.

OH okay I get it now!

Hehe thank you :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Always finding some excuse to stick around? Like what? They'd have to be decent excuses.

So then mad then happy then mad at himself for being happy. Got it.

You're welcome! I actually updated Elizabeth's backstory a bit, just now. I'd been meaning to update it for a little while now. I needed it to explain her personality more and show how and why she got to where she is now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Hmm I don't know right off, it would really have to be a good one. This will take some thought.

Haha yeah, pretty much. What about Elizabeth? How is she gonna feel about seeing him again?

Oh! Shall go look!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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I believe I've mentioned Elizabeth's likely reaction before. She's going to feel an urge to have sex with him, and simultaneously a far stronger urge to throw something sharp and heavy at his face.
If she happens to be holding anything when she first sees him, yeah, it's gonna cease to be a thing real quick.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Oh that's right you did, sorry its been awhile since we talked about that. Still that has to be an interesting mix of emotions.
Haha do it, throw something at him! That would be hilarious!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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She has just like a cast iron pan in her hand or something, and she sees him and her eyes widen and she can't believe he's here, the love of her life is right in front of her, and it's been four hundred years since she's touched him....
and then hurls it at his head, because HE TURNED AGAINST HER
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Haha I have to ask, why would her bring cast iron pan to drove rouge vampires out?

He'll move out of the way so that it doesn't hit him, than he'll kind of look at her like 'really Elizabeth?' And then say something all calm like "nice to see you too, Elizabeth."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Oh, in my mind, it was Jaspin coming to the Mercer headquarters for this meeting. That was just how it first came to mind, I dunno. Totally not set in stone. On that note, not sure what Elizabeth would bring at all.

That'd get her so riled up, you kidding me? That after all they'd been through, all he'd done to her, that'd be the first thing he said, so calm and collected and 'reasonable'.
To that, she'd say 'get out of my town'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Oh I thought you said that Jonathan would catch them hunting and track them down. She..could grab something haha.

He would have calmed down a lot more by now I figure, not mad from being turned, not in pain from dying.

He would totally kind of smirk a bit and be like. "I'm not in town though, I'm outside of town." I think the fact she's more angry than him is going to amuse him a bit.

Also, I liked the new bio update.

Edit: To be honest I haven't yet played in his mind as a vampire. That's part of the reason I have trouble deciding how he will react to things.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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She'll figure something out, I dunno. We'll come up with a place for them to meet.

I'm guessing he probably acted like this a lot while they were together. So there's a whole bunch of reasons why seeing him again like that is going to piss her off.
I get that it'd be amusing to him, but why, exactly?

Starting after my next response, which I am working on, you'll be able to experiment with that more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Yup we'll figure something out, we still have a bit before even having to worry about it.

That is what he was like a lot when they were together. He was fun, you just haven't gotten to see it yet.
And he'll amused by the fact he isn't the only one still mad and bitter about what happened.

This is very true, I'm excited for it.
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