Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline smiled. "I use Elpis and Phorros, though in the Phorros case 'use' is a bit of a stretch. I can only do one thing, and I'm not even entirely sure what it is. I'm pretty good with Elpis though." To demonstrate, she opened her ever present canteen and pulled the water from it. Pulling it into a disk, she froze it so it was reflective. "What do you think?" She asked, tilting the ice mirror so Nessie could see. "Actually," she whispered conspiratorially "I don't think he realizes I know this, but my brother is Viper Elpis like you. He's the one who showed me how to do that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie glanced up and smiled, "I like it. E-e-elpis is e-e-easy to use. I come from the Elpis c-c-colony. Viper Elpis is a weird mix, I think. Is he h-here? It would be nice to t-talk with another o-one" Her stutter was someone better then usual, "W-w-water is ju-just..." She shrugged, "W-well...m-magical. I h-hate f-f-fire"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai noticed a shy girl talking to the girl that was playing piano when he came into the rec room.. he walked up and said
"Ugh, sorry about before.. when I feinted and all inside the rec room.." Kai said
"Can I stick with you too.. I-i'm kinda clueless" his stutter was less then Nessies, and she probably realised he was shy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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All Nyx knew was that she had to find her again, she has to find the girl who was there. She could hardly remember anything accept she remembers another girl who caught her and was there for her, hopefully she remembers but what was her name?! And where would she be? How long had she been out? Her eyes searched down all of the halls, which one were they in, she growled as her head pulsed with sharp pain but she continued on. She walked in to the arena area and she paused, this looked familiar but she couldn't remember which on she was in. She closed the doors and forced herself to go to the diner.She ordered a big thing of curly fries and sat down at one of the farther tables while she munched on the fries not sure what to think.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai as still using his viper.. it was coming out of his hands and.. they obviously looked freaked out... so he walked away awkwardly.

He felt hungry so he went to the diner to get food. he aimlessly walked inside.. with a gloomy look on his face.. he had the note in his hand..
He had burnt it up.. intentionally.

Kai went and ordered a crunchy chicken salads, with that new mahonga fruit they found... which Kai found yum.
He didn't notice walking past Nyx and sat down at a corner table..

He sat and ate while playing around quietly with his Lucen powers, making swirly wind spirals in front of himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline's eyes turned sad for a second. "I don't think so. Last time I saw him, he was holding off a group of soldiers so I could run away." After a second, she sighed and looked up again, her eyes normal. "I'm not worried though. My brother is even stronger than I am. I'm sure he got away fine." Looking in her mirror, she said "You know, Viper isn't all bad. My brother could do amazing things with it, even gentle ones. I'm sure it'll work better if you think of it as lifegiving heat instead of destructive flame. When he was teaching me, my brother always used to make little fireworks or floating lights if I did something right. It was actually his Elpis techniques that scared me the most. Water isn't always as gentle as you think." Focusing, she forced the mirror to shatter, flinging the shards at one of the nearby dummies, impaling it. "He always told me that any power you wield can be used to take a life. You just have to decide not to let it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Her body stiffened, the air was awkward enough for her to drop her fries and run from the table. Okay, yes she looked foolish but she just didn't need anything more on her shoulders and sitting in one place was going to make her go insane. She decided to close her eyes and run kicking off her annoying sandals and letting the satin black dress flow behind her with her pink hair. She didn't have a care in her head she just wanted to run, until.. A stiff figure smacked her in the face like a brick wall. She felt herself fall back while her head throbbed. "Ah hell." She wined as she held on to her head as she looked up to see what she had hit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie nodded, "I S-See" She said, thinking that she shouldn't have asked. "I'm S-Su-Sorry. I just don't...like how fire makes me f-f-feeL" Nessie realised she didn't want to be in the training room any longer. "C-c-Can we g-g-get out of h-h-here? puh-puh-puh-please?" She asked shifting from foot to foot, feeling awkward. "G-g-get some fu-fu-food?"

She blew out the candles she was still standing next to, her eyes roaming over the training arena's . She shifted, and suddenly didn't want to be there anymore. She started out, hoping Caroline would follow. That was going to be a hard name to pronounce for her. She winced, because some people didn't like it when you stuttered their names. She sighed, glancing back to see if Caroline followed, finding the dinner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The man Nyx had run into knelt down next to her, holding out his hand. "Are you aright there? I didn't see you until you ran into me. What's the hurry?" He had a gentle smile on his face, but there was something odd about him. He had no markings, on his body or his forehead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She rubbed her head and whined before looking back up at the face, seeing the reach hand out towards her before the face became visible. She blinked at the new face and then stared completely confused at what she was seeing. "You have no mark" That's all she said between his questions before shaking her head slightly then covered her mouth. "Oh sorry, I mean thanks- I was just-" She pointed behind her trying to avoid eye contact "I was just... running?" She stared up at him awkwardly before finally taking his hand and standing up completely out of breath. She still had to look up to see the new face, still trying to figure out the symbol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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While eating his fries.. he noticed a shy girl walk through aswell as Nyx bumping into another guy.. the shy girl was alone now.
He notified her to come sit next to him.. she needed somone to talk to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie looked about with a frown when the boy seemed to insist she come over. She looked down, blushing, biting her lip, then sighed, and went over to the table he was at, sitting on the other side, looking down at top. She didn't once look at him, and her hair fell over her face, curtaining it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The man looked at Nyx in confusion, then seemed to realize something. "That's right, I forgot to take it off." He closed his eyes and put his hand to his forehead. At first it looked like he was smacking himself in the face for forgetting whatever it was, but as he drew his hand away something peculiar happened. At first it looked like his forehead had gotten wet, but soon it was apparent that the wet spot was getting bigger. Not only that, but as the water began to drip, his forehead seemed to change. Pretty soon the flowing watter revealed a blue and red spiral mark, and continued showing the mark until it spread in jagged lines all over his body. "I'm Alexander. Pleased to meet you."
Caroline had indeed followed Nessie out of the training rooms, but had stopped dead beforeshe entered the recroom. She stood in the doorway, staring in disbelief at the man before her. After a few moments of stunned scilence, she managed to get one word out. "Brother?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai noticed how shy she was.. well Kai was still shy.. but in a different way.. "Hey, don't worry.. I just thought you needed a bit of company.. why are you alone?"
He passed her some chips he had along with his salad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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She just stared as the little show dazzled across his face just adding more to his physique. She heard the nice to meet you part but all she could do is gawk and point up to his forehead. "You-- That was really cool" She finally put down her hand nervously and took a deep breath. She was just shaken up after running smack in to him. "My name is Nyx, it's nice to meet you." She couldn't help but continue to follow his marking, is that what a Fraction Elemental's tattoos look like? He had remembered the mentor and Z but they didn't look like these, she felt silly with her small sapphire symbol on her forehead. "Elpis and Viper.." She whispered more to herself then to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"B-because m-m-m-my br-br-brothers aren't li-like m-me. Or, I gu-guess al-all of u-u-u-u-us, a-and" she shook her head, frustrated at herself, which just made the stuttering worse. She sighed, "and i-i-i d-d-d-dont know how else to -b-b-be wi-without them"

She bit her lip, and took a chip, still looking down. "t-t-t-the g-g-girl I w-was d-d-doing v-v-v-viper t-training with p=-puh-passed out or so-s-something, s-so I d-don't even k-know wh-who she i-i-is or if she is o-o-okay. And C-C-C-Carol w-w-was with m-me but I d-don't know whats ha-happened to her"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai noticed the stuttering, "Hey, I have a nifty trick to stop the stutter.. I have it a-as well" he smiled "Well not f-fully but well, you feel much better"
He told her to close her eyes, "I noticed before that you don't like viper" he said.. "Viper isn't to be afraid of watch" he got his plate which was empty of the salad, and created a little butterfly with his Viper powers.. "Watch.. I only put a little bit of heat, inside him.. he put his finger through the butterfly.. it doesn't burn you" he smiled..
She smiled at the butterfly, "Whenever you s-start stuttering a lot just think of something like flowers or butterflies.. good things."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alexandr's smile seemed to intensify. "We both are." He said. "I can tell even without the colors on your combat suit." He looked her over more closely now. "Although," he said, half to himself, "there's something different about you. Something I can't quite put my finger on." His smile returned, and he shrugged. "Oh well, I'm sure it'll show itself sooner or later." It was then that he heard the disbelieving voice behind him. Turning, he nodded. "Hey there, sis. Glad to see you made it here alright. Sorry I'm late, I had to go the long way." Looking back at Nyx, he said "why don't we all head into the mess hall? I know I could use some food after that trip. I can check in with Zed later." As he started walking, he said as an afterthought "Never call Z that. He hates it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"f-f-fire and water d-dont mix t-t-t-to well" Nessie said, "i-i-its l-l-like a war inside m-m-me when I t-try u-using V-v-v-viper" She said, watching the butterfly, "I-I-I Have tr-t-tried all the t-tricks. thinking a-bout b-buh-buh-buh" Her face furrowed in concentration, growing red, "BUTTEFLIES" she shouted out the word in frustration and looked down once more, closing her eyes tight. Why did she have to be so socially awkward "D-doesn't h-help"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Her face brightened up as he practically checked her out respectfully and pointed out something different about her, her eyes grew wide as she quickly looked away back towards the diner. Nyx froze it was the girl, she had wanted to run forward and wrap her in a large embrace and weep in her arms for hours. She stared after her as she sat with Kai, still wanting to know her name but was listening to Alexander as he said they should all go to the mess hall, Nyx looked up at him hesitantly. So badly wanting to excuse herself and find her way to look at the sky. She instantly became shy, not knowing what she was going to say to the girl or if she was going to say anything to her, she bit her lip and followed behind Alexander not really having an appetite but it was better than being alone.
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