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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iryhor


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The setting would be a universe called Roa, primarily on the planet of Minonas. Our characters would be gods of a particular domain, any domain you wish. Fire, space, the sky, madness, dragons, love, clothing, etc. You would be able to have more than one domain, and your powers would have to coincide with your domain, but we'll get more in to the character creation and other things if enough people show interest.

The idea would be that one or more of the gods desires more land, and therefore more worshippers (as gods, our power increases with how much we're worshipped). Because all the land in the world is currently taken by a god already, the war of the gods would ensue.

My character will most likely be taking the side which has the least number of gods. Aggressive, or defensive. Defensive gods are ones that just want to stay in their domain and live in peace. Aggressive gods want to take more land for themselves. You can form alliances, common enemies, whatever.

I have a lot in mind already, but before I spend time creating it and typing it all out, I wanna see if anyone's interested.

So... any takers?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iryhor


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sure. I made something like this before in the past, a God RP was my first RP ever on this site.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iryhor


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Great! I'll go ahead and start working on a CS. We'll want about 3 more people. I'm thinking after the RP (hopefully) kicks off, more people can join in the way of followers of our gods.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Actually, I've always wanted to play a follower of my own god. Good luck with the CS skelly :D

Plus, I don't really want to stop accepting characters until we run out of domains. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iryhor


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

By all means, play some followers. Players will be limited to 1 god, and as many followers as they wish. The CS for God is up on the first post, I'll make the CS for followers later. Players do NOT have to play a god, they can simply play a follower, or even an independent. If that's what you want to play, just wait for that CS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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undecided, i.e; he wishes to preserve Humanity and mortal life in general, so it could be either aggressive or defensive.

Domain: hope, thunderbolts, creation, the sun, healing and renewal


Powers: (Special even among your domain and other gods.)
He has great power over all generative forces that have the ability to create. Sun light, hope, even the body's natural ability to heal it'self, or the power for a woman to give birth, etcetera.

The Sceptre Of Power:
The Sceptre of Power is a metallic rod with a gemstone on the top containing energy from Empyron.

His territory is filled with many large islands, and a vast sea, from islands the size of Ireland to islands as large as the U.S state of Texas. There are millions of people spread throughout his territory, and there are great mountains on the largest islands, some are safe, with no monsters except maybe natural animals, and some of these islands may have areas controlled by quite large monsters such as chimeras, manticores and even dragons.

There are well over forty million people throughout the Empire. The climate throughout his Empire is mostly either temperate with mild weather, or cold. Technically, since his empire has been at peace for over a whole century, it isn't an Empire, but technically a Kingdom, but the ruler is still called the Emperor. Below the Emperor is his family, such as wife, and several sons and daughters, and the other kings and queens, and below them there are the aristocracy.

Other Info: (Anything you feel is important to mention, such as a hatred of a different god, a different source of power than followers, etc. Optional.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iryhor


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Looks pretty good... a couple of critiques though.
-I don't quite see where the thunderbolts fit in with creation and healing and the sun and all that.
-What exactly does his sceptre do? What's it for?
-I'm not sure what sort of age civilization will be, but if it's a sort of medieval era, 40 million is a LOT of people. The entire continent of Europe only had about 50 million in 1450.
-All generative forces is quite broad. I'm not saying you should change it yet, but make it tentative until we have more characters. If the other gods are significantly weaker, some changes might be necessary.
-His goal, by definition, would be defensive, wouldn't it? Wanting to protect humanity?

Those are just some things to think about. The OOC isn't even up yet, so no worries about your character right now. I'll wait for just one more person and I'll make the OOC. More people will still be allowed to join after that, of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hm. Haven't seen one of these in awhile. Always up for being God/Goddess.

...of course, that's just because I tend to let the power go to my head >_>
I'll see if I can...conjure up a CS shortly.

I do hope this takes off~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iryhor


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Awesome! That's enough to merit making an OOC. I'll get started... hopefully will get it up before work. If not, I get back from work in about 8.5 hours and will keep you updated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Playing a god huh? Hmm, that fits very well. I like it. I might jump in here ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 28 days ago

Definitely interested. Been meaning to play a vengeful nature god for some time now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Iryhor said
Looks pretty good... a couple of critiques though. -I don't quite see where the thunderbolts fit in with creation and healing and the sun and all that. -What exactly does his sceptre do? What's it for?-I'm not sure what sort of age civilization will be, but if it's a sort of medieval era, 40 million is a LOT of people. The entire continent of Europe only had about 50 million in 1450.-All generative forces is quite broad. I'm not saying you should change it yet, but make it tentative until we have more characters. If the other gods are significantly weaker, some changes might be necessary. -His goal, by definition, would be defensive, wouldn't it? Wanting to protect humanity?Those are just some things to think about. The OOC isn't even up yet, so no worries about your character right now. I'll wait for just one more person and I'll make the OOC. More people will still be allowed to join after that, of course.

Domain: hope, thunderbolts, creation, the sun, healing and renewal

hope as coming from light. . . thunderbolts, a form of light, creation. . . generative forces as coming from healing life force and renewal. In real life we know that lightning is electricity but it's logical from an early perspective to think that lightning is like focused light.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Tyzitla

Goal: Tyzitla...is neutral. While he doesn't desire more territory himself, he will not hesitate to strike down those he he views as someone who will disrupt the world on a large scale. That's not to say he's peaceful and not a warmonger, he will lend his aide to anyone who he believes is ultimately good - even those that could be considered warmongers and blood thirsty savages. To him, the End always Justify the Means. Even if the means is full scale genocide of everything or the destruction of the current world so that it may begin anew. (I hope this is acceptable.)

Domain: Shadows, Oaths, Plots, Knowledge, Assassination, Endings.
All Shadows are not evil. Most will aid the one looking for shelter. One who is plotting something, or carrying an irredeemable task. Do not be afraid of them. They will help you, should you let them.
All Knowledge exists for a reason. To reject an idea, is to reject reality itself. If it is dangerous, study it, learn it. If it is helpful, refine it, so that it may help others.
All things must eventually end. Even the Gods will one day fade into the void. Accepting this is the first step to enlightenment.
All promises must be kept, oaths sworn are to be upheld. Failing is only acceptable if the oath or promise is impossible.
- Excerpt from the Grimoire of Scath

"However, above all, my children, Not everything in the world is good and kind, Sometimes, life can be cruel, gruesome, and unfair, but it can not be rejected. Everything is Necessary, everything has a purpose. A reason for existing. As such, we take the burden of doing such things ourselves so that others do not have to. We dirty our hands so that the others do not have to. We protect them from the gruesome reality of some things, so that they may live in blissful ignorance. That is the task, I, Tyzitla have chosen. That is the mission I have tasked you with, my children."
-The Teachings of Tyzitla, first edition.



Tyzitlas heart:
This...thing, rests in a giant cavern beneath the frigid mountain his people call home. The cavern is completely inaccessible by normal means and can only be accessed by someone who knows where it is, as in someone who has been there before. The purpose of the heart, is to forge weapons and items from Tyzitla own essence, if you will. Weapons such as these are given to the highest ranking members of his followers and bound to their very soul, so that if they should die, their weapons return to him. This doubles also as a sort of 'battery' for him. It stores a large portion of his power, and it stores an almost infinite amount of energy as It naturally charges with time. With it, he could continue to function even if his followers were wiped out, for a time. However, should this artifact be destroyed...it's his 'heart' for a reason.

Territory: The land of Valeria. A Mountainous region far to the north of the other gods lands. The last bastion of warmth against the frigid northern lands beyond. Mostly mountainous, it has a few valleys that one must cross in order to reach their city. The climate is cold, to comfortable, and most of the valleys and mountains are covered in mist or thick fog. The mountains are rocky, and the soil poor and it can't support plant life for the most part, though they have many caves and rivers, many of which connect to their capital city of Tyzil.

The people here come from many walks of life. Most are those who have been spurned or beaten down by society in some way. The natives of Tyzil and Valeria are quite friendly and accept all within their city, be they murderer, former bandit, demon, or someone even cursed by another of the gods. All they have to do, is behave and follow the laws of the city. The natives can be told apart from others from their tattoo like markings. Magic that has been literally branded into their skin to enhance their abilities in some way. Most are dark skinned, with pure white hair or dark hair, pointed ears and eye colors ranging from a bright yellow, to a vibrant purple thanks to the magic.

Most are naturally gifted with Shadow Magic in some form. Be it Shadow Smithing, Crafting, conjuring, or using shadows themselves as weapons. They are a lithe, agile, but hardy people who regularly hunt dangerous animals to the north of the city and in the mountains, or go into other nations to perform...less than honorable tasks. Killing is a business, and anyone who wants someone assassinated for whatever reason, it isn't to hard to find them. They do not accept all jobs, however. Money isn't the motivator for them.

They also trade in information. You want to know something that shouldn't be known? Then you've come to the right people. Their libraries are open for anyone with an interest in the arcane, forbidden, eldritch or anything at all. However, to see particularly dangerous tomes, you must get permission from Tyzitla himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Esra 

Goal: Variant. Has no active desire for territorial expansion as she sees no value in such a thing. An increase in raw power that is spawned from an increase in worshippers does little for the actual nuance of the power, and so with her own nature of abilities she simply views aggression as effort. That said, Esra's desires trump all else in her decision-making, so should she be incited to action or decide that, rather than a boring exertion of effort that the systematic conquering of the world could be fun, there will be no hesitation to jump into the fray.

Domain: Order and Nothingness. 


Powers: System, Observer, Stagnation, Void Command, Numerical Phantasm.

Artifacts: First Precept. 

Territory: The United States of AUO, or U.S.A. for short, is her primary zone of influence. It is an island containing some-odd 1 million people, with a relatively high population density. While called an "island", it is not naturally occurring and was in fact formed through copious use of First Precept to form stone and things of that nature. An artificial island of temperate climate and few special attributes that was created by Esra. Mythical races do exist on the fringes of the island, though they are land-based such as grounded chimera, werewolves, and the like. The residents of the island are not suited to combat, fattened and decadent as a general rule. Their cities are all formed from First Precept, and through use of this building block, Esra creates food and other necessities for its inhabitants. In other words, through the blessing of their god, the island has become the ultimate safe haven for NEETs. 

Other Info: N/A

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Interested! I can have a sheet done by tomorrow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iryhor


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Wow, just got back from work and I'm excited to see all the interest and characters coming out. I'm pooped, so I'm gonna eat, shower, take care of some things around the house, then come back and address everything so far. Thanks everyone!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

And done with Tyzitla. I could easily have him become the antagonist, if no one makes an aggressive enough god~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Color me interested, only issue I may see would be picking domains... still do want to run a thing or two by the GM before I post anything formal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iryhor


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Feel free to PM me at anytime about anything. That goes to everyone. I'm periodically checking this just to see what's up, once I'm done with all my shtuff I'll address everything that takes more than a minute to address.
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