Oh I don't mind. Not like you're holding anyone else up.
Neobullseye said
I guess that's one of the plus sides to 1X1 RPs, eh? I'll do my best to post at least every other day or so.On a sidenote, wasn't there another character in the original CC that played as a character from Soul Eater too? Or did you just mention that you had a character from said series in the back of your head?
Neobullseye said
Also, exactly what is Daniel/the Doctor trying to do anyway? I haven't seen all that much of Doctor Who, so... Yeah.
Neobullseye said
Yeah.. I know enough about it to recognize names/races and such, but that's about it. Knowing all the Doctor\s abilities? No way XDWell, thanks for the explanation ^_^
Neobullseye said
Also, just for the record; the Mind link thing will give full control back to Lily, right? Or at least for the moment (I'm writing a post in a self-aimed PM, which I'll finish and post tomorrow. Yay for secondary utilities! :D)
- Hypnotize people, with or without fob watches
- Perfectly mimic other beings
- Regenerate the very clothes he's wearing (lolwut?)
- Resist alien truth machines
- Place himself into a coma to recover from certain injuries, such as being grazed by a bullet
- Transmigrate objects such as reels of tape.
- Withstand considerably more G-force than humans
- Survive extreme temperature changes
- Experience premonitions through the medium of dreams
- React ten times faster than a human
- Telepathically communicate with the TARDIS
- Reduce his body temperature to speed up the healing process
- Escape the effects of manipulated time fields
- Put himself into a trance-like complete sensory withdrawal
- Type faster than any secretary, human or otherwise
- Withstand strangulation thanks to his respiratory bypass system
- Speak every language
- Shatter glass by singing a single note
- Detect jumps in time
- Mirror-write
- Speed-read
- Survive the sub-zero temperatures of space for six minutes
- Cure concussion in others by tweaking their earlobe
- Convince people to obey his will through the power of words alone
- Ease pain with a mere touch
- Write different things with two hands simultaneously
- Forge signatures from memory
- Expel foreign bodies such as a medical probe from his cardiovascular system, even breaking his skin in the process
- Pick pockets
- Slow down his perception of time to negotiate obstacles such as giant fan blades
- Identify human blood types by taste, as well as viscum album, the oil of the mistletoe plant, iron, the age of paint on a shed, and the mineral composition of grass. He can also identify where an envelope was manufactured by licking it.
- Absorb Roentgen radiation, channel it through his body and expel it.
- Expel a dose of cyanide by stimulating the inhibited enzymes into reversal. All he needs is some added protein, ginger beer, salt and a snog.
- Transfer memories by means of a head-butt
Neobullseye said
So, I was wondering; what would happen if the Doctor's mind-link thingie was cut off halfway through for whatever reason. Say, someone shouting "Who are you?!" only a few feet behind him :P.Also, thanks ^_^
Neobullseye said
Ah, I see. Would it be reasonable to think that the thingie is a necklace though? That is to say, from Simon's perspective.