Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As I walked away from the military truck, rations in tow, I clumsily bumped into a soldier. He turned with a disgruntled curl of his lip. “Hey, watch it, girl!” He nudged me away with his assault rifle and returned to watching the crowd of people who were gathering to get there food. I wasn’t going to have to wait hours, though. I’d gotten up before the sun did and come down right as people started to fill the area.

I absently brushed the wrinkles from my red plaid shirt and shoved my free left hand into the pocket of my jeans and fingered my rations card. I looked up past the Boston buildings up to the dim sky where the sun had just begun to rise. It was early, and I guessed that Daniel would probably be still asleep when I got back. He wasn’t an early riser, albeit neither was I. One must go to sleep to begin with to be considered an early riser. I didn’t sleep much anymore, so I always felt a sense of tire throughout the day.

I apprehensively turned the corner that I used as a shortcut. Everyday, he was always there: Mercer Liston. The residential “bully” of our area of the city, Mercer had unfortunately picked me as his favorite Target. He’d not tried anything truly violent yet, but I doubted he would. No, he didn’t fear me at all. Fourteen; barely five foot, three; and reaching a maximum of one hundred pounds -- I wasn’t much to be afraid of. No, it was my brother, Daniel, that kept him in check. Twenty one; six foot, five; and about two hundred pounds -- Yes, Daniel Crowe was someone to be afraid of.

And so; this day was like any other; Mercer sat on his apartment steps, lurking like a malnourished Clicker. Fortunately today, he did not have his buddies hanging around with him. He stood up with his impish grin and walked smugly to me. “Emma Jane Crowe!” He refused to call me anything but such; full name and all. “How are we doing today?” He walked at my side and slung his arm over my shoulder.

“I was not bad until you showed up, Liston.” I muttered. He laughed again, moved his arm and gave me an uncomfortable pat on the butt.

“You do make me disgusted so, Ms. Crowe!” He sighed and punched me roughly on the shoulder. “But- uh - you’re not sore on the eyes.”

“Go away before I call the soldiers.” I then lifted the front of my shirt and gripped the barrel around the 9mm pistol in my waistband. “Or I could deal with you myself?” To this, Mercer gave a giddy laugh and clapped loudly.

“Where’d you get that little number, huh?” He cocked an eyebrow quizzically.

“Found it.”

“Oh really? And I guess you’ll be telling me that you’re now best friends with Joel and Tess?” He laughed at his joke.
“Go away, Mercer.” I groaned. “I need to go home.”

“Until next time, Emma Jane Crowe!”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alyce - Inside QZ

The sun made her auburn hair shine brightly. The young woman had a pencil behind her ear and was calculating the numbers in the book in her hands.
She wore a pair of dark blue coveralls with the top half undone and tied at her waist, revealing the white tank top she wore underneath. An ID pass that was clipped to her waist read 'Alyce Carter - Level 2 Resource Manager'.

Her hair was done in a loose braid that hung over one shoulder. It was messy, but she hadn't had time to bother with fixing it. Too many people had shown up for supply distribution that day. There wasn't enough to go around.
The grumbling and complaining had started, as it always did. People cried out for more. More food, more clothing, more medicine, more booze... more, more, more.
But there was only a limited supply to go around. As a result, people got nasty, and when they got nasty they got violent.

"Selfish bastards!"

Such were the phrases being thrown at her. Alyce did her best to ignore them, to pretend they didn't affect her.
Which they did.
She hid her shaking hand as she glanced at the other resource distributers. "That's it for this sector," she said over the insults the crowd was yelling viciously at them. "Time to move on to the next one."
The complaining, and the threats, got louder as they packed up and moved out. Soldiers appeared and scattered the mob, but there was unrest in there eyes.

Alyce pressed her forehead against the window of the truck. Things couldn't keep going like this. If the supply runs got any smaller their lives would be in danger.
They passed into the next sector with an escort of soldiers who stayed nearby when they pulled up at the distribution site. There was already a large crowd gathered, waiting for the boxes to be unloaded. There was a grumble through the crowd when the truck opened and they saw what few boxes remained.

"How come you always deliver to us last?! There's never anything good left for us!" one man shouted.
Alyce shook her head. "This is how it is for everyone. Please remember to conserve what you can of the supplies you are given."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Flint was hiding. The low wall he was behind crumbled a little as he held his breath. On his back was a rucksack filled with cigarette packets and he was transporting them into the quarantine zone. Flint glanced up to see the military convoy hadn’t left yet, to his dismay, and so he kept in his cover.

He hadn’t brought his shotgun on this run, he only really brought it when he believed he would be out of the quarantine zone for a long time , and this run was supposed to be a quick one. Meet up with the group outside, do the exchange and get back in, simple. He had planned the route and made sure there wasn’t any patrol routes passing by at that time. Something must have happened to make them change the route, maybe some debris on the road, or possibly a attack.

Flints thoughts where interrupted when the trucks began moving again and the soldiers began walking. Flint started to move sprinting quickly through the buildings and soon was deep into the quarantine zone once again. He hid the bag at the drop off point and then left for home base. Making sure no-one had seen what he had just done. These runs where getting harder and harder with security finding the smugglers exit points.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Tobias was that guy who always ended up taking the jobs no one else wanted to do. Fortunately he always got paid well and could always keep himself and his sister fed. He was well-liked and also well-known for being in town one day and gone the next. He would disappear for sometimes weeks at a time and come back again. Tobias had even worked with Joel and Tess on some occasions and they were on good terms. He had been using the same exit for a while now and the military hadn't yet to caught on to it. He wouldn't be surprised if it was already found out by the time he got back. They had been cracking down at the time before he left. His runs usually went well but this far one was really screwing him over. Robert cut him a deal to make his way all the way to Pittsburgh to drop off a couple of guns and retrieve something he wanted. A guy named Darryl was supposed to know what it was. From the moment he heard Pittsburgh, he thought suicide. However, the pay was just too much good equipment to say no. He could have been there a good week ago. Traveling alone was a real hassle especially with an assortment of infected raging the streets and military trying to gun him down. He was surprised he even made it this far.

Tobias climbed over a fence and hopped down on a patch of dead, wilted grass. He wiped sweat and dirt from his forehead and looked ahead. It couldn't be more than a couple of miles away now. He wiped his hands on his jeans and kept his way on the dirt path, the outlines of buildings finally coming into view against the blue sky. He kept his hand on his gun. He was sick and tired of walking and also of infected. Dim voices reached his ear as he moved uphill. He stopped and knelt down on the hillside. A couple of men were up ahead, outside a little shack. They had horses. Toby never felt the least bit guilty stealing anymore. The world was literally a game of survival of the fittest now. Men had resorted to becoming as animalistic as the infected that put them in this situation. Morals were of least concern to anyone.


Terraline bit into an apple as she made her way down the none-too-quiet streets of Boston. She was a fairly pretty, young girl with her hair was in a messy braid with loose strands hanging around her face. She had just got off the ration line, having just stuffed food in her backpack. Every day one of the men would greet her as "Berry Terry" and ask her if she wanted some berries. She would fake a laugh and pretend like it wasn't the stupidest thing he's ever said. It was becoming a daily routine and she hated being stuck in this place. Her favorite was the daily " Attention, harboring or aiding wanted criminals is punishable by death. Do not place yourself at risk. Report any suspicious activity immediately." She could recite it over and over if she wanted to. Her brother Tobias and her used to mock and make fun of the lady all the time.

She jumped at a sudden voice. She hadn't been paying attention to where she was walking. “Emma Jane Crowe!”
The name wasn't unfamiliar to her. She was a girl only a year younger than her who she had talked to on more than one occasion. The voice wasn't unfamiliar either. Terry glanced in the direction and slowed her walk to watch Mercer spit out his usual idiocy. She wondered why he bothered talking. "Freak."She muttered under her breath and kept going. She considered greeting Emma but she couldn't waste too much time idly talking. Terry for once had plans. With her aunt dead, there really was nothing to stay here for. She needed to find her brother and she needed a smuggler to get her out of here. He had been gone for weeks and she was tired of people telling her he was dead and gone. There was no way for them to possibly know that. Terry needed to see it to believe it. She knew he'd come after her if she was gone this long. Nonetheless, she threw Emma a smile and decided to let her approach her if she was in a talking mood. The girl had stated she wanted to go home after all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Derwen sat on his perch and ran a hand through his red hair, he hadn't had a good hunt in a while, and was getting impatient and shouty with his group. One of his members stood up on the perch behind him, Derwen didn't personally know her name, but he knew she was a quiet one. "W-when are we going to get some more food, I mean, there's plenty here at the moment sir, but we haven't had a raid in ages" She said timidly. Derwen let out a sigh and stood up. He was about 6"8 in total, and his towering figure usally instilled fear in people. He slowly walked towards her and saw her began to shake a little bit, he leant down to her and whispered in her ear 'We'll have a raid when we find some people, now I suggest you hurry along before you get hurt."

Rachel had just gotten off the ration line with her meager food. She walked for a bit, heading back to her home, the buzzer sounded and let out an announcment, she saw the girl word it sarcastically under her breath. Rachel hadn't had much interaction latley, so she walked up to her and said 'Hey, I'm Rach, remember, 'inaction costs lives!' " she said sarcastically.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Summer sucks. decided Matt. Though he felth that way for quite a while, this was the first time he gave any serious thought to the matter. Other than the fact that it was too damn hot and muggy, even in Massachusets, but no one needed a guy to cut their fireword, which sucked for Matt. Everyday it was harder and harder to justify carrying this damn axe around, despite Karl's teachings.

Karl was big, strong, wise (or insane depending on your point of view), but none of that stopped him from dying in his sleep. After that, Matt buried the old man as best as he could, took his big axe and headed eastward. He used to get some work chopping firewood for the local settlements he ran into along the way, but in summer, who needed firewood?

Now Matt was wandering in upstate Massachusets, in the general direction of Boston, starving and feeling worn. He wanted to find a place to sleep, but nightfall was atleast 6 hours away. Before pondering what he should do next, he heard a noise coming from the bush's just off the dirt road he was on. Though he held his axe, he instinctivly reached for the handgun in his belt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Freya sat upon the roof of a tall building which overlooked the decay bellow. The cracked streets littered with rusted carcases of cars while the flora slowly took back the land that belonged to it. It was often she could be found here, often sitting for hours at a time as the sun slowly dropped in the sky, turning a beautiful orange as it faded beyond the buildings across from her. Every so often she could see an infected wandering across in the distance, making her wonder who that person once was and what kind of life they had left before the infection rotted away at the walls of sanity in their minds. Depressing thought's for sure, but then for her it at least provided her with a piece of mind. She levelled her rifle and peered down the scope as she gave a quick check of the area. After all the infected weren't the only things stalking the world, and she would know this better than most.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Derwen sat on his perch, feeling the wind through his hair. Out of the corner of his eye he saw glints of metal, he turned and squinted at them, it was a girl holding a rifle. He gave a small smile and waved at her with both hands up to show he was 'unarmed'. Silence fell across the area, he could hear a few clicks hear and there from clickers. He peered down at the street and saw three of them heading down it, he made an action with his hands that showed 'let's shoot them' without making sound, he took out his pistol and aimed it down at the clickers, ready to strike. Ready for bloodshed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Two lines you should never cross, horizontal and vertical. Yet here was a man who faced them with a smile, brave; but rather stupid. Freya felt her finger squeeze a little as her left eye closed, debating his life for a moment before he made a motion towards something. Her finger eased as she tilted the rifle up a little to see he was pointing towards some infected, clickers in fact which were on the hunt. She looked over her scope as she opened her eye again, gauging the distance before weighing up her options. On one hand she could save her ammunition and let him deal with the problem himself. But then she did have to go that way anyway which meant she'd have to deal with them, or him eventually. Making up her mind she raised the rifle to her shoulder, taking aim as her eye closed again. She slowed her breathing, the world seeming to slow down as she focused the only two lines which mattered only a few feet above the first one's head. A minute passed before a snap echoed in the distance, a bullet tearing through the right side of the first Clicker's face. The shot tore through the crusted polyps, making a hole as it blew out the other side with a popping sound. Freya pulled the bolt back calmly, pushing another round forwards before taking aim for the next one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Derwen quickly shot one of the other clickers, he enjoyed hearing its final clicks before dying. He smiled again. He called up to the girl saying "I hope we're on good terms, I don't want to have to kill anyone today! If anything I'm at a disadvantage because my hair is so spottable!". He closely observed her, watching her eyes focusing on the rifle, her work with it seemed beautiful, just like her face. " Hey! You're a pretty good shot, do you want to join our group? It's pretty big, but we could use someone as handy with a rifle as you!". He ran a hand through his hair, letting a few strand fall off into the wind, he waited patiently for her reply/
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Freya took the strap on the rifle and slung it onto her back before placing her foot on the very edge of the roof, peering down at the strange man which now called up from across the street. His hair was indeed easy to spot and the current weather wasn't making it any less easy. And she would know, for her own hair had a bright response to the sun. Her eyes narrowed a little at the warning of being killed, her hand resting gently against the hilt of her nine millimetre which sat strapped to her outer thigh. "Large groups get you killed, and I'm not interested in being dragged down by the mistakes of others" she replied, her tone surprisingly soft despite her accent giving away her origins, being born in England and having moved to Pittsburgh shortly before the outbreak.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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"Smart girl." He called up to her. "Mind if I travel with you for a bit, sitting her on a perch for a month gets boring." He said. "Rhory!" he barked, calling up a weaker, but still strong man "You're in charge while I'm gone". Derwen then put on his best travelling shoes, quickly lacing them up. He curled his hair in his hands and whispered a couple of things in Rhory's ear. He took his backpack, with food, water and other things inside. "Try and raid some people while I'm gone" he said, before turning up and calling to the girl "Oh yeah, me asking to travel with you was more of a demand than a question"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Freya's eyes narrowed again slightly, "Fine. But if you make any moves I don't like and I'll put you down in a heartbeat" she replied before kicking off from the edge of the roof and disappearing out of sight. She pulled out a metal pole which she'd wedged into the handle of the roofs door before tossing it aside, walking through and down the stairs to the second floor, passing some bodies of infected she'd killed earlier as she made her way to the back entrance to the building. She usually worked alone and hadn't travelled with a soul for a very long time, so it stood to fair reason why she would be slightly hostile towards others. She didn't trust this man, nor did she care for his life. But if he was willing to put himself close to her kind of danger then so be it, he'd either die or make himself useful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Derwen made his way to the back entrance, hopping from peice of rubble to peice of rubble. He watched the doors creek open, rustling a hand through his red hair. "oh! where are my manners?!" Derwen towered over Freya,so he leant down a bit, bowed and put his hand out "I'm Derwen, pleased to meet you, and your name is... ?" he asked quizzically. Although he was bowing down, he only reached about her neck, due to the combined factors of his tallness and her shortness.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Freya eyes the hand but she didn't take it. "Freya" she replied before turning and starting to walk, "You coming or are you going to just stand there..." she said over her shoulder as she hopped over a rusted car. She wanted to make it to the chapel before the sun completely set, the tower made a great place to hold up for the night as the infected couldn't climb ladders and you could make it onto the roof with a little bit of climbing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alyce - BZ - danger all around

Alyce hit the side of the truck, letting the driver know he could drive off. She watched the truck until it was out of sight. The young woman stretched and moved her neck from side to side, feeling the cracks in the vertebrae. It had been a long day. Her hands and arms hurt from lifting heavy boxes and her head pounded from all of the yelling she'd had to endure.
But now it was time to make the trek home.

The last sector they delivered to was actually quite a ways from her apartment. Thankfully she knew a back way to go in order to avoid seeing too many people. She had learned her lesson from her co-worker's mistake.
The young man had been jumped while walking home. He had been stripped, beaten to a pulp and hung upside down overnight. There were rumors that it was the work of the Fireflies, but Alyce had her doubts. Everything the group did had a point to it. What had happened to that poor bastard hadn't had any point except violent revenge.

Alyce slipped through an alleyway and heard the sounds of street fighting. The illegal fights were a haven of gambling and drugs. Damn it! They had cut off her normal route home!
Taking off her ID pass and stuffing it into her pocket, Alyce prayed that her jumpsuit rolled down to her waist the way it was would not be recognized as a Resource Distributors uniform. Putting on a confident face, she strode out into the open street.
It wasn't that busy, with people taking their supplies and heading into their homes. Alyce had to take quite a detour but ended up nearly back where she needed to be. The last bit was the scariest. She had to pass through an area that was known to be frequented by smugglers. But usually if she kept her head down and stayed against the wall no one bothered to noti-

A rough hand suddenly reached out from the open doorway of a run down building and snagged her, dragging her into the building. Alyce's scream was cut off but a smelly hand over her mouth.
"Government lackey!" a voice snarled into her ear.
"Think you could sneak past us you worthless hoarding scum!" another snapped.
Alyce felt herself being lifted up and slammed down onto a table. A light over it illuminated several dirty looking men surrounding her.
"We gotta do worse this time around," one of them said, cracking his knuckles. "Show 'em we mean business." He slammed his fist into her stomach while another man stuffed a greasy cloth in her mouth and held her down. A knife appeared, glinting in the light.
"I say we cut off this pretty hair, make her look like a shaved dog."
"I say we do some surgery on that face, make it not so pretty."
"And maybe without a few fingers she won't be able to steal from us anymore."

Alyce thrashed and kicked, trying to spit out the nasty cloth.

"And then, when we're finished with her," the biggest one said, running the point of the knife down her cheek to her throat. "We string her up outside the quarantine zone. Let the infected find her."
Alyce screamed as a blow to her face left her with what would be a black eye, while a strong hand grasped her fingers and jerked one out of it's socket.
Her screams of agony sounded like some kind of animal. For the first time in her life, she prayed for death as the knife pressed into the skin of her chest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A loud sound came from her sniper as she ran towards the girl that was being tortured "Haha right in the head." The man that was behind her was shot in the eye and fell backwards bleeding heavily. She reloaded her weapon as the other guys started to get their gun out to shoot her. She shot again hitting another man in the leg as he grabbed onto another that fell down with him. Alyce was not being held anymore, Emi got behind cover and kept reloading and shooting at the other men. She kept shooting with one hand as she lit a cigarette with the other. She didn't even look where she aimed and almost shot Alyce in the leg. One of the men trew a flashbang at her, She dropped the sniper and was fast enough to cover one of her ears. She couldn't close her eyes on time and made her go into a epileptic seizure. After a brief moment she was back to normal. She got her cigarette from the ground and started to shoot again hitting another man in his stomach she screamed to Alyce "You gotta run or they will continue their fun torture party, and you're the main act."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A small smile slid onto Tia’s face as she saw the small mouse scurry down the road again. The young smuggler was a careful one, Tia noted the first time the small, mouse-like girl of about eighteen or nineteen scurried down the street with a nearly empty backpack. Deciding to let the mouse go the first time, Tia was glad that her decision paid off as she saw that the careful mouse’s bag was much fuller this time around. Even though the mouse was a careful and patient one by slowly moving down the street, stopping often to survey the scene in front of her, Tia knew that she was in a good position six stories up in which she could go undetected. Now it was just a waiting game until the small mouse came close enough to take down right in front of the entrance of the building she was in.

As the small mouse came closer and into view Tia noticed how firmly she held her rifle, as if she was afraid of a sudden attack from either an infected or a hunter as herself. Fear. Once of the many enemies and weaknesses for a person. Tia remembered how fear treated her years ago as well as the years before the infected emerged. In small quantities it was a useful tool and enemy to stay alive but too much as the girl had was dangerous and could be a fatal flaw in survival. But luckily for the girl, she wouldn’t have to live in a life of fear for much longer.

Steadying her edge of her rifle on the edge of the window, Tia aimed for the girl. Just as she was about to shoot, she noticed the girl suddenly stop in her tracks and with the appearance of looking like she was about to bolt, Tia knew something was wrong. However before the mouse could scurry away, a loud shot was heard followed by a few more rounds as the mouse collapsed and a older man headed towards the body.

“Seriously? What does that idiot think he’s doing?” Tia mumbled under her breath, hatred obviously laced with her words as she dropped her rifle and made her way down the stairs as she pulled her handgun out of its holster. This little mouse was hers and she wasn’t going to let that man take that away from her.

“What in hell’s name do you think you’re doing?” Tia yelled aiming her handgun at the man as she walked out of the building. Seeing that the man was moving his rifle towards her, she didn’t wait for him to give a response nor warn him to lower his weapon. Firing a single shot as his leg, she watched as the man stumbled forwards and fall to the ground as a string of profanity escaped his lips. With his weapon on the ground, Tia kicked it to the side so that it was out of the man’s reach. “Now tell me, what in the world are you thinking shooting up my target and trying to take my supplies from her.” With her gun pointed at the man’s head, she looked at the man with an unwavering glare.

“Heh, your target? Your supplies? I didn’t see your name anywhere on her claiming that she was yours.” The man said through gritted teeth as he looked up at Tia. “Not everyone has the spunk to charge up against a man like me, I like it. Instead of fighting against each other, we should team up. We could get a lot more done together instead of working by ourselves. What do you say?”

“Seriously, is that how you’re going to plead for your life? Ask me to team up with you?” Tia said with a raised eyebrow as she observed the man and looked at his supplies. He was decently build and would be strong against the infected and other people and from the rifle he had, she knew that she could get ammunition that would work for her gun, especially since she was running low. “However, I can see how you’re right, it could be beneficial for both of us.” Tia watched as a spark of hope lit the man’s face. Crouching down by the man so that the two were face to face, she continued to speak. “However, there are two issues I see here. First, you’re injured and that going to slow me down as well as use a bunch of my supplies. Secondly,” Tia said as she raised her gun and shot the man in his head. Standing back up, Tia looked down at the man lying on the ground. “I don’t trust others.”

Moving towards the female, Tia quickly searched through her bag knowing that she wouldn’t have much time before either an infected stumbled onto her or someone else. Most of the stuff were useless for her such as cigarettes and other items that might be useful within the quarantine zone or as a smuggler but it brought no help to her trying to survive on the outside. However, she liked the girl’s backpack and after emptying all the useless items moved towards the man and searched through his supplies. After collecting all the ammo and a few things of food and a few things to add to her first aid kit, she made her way upstairs to collect the rest of her stuff. She was disappointed that she couldn’t take a shot at the mouse but the items she had gotten from the man even things out. Who knows, at this rate she might be lucky enough to find another target.

Four days. It was still hard for him to believe the events that happened four days ago. Every morning since that day, he hoped that he would wake up and find his uncle besides him, keeping the night shift as he normally did and that the events that occurred was only a dream but was disappointed each morning to find out that his hopeful wish was nothing more than a wishful desire. When Cameron heard that he was able to go with is uncle on a job, he never thought things would end up as they did. Now he was alone and without knowledge of how to get back home and what made things difficult was that he was now without food, eating the last of the meager bit he carried last night. Many times he was tempted to go back and see if he could find his uncle and grab the supplies and food he had but the danger that was involved and with the fact that his supplies probably were already looted, he knew that it would be useless. He had hoped to find an animal or something that he could cook and eat like some sort of survivor man he heard his uncle talk about in the past about the types of tv shows he used to watch but his survival skill was far from superb, leaving him hungry.

From what Cameron heard from his uncle, he knew that there was a quarantine zone somewhere nearby but without know the way in, he know it would a bad idea to try and seek it out without the right paperwork. As he scanned the surroundings, the boy froze as he saw a man in the distance make his way towards him. From his uncle, he knew that other people were a danger and it was best to avoid them unless he knew he could stand up against them if the situation called for it. Being a bad shot with the shotgun and without much experience, he knew that hiding would probably be the best option until the man was out of sight.

Making his way towards the bushes, Cameron crouched down out of view and waited for the man to pass by. Steadying his breath the best he could, Cameron waited as he could hear his heart pounding what seemed too loud for him. After what seemed like a long time, the man was still not in view and Cameron wondered if the man decided to go another way. Creeping forwards so that he could see, he saw that the man was much closer than he thought he was and as he moved back into position, he heard the leaves besides him rustle. A visible wince crossed Cameron’s face as he hoped that the man didn’t hear the leaves but as the man reached for his gun, Cameron knew it was very unlikely. With his gun resting on the ground he knew that reaching for it would make more noise and could bring more danger. Gripping his hunting knife, Cameron slid it out of its sheath in case the man started to make his way towards him, not noticing the glare it made from the sun. If he was quiet enough, Cameron hoped that that the man would walk away without bringing any conflict.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Terry watched as a girl came up to her and she smirked. "Yep. Their inaction sure does."She said with a laugh. "Hey Rach. I'm Terry. " A quick glance at the rising sun told her time was ticking and she needed to find a good smuggler. "Listen I gotta find someone. Kinda about to do something crazy so if you're into that kind of thing you're welcome to come." She could remember her brother telling her about a smuggler and where a lot of people went when they wanted something from him. Terry racked her mind for a memory of where it was and managed to think of a general location. "I'll explain later." She said quickly and began walking off in the direction. It was some sort of headquarters where tons of people all squeezed inside. If only she knew what he looked like. Hopefully he'd stick out.


Many people would just shoot all of them. That wasn't exactly Tobias's style. Recklessly just shooting anyone was cruel. He preferred to spare lives if possible whenever he could. That doesn't mean if he saw someone killing people he wouldn't shoot him.Toby would not hesitate when the situation called for it but this time all he wanted was a horse.
He knelt down behind a prickly, dead bush and began scoping out the area. His gaze fixated on broken half of a beer bottle. Slowly, he reached for it and then got to his feet. He chucked it as hard as he could somewhere down the hill and knelt down again. He peered through the thicket, watching as the men stood up and all but one abandoned their fire and ran toward the noise. Toby got up and wasted no time. He sprinted down, hitting the one guy with the hilt of his gun.

"Hey!"He yelled in surprise, unfortunately dragging the attention of the other men. They glanced over and quickly began running back, realizing their idiotic mistake.
Toby smiled at him. "See ya."He wacked him again, rendering him unconscious. Tobias saw a little bag near the horse that seemed to carry its food. He grabbed it then hopped on the horse just as the men were coming back. He gave it a gentle kick and it began galloping away. A chorus of yells and bullets being fired filled his ears as he held on tightly to the rain, urging the horse faster. He could feel the bullets whizzing past him, barely grazing his face with a rush of air.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Flint sat in a worn out couch, he was lucky to have his own room in this crowded apartment building, But that's what a few deals could get you in the QZ.
Flint took another swig from the bottle in his hand. The whiskey was expensive in these times but he felt he deserved it for the unfortunate run in with the military that could have made him lose his head, or worse...
He got up, placing the alcohol on the small coffee table as he walked towards the kitchen, turning on the radio, another rare piece of expensive equipment his smuggler life style got him. There wasn't much on these days though but he could at least listen out for military broadcasts on it and sometimes they would put on a song or two from times before the outbreak. His guitar was In the corner but he never played it, didn't feel like it most of the time. He preferred to play it during happy times and yet that meant it was rarely played at all.
Flint took off his jacket and placed it on the side, removing his revolver and placing it on the counter as he looked for some food, finding a can of beans. He grabbed the screwdriver on the side and fiddled with the can, opening it soon enough as Flint began to eat, removing a fork from the drawer.
A song played , some kind of plinking strings with no words, it was nice.. soothing. Flint sat on the counter eating his beans listening to the radio, hoping no-one disturbed him despite him forgetting to remove the sign off the door with "Flint White " on it.
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