Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai was shocked "Hmm how about, this.. breathe deeply 3 times.. while your eyes a close" he said "Viper and Elpis.. hmm"
"what was the girl like, what did she look like?" he asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai was shocked "Hmm how about, this.. breathe deeply 3 times.. while your eyes a close" he said "Viper and Elpis.. hmm"
"what was the girl like, what did she look like?" he asked.

He noticed Nyx coming up... "Hey! er I was.. j-just trying to help her.. s-she stutters like I do" he had his innocent smile back. Kai was back to normal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Nessie sighed and tried doing what he said, "S-s-she s-seemed nice. I do-don't know how to d-d-d-describe her" She looked around the room, "t-th-there she i-is" She pointed to Nyx, relieved the girl appeared fine.

"T-that tr-trick didn't work e-e-either" She turned back, "S-s-stuttering will forever b-be apart of my l-l-life"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Wait... oh gosh.. you guys must've gone through something horrible..." Kai looked down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alexander dialed up his food befor talking to anyone. He came back with a loaded tray: three cheese burgers, two baskets of fries, a small loaf of bread, a bowl of soup and four cups of different drinks. Sitting down on the opposite side of the table from Nessie and Kai, next to hist sister, he started eating. When he slowed down enough to talk, he pointed at Nessie with a fry. "Looks like my kind of group this year. You're Viper and Elpis too. Too bad you're resisting it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"i-I-I don't know what hu-hu-hu-happened" Nessie said, giving a small shrug, "bu-But I'm gl-glad she is o-okay" She gave the girl a small wave, unsure what else to do.

She then looked back down at the table, starting to feel a bit claustrophobic with the hall becoming more crowded.

She looked up when the man spoke to her, and her emotions went wild, "Resisting! I am doing no such thing!" her stutter once again disappeared, and she glared at the man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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They all followed this guy to the mess-hall.. He was an elemental.. them tattoo's where cool.

Kai decided to be silent for a bit.. thinking on how to stop Nessies stutter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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Nyx waived back to the girl awkwardly but with a warm smile before attempting to follow Alexander to the table and realized that she would be the odd one out of the group. She smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear before taking a few steps back. "Uhm.. I am not really hungry.." She stepped back a couple more feet while rubbing her elbow and shrugging apologetically. "I will just go sit at the bar." She smiled nervously and pointed to it while her body turned. She walked over and ordered a sweet green tea while she stared at the menus wondering what she would order if she was hungry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai asked Nessie "Are you hungry? If not we can go sit with the girl you met, her name is Nyx" Kai smiled.. He hoped ness found him trustworthy.. poor girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

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Alex smiled again. "Ah, see? There's the trick. Your stutter stops when you get angry, doesn't it?" He paused for a moment to chew. "I can't actually tell your emotional state. For all I know you secretly love fire. I'm just commenting on what I heard you say before." He placed his hand palm up on the table, making little collored flames grow from his fingertips. "Just so you know, if you learn to use it right Viper can be a great thing. It's just harder to control is all." He closed his fist and continued eating. "The name's Alex by the way." Caroline chimed in then. "Remember I was telling you about my brother, Nessie? This is him."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Nessie frowned, her demeanor changing. She sat up straighter, and brushed her hair back, "It does not stop!" she was completely oblivious to the fact that it had stopped, she glanced at Caroline, "Right, the one that fought to save you? I think he got hit on the head"

she shook her head, "I don't like fire. I'm scared of it!" with that, she turned back to Kai, taking a deep breath. Her demeanor changed once more, she slouched slightly, and let her hair fall over her face, "I-i c-c-could eat something, b-b-but if you want to g-go over to h-her you c-c-can"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

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Alex chewed in scilence for a moment, considering things. Finally he decided to play along for now and bring it up with Z later. Finishing the last of his drink, he stood up. "Well, I'd better go see Z before he get's impatient. I'd like to see you all later some time, especially you two," he looked at Nessie and Nyx, "o until next time." As he waled out he grabbed another burger from the dispenser. When he was out of earshot, he looked up. "Alright Z, I know you've been watching since I got in. Got anything you want me to know?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Nessie sighed, and shook her head once more. She wrapped her arms around herself as if she were hugging herself. "O-on s-second th-thoughts, I'm n-not th-that hungry" She stood, "i m-m-might g-go to m-my Dorm r-room"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai, eventually left. without anyone noticing and walked towards his dorm room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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Focus, okay, I can do that Cassie thought to herself. When Luna told her she had a good chance in the battles ahead she couldn’t help but smile. Maybe she could be a good elementalist after all, but with Elpis rather than Viper. She watched as Forest progressed further than herself and actually made two darts and managed to pierce the dummy with one of them.

She had started to celebrate with Forest until the girl said “oh...” Cassandra looked back at the dummy and realised the dart had collapsed. This trick was going to take a lot of practice for both of them. Trying again, Cassie let most of the water fall from her hands and shaped just one dart again. She let it fly and used all of her concentration to keep its shape together, piercing just above where it’s right eye would be. Then she summoned enough of the water from the floor to shape one more dart and let this one fly. As it hit the target, both darts collapsed.

“Damn it!” Cassie cursed, starting to get annoyed. Annoyance wasn’t going to help her use Elpis- water needed calm and grace. She turned to Luna and said “may I be excused? I’d like to go and practice this more before we learn anything else. Am I allowed to take a dummy to my dorm if I promise not to be destructive?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai walked passed a dojo, inside it was one person, it was Z.... Z himself.. what.. he said "Come in"

Kai walked in and said "What do I be service of?"
"It's time to see what you got...since you feinted before.. What's with you---- nevermind just.. show me something kid" Z said

Kai decided to call his trick, Flicker... so he Flicker'd a foot or so.. to show it off.

"Hmmf, impressive.. that's all I needed to see from you.. good night"
"What the" Kai just started walking back to his dorm.. he flicker'd to the veranda and sat on the couch, and lit the fireplace up... what a weird guy.

I wonder, whats in store for us.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin found his way heading back to the rec room. He was rather hungry, having not eaten today whatsoever. With only one step inside he grimaced. It was rather full. He walked up to order and got him self two burgers, a drink, and some French fries. With his food, he walked to the table, sitting away from everyone else. He didn't want to be around people he didn't trust. But by the looks it at, him not making friends will help him in combat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Nessie sighed as Kai left. She just wasn't good with talking with people, with keeping people around. "I'm so-s-sorry" she said softly to Caroline "I..." She sighed and turned away "I'm not good at t-talking with puh-puh-people" she went over to Nyx.

She swallowed "I h-hope you are o-o-okay" she said, taking a moment and sitting down. "I-I-I'm and N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n..." frustrated, annoyed with herself, she let out a cried filled with such emotion. "N-n-Nessie!" She finally got out furiously, and then dropped her head in her hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Emmeltine18 said
Cassie thought to herself. When Luna told her she had a good chance in the battles ahead she couldn’t help but smile. Maybe she could be a good elementalist after all, but with Elpis rather than Viper. She watched as Forest progressed further than herself and actually made two darts and managed to pierce the dummy with one of them. She had started to celebrate with Forest until the girl said “oh...” Cassandra looked back at the dummy and realised the dart had collapsed. This trick was going to take a lot of practice for both of them. Trying again, Cassie let most of the water fall from her hands and shaped just one dart again. She let it fly and used all of her concentration to keep its shape together, piercing just above where it’s right eye would be. Then she summoned enough of the water from the floor to shape one more dart and let this one fly. As it hit the target, both darts collapsed. “Damn it!” Cassie cursed, starting to get annoyed. Annoyance wasn’t going to help her use Elpis- water needed calm and grace. She turned to Luna and said “may I be excused? I’d like to go and practice this more before we learn anything else. Am I allowed to take a dummy to my dorm if I promise not to be destructive?”

"You can for now but it may change after I talk to Z." Luna said with a smile, she turned back to Forest and started to tutor her in focus and calm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Nyx felt her heart drop as the girl appraoched her, she could feel the pain shoot up her spine not knowing what to say or do. She bit her lip and tried not to choke on the tears in her throat. "Thanks. I feel better, but really thank you." She made to look at her sincerely as she said the last thank you. She smiled instead of cried and waited patiently for her to explain her name. "Nessie, it's nice to meet you." She laughed and sobbed at the same time, she had wished to know her name was the whole time she had been kidnapped. She couldn't help it, she threw her arms around her in an embrace and cried momentarily. "I'm sorry-- I'm just so glad you were there." She laughed and pulled away wiping her tears. But she then straightened her face. "Can you.. possibly tell me what you remember? If it's too frustrating I could get paper and pen and we could write letters on it." She blinked and shook her head. "I mean you write I'll talk or we can both write. Whichever, I just.. need to know." Her face begged Nessies.
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