Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"The Academy is a place where amazing people and creatures of all shapes and sizes and colors can meet together on neutral ground and learn together to harness their unique powers while making new friends..."
- and excerpt from the Academy's recruitment pamphlet
The students were all situated in the Academy courtyard, waiting for something to happen.
Suddenly there was a flash and a tall sinewy man with glowing green eyes appeared, the students all turned their attention to him. he looked around the courtyard quickly then walked back to the front door and threw it open, a tall tree-like woman walked out, accompanied by a surprisingly normal looking man, large but not particularly magical-looking.
The woman came to the end of the stairs and, in a surprisingly loud voice, called out "Welcome!" when she had everyone's attention she said "I am headmaster Willow, and as you all know, you are here because you are special, here you can feel safe, and learn to control your powers and your unique abilities in your own time, at your own pace, i wish you all happy days, please have a wonderful year!"
at the end of that short speech, Headmaster Willow turned and walked back into the school, with the same man following her. Students slowly starting shifting out of their comfortable positions and headed off.
( ^ not the best i know but bear with me, this is my first time GMing)

so, just to explain real quick, me and my best friend have made this one roleplay 4 times, it keeps getting deleted in one way or another, but we really enjoy rping it so we keep recreating it, the last one was deleted when the old guild went down.

this rp is just supposed to be something simple, something you can do to spend some time
it's an academy for folk of the magic variety, not just witches and wizards, last time we had some werewolves and a centaur as well, anything magical, as long as it's not op

not to say nothing interesting will happen, me and my Co-GM (doesn't have an account yet) will throw in events that appear random that will eventually accumulate in some big ultimate pay off
and when that happens will find something else to keep you guys interested until the next plot for world domination come around.

you can go to classes, or not, but if you specifically say you skip classes ;) i play the principal/headmaster so i'm allowed to get you in trouble, nothing too bad though
just have fun

if you have any questions feel free to PM me and ask them

i have to say though, if your character(s) are doing something and you decide to be a no-show without telling me why, i'll have to do something about it.

1) normal rules, no god-modding, Fade black, ext
2) be nice
3) keep cursing to a minimum
4) if the Gms tell you to do something, do it
5) be respectful
6) character max of 3 per person
7) GM can change the rules whenever we feel the need

Again have fun!
(vvv plot related stuff below here vvv)

My character:


Charlize & Aval - Rm 2-A
Lillith & Innocentia - Rm. 2-B
Keath - Rm 2-C

Jack - Rm 7-A
Cyrus - Rm 7-B
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mizushinzui
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mizushinzui FFFFFFFFForce of will.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Jack 'Shade' Shadow


race: Shadowboy

gender: Male

appearance: Jet Black skin and a mop of mid length straight black hair, Slender when his form is stable but has a tendency to stretch himself a lot when moving around places i.e. growing his legs to get places faster, stretching an arm to grab far away object, etc. His body is completely textureless and looks like a sort of inky black ooze more than actual living flesh

powers: Can become incorporeal (take on the appearance of smoke when doing so, so not invisible), Shapeshifting (his form is basically liquid so he can change his shape to almost anything, but he only has the amount of shadow that currently makes up his body so he can't get any bigger or any smaller. He can make himself taller and stretch limbs and things by thinning out his mass) Can store items inside his body (this works by turning an item into the shadow that makes up his body then turning it back again, he cannot effect the shape or size of any object he is currently storing and they do not allow him to stretch any further)

weakness: Sunlight (doesn't hurt him just puts him in a bad mood and limits his ability to change his form, when in sunlight he tends to change into his smoke/incorporeal form to avoid it, obviously meaning he cannot touch anything) Loud Scraping noises or especially high pitched noises

background: Born out of darkness as a reaction to something pure and good being brought into the world. Fed up with playing tricks on humanity throughout the first 10 years of his life so he enrolled in the academy in an attempt to find something more interesting to do.

personality: Very jokey and mischievous, hyper-energetic rarely not doing something, literally never stops smiling even when life isn't going his way only stops smiling in a really, really dire situation and is likely to go completely insane if that where to occur. Although he is very playful and a big practical joker he does have a lot of love for his friends, if anything happens to them he's the first one to help even if he doesn't take most of life seriously. Sort of crazy, prone to random sentences and outbursts of nonsensical laughter without telling anyone what was funny. Is likley to show up to 80% of his classes, although he will usually just show up to mess around he is actually very smart and does pay attention like a hawk.

classes: Magical History, Necromancy, Runes and Runecasting, Blood Magic(signed up as a joke because he thought he couldn't bleed), mortal-magical politics, Advanced spells and Advanced Potions

other: Shadowboys are a species of all male imp like creatures that basically play relatively harmless practical jokes on normal people for kicks.Not actually evil, just playful. As they are born from darkness when something equally good and noble is brought into the world they have no families.

I made up some classes and stuff hope these are okay will change them if the classes are supposed to be something different
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Avalant


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Aval Wrackworth

Age: 17

Race: Energy Witch

Gender: Female


Magical History
Broomstick Flying 101
Magical Control: Basics and Advance Classes
Workshop (Not your typical one mind you)
Mortal-Magical Politics and Confrontation

Solid State Magical Shield: A geometric looking magical shield will appear wherever she needs it. It can very in size and strength, depending how much energy Aval puts into it. This means it can range from being able to stop a tank shell to barley blocking a tennis ball.
Solid State Magical Weapon: Channeling her energy through her tattoos on her arms, she is able to create two unique weapons to her based on the design of her tattoos, which continuously glow a golden color. First are arm mounted blades and the second is a cannon of sorts. She can blast bursts of her magical energy as projectiles and they can range from being doge ball size to bullet size.
Broomstick Flight: Yep... even after the many decades, a witch is nothing without her broomstick!

Weakness: Being an Energy Witch is one of the hardest paths to go for learning magic. This is because of how taxing it is on the body, as your constantly burning energy. Masters of the magic usually not only possess huge reserves of magical energy, but also can manage said energy incredibly well. Aval is no such master and is still trying to learn and push her limitations, thus she is prone to side effects of over use. A constant, mild hunger and occasionally passing out during spells is just a few symptoms. The tattoos on her arms and back are there not only as a way to provide a template for magical weapons, but also as an aid in managing her energy. She has large reserves of magical energy, but has yet to know how to use it.

Aval sort of stumbled on magic as a young girl, after accidentally preforming a small spell. Her mother realized that not only Aval had inherited magical abilities from earlier relatives, but seem to have an uncontrollable amount of it. For her safety and betterment, she gently nudged her daughter into becoming a Energy Witch. Since then, Aval has enrolled in the academy to better control and manage her magic.

Personality: Aval is a somewhat loud, straight forward person who will not back down from a fight. She's always willing to stand up for whatever values she believes in, but at the same time she isn't necessarily one to start fights, but one who finishes them.... with a vengeance. You see, she's the kind of girl who if you prank her by having a bucket of water fall on her head when she opens the door, she'll prank you right back....only it won't be a bucket full of water, it will be full of scorpions, spiders, or whatever evil concoction she can think about. All in all though, Aval is easy going and is generally a friendly person just trying to figure out who she is in the world.
classes: (only need a few, everyone takes the core classes so you don't have to include them)

Other: Loves to fly, whether it be on her broomstick or in a plane. Oh and she hates her last name. A lot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

those classes work perfectly :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

that works Avalant
and i'll have a class list up soon so you can put that in as well
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Avalant


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh I just made up some classes as well as used two from mizushinzui. Hope that's alright.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

that's fine :)
just edit it on your CS
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

i'll just wait and make a complitation of the classes you guys come up with
will make my life easier ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

(6'4" and a 165 pounds)

Name: Cyrus Bane
Age: 19 (can live to be around 800+ in human years)
Gender: Male

Species/Race: Oscillan/Human
Oscillans are a race of beings that are only heard about or spoken about in whispered voice. Not much is known about them, and they like to keep it that way. They are said to be the Fathers of motion. They are said to be the very makers of physics. Oscillians are rarely seen, well, anywhere. It is even rarer that one would mate with a human. Oscillians live on a different planet, maybe in a different galaxy, even Cyrus doesn't know. Also, Oscillians are not affected by age.

Vector Manipulation- Cyrus has the ability to create vector fields. They fields can change the motion of anything that touches it. It can also take any energy (kinetic, thermal, potential, etc) and redirect it back anywhere Cyrus pleases. This also allows him to shoot objects at high speeds. He can do this by making a vector field behind the object, take its potential energy, and shoot it in the opposite direction (which would be forwards). Cyrus can also completely stop objects that touch his vector field by changing the direction of the object into the ground, which would "bind" the object into one spot. There are a variety of way Cyrus can use his power, seeing as creativity is the limit.

- Cyrus can only produce two vector fields at a time. For now.
- Cyrus' vector fields cannot affect anything that does not have any kind of motion or energy (teleportation, telekinesis partly, mental powers, and things that are not made of matter)
He can only create vector fields in a ten foot radius around himself.

Personality: Cyrus is a quiet young male. He is social, but rarely raises his voice. Bane is level-headed, relaxed, and confident. He acts like he doesn't have a care in the world. Because of his confident and calm attitude, Cyrus is a natural leader. The funny part is that Cyrus doesn't take orders very well, which is why he likes being a leader. Bane loves to have a good time, and is actually quite the flirt. He calls himself a "magician with words," and claims that he can woo a girl with ease if he can talk to her. Cyrus is persuasive and witty. The day Cyrus can't outsmart or outwit someone is the day hell freezes over.

Background: Cyrus' after was Oscillan and his mother is human. His father left the day he was born, as he could no longer stay in his human form. His mother raised him, and did her best to make him seem human. Cyrus' abilities surfaced when he hit puberty, at age 14. He believes it was because his testosterone was relieved in large quantities. At first he couldn't control his abilities, and was making things fly away from his touch, binding things to the ground, walls, it was very chaotic. He desperately needs to learn to hone his powers, and he needs a place where he can use them freely.

Study: Advanced physics, math, football (american), band (drums, guitar, piano), art (drawing), chess, gym, and he boxes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mizushinzui
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mizushinzui FFFFFFFFForce of will.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Had a quick question while we're waiting for things to kick off.

Obviously dependent on our species or proffession we will have differnet powers but as there are core classes that everyone will take does this mean that spells in general will be available to everyone? Like our powers are our specialties or things that we're really good at doing but we'll be able to cast other spells as we learn them at the school ?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

that works Drummer
and by the way your picture isn't working
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Does it truly make a difference how you are alive my child? You are alive now, isn't that enough?"

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human/Cyborg

Magical Powers: Charlize has found use in elemental magic for refueling. With the price of gasoline these days, she really needed to find an alternative to buying it straight from the stations. She is still learning, and often fails in the practice, but her determination is high! She mostly sticks to flowers, grasses, and trees, but learning about the other elements for energy seems to peek her interest. Maybe not so much water, as it might cause some serious hardware damage.

Equipment: Well, she is part robot, so her own body is a piece of personal equipment. Titanium structure for the most part, some used car parts here and there, a melted down children's swing set too! She has mostly her human look to her, though her white hair (due to pigment discoloration- used to be black.) seemed to be a dead give away to something not being quite right. Her eyes often blink out of the normal slate grey to a pure white canvas.

Weakness: Limited energy at times can cause a bit of a problem as she often has to pay serious attention to her energy levels or her system could shutdown. She also has been having system malfunctions lately, so sometimes her memories get a little mixed up. Don't mind her she means no harm!

Personality: Fun Loving. Adventurous. Silly. Independent. Hopeless Romantic. Restless.

History: Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick..Tick...

The sound of the upstairs kitchen clock had drove the man completely insane. He had murdered his daughter in a fit of rage, gave her a warning shot straight into her chest. "Charlize?" the man whimpered, leaning over his only daughter. She wasn't breathing, her tone was disappearing, her skin becoming ice. "Charli, Charli speak to me." The man became angered, blaming her for sneaking into the house, and for sneaking out of the house in the first place. Why would she have done that? She knew it was wrong, she knew it was not the right type of thing to do in the neighborhood they lived in. Why?

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The clock kept on.

The man ripped the clock off the wall, as it continued to tick in his hands. "I must save her!" he sobbed, putting the clock underneath his arm as he approached his daughter's limp body. He took her by the arm and dragged her. Her blood soaked the wooden floors in a deep crimson line. The man pulled and dragged, sobbing. He let her body hit every basement step as he pulled her down into his workshop, the area where he fixed junk items, and found refuge when his wife had left him 10 years ago. He leaned down and hoisted her body up onto the table with all his might, his tears and harsh words filling the dim room, and the next door neighbor's bedroom.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The clock kept on.

"Damn you, you son of bitch!" the man yelled at the clock, throwing it across the room into a pile of his hoarded trash. He ran over to his tool shelf, grabbing saws, drills and parts alike. He was insane. He was desperate. He was a genius. An hour went by at the very least as he worked and worked with his daughter, his only child. Her body made up of machine parts, but her face remained the same, her slate grey eyes stared back at him as he worked. "God damn you Charlize!" he screamed, why did she keep staring at him? The neighbors became more curious, and called the police. "I think Charles Cousineau is drinking again." they said, and the dispatcher knew. They had been there many times before. Eventually police swarmed the house. Arresting Charles for the murder of his daughter. The smell of whiskey on his lips. The smell of fear on his heart. "What kind of sick bastard would do this?" the chief asked, in the living room of the Cousineau house. The silence was the answer. No one knew.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The clock kept on.

Charlize could hear the clock in the corner of the room. Her eyes opened as the pain swept over her body. "Help" her voice rasped out, barely a whisper. "Help me." she called. The sound of the clock overpowering her voice, even though it was just a small sound. Charli stared at the ceiling in the dim basement, "Was this what death felt like?" she had no clue. Her body parts felt heavy, her memories hazy and incomplete. She found enough strength to knock a tool off the table. It was enough to alert the police upstairs, and before she knew it she was being rushed to the hospital. She didn't last long in the hospital before she was taken away by a man under the influence of Phillip Rifna, a man who was quite interested in Charli's certain situation. She belonged to him now, away from normal humans, away from the past she knew. In time she began to learn elemental magic, not very well, but she was learning.

It wasn't long before Phillip decided it was best Charlize was sent off to The Academy. He knew it was the best bet for the girl to survive, his basic knowledge of fueling and robotics were keeping the girl alive, but she wasn't thriving. She needed to learn how to fend for herself, she needed to learn how to communicate with people that were like her. She needed to be there, and so she went.

Magical History
Basic Spells
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

oh right, sorry i was going to put that up, yes there are
the main core classes are of course math, english, history (bit differant from human history), and science.
there are others as well, everyone has to take a meditation/relaxation class, to learn to focus and control their inner 'energy' or power or the like
and there is a basic spells class, that teaches protective spells and the like,
and also a potions class
there are advanced spell and potions class but they aren't required.

i'll put that at the beginning before i forget again
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mizushinzui
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mizushinzui FFFFFFFFForce of will.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So if I wanted my character to take the advanced courses in spells and potions I should add those to my class list as well ?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mizu, yes we'll just have to assume your a returning student ;)

and misscapncrunch very detailed backstory i liked it :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mizushinzui
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mizushinzui FFFFFFFFForce of will.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well at age 19 we can say I've payed my dues in the normal level classes haha

Also one last thing is this going to be boarding school style were we live at the academy as well ?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Animelover_princess said
misscapncrunch very detailed backstory i liked it :D accepted

Thankyou very kindly! I was nervous that because my personality part was a little.. short worded; that I would try to compensate with long backstory ahah. I have such a hard time with personality parts since my characters tend to be on the very; personality changes as they interact with other characters and face situations. Thankyou again though! I'm excited for this role play (:

Also I'll make sure to update with classes as soon as the class list is kind of posted. Is there a certain number we should be shooting for?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

mizu, yes i figured it would be

Capn, don't worry, i have that issue too, and i'll get that up soon don't worry, and not particularly, at least a couple
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mizushinzui
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mizushinzui FFFFFFFFForce of will.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I've added a pic to my appearance to clear up details that I left out of my description,

please excuse terrible drawing and the grey skin, that was just so you can catch all the details in the lining that was in black
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

i like it
it's better then anything i can draw :)
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