Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Why of course I always remember the people that I like :}

A good hell of a time or bad? I plan on working on mines background now that I got us started. Haha she sounds like a very good old fashioned woman though, I mean the women back in her day were still very vindictive they just were crafty about it. Their husbands might have been the ones in charge and weren't wrapped around their wife's finger. But they very clearly had their ear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hmm I think I did my math wrong before. They should be older if it started in 1388.

2014 - 1388 is 626

Right? So Jaspin should 626. They both should be older.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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I do mean good hell of a time. That kind of contrast is what makes for interesting characters.

I've been working on that math myself- however, I wasn't sure how far into the present to go. Yes, if we're comparing the numbers to today, they should be older, but I thought we weren't playing up until the present day. More like until the 1800s.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Very interesting characters, I like all of yours so far can't wait to see about the new one.

Is that where I went wrong? We are only going to the 1800s. That makes sense, never mind me then I likely just forgot last night. I was like half asleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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I think so, yeah. I think that was in some of the original stuff we wrote near the beginning of the thread.

Also, I've begun adding affiliations and ages turned to my profiles, might help keep track of things, especially since ages are getting real complicated.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yeah looking back I see that now. My bad hon.

Oh that's a good idea, I'm going to go do that here soon. That should make things a lot easier.

Edit: Also one point for Elizabeth for her sassyness!! Haha loved your reply.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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I'm glad! It's funny, I was so concerned with backstory that I didn't put much thought into personality, and now I'm getting to watch it unfold. Kind of exciting. And from what I've been writing and what we've discussed, I'm getting a sense of a woman who's very old fashioned in how she cares for and regards other people, but very harsh in how she protects what's important to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Isn't it the best when that happens? I did the same thing with Jaspin too. I can tell that she is very harshly protective already with him as a human. Mainly the he didn't know what was best for himself part. Which is actually true, his stubborn pride is part of his reasoning.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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I could see the stubbornness and appreciation for what makes one human. A measure of independence and passion. I await seeing more of his personality.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yay! I'm glad that his personality is coming out as good as it is.

I hope to try and post again tomorrow. I'm feeling really rough today so I can't write out a reply tonight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Alright. :( I hope you're doing better in the morning.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Thank you I hope so too. Its kind of my fault sadly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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Well, till then, I'll just keep working on Rowland and Nadya. Take what time you need.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Okie dokie! :} I finished Violet's background.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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I saw. I like that secret of hers. It'll put an interesting spin on things when the clans meet.

I have some ideas for how the Mercer clan might function in society, because I've been thinking, how do these big numbers of blood-suckers manage to stay anywhere? And how do they manage not to slaughter everyone?

There's a cycle they go through, about every 7 or 8 years. They all move to a substantially populated town or city. Jonathan moves into the city proper and passes himself off as a doctor (not hard given his decades of education) and Eleanora goes with him posing as his wife. Elizabeth moves into the outskirts, somewhere as quiet as possible, with all her other vampires (including, but not limited to, Kilroy and Nadya). Jonathan does his thing as a doctor, and is pretty good at it, but when faced with a patient dead or irreversibly dying, takes them to the outskirts, under the guise of knowing a really cheap coffin maker, where he and his mother and the others can eat with minimum suspicion and minimal killing.

Just an idea I wanted to write down before I forget it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Right! I thought so too. She is going to be all respectful towards Elizabeth too, and it will annoy Jaspin so freaking much! Haha.

That is actually a really good plan for their living situation. Very quick, easy, and painless. It much be really far out in the outskirts for no one to be able to hear.

I really need to come up with a plan for the Reese clan. I've been so busy working on backgrounds and making people I hadn't even thought of that. :/
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

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'If not for you setting my master's house on fire, I wouldn't be here today!'

'... you're welcome?'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Haha oh god that's funny! ....And very likely along the lines of how that conversion would go too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mamagermany
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mamagermany Apathetic Mom

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Posted the backgrounds for Kilroy and Nadya. I don't love them. I'll probably continue to work on them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Nice, hmm something tells me that there is going to be tension between Jaspin and Kilroy already. What with him being Elizabeth's bodyguard. Also kind of love the irony of how Nadya lured men away to feed on them! So is she back in the clan now?
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