Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Her throat became dry as she stared at the wick, the woman looking down on her as if she had already known how weak Nyx really was. She kept her head low, the sweat on her forehead becoming noticable. It can't be that hard, she thought to herself. She looked over to the other girl instantly as she yelled at the flame, Nyx stood in awe as the wick became lit. Nyx chewed her lip and looked back at the candle, why couldn't she get it? She wished she could get frustrated and just light it but she knew it wasn't going to happen.

"Congratulations, you're ready to move on." She beated her eyes towards Nyx before gracefully returning to the darkness and pulling out two more candles, blowing out the candle in the middle and then stood in front of the girl. "What's your name?" She asks crossing her arms. After she replies she then eyeballs the candles. "Light them all... don't miss." She recalled as she walked away to face Nyx. "Are you going to prove me wrong or should I just throw you out now?" Nyx back straightened as she felt her heart in her throat, she looked over at the other girl, wishing she could be her. She then focused back on the candle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie bit her lip, as the teacher blew out the candle she had lit, feeling dismayed. Was this how it was going to be? She'd struggle to light them, and the the teacher would blow them out? She looked towards the other girl, hesitated before saying, "y-y-you just need t-to...to for-fo-forget about lighting the candle, but r-r-rather th-think about th-the fl-fla-flame itself. Fu-Fuel it. Fi-fi-fire is emotional..." She trailed off, feeling like a fool, and returned to her candles.

She stared at them once more, and took her own advice. She let her thoughts go, and formed the fire in hand once more, easier this time, but still a struggle. She hated the fire.

She flicked three quick flames at the different wicks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nyx's mouth opened slightly as she was stunned by the girl's words. [i] She's right. [/] her mind whined to her, it's emotional. Water was.. It was emotional but it didn't feel the same, but she soon stopped to think. It's not supposed to be the same, it isn't the same emotion. When she thought of water, she let it guide her, dance with her. Water was her partner, but fire.. It was more sensational, you let it consume you and let yourself sink in to your fears yet you feel absolutely beautiful and conquering when you've accomplished overcoming your fears and turning them in to desires. She turned to the flame and closed her eyes and let it consume her, she shivered with excitement and felt the flame enlight in her mind but it never appeared in her hand, it simply appeared on the wick. When she opened her tightly closed eyes she gasped and felt weak at the knees, the flame... Was white, a glittery silver that beautifully freighting, She looked over to the other girl as Nyx's face grey pale, her eyes begged at the other girl to help her but her body fell limp, everything went black.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie saw the girl fall, and letting the fire fade away in her hand, she went to the other girl, catching her before she could hit her head. She looked up, "H-help" She said, ignroing the flickering white of the candle flame the girl had created. She splashed water over the girls face, easily gripping that element.

"w-w-wake -u-u-u-u-u-u-p" Nessie's stuttering grew worse as the girl appeared to be in trouble. She couldn't figure out what was wrong. Did it have to do with the flame? Nessie just didn't know
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She felt numb but she could feel arms around her and the first thing she felt was relief, she wasn't dead which was improvement from her first thoughts as she began to fall. Her vision was blurry but the stuttering soon became a blessing melody, it soother Nyx's body that burned like hell. She could feel everytime her body throbbed and her head pounded with piercing pain. The water felt like it was drowning Nyx, she whimpered until the water felt more soothing and healing a familiar and home like feeling. Her head finally cleared and she looked at the panicking girl and felt weak but she smiled. She blinked until it cleared. "Thanks." She muttered gently, her voice weak but her smile was wide. She let herself stay there, scared of moving until Althenez rushed over. Her face was like stone as Z appeared behind her.

Nyx clung to the girl not knowing what they were going to do to her. Nyx looked back to the girl, what was her name? She wanted to ask but the moment was too off. Z grabbed ahold of one side of her and pulled her to her feet swiftly pulling her out of the girl's arms. Nyx struggles not to be pulled away and reaches for her. "Please!" Nyx was pulled from Z's shoulder and carried but facing forward until they disappeared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"no!" Nessie jumped up, and followed, the small girl following after the intimidating Z. "Don't hurt her!" her stutter disappeared completely, as she struggled to catch up, merely wanting to help the girl, whom she didn't even have a name for yet. "We don't know what we're doing, whatever she did, it was an accident!" Her voice changed, loosing its softness, loosing the uncertainty that was there before. It was stronger. She never even knew she wasn't stuttering. "Please!" she cried out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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The only person to stop was Althenez, her face was saddened as she looked back at Nessie. She wasn't sure what had happened either but they were going to remove her from the situation. Z continued out the hall as Nyx's sobs became louder as she was carried unwillingly to somewhere she thought would be her last. Z said nothing and held his grip on her hard, she whined while she tried to punch him but she had no strength. She felt her body go weak as she was flung on to a softer surface, when her vision came back she looked around the room, it looked like a bedroom a large bedroom with several other rooms, her eyebrows squinted while she looked around. She thought she was surely going to die but Z simply stood there looking at her with his hands on his hips. "Don't say a thing. Just do it." He left the room leaving her in distress, but soon her body became heavy and she sank on top of the covers in a deep black sleep..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Ryan touched his cheek as Cass left. It left him a bit embarrassed.. She was a bit bold in her own way he supposed. Perhaps a bit too friendly though... But Ryan did not spend much time dwelling on the subject as he had training to go to.

By the time he reached the Lucen area, there was already someone else there, and an older man. Ryan watched as who he assumed was the teacher advised about stances, and the state of mind required to effectively manipulate the wind. "Your breath is essential to Lucen. Breathe, the very air you breathe is where your strength comes from. Breathe in and picture that breath flowing through your arm and out through your hand."

Ryan allowed his mind to go almost blank, and tried to focus on the air around him. All he had to do was focus on the dummy. Pressuring the air in his arm, he waited until it became almost unbearable to hold in his palms, and then targeted the dummy in front of him. The dummy was hit, and it teetered back and forth for a while before it became stable again.

The mentor saw Ryan's attempt and walked over to him. "Your stance is still off. If you practice more, you will become as skilled as I have become." The mentor then preceded to do an air burst of his own, which blew into the dummy and shattered it into pieces. "Of course, usually it will take more than a day to get to the level I have achieved thus far. My name is Tianqi. I will be mentoring both of you in the ways of the Lucen." Tianqi then pointed towards an area which had poles protruding from the group. "Balance is key to the Lucen. Never too strong, as too much power leads to chaos. But never too weak as well, as little power serves no purpose in this world." Tianqi jumped onto one of the pole, and supported himself just using just one of his index fingers... and some help from air manipulation.

"While I do not expect this from you young ones just yet, please attempt to balance yourself on the poles using one foot and your Lucen talent. Your foot alone will not be able to keep you on the top."

Ryan looked on as Tianqi balanced himself perfectly on top of one of the poles. "Well, I guess I better start now.." He leaped on top of one of the vacant poles, and already his feet started to sting. The pole became wobbly, and he had to start using the wind to keep himself upright. "Looks like I still need to get the hang of this.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie turned on Althenez, "Why didn't you do anything! What are they going to do?" She demanded, her voice stronger, anger creeping in, her stutter completely gone.

The candles she had lit flickered brighter, grew stronger as if in response to her anger, to her frustration. It was a lot of emotion for the normally shy, calm girl, and perhaps it was a bit of overkill, yet Nessie couldn't help it. She waited for a response, noticing the melting wax from her candles, as the heat grew stronger, forcing the wax to melt faster.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai, woke up.. in his dorms... he went to find out where people where...
He looked around his dorm, for some odd reason it had changed..
Kai went to see who was sleeping in the other dorm it was Nyx.. But being so weak.. he uttered enough words to wake her up and that was all "N-n-nyx..please...h-help me" as he fell on the dorm room floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Nyx’s whole body jumped as her eyes widened to see Kai, her body untensed as she relaxed back in to the pillow, his voice sounded far but she just made out the words. She sat up and reached out to him before collapsing on the ground in front of him. “Wait..” Her voice was weak, she was more annoyed than anything, her mind was there but her body just wouldn’t respond and the harder she tried the longer she would black out. She began to stream tears as her face looked hard as she tried to pull herself up. “I’m sorry.” Her arms gave in and she collapsed face first on to the ground.

“Listen.” Althenez’s voice is almost serene as she speaks to Nessie. “There was nothing we could do, she almost killed herself with that kind of thi—“ She paused and her face went pale. “No.. I will not lie to you, as a mentor I am to be a teacher..” Her face was very strong “Not even I know what that is, but it’s best we don’t think too much about it… Training is over..” She turned her back and disappeared in to the shadows.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"no!" Nessie said, "G-G-G-get b-b-back he-here and t-teach me then" her stutter coming back, Nessie's how deamounr changed. She once more looked down, and shifted uneasiily. "t-t-t-teach m-m-me control!"

She stood in front of her candles, not expecting Althenez to return. She felt foolish, and she looked about, sure everyone was watching her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai woke again but in his normal dorm.. this time he was well rested.. and that thing.. or whatever it was.. left..
Nyx was sleeping on the couch of Kai's dormroom..

He remembered the night before.. but rarely any.. Kai went into the bathrooms, and looked into the mirror, a tip of his hair had turned a reddish brown... he saw his mark shrivel back into it's normal state and freaked out for a bit.. "So... it wasn't a dream" he sighed and after having a shower he went back and sat on the couch next to Nyx... waiting for her to wake up.

When, she was finally awake.. eventually he said "What..W-hat I miss? er" he blushed a bit.. he really was back into his normal state, but with a less timid voice, maybe the fact the Nyx being the first girl he has ever talked too. so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Nyx woke up not knowing where she was, but was happy it was no longer the floor. Her head her like hell and it took forever for her to see She squinted as someone became visible and her first thought was 'Dad would kill me if I woke up in a boy's room' Her head panged as her eyes met the lights from the window. His question made her flinch and look up at him. What did happen? She hissed and grabbed her head "This utterly sucks" she grumbled in to her knees as she balled up on the couch but soon the pain went away. She unraveled and spread out on the couch. She opened her mouth to begin the long story but remembered what Z had said to her and she soon reiterated the story before speaking. "Training is not that easy." Her smile was easy but she still groped the side of her head as she finally sat up and sat against the arm of the couch. "So why are am I in here, or why are you in here? Can't we get in trouble?" Her voice was weak but she gave out a laugh to lighten the mood even though she felt like she was going to throw up any moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Kai laughed.. the rules state that rooms are separate to genders. but not dorm rooms, theres two rooms in here oddly enough it states that you already are assigned to this dorm on the board near the front door.

Kai walked over and grabbed a note,
"It says here we have to stay in the same dorm room, and pick two other members to join us.. me and you don't wake up every thursday at 4AM.. we instead wake up an hour later and go to a different dojo marked "Z" on the littler map card that came with it, we are to tell the other roomates to not wake us up, because we don't care about training." Kai said, a bit more confident..

"Ugh, so I missed training.. god darnit.. I feinted in the middle of the rec room. er. I told a guy named James to find you er. but well look what happened." Kai said..
"This is so weird... I wasn't in control of my body before.. like... some weird anti-op-opossite.. was controlling me, I-I can stil feel it.. like.. when I first met you I wouldn't be able to talk to you like this.. it's totally unnatural" Kai rambled.

Nyx noticed his hair had changed in some places.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nyx held her breath as he ranted to her, she was glad her gut told her not to say anything but she was now going through a lot more than she could handle. She chewed her lip and got up nervously, not really knowing how to handle what he was saying. She turned to the door "I don't think that's a good idea, I don't mind having four people but I don't want any special treatment, I'll go to class at 4." She said solemnly, all she wanted was to be curled up in bed and out cold but she couldn't sit there any longer. She made her way out the door and shut it quickly behind her. She didn't want to be locked in, and no one was going to tell her where she would sleep any longer She looked around weakly, she bet a couple of other people wanted out of this place. She looked ups again. There has to be a way out, she chewed her lip and moved quickly, not really knowing where she was going to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

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Caroline pondered if she should get involved or not. She had been looking in since she heard yelling, but stayed back. Now that the girl with the stammer was alone and didn't seem to know what to do, she figured she should lend some support. "Hey there" She said, walking up to her. "I'm Caroline. I couldn't help but hear you're without a teacher right now. I may just be another student, but if we pool our minds i'm sure we can figure something out, right?" She smiled reassuringly, hopping to get the girl's mind off of what just happened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai ran after her... "Wait nyx you don;t understand..." he said
But she was too fast..
"Oh.. well er.. come back soon er.." Kai said "Please!"

He walked off, clueless.. he thought "I want out.. this is horrible" Kai walked off, not knowing where to go, what to do.. he was alone.. again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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(wrong place)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie glanced at the girl,and then down. "I'm N-ne-N-n-n-n-n-Nes-Nessie" the problem with stammers was that they had massive trouble with pronouncing their own names. Kind of hard to want to talk to new people when you couldn't even say your own name properly. "W-what el-elements can you c-c-control?" She asked, "I c-can c-c-control Viper and E-e-el-elpis"

She bit her lip, still looking down. The girl would probably leave, thinking her a fool, or some demented monkey.
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