Jorick said
I love how you preach maturity and then do immature things like that bullshit. Really, you are the king of the internet.
Jorick said
Overwatch said
Did this with majora's mask and paper mario the thousand year door. Sadly, my chest is not attractive. vmv
Grammar Nazi said
Oh, that's too bad. I have a habit of doing this with things like the Tales series, Zelda, Assassin's Creed, and open-world games. I really do need to broaden my horizons on video games, but I have a bad habit of throwing controllers across the room after the 5th time of doing the same thing over and over. I broke three playing Brotherhood.
Grammar Nazi said
I love how you preach maturity and then do immature things like that bullshit. Really, you are the king of the internet.
Grammar Nazi said
I love how you preach maturity and then do immature things like that bullshit. Really, you are the king of the internet.
PrimezTime said
Oh. Hey just a rando-question. How old are you?
natsumehack said
PrimezTime said
Not mental age. I mean physical age, dude.
Overwatch said
natsumehack said
You know what grinds my gears, pointless threads, pointless posts, ponies, and people who talk about what grinds there gears.
The Nexerus said
Natsume is either in the later stages of High School or has already graduated High School. I can't remember which.In either case, late teens.
Grammar Nazi said
I wish ignoring it WOULD make it go away, but ignorance and immaturity are a disease that can never be remedied...
natsumehack said
Does it matter, all you need to know is I like MLP FIM.
Grammar Nazi said
I wish ignoring it WOULD make it go away, but ignorance and immaturity are a disease that can never be remedied... Mostly, I think it's ridiculous how, just because the doctors and therapists say something, it automatically makes it true. Not everyone prefers to call it DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder). I prefer to call mine MPD (Mupltiple Personality Disorder) because, to me, it sounds less...shameful. Yes, I can hear other parts of my brain talking to me. No, I'm not medicated, because the medication made me want to kill myself, and I'm afraid to be on twelve different medications and have my liver fail four times like my aunt, who died at 28. I guess some people that aren't my therapist just know more about what I like to call my disorder than my therapist or I do. It's bothersome. And it really grinds my gears.You know what really grinds my gears? People that don't know the differences between there, their, and they're.
The Nexerus said
Just how bad of a sign that is has a direct relation to your age.
natsumehack said
What eves I be like totes cool master filly-o in this fizzle, my nizzle. Like word I be totes hip with teh kidz.
PrimezTime said
You remind me a lot like one of my roommates. He has a noncancerous tumor in his head and while mundane, he still gets it checked from time to time just to make sure. Fair enough, but he craves an audience and will disclose information about it when presented with a large audience. I feel like he is trying to remind everyone that his life is in danger and wants people to feel sorry for him. Um... okay.The point I'm trying to get at it is that EVERYONE has problems in their life. But for goodness sake, we don't all have to disclose what we are going through.
Sherlock Holmes said
So, this thread is a thing. Fun.