Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Let's be honest. Who hasn't ever dreamed about being famous? Hollywood is a place of envy for young and old alike, and everyone wants their chance in the spotlight. Perhaps you've dreamt of being an actor. Or maybe you don't want to be in the spotlight yourself, but you want to support the movie production by being a cameraman or a director. Every movie has a compelling story, there's always the writers that are responsible for captivating the audience. If you have a passion for makeup or costuming, then there's a place for you in a movie to create the beautiful looks of the characters that match their personality.

Well today is your lucky day, because you get the chance to help create a highly-anticipated film! This may be your big break, or perhaps you're a veteran of filmmaking. Maybe you've been promoted and assigned with more responsibility, or--God forbid--you've been demoted and you're stuck doing easy, simple tasks. Whatever the case, you have a job, and there are people out there that would love to be in your place right now.

Of course, the production process isn't all fun and games. There are bound to be problems and obstacles that everyone has to suffer their way through. Hollywood loves a good scandal, and there's no guarantee that you won't become the victim of one. The industry is very vicious, and there might even be sabotage from rivals. What if your key actors get into a fight, and refuse to make up? Unseen adversity can, and will pop up.

Is this film going to be a success, or a failure? The results are up to you...

  • All Guild rules apply

  • The post minimum is two paragraphs. But quality over quantity!

  • Please please please please use good grammar! It doesn't have to be perfect, but please try your best. Capitalize proper nouns, use punctuation when appropriate, stuff like that. I'm not going to get on your case like a grammar nazi, but please make it easy to read.

  • Swearing is allowed, but please keep it in moderation.

  • Don’t create a Mary Sue or a Marty Stu, they will be rejected. Nobody is perfect, people must have flaws.

  • Use common sense and courtesy! We’re all friends here. Be polite, and no fights in the OOC.

  • Listen to what the GM says! I am your benevolent goddess… In this roleplay, at least.

  • As of right now, there is a character limit of three characters. This may be subject to change.

  • Let me know if you can’t post for a while, or if you’re dropping, or anything of that nature. I won’t bite your head off, I promise.

  • If you are inactive for a week without notice, your character will be struck through on the character roster. If you continue to be inactive after being struck through, your character(s) will be removed from the character roster after 7 more days. While you're welcome to come back, you must reapply. If your character is struck through, but you explain why you were unable to post, your character will not be removed from the roster, on the condition that you will post in the IC in the near future. Of course, this is a case-by-case and I understand that people have obligations outside of roleplaying. I'm very flexible about this, but I'm not going to let this roleplay die because someone randomly disappears.

  • Have fun! This is a requirement. Seriously, why roleplay if you’re not having fun?

Character Information

Character Depository! Click here!
For your character sheet, please be detailed! Especially in the personality section, don’t just list off adjectives. Go into detail. Also, it would be much appreciated if you could underline, bolden, or do something to the CS skeleton to make it easier to read. You can add more to the CS skeleton if you’d like, but be sure to have the ones listed here! I have a very high standard with Character Sheets. While I won't complain about how you construct it, keep in mind that CSs are a way for me to judge how you RP.

Here are the taken positions!

Movie Plot

This OOC is still a WIP! There will be a lot of additions to this, so keep checking back!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Wyatt Covet.
Gender: Male.
Age: 32.
Position: Production Designer, Wyatt is responsible for creating the visual appearance of the film - settings, costumes, character makeup, all taken as a unit. He also works closely with Luke (Director) and the Director of Photography to achieve the look of the film.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 5 days ago

Plopping down my interest/spot.

Now to decide if I want to be the DP, the script supervisor, or an executive producer.

Possibly the script supervisor. Or the DP. Both are fun.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dapper Amaroq
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Dapper Amaroq Resident Wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Maximillian Harrison

Gender: male

Age: 26

Position: Stunt man

Appearace: Max's figure looks as if it was stripped directly from a movie. His 6'2" even muscular build, lightly tanned skin, his square jaw, and smooth black hair gives him the perfect build for an action hero. He's always wanted to grow a beard, but he could never manage the feat. It would make his green eyes stand out less and make him seem just a bit more manly. It wouldn't work with his short, straight black hair, but far be it from him to care. He only wants a beard.

As for his casual wear off of the set, he still is a man who's style is perfectly suited for any sort of action. He wears light blue working jeans, large brown boots, a white T-shirt and a brown vest with aztec patterns sown in to the front. To top it all off, he wears a dark brown fedora in honor of his hero Harrison Ford.

Personality: Max is absolutely sure of his skill as a stunt man. His confidence is second to none in that profession, but anything else is just about lost on him. All he cares about is adding as much excitement to his life as possible. This care-free attitude gives him an amazingly cheery outlook on life, and can even seem a bit too optomistic for some. In fact, he was hopelessly optimistic to the point where he can be absoltely clueless. It would literally rain on his parade and he would wonder cluelessly as to why everyone was going home to watch the parade on TV. However, he's so good at his job that he sometimes forgets that its just a movie. He tosses inhibition out the door and dives in to the world of movies head on!

History: It all started in the rural area in an indistinct part of Ohio. Ever since he first saw the movie "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark" when he was ten years old, Max has always wanted to be an archeologist. He absolutely loved the way that adventure seemed to flow from Indiana Jones, and was set on this path until his father explained on that very same day that it was only the stuntmen that did those things on screen like fight bad guys on biplane wings and run from boulders. With that bit of adjustment, he decided to become a stuntman. He thought that this was even better, since he could do all sorts of amazing stunts and get paid for it.

He finally got his chance when When he was 16. an independant film company arrived a few miles from his home town on the edge of the city. The film was yet another remake of King Kong, and Max happened to be watching them film when the stuntman who was supposed to fight the dinosaurs as King Kong declined to show up. It seems that he decided that this would be the perfect time to admit that he had an irrational fear of rubber suits that he failed to overcome. With the crew being short one stuntman, Max manage to get their attention before they left to start up auditions again. After five minures of gratuitous begging, he got the role of his dreams: the stunt man (or gorilla, in this case). He went on to star in many more action movies and gain a considerable reputation.

Unfortunanetly, things aren't going a smothly as planned recently. Only a year ago, a Cyclops fight scene and a misplaced foot slipping off of the filming area lead to one broken left arm on the set of the terrible adaptation of "The Iliad" and his reputation goes down the drain, even after his arm healed. He was labeled as amazingly clumsy by the press, and you all know how much his word matters after that.This didn't worry him too much. He appreciates being accepted on to the set of [RP film] but does so only so that he has another reason to be on stage and just be amazing. Nevermind his new irrational fear of the Cyclops.


Luke Clemens: Max didn't really know who Luke Clemens was before he got the call to be a stunt man. He had heard about the situation surrounding the guy, but he hadn't really been keeping up with only celebrities, only the ones he had been working with. He only heard about the project through an e-mail his agent had gotten. The impression he got so far wasn't a bad one. He was motivated, nice, and although he looked a little like a teenager, he seemed pretty mature. Overall, he's a nice guy.

Leila Fox:

Harris Klein:

Jake Wilson:

Phoebe J. Collins:

Leon PNB Xavier:

Amy Ho:

Vyacheslav Piotr Zolnerowich-Wahlstein "Peter Zolner":

Max Goldstein:

Addison Matthews:

Ellen Lindgren:

Nicholas Lyons:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Harris Klein

Gender: Male

Age: 62

Position: Supporting Actor


An older, somewhat obese man, Klein tends to prefer dark clothing when out of costume.

Personality: Klein's experiences (see below) have left him embittered and argumentative. He is always the first to question the judgment of directors, writers, editors, anyone on the production staff. Typically thinking of himself as the smartest man in the room, especially when he's drunk on set, Klein has a reputation for being very difficult to work alongside. However, he takes his craft very seriously, any suggestions or objections he lodges are meant to be for the betterment of the film.

History: Harris Klein began his career as a director, writer, and actor in the late sixties, a time when film was beginning to be viewed in a very different light. His early productions were done solely for artistic purposes, and he became known for mesmerizing character studies and electrifying dramatic performances. However, as lauded as he was by critics, his projects sold little in the way of tickets. Audiences wanted to see gunfights and steamy sexual chemistry, not the struggles of men against their personal demons. Initially, he refused to compromise his artistic integrity, a struggle that pushed him deeper into a bottle and gave him a reputation as being difficult to work with. Klein slowly lost ground in the fight against the studios until he finally, bitterly renounced directing in the late eighties. However, he still needed to support himself, and so lowered himself in his own eyes by acting in other films. These days, Klein brings a certain panache and gravitas to roles of stock heavies, old mentors, and cool granddads.

Miscellaneous: Despite his attitude and alcoholism, Klein is a professional to the core. He will always be on time and meet deadlines, sober or no. He will help out other actors as necessary, meticulously track continuity, watch dailies, learn about his role.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jake Wilson



Location Manager - Responsible for surveying, selection, and final clearing (or guaranteeing permission to use) of locations for filming


Words used to describe Jake are independent, original, analytical, and determined. He has an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. Jake highly values knowledge, competence, and structure. He desires this because once he has found a strong foundation he knows his more spontaneous side is free to roam. At work Jake feels compelled even driven to derive meaning from his visions leading to a strong focus on finding the perfect locations for film projects he is working on. Long-range thinkers. He has very high standards for his performance, and the performance of others. A natural leaders, but will follow if they trust existing leaders. At times he can be head strong if his recommendations are denied or overlooked.

Jake's one true passion in life is travel and that passion was born during the summer of his fourth grade year when his parents took him on his first trip to Western Europe. They were visiting a hiking friend of his mother who lived in Italy. On one magical night in Florence Jake witnessed just how wonderful the world is and declared to everyone that he would always strive to travel more. His dedication to travel led him to work harder towards opportunities for more travel. Summer jobs, school trips, and even a scholarship for a study abroad helped him continue to explore Western Europe.

College was when Jake really started to set his sights on the world. Studying abroad in South Korea. Later he spent the summer to teach English in Vietnam. This extended stay in Asia lead to some friction between Jake and his family who started to worry that their son's desire for travel was beginning to have an adverse effect on his ability to graduate college. This squabble was led to rest after Jake returned home with a strict plan for his remaining college years. He always knew he wanted to work in the travel sector, but had yet to find something that truly utilized his passion. After a drunken party he got an idea from a conversation with a cute chemistry undergrad. Later that week Jake filmed his first podcast.

As his podcast grew in popularity he shifted over to working with a small production company made up of students at his universities film school. After finishing his degree in journalism Jake took his YouTube channel and resume to all the major names in hopes of finding someone to hire him as a travel writer. Things didn't completely go as he had hopped; however, he was approached by a small production company who was hoping to enlist his services to help find some locations for a small budget horror film. During the project Jake started to enjoy the sights, sounds, and chaos of the film industry. When the project finished he returned to his YouTube crew and together founded Global Foreground, a small production company that specialized in being hired to travel and find appropriate set locations.

Jake's favorite music genre is Jazz.

Character Connection

Maximillian Harrison - Ezekial Wolffe
Several years ago Max and Jake were both working on an action film meant to take place in Europe. It was some spy thriller and it involved several rather lengthy action sequences. Additionally the country they were filming was waving several costly permit fees with the deal that several major tourist landmarks would be featured in the film. This meant outdoor action which in turn meant the people doing the choreography would have to see the locations in person before drafting the action scenes. Jake was set to show them around and that is where he met Max. The two get along well enough and there is plenty of professional respect. Jake sees Max like a rock star considering it is the only job where "Got Kicked Through a Window" is seen as acceptable on a job resume. After they finished the on site walk through the two shared a beer where they became friends.

Harris Klein - Polyphemus
Jake knows how hard the world of acting is. He respects peoples privacy as well by avoiding any entertainment news which is aimed at a persons private life. He recognizes Harris's name from several movies he has enjoyed and while he has never worked on the same production as Harris he has heard working with him is professional enough. The way Harris has been described to Jake is 'A guy who does great work few have seen.' That kind of thing has Jake fired up to help show off his skills. After all, sometimes the only thing that is needed to see something is a different backdrop.

Phoebe J. Collins - teapotshark
The similarities between Jake and Phoebe are very obvious to people who have worked with them both. Each has a love for their job that often requires they be a part of the project the whole way through. Considering they both work in roughly the same department within movie productions they have worked together several times in the past few years. One such film was a period piece in colonial South America. Set, backdrop, and atmosphere were all expected to be perfect so long work hours were demanded by both. Jake even considered asking Phoebe out; however, after informing her that the tools she had just spent creating were more akin to African tools they got into a small spat. "A Pretty Boy Rick Steve's" is something Jake remembers being called. They eventually reconciled the next day accepting that stress can get the better of people.

Leo P N B Xavier - Tenebrous Gaze
On more than one occasion Leo has saved Jake when he was in a bind. They have worked together on a multitude of works and became fast friends over drinks and emergency work meetings that went nowhere. The most memorable time Leo saved Jake was when he had an emergency date and needed a suit. Rushing to Leo he explained that she was hot, sexy, and wore a dress that could melt a lesser man. Thirty minutes later Leo had Jake heading to the date in a 3000 dollar suit worn by Brad Pitt four hours earlier. The date was a disaster, but at least Jake looked good. The two have collaborated several times on both period pieces and modern retelling of classic tails.

Max Goldstein - tanderbolt
Jake was the location manager for a production of Max’s 18 months ago. The movie was a sort of road trip coming of age film and the director seemed to have no idea where the trip should take place in. Jake was contacted by one of Max’s assistants who said they would like a meeting. Using his own network Jake learned about the films problems before hand and drew up a few options for the meeting. When the two met their professionalism and favorable personalities instantly clicked. Max was impressed by Jake’s initiative backed by hard work while Jake was impressed by Max’s ability to listen, a skill few producers have. At the end of the production Max sent a gift basket to Jake with a note that read “See You Soon.”

Addison Matthews - spooner
Jake has been working in the industry long enough to recognize that the Production Assistant is the gatekeeper to the producer; therefore, likely the most important person to be on good terms. Since he is familiar with Max he wasn't terribly worried about being phased out. Jake isn't one to lower himself to bribery, but he has sent a welcome basket to Addison with some helpful hints on how to deal with Max if he gets into a state. He has had a few phone conversations with her since the film project began, but nothing more than the occasional joke or professional flirt has been tossed into the conversations that are dominated by movie talk.

Amy Ho - Fabricant451
Jake and Amy have been on three movie projects; however, they have never actually spoken to each other in person. That isn’t to say they haven’t avoided each other or there is any bad blood between the two. It is quite the opposite in fact. The main issue is that Amy follows the production as it is filmed while Jake is often ahead of the production scouting out the next location. That said the two are what you could call work friends. Amy is especially excited to see Jake’s name attached to any works she is on because of his extra work for the crew. Every location he scouts there is a long write up for the movie, but also for the crew working the film. This write up includes great places to visit during down time and always includes top locations for collecting amazing photographs for the professional and hobbies alike. Jake enjoys working with Amy because he can see she pays attention to his notes and will correct issues where his input has been overlooked or ignored.

Luke Clemens - Mizuho
Jake and Luke have no history working together. He was in bigger budget productions before him. He is familiar with his work as well as his step back from the lime light. He doesn't have any questions considering Jake's lack of interest in coworker’s private life. He is somewhat uneasy with him being the director considering he sees no real experience with shouldering a blockbuster film. For now Jake will listen to his director and complete tasks given to him.

Peter Zolner - Sixsmith
Jake knows Peter is one of many who will be signing his paycheck as well as picking up the phone when people want to get an idea if they should higher Jake in future assignments. Jake has done some work that Peter enjoyed, specifically his location assignment for several Soviet style World War II pieces. What stood out in the movie was the fact that Jake had been selected to do some basic field work selection, but after completing that wrote an extensive essay on how the movie must be filmed in Russia if it has any hope of doing the story justice. 'The idea that you think you can capture this part of the world with a set in LA would be a sin and a mistake. This essay ended up being published after the film was released with critical acclaim for its atmosphere. It was also was one of Jake's first 'big breaks'

Ella Lindgren - Konica
Jake is far more knowledgeable of Ella's time as a journalist than he is of her work in the film industry. In fact he hasn't even learned that she had moved. He recalls hearing a story reporting on her injury, but since then has never read a story by or about her sense. Having traveled as much as he did her stories were often in the English print papers no matter what part of the world he was in. Jake holds much respect for the fellow traveler and has enjoyed her almost like a travel partner during his many long trips abroad with a newspaper.

Emmaline "Emmy" Mellier - Ex
What Jake will tell you when you ask his opinion is of Emmy he will say the same answer every time. "They don't have enough good adjectives for that one." He has said it before and will likely say it again. He loves working with her and has so from before they even met in person. The people he worked with before her who had experience with her would always rave about her. So his opinion was pretty high; especially since those people themselves were a delight to work with and highly efficient. When they finally did get to work together they immediately hit it off. So much so that several rumors about them hitting it off in other ways began to circle the crews. Jake ignored this school yard antic and just continued to enjoy working with a talented beautiful woman. He is eager to see her and catch up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aleranicus
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Aleranicus Sovereign's Finest

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Placeholder for my makeup artist!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phoebe J. Collins.


27 years old.

Property Master, responsible for purchasing, acquiring and/or manufacturing any props needed for a production, therefore instructs and manages the prop designers and works in collaboration with set and costume designers.

Phoebe is a short woman, no taller than five foot five, but keeps herself lean and fit with daily jogs and sprinting around set. She has long blonde hair, naturally curly, which she usually ties up when at work. Paranoia about her dental care has resulted in a straight set of teeth, which she flashes often when she smiles. Freckles dance across her nose, cheeks and shoulders. Her wardrobe is always fairly simple: jeans or combat trousers, running shoes, tee shirts, hooded sweatshirts and a headset.

At work she's a very hands-on prop master. She likes to take an active role in the creation of props, rather than simply managing them, and frequently collaborates with many of the other crew members. She adores her job, as it satisfies many of her childhood fantasies. She's quite playful, physical and easy-going, which sometimes leads to cutting it quick with deadlines, and people to view her as entirely too youthful. It can be amusing for anyone watching to see Phoebe sprint from one end of the set to the other with an armful of prop swords and only 60 sections to shooting time. She makes a lot of friends while she's working and usually brings back her favourites to work with her on other projects.

Phoebe struggles when taking criticism, and relies on social approval to keep her bounciness intact, so she avoids boisterous actors and directors unless she absolutely must share space with them. Fully aware that many people don't appreciate her attitude, she forces herself to tone it down when those sorts of people are around. Again, for their approval. She's also terrible at keeping secrets, which has led to on-set drama in the past. She's prone to daydreaming and can be very forgetful, and when she's on a deadline she gets impatient and even more fidgety.

With a very busy set of parents and a slew of disinterested babysitters, England-born Phoebe was sat in front of the television for a vast majority of her childhood. When she wasn't wasn't TV shows or movies, she was re-enacting her favourites with sticks for swords and a bath towel as a cape, or a banana for a handgun and a crayon doodle for an FBI badge. As soon as she was old enough to go by herself, she went to the cinema every week. She became an expert at sneaking into theatres to watch movies over her age certificate. Her pocket money disappeared into the cash registers of costume and prop stores.

In school she focused heavily on media and film making, discovering an entirely new aspect of films that she loved just as much as watching them; the production. She left school after her exams and went straight to work on television sets as a prop maker. It was her dream job, and though she started right at the bottom, working under master designers as a paid intern, she loved every moment of it. She worked on action sets, murder mysteries, fantasies, science fiction and the regular drama. Slowly but surely she worked her way up. Eventually, after years of work, she became the prop master of a highly revered British television series and took on interns of her own. After the series ended with top reviews, Phoebe set her sights on America.

With multiple television series and a few films under her belt, she packed up and moved to Hollywood. Immediately overjoyed to be working with the best, Phoebe fell right into place on set; she quickly made new friends and connections everywhere possible. She worked on three films, one still in post-production, before signing up to work on [RP Movie].

  • Nicknames include Pheebs, PB&J, Collins, etc.

  • Middle name is Joanne.

  • She still has her English accent, though sometimes she slips into American.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tenebrous Gaze

Tenebrous Gaze

Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Leo P N B Xavier

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Position: Costume designer; he is responsible for every costume, both strange and mundane, that is worn by the actors in the movie. He has to organise and plan the outfits and design and produce them, or instruct an assistant on how to make them, when they have to be made from scratch. He also has to work closely with the other people in charge of the aesthetics of the film.

Appearance: While Leo is 28, he looks a lot younger and is close to 5ft, counting the mild but noticeable hunch in his back, as well as being fairly thin. He has extremely pale skin, which ends up sunburnt if he forgets to cover up. He also has jet black hair cut short and worn with a side-swept fringe, as well as a small ring on each earlobe and deep green eyes. His clothing varies wildly, tending to go towards current fashions, as well as normally wearing a noticeable amount of jewelry. He has a lot of scars on his upper body, from both injury and surgery, due to his reckless tendencies.

Personality: Leo, at a glance, is jovial and friendly towards anyone he doesn't actively dislike, as well as immensely passionate about his job. He is incredibly knowledgeable about all facets of clothing and uses this passionately to fulfil his responsibilities as a costume designer. He considers his job to be an important part of his life and takes pride in the costuming of films he works on. Outside of work he is more chaotic, unpredictable and spontaneous in his actions, which sometimes leads him into trouble. While he doesn't really care what other people think of him, he tends to stick up to anyone he feels in unfairly treated or in a situation he feels is unjust.

History: Leo was born, with a twin sister named Simha, in London. His parents regularly changed between quasi-spiritual belief systems, imposing an unstable and chaotic influence on the two. From a young age, their parents pressed the two children into acting, commercials and small parts producing money, both children only getting minor parts but managing to amass a notable amount of money. The parents managed to cheat the protection laws and take most of their children's earnings before quickly sinking it into new-age fads and investment scams.

By the time Leo and Simha were teenagers and old enough to understand what had happened, their parents had already taken the vast majority of the money. The two of them seized the rest of the money and moved out as soon as they were legally old enough, cutting all connections to their parents after successfully suing them. While his sister continued acting and made enough money to support the both of them, Leo quit acting in order to get treatment for physical deformities which had occurred due to a developmental disorder and never returned. When his sister got a part in a major Hollywood film, they both moved to America.

Although he had stopped acting, Leo still wanted to be part of film-making. No longer held back by parents stealing his money and pushing him into acting, he started to seriously follow his dreams and design costumes. He started off using his sister's contracts to get small jobs as other people's assistant making costumes for various films and gradually worked his way up, training and becoming better known in the industry until he finally got the chance to become costume designer for large films.

Miscellaneous: Leo had kyphosis due to a developmental disorder as a teenager which was treated but still left him with a noticeable hunch. He was born on August 20th, meaning that his star sign is indeed Leo. His middle names are Peridot Neptune Blaze but he attempts to keep this secret, being deeply embarrassed by them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ew, gross, it's Mizuho.

<3 <3 <3

I might jump in, but I'd have to read through everything first. I have class today, but I'll probably be able to read up on my touch phone, so expect a character sheet, possibly, tonight. :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Edited my last post to include my CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sixsmith said
Ew, gross, it's Mizuho.<3 <3 <3I might jump in, but I'd have to read through everything first. I have class today, but I'll probably be able to read up on my touch phone, so expect a character sheet, possibly, tonight. :P

Ick, it's Hae. <3 What are you doing here? Leave, I don't want you I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Please don't leave me Q~Q

And there shouldn't be a lot to read through besides the intro thingy, the rules are mostly the same as Caelbury.
So many CSs submitted while I was sleeping! Yay~ they look good so far, but I'm going to wait to accept any until I can look at them closely after school, because school Internet sucks, and typing on a touchscreen is annoying. And my phone hates typing online at it literally took me 30 min to type out this post.

So while my phone is cooperating, I'm going to quickly point out some things that caught my attention and should be addressed.

Polyphemus, sorry but I don't accept personalities that only have traits listed out. It would be wonderful if you could rewrite the personality section in paragraph form.

Ezekial Wolffe, if you could edit in a description of your character's actual appearance in addition to his outfit, that would be lovely.

Again, I'll look at them more closely when I get out of school.

And please contribute plot ideas~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

In regards to plot, I think we should produce an action movie. Maybe it's the first in a potential series of action movies with high hopes, and the producers have their fingers crossed for a huge success, there's a lot betting on this movie.

Stunt man has a huge role, our lovely cantankerous supporting actor looks like he would fit in perfectly, location manager will have lots to do, prop master gets to have so much fun, make up artists slap some bruises and cuts onto actors, costume designer has the opportunity to make the actors look fabulous as they kick ass, and there's a whole load of pressure on the script supervisor to help make this movie the big success its producers are hoping for.

How about it?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mizuho said
sorry but I don't accept personalities that only have traits listed out. It would be wonderful if you could rewrite the personality section in paragraph form.

My mistake, I didn't realize this. I must have missed that part of the OP. I'll fix it right away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

teapotshark said
In regards to plot, I think we should produce an action movie. Maybe it's the first in a potential series of action movies with high hopes, and the producers have their fingers crossed for a huge success, there's a lot betting on this movie. Stunt man has a huge role, our lovely cantankerous supporting actor looks like he would fit in perfectly, location manager will have lots to do, prop master gets to have so much fun, make up artists slap some bruises and cuts onto actors, costume designer has the opportunity to make the actors look as they kick ass, and there's a whole load of pressure on the script supervisor to help make this movie the big success its producers are hoping for.How about it?

That makes sense. I'll wait until we have everyone to make my final judgements, but the action genre does seem the most...realistic? I don't think that's the right word, but you get my point.

Polyphemus said
My mistake, I didn't realize this. I must have missed that part of the OP. I'll fix it right away.

No worries ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dapper Amaroq
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Dapper Amaroq Resident Wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I've fixed that little issue with the appearance description, just to let you know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Before really diving into a plot it might be a good idea to discuss the one thing that will always be a focus and that is the movies budget. While not film projects, I have worked on several multimedia productions and believe me and everyone involved that how much money and where it was going is always on everyone's mind. This can be a big driving perspective for just about every character. To give an idea of how this can affect different jobs here are a few examples of where the budget could play into a character.

Director: The vision or standards they have in their brain is just not possible with the budget allowed. This could be anything from casting a high profile actor or getting a specific type of special effects for an action sequence. It also can limit how much leeway they are given as well as how much control they even have over the making of the film. Before they act the producers or production company can just ax an idea and the director is left with only other options. A conflict of reality and desire can then set in.

Actors: How much of the earnings is the actor or actress getting if the movie is a success. Many A list talent have additions to their contract in regards to the success of a movie. This can include a percentage of the ticket sales as well as first casting rights to the character if they decide to do a sequel. If an actor is not given any of these and is simply paid up front it could be viewed as a lack of faith in the actor or the movie as a whole. This could lead to an actor being over energetic in hopes of a great movie or lethargic as they have already been paid.

Crew: They may mostly have union jobs which are protected and secure, but don't let that fool anyone. They know that because of that protection they need to be always on the ball and above all efficient. A single error can result in tens of thousands of dollars being wasted and that means some people getting fired and the crew possibly being black listed. The biggest mistakes can be one guy forgetting the right camera for a field shot and having to get it overnight delivered. This also goes to just about everyone working behind the camera who doesn't have a chair with their name on it. There is also a large amount of "It will work for now" element to many crew jobs. Weren't able to get the specific track for the camera or designer for the actors to wear? Well do the best you can and you better not make anyone important blame you if it goes south.

Producers: More often than not they are the ones having to say no to everyone else asking for more money. They are the bank of the movie and also have by far the most invested in its success. This often leads to them being more involved than a full end production company. Producers who start to take over the creation of the film can cause a war between the director (the artist) and the producer (the guy paying everyone) which is an easy way to get a movie to become over budget and delayed.

This constant pressure of the budget is, in my opinion, a key point that everyone will have to address and accept at some point along with a good method to create drama, tension, or tone for the role play as a whole. I am not saying we just condemn the movie to fail due to lack of money. If I were to recommend a back drop I figure us filming a movie considered to be the next big Superhero movie, An honest suggestion would be a Wonder Woman movie. This is a pretty big issue in Hollywood with so many Marvel and DC characters headlining the summer box offices a large voice for some of them to feature female leads has begun to grow. Since the movie Catwoman with Hallie Berry was so dismal the entire industry has basically written off female superheroes. It would be a great issue to tackle with more than enough points for us to have character interactions. I would be happy to take on a senior role as a writer or a consultant if people aren't really that knowledgeable about comics and stuff.

I am hoping people read this post all the way though. I am not putting a summery section at the end because I believe everything I wrote was important. I am happy to lay out the Wonder Woman idea a little bit more if people have questions. Hope this was informative!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tenebrous Gaze

Tenebrous Gaze

Member Offline since relaunch

Finished my CS. Well, I actually finished it a while ago but it should be obvious as to why I didn't post it until now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thanks for that breakdown, World Traveler. I think a lot of people fail to realize that making a movie is a highly speculative business venture, not just a bunch of people goofing around and having fun.
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