Name: Jimmy "Just Jimmy"
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Dad- unknown
Mother- Wendy (a diner owner)
Brother- Ray (a CI for a dirty cop, found dead in alley under suspicious circumstances)
Ex Girlfriend- Edna (a failed career criminal, committed suicide by cop during a robbery)
Personality: ((A few words or more to describe your character.)) Jimmy is a man trying to escape his past under any circumstances, and believes the dead rising is a sign for him to start his life over. If anybody knows his true identity or threatens what new life he will make for himself, he will move Heaven and Hell to make them suffer.
Bio: ((Small paragraph or more about your character from early life to when the RP starts.))
Job Before The Outbreak: Drifter, due to multiple withstanding arrest warrents
Disability- Dsylexia
1) knowledge of his pre outbreak life
2) death
Smoking cigarrettes, he currently puffs out a pack a day
Weapon of Choice:
Primary- Fire Axe
Secondary- brass knuckles
WIP- Will be finished tomorrow